"protecting" And "serving"

I would bet you a bottle of rum he gets off.

If she has any sort of brains she will get a good lawyer, who doesn't mind the time spent, and they will own the asshole. Absolutely own him.
And IF this story is accurate, then I certainly hope she does. I would LOVE to hear a story about an abusive cop actually getting held to a higher standard than the typical street hood, but despite all of the stories that DTMB has posted here I very, very rarely hear about a police officer being arrested, let alone prosecuted, due to their criminally abusive behavior.
I think you're absolutely right ... let's tear down that BLUE wall.

Then, you can stand between my family and the bad element they face every day. Put up or shut up.

Are you stoned, are you stupid, or are you just trolling?

Actually, what I am is an adult ... I don't need to resort to childish name calling when I don't have a response.

Rule No. 4. When lacking a coherent or cogent counter-argument, attack the poster.

After authorities said Wroth resisted arrest, the video showed deputies hitting the man and using a stun gun on him more than 20 times. Eventually, they could not book the man into jail and had to send him to the hospital.

“I honestly just didn’t think it was ever gonna stop. I had no idea they were gonna stop, ever. I thought it was never gonna stop, I thought I was just gonna die,” Wroth told KPIX 5.

“I couldn’t breathe, I was like dying, literally,” Wroth recalled. “Face down, handcuffed, being Tased, with two guys on my head and two guys on my legs.”

“It’s torture, it’s absolutely torture,” said Isaak Schwaiger, Wroth’s attorney. “He was shocked with real electrical wires, over 20 times, and beaten savagely. He had both arms wrenched out of socket, covered in bruises and blood by the time they were done with him and had to take him to the emergency room.”

Video Shows Sonoma County DUI Suspect Being Roughed Up By Deputies Taken To Hospital CBS San Francisco
Police entered the home illegally without a warrant, assaulted and tortured the parents in front of their children, and then hauled them off to jail. Judge dropped all charges under violation of the Fourth Amendment.

Homeschool Family Raided By Missouri Sheriff Parents Tasered And Pepper-Sprayed
Nothing in the story about the two bullies in uniform being held accountable for their actions.

Why would they be? This is the U.S.S.A.

Garbagemen have twice the fatality rate of police officers.

The Secret World of Garbagemen - The Atlantic

Call a garbage man next time a couple of thugs decide to beat the shit out of you! Or you could call a garbage man when a couple of thugs break into your house when you aren't home but your wife and kids are.... let me know how that works out!

That's what guns and self defense skills are for. Just because you're too weak to protect yourself doesn't mean all of us are.

Garbagemen have twice the fatality rate of police officers.

The Secret World of Garbagemen - The Atlantic

Call a garbage man next time a couple of thugs decide to beat the shit out of you! Or you could call a garbage man when a couple of thugs break into your house when you aren't home but your wife and kids are.... let me know how that works out!

That's what guns and self defense skills are for. Just because you're too weak to protect yourself doesn't mean all of us are.

Thank you keyboard commando! I'm sure you could handle 4-5 MIKE BROWN'S with one hand tied behind your back, along with half your brain!...Didn't those scum in Ferguson SHOT at the police?
I still think this whole deal lately with the police is being orchestrated by much higher ups for some nefarious purposes none of know about. Yet.
I still think this whole deal lately with the police is being orchestrated by much higher ups for some nefarious purposes none of know about. Yet.

It's known Gracie, I found out today that there are HUNDREDS of these people selling UNTAXED cigarettes from out of state and skipping the tax on them. It's so bad that the police have to ARREST these people, instead of just giving them a desk appearance ticket so they can CONFISCATE the cigarettes they are selling.... In the mean time, the cigarettes recovered, and some recoveries have been TRUCK LOADS, are then RESOLD to venders that have SPECIAL licenses from the state to RESELL these cigarettes again IN STATE, supposedly brings in a few MILLION dollars a year!

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