"protecting" And "serving"

1. The job of a police officer is increasingly dangerous.

According to FBI statistics, 27 police officers were feloniously killed in 2013, the lowest raw number in more than 50 years. (The previous low was 41 in 2008.) If we go by officer homicides as a percentage of active-duty police, it was probably the safest year in a century. The number of cops killed on duty has been falling since the mid-1990s, consistent with the overall drop in violent crime in America. Assaults against police officers have been in decline as well.

Five myths about America s police - The Washington Post

Oops...looks like more inconvenient facts for the police-worshipers! The truth is: police DON'T actually have an especially dangerous job! I am more likely to die on the job than they are.

You dont have to wear a bullet proof vest on your job either.

You live in a bubble of comfort and safety that cops and military provide. That bubble allows you to be whatever you want...in your case a cop hating hipster retard.

But you'll always be a sad little.man whose comfort and safet bubble has been provided by the very men and women you criticize. Your whole life you will deep down know that but never admit it.
I do support our police officers.

However, since they are public servants, I not only promote but expect them to be recorded without trying to cover things up. With power comes responsibility, and the citizenry keeping an eye on those with power is something I think is what our forefathers would have wanted, lest we be complacent and inherit a tyrannical government. All things in balance.

1. The job of a police officer is increasingly dangerous.

According to FBI statistics, 27 police officers were feloniously killed in 2013, the lowest raw number in more than 50 years. (The previous low was 41 in 2008.) If we go by officer homicides as a percentage of active-duty police, it was probably the safest year in a century. The number of cops killed on duty has been falling since the mid-1990s, consistent with the overall drop in violent crime in America. Assaults against police officers have been in decline as well.

Five myths about America s police - The Washington Post

Oops...looks like more inconvenient facts for the police-worshipers! The truth is: police DON'T actually have an especially dangerous job! I am more likely to die on the job than they are.

You dont have to wear a bullet proof vest on your job either.

You live in a bubble of comfort and safety that cops and military provide. That bubble allows you to be whatever you want...in your case a cop hating hipster retard.

But you'll always be a sad little.man whose comfort and safet bubble has been provided by the very men and women you criticize. Your whole life you will deep down know that but never admit it.

Spare me the dime-store psychoanalysis, pisshead. I know EXACTLY why I don't like cops: that being, they are more or less equally divided between sadistic, power-hungry thugs and burned-out old men counting the days to retirement. I watched bent cops cost a good friend his family, his marriage, his life savings, and his country.

"Protect and serve" is long gone.
Tough to prove...when the ones that aren't truly corrupt are perfectly happy to COVER for those who are! (Note: I consider them every bit as dirty as the truly corrupt.)

And I am more likely to die on the job than a cop. This is a simple FACT,. It is not debatable in any way, shape, or form.
Tough to prove...when the ones that aren't truly corrupt are perfectly happy to COVER for those who are! (Note: I consider them every bit as dirty as the truly corrupt.)

And I am more likely to die on the job than a cop. This is a simple FACT,. It is not debatable in any way, shape, or form.

Sir, you said you had FACTS

But now you can't produce them.

And no it's highly doubtful that you are more likely to die on your job than a cop is. What do you do for a living?
Tough to prove...when the ones that aren't truly corrupt are perfectly happy to COVER for those who are! (Note: I consider them every bit as dirty as the truly corrupt.)

And I am more likely to die on the job than a cop. This is a simple FACT,. It is not debatable in any way, shape, or form.

Society can only hope we are lucky enough for that to happe.
Truck driver. On the list of most-dangerous jobs, I am #7 or 8. Police do not make the top ten. (And I';m not sure they ever have.)
"In fact cops don’t even rank in the top 10 most dangerous jobs in the country according to The Bureau of Labor Statistics.

What exactly is more dangerous than being a cop? For starters, a trash collector is twice as likely to die on the job versus a cop, fishing is 7 times more dangerous than being a cop, and logging workers, nearly 9 times more dangerous.

Here are occupations more dangerous than being a police officer. Number of deaths per 100,000 employed:

  1. Logging workers: 127.8
  2. Fishermen: 117.0
  3. Aircraft pilots: 53.4
  4. Roofers: 40.5
  5. Garbage collectors: 36.8
  6. Electrical power line installation/repair: 29.8
  7. Truck drivers: 22.8
  8. Oil and gas extraction: 21.9
  9. Farmers and ranchers: 21.3
  10. Construction workers: 17.4

The majority of police deaths are not as a result of violence in the line of duty either, most have occurred accidentally rather than feloniously. Most police officers die, not in some heroic high speed pursuit of a child murderer, but in routine traffic accidents."

Read more at Top 10 Most Dangerous Jobs in the Country Police Officer is NOT on the List The Free Thought Project
The police should neither protect nor serve criminals.

So what do you call the state? That's who they're protecting and serving. It sure as hell isn't us.
The alternative is to arm everyone and make each person responsible for their own safety. Store clerks should be perfectly within their rights to ventilate shoplifters. Then the policr won't be defending the state or the state's laws anymore.
Actually I doubt you were ever a Police Officer. Only a rookie or a civilian would believe that it's prudent to list that type of info in the open.
If you were any type of professional Officer you would have sent a pm and we could have gone from there.

Further, you really sound like a dumb ass to suggest that because I'm critical of Police misconduct and a betrayal of the Public Trust that I must be anti-cop.

Maybe I'm simply more honest than you or took my oath seriously and not as a blanket protection against unprofessional Officers.

Further, that information and more is in my profile if it were that important for someone to know.
You MAY have been an LEO at one time and your posting and attitude say enough about the type of Officer you were.

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