"protecting" And "serving"

1. The job of a police officer is increasingly dangerous.

According to FBI statistics, 27 police officers were feloniously killed in 2013, the lowest raw number in more than 50 years. (The previous low was 41 in 2008.) If we go by officer homicides as a percentage of active-duty police, it was probably the safest year in a century. The number of cops killed on duty has been falling since the mid-1990s, consistent with the overall drop in violent crime in America. Assaults against police officers have been in decline as well.

Five myths about America s police - The Washington Post

Law Enforcement Line of Duty Deaths in 2014

Read each name to yourself out loud, you son of a bitch.

Many of those guys died in car accidents or for medical reasons.
Here's the problem with the cops, in their own words.

Wary NYPD cops letting minor crimes slide New York Post
An NYPD supervisor noted, “My guys are writing almost no summonses, and probably only making arrests when they have to — like when a store catches a shoplifter.”

Um ... shouldn't _every_ arrest be a "have to" arrest? Why were most of their arrests something they didn't have to do? Right now, it appears the NYPD instantly decreased the "crime rate" 66% by simply not making those arrests-they-don't-have-to-make.

It's risky business for them, demonstrating to the people how pointless most of their work is. With crime rates down and the war on pot winding down, there are too many cops. They need to find pretend reasons to say their large numbers are necessary, not do the opposite.
Here's the problem with the cops, in their own words.

Wary NYPD cops letting minor crimes slide New York Post
An NYPD supervisor noted, “My guys are writing almost no summonses, and probably only making arrests when they have to — like when a store catches a shoplifter.”

Um ... shouldn't _every_ arrest be a "have to" arrest? Why were most of their arrests something they didn't have to do? Right now, it appears the NYPD instantly decreased the "crime rate" 66% by simply not making those arrests-they-don't-have-to-make.

It's risky business for them, demonstrating to the people how pointless most of their work is. With crime rates down and the war on pot winding down, there are too many cops. They need to find pretend reasons to say their large numbers are necessary, not do the opposite.
Too bad they hadn't adopted the "only arrest when they have to" policy before they killed Garner.
Blah blah...blah blah blah....blah blah.

Cops are hired from the general population. The general population is morally bankrupt. Thus...some cops will be too. Perfect humans dont exist.
And your point is...?
It certainly is not an abuse of his authority you may not like it, but that is a different matter altogether.

I'm gonna tell you something, half our problem today is cops aren't allowed to scare kids straight before they get into REAL trouble.

I'm not talking about beating the shit out of someone or anything like that, but a good dose of "come to Jesus" can go a long way with some of these kids.

That kid was a smart ass to, you know that. There is no reason to be a smart ass to a cop who is just doing his job, and then whining like a pussy when he reacts.

Stories like this are why your real and valid complaints are taken less seriously than they should be.
Really? Wouldn't that be a blatant instance of the police NOT doing their jobs?

Why would they NOT take ANY serious complaint seriously?

Are you supporting that?
It certainly is not an abuse of his authority you may not like it, but that is a different matter altogether.

I'm gonna tell you something, half our problem today is cops aren't allowed to scare kids straight before they get into REAL trouble.

I'm not talking about beating the shit out of someone or anything like that, but a good dose of "come to Jesus" can go a long way with some of these kids.

That kid was a smart ass to, you know that. There is no reason to be a smart ass to a cop who is just doing his job, and then whining like a pussy when he reacts.

Stories like this are why your real and valid complaints are taken less seriously than they should be.
Really? Wouldn't that be a blatant instance of the police NOT doing their jobs?

Why would they NOT take ANY serious complaint seriously?

Are you supporting that?

What? Re read. I wasn't referring to the police and complaints. Of course the police are required to thoroughly investigate any reported crime.

I was referring to just average people. When they see people claiming police abuse where there clearly was none, eventually they are like "meh" when an actual case of police abuse occurs.

It's the little boy who cried wolf all over again.
Another black man assaulted by the NYPD for doing nothing wrong.

Black Man Filming Video for Ellen Gets Assaulted By NYPD

So with the current climate at NYPD this jackass thought....

"Hey let me sneak up BEHIND these NYPD cops and wiggle and dance and PRANK them!"

Hes a dumbass. He deserved it. How STUPID and disrespectful can he be?

Great idea. Sneak up from behind on some NYPD and prank them.

Typical hipster liberal logic to think thats ok.

The only reason why this is dancing is because music was added later. It was a man sneaking up behind unsuspecting people kicking and waving his arms around. The only dance music was in his head.

Come up behind a cop kicking and waving your arms around and you will end up on the ground. Especially today. The shame of it is that the guy didn't end up decked already.

The question is what the fuck was ellen thinking when she came up with a dare so easily confused with attack.
.... That's how the Blue Mafia works.

It seems those who throw around meaningless insults like "blue mafia" are the same who would last the shortest without their betters in society to protect them. How nice for the worthless that they can take such protection for granted.
No argument. However, Bucs never seems to admit when one does something wrong, that renders his opinion worthless as he is too biased. I will be the first one to support a cop who is in the right. However I will also demand that police be held to a very high standard. They have been entrusted with great power and they must not abuse that power.
I agree.
Law officers in the United States make about 12 million arrests per year. The public reasonably expects suspects will make it through the process alive. Brandon Ellingson of Clive did not. The young man drowned while in the custody of the Missouri Highway Patrol.

A trooper suspected the Iowan was intoxicated while he was operating a boat at Lake of the Ozarks, a popular Midwest vacation destination. The trooper handcuffed Ellingson’s wrists behind his back and then pulled a life jacket over his head. The trooper was transporting him on a police boat to administer a sobriety test elsewhere when Ellingson fell overboard. When his body was recovered the next day, there was no life jacket.

Since a handcuffed man cannot put on or take off a life jacket, it is clear the trooper did not properly secure one on Ellingson. The Iowan also had been left sitting on an elevated boat chair with no way to brace himself as the boat crossed the lake.

The arresting officer blamed inadequate training for his handling of the Ellingson arrest. But a Missouri Highway Patrol supervisor, Sgt. Randy Henry, told a Missouri Legislature hearing Tuesday: “It is obvious that the training that occurred before May 31, 2014 was deficient. That is not an excuse for poor judgment.”

Compounding the tragedy is the fact that no one has been held responsible. A six-member coroner’s jury took less than 8 minutes to determine that the death was an accident. Though a special prosecutor acknowledged the jury had not heard from several witnesses, she quickly decided that no criminal charges would be filed against the officer.

Justice For Brandon Ellingson
WoW! Just...wow!!!


1. The job of a police officer is increasingly dangerous.

According to FBI statistics, 27 police officers were feloniously killed in 2013, the lowest raw number in more than 50 years. (The previous low was 41 in 2008.) If we go by officer homicides as a percentage of active-duty police, it was probably the safest year in a century. The number of cops killed on duty has been falling since the mid-1990s, consistent with the overall drop in violent crime in America. Assaults against police officers have been in decline as well.

Five myths about America s police - The Washington Post

Oops...looks like more inconvenient facts for the police-worshipers! The truth is: police DON'T actually have an especially dangerous job! I am more likely to die on the job than they are.

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