"protecting" And "serving"

Another execution by the gang in blue and the offending cop is too much of a coward to admit what he did.

Records Unarmed Man Killed By Cops Said I Don t Want To Die Today

This case is the perfect example of why I do not trust police officer's. Passenger in a traffic stop, police asked him to step out of car....and then arrest him for public drunkenness. Then, years later, apparently shoot him while unarmed while his hands were up. Bucs90 - what's your opinion of this?

On a tangental note - one of the causes of this problem is the unbelievably poor quality of our news media. They used to get both sides of the story and give it to us. Now they just give us a 250 word glossary of the event.
bucs90 - you are playing semantics. I haven't seen you defend a copy who has "committed a crime" (using the legal definition "committed a crime" = "being convicted"). However that is the very problem that many people have with policing....cops do bad things and are rarely held responsible for it.

Take for instance no-knock warrants. Especially those served to the WRONG HOUSE. As a citizen, I shouldn't be afraid that the police will bust in my door, throw my children to the floor, pull my wife out of the shower, and hold us at gunpoint for several hours....all because of a mistake. Worse yet, this can happen simply because they were looking for a non-violent criminal. YOU, however, would simply say "mistakes happen". I say police should ring the door bell, present the warrant, and I be able to let them in without having to replace my doorframe and have my wife/kids terrorized.

My 16 yo son likes to play with airsoft guns. He runs around the neighborhood shooting his friends. My biggest fear is NOT that he takes a pellet to the eyeball, it's that he takes a police officer's .40cal to his chest....like the kid on the playground in Cleveland. You defend the cop saying he (the cop) has to make split-second decisions. I say bullshit, he killed a kid with a pellet gun. We are not in Fallujah, and the cop is not a soldier. Hell, using that comparison, our soldiers who were in Fallujah had a more restrictive ROE than cops in Cleveland. THAT IS A PROBLEM that you don't even acknowledge.

So NO, you haven't defended a "guilty" cop, but you certainly defend cops who, by all appearances, have done things wrong.

Ah ok. You make reasonable points and im happy to debate those.

I agree with no knock warrants being wrong. I hate them. 100% agree. That said...the worst of the worst WILL shoot at cops when they knock. Im ok with eliminating no knocks. But if its a very dangerous warrant...dont begrudge them if they use SWAT to do it. No knocks arent fair to citizens at all. But sending a patrol cop to knock on a felons door who is waiting with an AK isnt fair to that cop.

As for the air soft gun....YOU as a parent need to consider something. You are letting your child run around the neighborhood with a "toy" that looks identical.to real weapons. The news every week has stories of young people murdering others with guns. One would hope any cop would take in the circumstances and assume its an air soft gun. And most times they do (people call cops EVERY day over kids with toy guns). But...why would you put your child in that situation anyway???

You let your kid run around the community with basically a replica gun and then say its up to the cops to figure out its a toy and how dare they possibly think its real...although the manufacturer tries to make it look real because kids like the realistic ones better?

I agree on the no knocks being wrong.

But if you let your kid run around with a replica gun....thats on you. And not even cops...think about the lunatics out there with access to guns who may see your kid. OR his peers who might pick up a REAL gun by accident....or one they think is unloaded!!? That risk you created man.
bucs90 - you are playing semantics. I haven't seen you defend a copy who has "committed a crime" (using the legal definition "committed a crime" = "being convicted"). However that is the very problem that many people have with policing....cops do bad things and are rarely held responsible for it.

Take for instance no-knock warrants. Especially those served to the WRONG HOUSE. As a citizen, I shouldn't be afraid that the police will bust in my door, throw my children to the floor, pull my wife out of the shower, and hold us at gunpoint for several hours....all because of a mistake. Worse yet, this can happen simply because they were looking for a non-violent criminal. YOU, however, would simply say "mistakes happen". I say police should ring the door bell, present the warrant, and I be able to let them in without having to replace my doorframe and have my wife/kids terrorized.
In most cases an a no knock warrant is unnecessary, but when properly used they are for the safety of everyone involved. As for cases where the police have went to the wrong address. Sht happens, and a police officer doesn't deserve to be shot for a honest mistake.

My 16 yo son likes to play with airsoft guns. He runs around the neighborhood shooting his friends. My biggest fear is NOT that he takes a pellet to the eyeball, it's that he takes a police officer's .40cal to his chest....like the kid on the playground in Cleveland. You defend the cop saying he (the cop) has to make split-second decisions. I say bullshit, he killed a kid with a pellet gun.
if your child is as stupid as the kid in Cleveland and reaches for his pellet gun when ordered to put his hands above his head, sorry but society is better off without him in the gene pool. Teach him better.
We are not in Fallujah, and the cop is not a soldier. Hell, using that comparison, our soldiers who were in Fallujah had a more restrictive ROE than cops in Cleveland. THAT IS A PROBLEM that you don't even acknowledge.
You got that right, that is a problem, but the problem is with the ROE in the ME, not with the ROE in Cleveland.
Another execution by the gang in blue and the offending cop is too much of a coward to admit what he did.

Records Unarmed Man Killed By Cops Said I Don t Want To Die Today

This case is the perfect example of why I do not trust police officer's. Passenger in a traffic stop, police asked him to step out of car....and then arrest him for public drunkenness. Then, years later, apparently shoot him while unarmed while his hands were up. Bucs90 - what's your opinion of this?

On a tangental note - one of the causes of this problem is the unbelievably poor quality of our news media. They used to get both sides of the story and give it to us. Now they just give us a 250 word glossary of the event.

A slanted glossary, the news shouldn't have any agenda but telling the truth...........
Think about what the above guy said again.

His 16 year old (easily past puberty and same age as most school shooters)....likes to "run around the neighborhood" with an air soft gun shooting his friends. The AS gun...likely is one of those M4 or AK replicas. Or a VERY realistic looking pistol.

He supports this running arround the hood...with what looks like a real gun.

Yet...he blames cops for him having to worry about his son getting shot.

Many people dont want your kid playing air soft war in their neighborhood so many call the police. You know this. It happens every day in every city in America. ....because parents let their kids run around with replica weapons in public. And 99% of the times the cops know its a toy and thats why it isnt news.

But then tragedy hits. A cop gets into a situation vs a toy gun that looks real. How would he know?

Yet the parent wont accept blame...for sending their kids into public with replica firearms to run wild shooting each other.

He said cops arent soldiers. No they arent. And neither are your kids....so stop letting them run around with replica rifles playing war in the community.
So bucky claims on another thread that the 12 year old in Ohio was pointing a gun at the cops when the cops shot him and the boy did no such thing. When I pointed that out he then decided to lie again by claiming the boy was pointing the gun at people.

That was an easy demonstration on his part how he will defend any cop, any time NO MATTER how in the wrong the cop is. And lie to do it.
So bucky claims on another thread that the 12 year old in Ohio was pointing a gun at the cops when the cops shot him and the boy did no such thing. When I pointed that out he then decided to lie again by claiming the boy was pointing the gun at people.

That was an easy demonstration on his part how he will defend any cop, any time NO MATTER how in the wrong the cop is. And lie to do it.
So, he is your soul mate?

Seriously? How many lies dd you tell about M Brown Ravi?
So bucky claims on another thread that the 12 year old in Ohio was pointing a gun at the cops when the cops shot him and the boy did no such thing. When I pointed that out he then decided to lie again by claiming the boy was pointing the gun at people.

That was an easy demonstration on his part how he will defend any cop, any time NO MATTER how in the wrong the cop is. And lie to do it.
So, he is your soul mate?

Seriously? How many lies dd you tell about M Brown Ravi?
Not a single one.
So bucky claims on another thread that the 12 year old in Ohio was pointing a gun at the cops when the cops shot him and the boy did no such thing. When I pointed that out he then decided to lie again by claiming the boy was pointing the gun at people.

That was an easy demonstration on his part how he will defend any cop, any time NO MATTER how in the wrong the cop is. And lie to do it.
So, he is your soul mate?

Seriously? How many lies dd you tell about M Brown Ravi?
Not a single one.

So bucky claims on another thread that the 12 year old in Ohio was pointing a gun at the cops when the cops shot him and the boy did no such thing. When I pointed that out he then decided to lie again by claiming the boy was pointing the gun at people.

That was an easy demonstration on his part how he will defend any cop, any time NO MATTER how in the wrong the cop is. And lie to do it.

Honestly. ..I barely read the story. I knew the shooting was legal. Citizens reported the person was pointing the gun at people. Any of those citizens could've confronted the kid....why didnt they? Oh because it may be a real.gun...so they called men with guns to handle it.

Did he "point" it? Appears not. They didnt give him a chance to. They shot as he was reaching for the gun. As I would when faced with a person with a gun. Im not letting him get the first shot off, if possible.

Pointed it. Grabbed it. Went for it. Whatever...with a gun its all the same and it'll get you shot because this isnt Old West dueling where you are entitled to the first shot.
So bucky claims on another thread that the 12 year old in Ohio was pointing a gun at the cops when the cops shot him and the boy did no such thing. When I pointed that out he then decided to lie again by claiming the boy was pointing the gun at people.

That was an easy demonstration on his part how he will defend any cop, any time NO MATTER how in the wrong the cop is. And lie to do it.

Honestly. ..I barely read the story. I knew the shooting was legal. Citizens reported the person was pointing the gun at people. Any of those citizens could've confronted the kid....why didnt they? Oh because it may be a real.gun...so they called men with guns to handle it.

Did he "point" it? Appears not. They didnt give him a chance to. They shot as he was reaching for the gun. As I would when faced with a person with a gun. Im not letting him get the first shot off, if possible.

Pointed it. Grabbed it. Went for it. Whatever...with a gun its all the same and it'll get you shot because this isnt Old West dueling where you are entitled to the first shot.
another lie how quaint
Bucky - he runs around with his friends....it's called PLAYING. It's what kids, and many well-adjusted adults, do. Unfortunately the biggest threat to these kids while doing this are cops.

I can understand a dark-of-night situation with a big kid and a toy gun that looked real. But middle of day, in a playground, and a kid that was what, ten years old?

Of course, that is the difference between you and I. I can understand the "other side" of he argument. You? Not so much....
So bucky claims on another thread that the 12 year old in Ohio was pointing a gun at the cops when the cops shot him and the boy did no such thing. When I pointed that out he then decided to lie again by claiming the boy was pointing the gun at people.

That was an easy demonstration on his part how he will defend any cop, any time NO MATTER how in the wrong the cop is. And lie to do it.

Honestly. ..I barely read the story. I knew the shooting was legal. Citizens reported the person was pointing the gun at people. Any of those citizens could've confronted the kid....why didnt they? Oh because it may be a real.gun...so they called men with guns to handle it.

Did he "point" it? Appears not. They didnt give him a chance to. They shot as he was reaching for the gun. As I would when faced with a person with a gun. Im not letting him get the first shot off, if possible.

Pointed it. Grabbed it. Went for it. Whatever...with a gun its all the same and it'll get you shot because this isnt Old West dueling where you are entitled to the first shot.

Translation: cops can do no wrong, regardless of how many kids they have to kill.

I truly wonder if you meet the clinical definition of a psychopath.
39 complaints filed against this officer in the past ten years. Now two lawsuits settled by the city in excess of $1 million because of his actions and yet nothing has happened to this man. He's still under the protection of the Blue Mafia

Despite big payouts Denver police officer Shawn Miller skates - The Denver Post

But, according to Bucs, this cop is not a criminal, therefore has done nothing wrong and should be defended.

THIS is what people are fed up with Bucs. It's not that we hate cops, we are fed up with a system (personal/departmental/IA that covers for police abuse, DAs who won't prosecute, overly sympathetic judges, and unions who protect bad cops) that prevents PEOPLE from being protected from such thugs.

But this story is also a symptom of a bigger problem. The vast majority of these cases happen in leftist democrat controlled big cities where the politicians in charge of the police force know they won't be challenged. I believe the mayor of Denver ran unopposed last time.
39 complaints filed against this officer in the past ten years. Now two lawsuits settled by the city in excess of $1 million because of his actions and yet nothing has happened to this man. He's still under the protection of the Blue Mafia

Despite big payouts Denver police officer Shawn Miller skates - The Denver Post

But, according to Bucs, this cop is not a criminal, therefore has done nothing wrong and should be defended.

THIS is what people are fed up with Bucs. It's not that we hate cops, we are fed up with a system (personal/departmental/IA that covers for police abuse, DAs who won't prosecute, overly sympathetic judges, and unions who protect bad cops) that prevents PEOPLE from being protected from such thugs.

But this story is also a symptom of a bigger problem. The vast majority of these cases happen in leftist democrat controlled big cities where the politicians in charge of the police force know they won't be challenged. I believe the mayor of Denver ran unopposed last time.

That article is so brief and without any detail...hard to comment. Sure it sounds terrible.

But hes costing that city a lot of money. Money talks. For them to have not even disciplined him internally tells me something. Either that city attorney sucks for settling so many frivolous lawsuits....or hes the son of the mayor and chief (bes neither)....or hes done nothing illegal and thus they have NO GROUNDS to fire him because he could sue them himself.

We dont fire or jail cops for making you uncomfortable or for enforcement that you just dont like.

Crimes? Yes. Fire them. Insubordination? Yes. Fire them.

I defend a cops right to work....within the law...and not be fired for it. If the masses had their way....itd be American Idol style. Watch a video and America gets to vote on if the cops keeps his career or not just based on how they feel.

It doesnt and cant work that way. Ill defend a cop even if I would've done it different. ...so long as he didnt violate the law. After that its up to his command and mayor. NOT US the public. We dont get the right to fire or jail a cop just because his actions anger us.
And yes...according to me hes not a criminal. What crime has he been convicted of?

If you're pissed that Denver keeps settling lawsuits and paying out money then thats a whole different story. NYPD just paid 5k to a guy whose own attorney even said deserved to be shot. But they sued anyway bc NYC settles most police lawsuits....legit or not.

And...any street cop will have dozens of complaints after a few years. Its inevitable. People dont like being arrested. People resist. People lie. Just a fact.
In fairness I researched this officer online. They should absolutely reassign him off the street. Hasnt been charged with a crime (if evidence is provided ill comment on that).

But...a very dumb move by that chief to keep such a hot potatoe name on the street. Put him on a desk until you figure out the evidence.

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