"protecting" And "serving"

I am more likely to die on the job than a cop. This is a simple FACT,. It is not debatable in any way, shape, or form.

More likely to be shot by a criminal you're protecting society from, or more likely to kill yourself in an accident because you're stupid? Yeah, everyone sees through your 'clever' little attempt, junior.
Truck driver. On the list of most-dangerous jobs, I am #7 or 8. Police do not make the top ten. (And I';m not sure they ever have.)

Maybe because they are trained in self defense.

The REAL stat? How likely are to be physically assaulted on the job. Your fat ass could drive a truck a decade without being assaulted.

EVERY street cop in any city 75k or larger will get assaulted this year. Maybe minor. May be major. 99% wont be in media though.
Truck driver. On the list of most-dangerous jobs, I am #7 or 8. Police do not make the top ten. (And I';m not sure they ever have.)

I've seen that list , and it is quite faulty reasoning Jarlaxle.

And here's why

Here is where all those lists get their data

Injuries Illnesses and Fatalities

public sector jobs are figured separately from private sector .

In 2011 , fishing was the most dangerous private sector job in the US with 127 fatalities per 100,000 workers, 42 deaths total.

The 10 Most Dangerous Jobs In The US Bankrate.com

Now , remember to, those were all deaths , not just felonious killings.

According to the FBI, in 2011 seventy two officers were feloniously killed while on duty. out of around 550K sworn officers.

FBI mdash FBI Releases 2011 Preliminary Statistics for Law Enforcement Officers Killed in the Line of Duty

But the number of fisherman feloniously killed while at work? So negligible that I in fact couldn't find a single example of such from 2011.

A further 53 officers were killed as a result of accidents or such in 2011.

For direct comparison to the deadliest private sector job , fishing, which had a fatality rate of 127.3 per 100,000, we see that law enforcement had a fatality rate of 22.7 per 100,000.

Now, on to more facts.

Let's look at a job like truck driver.

The 10 Most Dangerous Jobs In The US Bankrate.com

25.9 deaths per 100,000, 485 total in 2011. Seems like a lot until you realize there are 3.5M truck drivers in the US.

6.4 times more truck drivers than LEOs, yet "only" 3 more deaths per 100,000 .

That tells anyone who does projections that if there were more cops there would be more fatalities. Which is obvious and true in the reverse as well. Obviously if there were only 750K truck drivers we wouldn't expect to see 194 deaths.

Further, to consider how dangerous a job is one must also consider assaults that do not lead to death.

FBI mdash Table 65

1 in 10 officers were assaulted in 2011. How many truck drivers or fisherman were assaulted?

The argument that being a LEO isn't dangerous is stupid, and childish. It certainly is dangerous.
The ONLY thing that matters is deaths per 100,000. Anything else is hot air...and thank you for proving my case!

Yet again: I am more likely to die on the job than a cop. This is a simple FACT,. It is not debatable in any way, shape, or form. Anything else you post is either a lie or just hot air.
Wow, this has to be one of the worst ones I've read yet. Unbelievable.

Ft. Bend Police Prosecutors Accused of Abuse in SWAT Incident - FOX 26 News MyFoxHouston

Of course, no charges against the police are mentioned in any of your recent posts.

Most police are good people. Unfortunately when they do not police themselves the problems grow.

Bucs: Nobody is saying to shoot cops, but if the police are assaulting my family (as they appear to be doing to people in some of these videos) then I will defend my family. Do you not see the problem with many of these posts? Innocent people, like an off duty detective, a military police officer, and a guy in his bathtub, have their lives ruined by the police. Don't you think that's a problem?
Another black man assaulted by the NYPD for doing nothing wrong.

Black Man Filming Video for Ellen Gets Assaulted By NYPD

Sorry Bro, this one gets an ok by me. NYPD cops, and cops all around the country, have fucking targets on their backs right now. This dumbass gets right up in his 7 o'clock position and starts acting like an idiot. The cops didn't beat the hell out of him, and they didn't abuse their power by ruining his life (ie: charging him with assault on a LEO). They called him an asshole (which he is), and pushed him away. Kinda hard to believe that a "dancer" couldn't keep his feet after a push like that.

Big difference between that and a cop handcuffing him, beating him, and then bringing him up on false charges.
You dont have to wear a bullet proof vest on your job either.

You live in a bubble of comfort and safety that cops and military provide. That bubble allows you to be whatever you want...in your case a cop hating hipster retard.

But you'll always be a sad little.man whose comfort and safet bubble has been provided by the very men and women you criticize. Your whole life you will deep down know that but never admit it.

I have worn a vest on my job. And I appreciate that bubble of comfort and safety that the cops and military provide. However I'm a white man, and I fear the police.

And lastly, can you PLEASE stop arguing like a whiney little liberal?
Yet again: I am more likely to die on the job than a cop. This is a simple FACT,. It is not debatable in any way, shape, or form. Anything else you post is either a lie or just hot air.

I notice you avoided my question, punk.
Yet again: I am more likely to die on the job than a cop. This is a simple FACT,. It is not debatable in any way, shape, or form. Anything else you post is either a lie or just hot air.

I notice you avoided my question, punk.

Your "question" was not an inquiry, but rather a thinly-veiled personal attack (and, per usual for you, a REALLY STUPID one). Weak, boy, even by YOUR standards.

I am surprised he was charged. If he had pulled the "I'm a cop, you're under arrest" for some bullshit thing trick, the UBER driver would be in jail right now wondering WTF had just happened. He would have to pay a lawyer $20K in bond, pay a lawyer $10-$20K to represent him, all for the privilege of going to court and listen to the judicial system give the cop's testimony precedence over his own.

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