"protecting" And "serving"

I'll check back later. Off to play some Bubble Blaster for awhile.
Sure wish there were some arcade games in here.

Garbagemen have twice the fatality rate of police officers.

The Secret World of Garbagemen - The Atlantic

Call a garbage man next time a couple of thugs decide to beat the shit out of you! Or you could call a garbage man when a couple of thugs break into your house when you aren't home but your wife and kids are.... let me know how that works out!

That's what guns and self defense skills are for. Just because you're too weak to protect yourself doesn't mean all of us are.

Thank you keyboard commando! I'm sure you could handle 4-5 MIKE BROWN'S with one hand tied behind your back, along with half your brain!...Didn't those scum in Ferguson SHOT at the police?

DTMB - the vast majority of police are upstanding people, the cases you present here are only a small percentage of asshole cops.

Of course, the same could be said about the citizenry, and police need to remember that as well.
I still think this whole deal lately with the police is being orchestrated by much higher ups for some nefarious purposes none of know about. Yet.

The purpose is obvious
It isn't to me. Care to give your take?

It's distraction.

We're busy fighting amongst ourselves while the elite do whatever the fuck they want and we're too preoccupied to notice.
Yeah..but WHAT are the "elite" doing? Cause so much strife so they can call for martial law? Find more ways to change the constitution to take away law abiding citizens guns? Obama planning to try for a 3rd term due to mass rioting in all the states? A war being planned against the citizens of the USA BY the USA? What??? You know it's something. Just don't know what.
For the record...I love our sheriffs department. They are awesome. So are the CHP that helps out. These guys and gals are wonderful and this whole community loves them.
Another corrupt police department lying and covering up their abuse of a military MP.

An Orlando police officer is being scrutinized after he illegally arrested and beat a military veteran. The entire Orlando Police Department is now being investigated along with Orlando Police Officer, William Escobar, after it was determined that they purposely withheld evidence from the State Attorney’s Office relevant to the assault by Officer Escobar.

Cop Handcuffs and Beats African American Military Police Officer

The State Attorney drop all charges against Holloway once this video surfaced, as it contradicted everything in the official police story. But when prosecutors saw the body cam video, they realized that Escobar had written a sworn testimony that there was no body cam video.

And here is the best part.

Officer Escobar has been investigated a full eight times for similar actions. While the State Attorney’s office says that their investigation into the officer is ongoing, Escobar has been cleared each of the eight times he was investigated in the past.
DTMB...I pity you. To live such a miserable existence as you. To live for little more than posting cop hate stories..and being a wannabe "MMA" guy (I know your type).


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