"protecting" And "serving"

An article this morning on the growing police state

This is why I don’t trust my local police department

About a year ago, I moved to St. Paul, Minn. for grad school. It’s been great living here, but I must say, I’m worried about my dog’s safety. My worry doesn’t stem from concerns about traffic, crime, or environmental hazards.

No, I’m worried because of the Saint Paul Police Department.

In July, there was a story about a family whose two dogs were executed by police during a no-knock raid for marijuana possession in a St. Paul neighborhood just a few miles from my house. The family says one dog was shot as he fled in fear; the raid, meanwhile, produced minimal evidence to feed the hungry maw of the trillion-dollar failure that is the war on drugs.

“All of a sudden, we see the dogs thrown out like pieces of meat, like they were nothing,” said a neighbor of the family whose dogs were shot. “We teared up because they are like family to us. Those dogs are real good dogs.”

This isn’t an isolated incident for the SPPD. Just a few years ago, the Saint Paul Police killed another family dog…and forced handcuffed children to sit next to its bleeding corpse for more than an hour while they ransacked the home.

The kicker? The raid wasn’t even in the right house!

This is why I don t trust my local police department Rare
Go here for more about these raids, which are increasing in number and aggression.

Cato Map on SWAT Raids
Botched Paramilitary Police Raids Cato Institute
Blue Mafia thugs beat up a grandfather and put him in the hospital for walking down the street. Sounds like he was guilty of being brown.

Grandfather visiting Alabama from India stopped by police while taking walk left partly paralyzed AL.com

Ok. I'll bite. Without having read the article...can you tell me:

- Did cops get a legitimate 911 call?
- Did cops try to detain someone?
- Did the person resist?

Im gonna guess that all 3 are a yes. Not saying the cop is right. Or wrong. Just wondering if the common theme of some sort of resistant behavior existed.
Blue Mafia thugs beat up a grandfather and put him in the hospital for walking down the street. Sounds like he was guilty of being brown.

Grandfather visiting Alabama from India stopped by police while taking walk left partly paralyzed AL.com

Ok. I'll bite. Without having read the article...can you tell me:

- Did cops get a legitimate 911 call?
- Did cops try to detain someone?
- Did the person resist?

Im gonna guess that all 3 are a yes. Not saying the cop is right. Or wrong. Just wondering if the common theme of some sort of resistant behavior existed.
Read the article instead of knee-jerking. Or do you only read things that confirm your bias.
Apparently those Cops think Probable Cause is "Walking While Brown and Not Speaking English".
Sherrod says the Sureshbhai Patel told the police officers "no English" and repeated his son's house number.

The police statement says the officer attempted to frisk the man. (for what f*ckin' reason?)

"The subject began putting his hands in his pockets," reads the police statement. "Officers attempted to pat the subject down and he attempted to pull away (like a normal person would). The subject was forced to the ground, which resulted in injury."
Normal people stand with their hands in their pockets and normal people pull away when someone (anyone) puts their hands in yer pockets. It's a natural rea tion. Only trained American Prisoners put up with it. (USA! USA! USA!)

I hate that word "subject" too. Like they're the Kings and you are "subject" to their laws.
Blue Mafia thugs beat up a grandfather and put him in the hospital for walking down the street. Sounds like he was guilty of being brown.

Grandfather visiting Alabama from India stopped by police while taking walk left partly paralyzed AL.com

Ok. I'll bite. Without having read the article...can you tell me:

- Did cops get a legitimate 911 call?
- Did cops try to detain someone?
- Did the person resist?

Im gonna guess that all 3 are a yes. Not saying the cop is right. Or wrong. Just wondering if the common theme of some sort of resistant behavior existed.
Read the article instead of knee-jerking. Or do you only read things that confirm your bias.

Nope. Im not forming an opinion yet. Just asking first....

- Did cops get a 911 call?
- Did cops attempt a legal stop, based on the information given?
- Did the man resist anything?
Apparently those Cops think Probable Cause is "Walking While Brown and Not Speaking English".
Sherrod says the Sureshbhai Patel told the police officers "no English" and repeated his son's house number.

The police statement says the officer attempted to frisk the man. (for what f*ckin' reason?)

"The subject began putting his hands in his pockets," reads the police statement. "Officers attempted to pat the subject down and he attempted to pull away (like a normal person would). The subject was forced to the ground, which resulted in injury."
Normal people stand with their hands in their pockets and normal people pull away when someone (anyone) puts their hands in yer pockets. It's a natural rea tion. Only trained American Prisoners put up with it. (USA! USA! USA!)

I hate that word "subject" too. Like they're the Kings and you are "subject" to their laws.

Ok thanks for posting the details.

So cops get a call....."Someone walking around looking into open garages."

Ok. Thefts from open garages are a very common crime.

Cops see the person described. He apparently doesnt speak English. Many Hispanic immigrants will pretend not to speak English too to avoid questioning from police.

But anyway...they're trying to investigate. Guy wont remove hands from pockets.

Hmmm....anyone see last month when the cop in Arizona was murdered by the person hiding a gun in his pocket? Yeah....cops dont wanna die.

So they decide...according to Supreme Court case Terry vs. Ohio....that reasonable suspicion exists...enough to look into the citizens call. But they want to be sure no weapons are in the guys pockets (so they wont die).

And.......he resists.

In hindsight. ..the man was doing nothing wrong.

But how do cops know that WITHOUT INVESTIGATION of the call?

Sorry folks..its uncomfortable. But "No habla ingles" isnt an excuse to resist lawful stops.

Sorry to the man who got hurt. But...be mad at the racist 911 caller. Not the cops doing their job.
Yall need to learn the law.

SCOTUS ruling Terry vs Ohio. It was a legal stop.
^rationalizes police brutality and slanders Hispanics all in one fell swoop.

You ever been a cop in a mostly Hispanic area? I have. And they are terrified of gangs and ssnitching, and of deportation. Many will act like they dont speak English so they dont get used as a witness...or deported. Just reality. I cant blame them.
You are at home near night time.

You see a stranger....wandering around, looking in peoples homes and garages.

Your community has had thefts and burglaries.

Hmmm.....someone should check that guy out your wife says. Not you. But someone else. Call police.

Police find him. He cant or wont speak english. Keeps putting hands into clothing areas where cops cant see whats in there.

As a cop...what would you do?
You are at home near night time.

You see a stranger....wandering around, looking in peoples homes and garages.

Your community has had thefts and burglaries.

Hmmm.....someone should check that guy out your wife says. Not you. But someone else. Call police.

Police find him. He cant or wont speak english. Keeps putting hands into clothing areas where cops cant see whats in there.

As a cop...what would you do?
It was morning. Why do you always make things up to suit your agenda.
You are at home near night time.

You see a stranger....wandering around, looking in peoples homes and garages.

Your community has had thefts and burglaries.

Hmmm.....someone should check that guy out your wife says. Not you. But someone else. Call police.

Police find him. He cant or wont speak english. Keeps putting hands into clothing areas where cops cant see whats in there.

As a cop...what would you do?

Not put him in the hospital leaving him temporarily paralyzed.

Do you realize that the more you post in this thread the more you confirm the problem presented by all of these incidents is very much a real thing?
^rationalizes police brutality and slanders Hispanics all in one fell swoop.

You ever been a cop in a mostly Hispanic area? I have. And they are terrified of gangs and ssnitching, and of deportation. Many will act like they dont speak English so they dont get used as a witness...or deported. Just reality. I cant blame them.

If you cannot tell a Hispanic from an Indian you should not only not be a cop, but you should probably not be trusted with anything more dangerous than a plastic spork!
Blah blah blah.

This cop will be found not guilty. They didnt "beat" anyone. Tbey took him down for trying to walk away. His frail bones from Indias shitty nnutrition is why hes hurt.

Cop will probably sue for wrongful arrest and win. Hope he does.
Blah blah blah.

This cop will be found not guilty. They didnt "beat" anyone. Tbey took him down for trying to walk away. His frail bones from Indias shitty nnutrition is why hes hurt.

Cop will probably sue for wrongful arrest and win. Hope he does.

He's been fired and arrested, as he should be. Sounds like Madison County, Alabama has a DA that isn't completely corrupted by the Blue Mafia yet.

Alabama police fire arrest the officer who badly injured Indian grandfather during sidewalk stop AL.com

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