"protecting" And "serving"

You cop haters are such immature losers. Its like claiming all of Interstate 95 is undriveable and should be closed from Miami to NYC....because of a few pot holes.

I do not hate the police, and I do not think anyone here does. You are just covering up for them.

I would think that anyone that hates the police would call them names, but no one here has. The only time "pig" or "pigs" was used was in post #90, and it was by someone on your side of the debate.

We just want the police to be good and do their job properly.

So do I. And I know almost every single one does the job well with courage and integrity.

But people like DontTazeMeBro. ..and others...act exactly like I said in my analogy. Like making it their life mission to protest Interstate 95 from Miami to NYC because a couple potholes were found.

Its such a tiny % of bad apples.

BUT it makes good dramatic headlines. Modern scumbags love seeing symbols of honor and integrity fall. It helps them feel secure with their own shortfalls.

So thats why I say its immature and silly.

America would benefit FAR FAR FAR more if politicians were forced to wear body cameras at all times than cops.
You pay taxes to keep pot holes filled on I95.
You pay taxes to hire cops that are not shits.

Yep. And the occasional pot hole will happen...but im not protesting and burning buildings over it because its inevitable. Just like an occasional bad police officer.
You cop haters are such immature losers. Its like claiming all of Interstate 95 is undriveable and should be closed from Miami to NYC....because of a few pot holes.

I do not hate the police, and I do not think anyone here does. You are just covering up for them.

I would think that anyone that hates the police would call them names, but no one here has. The only time "pig" or "pigs" was used was in post #90, and it was by someone on your side of the debate.

We just want the police to be good and do their job properly.

So do I. And I know almost every single one does the job well with courage and integrity.

But people like DontTazeMeBro. ..and others...act exactly like I said in my analogy. Like making it their life mission to protest Interstate 95 from Miami to NYC because a couple potholes were found.

Its such a tiny % of bad apples.

BUT it makes good dramatic headlines. Modern scumbags love seeing symbols of honor and integrity fall. It helps them feel secure with their own shortfalls.

So thats why I say its immature and silly.

America would benefit FAR FAR FAR more if politicians were forced to wear body cameras at all times than cops.
You pay taxes to keep pot holes filled on I95.
You pay taxes to hire cops that are not shits.

Yep. And the occasional pot hole will happen...but im not protesting and burning buildings over it because its inevitable. Just like an occasional bad police officer.
But you defend the bad ones all the same.
That was almost certainly suicide by cop. Note that the "girl" had a 9" chef's knife, which is most certainly a lethal weapon!

The cops are obligated to let her get a few stabs and slashes on them first.

DontTazeMeBro is a wannabe mma fighter in his own mind so he thinks he could disarm people with his kung fu.
You cop haters are such immature losers. Its like claiming all of Interstate 95 is undriveable and should be closed from Miami to NYC....because of a few pot holes.

I do not hate the police, and I do not think anyone here does. You are just covering up for them.

I would think that anyone that hates the police would call them names, but no one here has. The only time "pig" or "pigs" was used was in post #90, and it was by someone on your side of the debate.

We just want the police to be good and do their job properly.

So do I. And I know almost every single one does the job well with courage and integrity.

But people like DontTazeMeBro. ..and others...act exactly like I said in my analogy. Like making it their life mission to protest Interstate 95 from Miami to NYC because a couple potholes were found.

Its such a tiny % of bad apples.

BUT it makes good dramatic headlines. Modern scumbags love seeing symbols of honor and integrity fall. It helps them feel secure with their own shortfalls.

So thats why I say its immature and silly.

America would benefit FAR FAR FAR more if politicians were forced to wear body cameras at all times than cops.
You pay taxes to keep pot holes filled on I95.
You pay taxes to hire cops that are not shits.

Yep. And the occasional pot hole will happen...but im not protesting and burning buildings over it because its inevitable. Just like an occasional bad police officer.
But you defend the bad ones all the same.

No. I defend the ones who didnt break any laws and are being smeared for simple self defense and being found guilty by digital mob. Cops who break the law...I dont defend.
I do not hate the police, and I do not think anyone here does. You are just covering up for them.

I would think that anyone that hates the police would call them names, but no one here has. The only time "pig" or "pigs" was used was in post #90, and it was by someone on your side of the debate.

We just want the police to be good and do their job properly.

So do I. And I know almost every single one does the job well with courage and integrity.

But people like DontTazeMeBro. ..and others...act exactly like I said in my analogy. Like making it their life mission to protest Interstate 95 from Miami to NYC because a couple potholes were found.

Its such a tiny % of bad apples.

BUT it makes good dramatic headlines. Modern scumbags love seeing symbols of honor and integrity fall. It helps them feel secure with their own shortfalls.

So thats why I say its immature and silly.

America would benefit FAR FAR FAR more if politicians were forced to wear body cameras at all times than cops.
You pay taxes to keep pot holes filled on I95.
You pay taxes to hire cops that are not shits.

Yep. And the occasional pot hole will happen...but im not protesting and burning buildings over it because its inevitable. Just like an occasional bad police officer.
But you defend the bad ones all the same.

No. I defend the ones who didnt break any laws and are being smeared for simple self defense and being found guilty by digital mob. Cops who break the law...I dont defend.
I've seen you do just that on this thread and elsewhere blame the Negroes. You might be fooling yourself and the Stormfront crowd but no one else,
That was almost certainly suicide by cop. Note that the "girl" had a 9" chef's knife, which is most certainly a lethal weapon!

The cops are obligated to let her get a few stabs and slashes on them first.

DontTazeMeBro is a wannabe mma fighter in his own mind so he thinks he could disarm people with his kung fu.

I'm sorry, you seem to think I give a shit. Piss off, boy.
Another execution by the gang in blue and the offending cop is too much of a coward to admit what he did.

Records Unarmed Man Killed By Cops Said I Don t Want To Die Today

Trying to care.....aaaaaaand.....nope.

When you post a link to the story that tells the entire, non bias account of an incident ill take it and you seriously.

As long as your sources are radical cop hate sites....ill keep dismissing them. And keep seeing you as some d-bag wannabe "mma fighter" who thinks hes cool for hating cops.
So do I. And I know almost every single one does the job well with courage and integrity.

But people like DontTazeMeBro. ..and others...act exactly like I said in my analogy. Like making it their life mission to protest Interstate 95 from Miami to NYC because a couple potholes were found.

Its such a tiny % of bad apples.

BUT it makes good dramatic headlines. Modern scumbags love seeing symbols of honor and integrity fall. It helps them feel secure with their own shortfalls.

So thats why I say its immature and silly.

America would benefit FAR FAR FAR more if politicians were forced to wear body cameras at all times than cops.
You pay taxes to keep pot holes filled on I95.
You pay taxes to hire cops that are not shits.

Yep. And the occasional pot hole will happen...but im not protesting and burning buildings over it because its inevitable. Just like an occasional bad police officer.
But you defend the bad ones all the same.

No. I defend the ones who didnt break any laws and are being smeared for simple self defense and being found guilty by digital mob. Cops who break the law...I dont defend.
I've seen you do just that on this thread and elsewhere blame the Negroes. You might be fooling yourself and the Stormfront crowd but no one else,

You have? Show me ONE incident where I have defended a cop who was found to have violated a LAW.

DONT worry....ill wait. Its gonna take you a while to find one....
You pay taxes to keep pot holes filled on I95.
You pay taxes to hire cops that are not shits.

Yep. And the occasional pot hole will happen...but im not protesting and burning buildings over it because its inevitable. Just like an occasional bad police officer.
But you defend the bad ones all the same.

No. I defend the ones who didnt break any laws and are being smeared for simple self defense and being found guilty by digital mob. Cops who break the law...I dont defend.
I've seen you do just that on this thread and elsewhere blame the Negroes. You might be fooling yourself and the Stormfront crowd but no one else,

You have? Show me ONE incident where I have defended a cop who was found to have violated a LAW.

DONT worry....ill wait. Its gonna take you a while to find one....

Every instance I've noted since this thread was created
Yep. And the occasional pot hole will happen...but im not protesting and burning buildings over it because its inevitable. Just like an occasional bad police officer.
But you defend the bad ones all the same.

No. I defend the ones who didnt break any laws and are being smeared for simple self defense and being found guilty by digital mob. Cops who break the law...I dont defend.
I've seen you do just that on this thread and elsewhere blame the Negroes. You might be fooling yourself and the Stormfront crowd but no one else,

You have? Show me ONE incident where I have defended a cop who was found to have violated a LAW.

DONT worry....ill wait. Its gonna take you a while to find one....

Every instance I've noted since this thread was created

Link it. Show me where a cop was A) Found guilty of a crime and B) I defended him.

I defend cops who defend themselves. And I defend them when douchbag posers like you trash them based on partial evidence or facts.

So...you still "training for my first fight" like 99% of posers who "do MMA" training? Ha. What a clown.
You usually defend any and all cops...though unlike some, you do have SOME standards. If a cop were to, say...shoot into a crowd of schoolchildren with a machine gun, you might not stridently defend him. But normally, as far as you are concerned, cops can do no wrong. We both know I'm right, please don't embarrass yourself by denying it.
You usually defend any and all cops...though unlike some, you do have SOME standards. If a cop were to, say...shoot into a crowd of schoolchildren with a machine gun, you might not stridently defend him. But normally, as far as you are concerned, cops can do no wrong. We both know I'm right, please don't embarrass yourself by denying it.

Again...prove it. Link where I have defended a cop who was found to have committed a crime. Ill wait...take your time.
You usually defend any and all cops...though unlike some, you do have SOME standards. If a cop were to, say...shoot into a crowd of schoolchildren with a machine gun, you might not stridently defend him. But normally, as far as you are concerned, cops can do no wrong. We both know I'm right, please don't embarrass yourself by denying it.
I dunno, he'd find a way to say the kids deserved it.
You usually defend any and all cops...though unlike some, you do have SOME standards.

Well...most attacks on cops are unwarranted. Especially if you knew the law or had worked that job. So sure.

But show me where I defended a criminal cop who committed a crime. I'll wait........
You usually defend any and all cops...though unlike some, you do have SOME standards. If a cop were to, say...shoot into a crowd of schoolchildren with a machine gun, you might not stridently defend him. But normally, as far as you are concerned, cops can do no wrong. We both know I'm right, please don't embarrass yourself by denying it.
I dunno, he'd find a way to say the kids deserved it.

If by "kid" you mean 300 pound 18 year old man....and if by "deserved it" you mean attacked the cop, resisted a lawful arrest, went for the cops gun, came at him with a knife.....then sure.
You usually defend any and all cops...though unlike some, you do have SOME standards.

Well...most attacks on cops are unwarranted. Especially if you knew the law or had worked that job. So sure.

But show me where I defended a criminal cop who committed a crime. I'll wait........

Pretty much every post you've made in this thread.
You usually defend any and all cops...though unlike some, you do have SOME standards.

Well...most attacks on cops are unwarranted. Especially if you knew the law or had worked that job. So sure.

But show me where I defended a criminal cop who committed a crime. I'll wait........

Pretty much every post you've made in this thread.

Again....a specific example of me defending a cop who is found to have committed an actual crime.

If your "MMA skills" are anything like your debate skills....you better call 911 before walking home alone at night haha!!
bucs90 - you are playing semantics. I haven't seen you defend a copy who has "committed a crime" (using the legal definition "committed a crime" = "being convicted"). However that is the very problem that many people have with policing....cops do bad things and are rarely held responsible for it.

Take for instance no-knock warrants. Especially those served to the WRONG HOUSE. As a citizen, I shouldn't be afraid that the police will bust in my door, throw my children to the floor, pull my wife out of the shower, and hold us at gunpoint for several hours....all because of a mistake. Worse yet, this can happen simply because they were looking for a non-violent criminal. YOU, however, would simply say "mistakes happen". I say police should ring the door bell, present the warrant, and I be able to let them in without having to replace my doorframe and have my wife/kids terrorized.

My 16 yo son likes to play with airsoft guns. He runs around the neighborhood shooting his friends. My biggest fear is NOT that he takes a pellet to the eyeball, it's that he takes a police officer's .40cal to his chest....like the kid on the playground in Cleveland. You defend the cop saying he (the cop) has to make split-second decisions. I say bullshit, he killed a kid with a pellet gun. We are not in Fallujah, and the cop is not a soldier. Hell, using that comparison, our soldiers who were in Fallujah had a more restrictive ROE than cops in Cleveland. THAT IS A PROBLEM that you don't even acknowledge.

So NO, you haven't defended a "guilty" cop, but you certainly defend cops who, by all appearances, have done things wrong.

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