"protecting" And "serving"

Blah blah blah.

What are you guys gonna do about it? Posting rants on USMB isnt doing shit. And most Americans dont care.

Notice yet again how Bucs makes no condemnation for these recent acts of brutality posted above.
Blah blah blah.

What are you guys gonna do about it? Posting rants on USMB isnt doing shit. And most Americans dont care.

How about YOU all go become cops? "BE THE CHANGE" you want to see.

Nah. Didnt think so. And I dont have an opinion on the last 3 links...because I didnt bother watching them. If they broke the law...the system will work 99% of the time.

I'm too honest to be a cop.

I can't even imagine taking Cartel bribes to ignore murders. No way I could be a cop.
Blah blah blah.

What are you guys gonna do about it? Posting rants on USMB isnt doing shit. And most Americans dont care.

How about YOU all go become cops? "BE THE CHANGE" you want to see.

Nah. Didnt think so. And I dont have an opinion on the last 3 links...because I didnt bother watching them. If they broke the law...the system will work 99% of the time.
^cop out (pun intended). When you can't defend a cop's behavior, you pretend you haven't read the links.
Blah blah blah.

What are you guys gonna do about it? Posting rants on USMB isnt doing shit. And most Americans dont care.

How about YOU all go become cops? "BE THE CHANGE" you want to see.

Nah. Didnt think so. And I dont have an opinion on the last 3 links...because I didnt bother watching them. If they broke the law...the system will work 99% of the time.

I'm too honest to be a cop.

I can't even imagine taking Cartel bribes to ignore murders. No way I could be a cop.

I thought it was in my blood to be a cop. My dad was a cop, my uncle was a cop and my great-grandfather was a cop....so when I got out of the Corps, of course I had to become a cop. My dad warned me, but of course I knew it all and didn't listen...but it only took a decade for me to realize that he...and you...were correct...I am too honest to be a cop.
Blah blah blah.

This cop will be found not guilty. They didnt "beat" anyone. Tbey took him down for trying to walk away. His frail bones from Indias shitty nnutrition is why hes hurt.

Cop will probably sue for wrongful arrest and win. Hope he does.

And if he walks, I truly hope someone shoots the fucker dead!

Wow...hoping for dead cops. We've seen this before from you left wingers.

If you think I'm a "left winger", you are too stupid to be bothered with.
Blah blah blah.

What are you guys gonna do about it? Posting rants on USMB isnt doing shit. And most Americans dont care.

How about YOU all go become cops? "BE THE CHANGE" you want to see.

No. One, I wouldn't pass the physical with a bad back and 2 bad knees. Two...I have a problem enforcing laws that I find wrong.

Nah. Didnt think so. And I dont have an opinion on the last 3 links...because I didnt bother watching them. If they broke the law...the system will work 99% of the time.

I am not sure if you are THAT naive, or just that evil.
Blah blah blah.

What are you guys gonna do about it? Posting rants on USMB isnt doing shit. And most Americans dont care.

Notice yet again how Bucs makes no condemnation for these recent acts of brutality posted above.

Why would he? He has no problem with them...long as it;'s not his ox getting gored, he's fine with badge-wielding thugs!

Nah. Its more that I know the "brutality" problem applies to such a tiny % of cops...its not worth being angry over.

These cop haters are the equivalent of a million man march to protest a pot hole somewhere on I-95. Its just not a big problem.
Serious question: are you THAT naive, or is it just that you APPROVE OF bent cops?

Neither. The % of America's cops who are corrupt...is less than 1%.

Cops are human. Recruited from our general population.

I challenge anyone to show me a profession with a lower % of corrupt or criminal members. The military is the only one I can think of.

I simply dont expect perfection. For a nation of 900, 000 cops policing 320, 000, 000 citizens who are half bat shit crazy, drugged up, armed, and almost no discipline or respect for authority. ...id say our cops are doing a pretty amazing job.

So sorry if I dont raise holy hell when 1 does something that doesnt look nice.
And of course your answer will be "We support the good cops (aka...ones who dont do their job and ignore crime). Its just that most of them these days are bad."

No. Most of the ones in social media and page 1 news are bad..OR are simply being painted as bad because our society has made use of force a voodoo topic. They want to.hug away the crimes. News and Facebook and youtube wont show 100, 000 good arrests. They'll replay that 1 where a cop slammed a guy all week though.

So you cop haters watch fewer than 1% of America's cops on videos...99% of the time. So it distorts your perception.

You COULD seek out the truth. But you dont want to because, as I said, you WANT to hate the cops.You want to reject order and authority. Because thats how society is now.
Serious question: are you THAT naive, or is it just that you APPROVE OF bent cops?

Neither. The % of America's cops who are corrupt...is less than 1%.


We've already been through that. Im not educating you for free anymore.
The next time you educate someone will be the first. I knew you were lying about the percentage. Thanks for the confirmation.

For it to be over that you'd need about 8, 000 incidents of cops being arrested for criminal corruption in a year. About 20...per day. Which obviously is far below what we have.

If you want...research it through the DOJ. Even if in 2015 we arrested 10, 000 cops...thats still just over 1%. 200 per week. A number that is silly to suggest IF you are informed on just how overblown the "corruption" hype is.
Serious question: are you THAT naive, or is it just that you APPROVE OF bent cops?

Neither. The % of America's cops who are corrupt...is less than 1%.

I'm not so sure Jarlaxie's reference to "bent" cops means corrupt cops. I believe the widely accepted connotation of the words corrupt and crooked used in reference to public officials implies wrongful appropriation of money or other improper inducements.

In keeping with that connotation I'm not inclined to disagree with your one percent corruption figure. But I am inclined to think Jarlaxie's use of the word "bent" has more to do with one's psychological disposition -- such as latent sadism and/or an excessive need to dominate others by imposing one's will and by exaggerated assertion of authority.
Serious question: are you THAT naive, or is it just that you APPROVE OF bent cops?

Neither. The % of America's cops who are corrupt...is less than 1%.


We've already been through that. Im not educating you for free anymore.
The next time you educate someone will be the first. I knew you were lying about the percentage. Thanks for the confirmation.

For it to be over that you'd need about 8, 000 incidents of cops being arrested for criminal corruption in a year. About 20...per day. Which obviously is far below what we have.

If you want...research it through the DOJ. Even if in 2015 we arrested 10, 000 ecops...thats still just over 1%. 200 per week. A number that is silly to suggest IF you are informed on just how overblown the "corruption" hype is.
The point is that they don't get arrested! They get away with all kinds of abuse that anyone else would be held accountable for.
Neither. The % of America's cops who are corrupt...is less than 1%.


We've already been through that. Im not educating you for free anymore.
The next time you educate someone will be the first. I knew you were lying about the percentage. Thanks for the confirmation.

For it to be over that you'd need about 8, 000 incidents of cops being arrested for criminal corruption in a year. About 20...per day. Which obviously is far below what we have.

If you want...research it through the DOJ. Even if in 2015 we arrested 10, 000 ecops...thats still just over 1%. 200 per week. A number that is silly to suggest IF you are informed on just how overblown the "corruption" hype is.
The point is that they don't get arrested! They get away with all kinds of abuse that anyone else would be held accountable for.

Not true. See..the nature of a cops job means he WILL have to use force.on people. And courts have ruled basically that no one is perfect. If YOU were a cop and worked 10 years and got into 100 resisting arrest situations. ..at least 1-2 youd got a bit harder than normal. Its human nature.

So...no. They dont "get away with it". Its their job. If you did that job...the law.grants you leeway to use reasonable force...and even acknowledging sometimes things get rough.

But cops DO get arrested. All the time. You just dont see it. Or dont wanna see it.
Serious question: are you THAT naive, or is it just that you APPROVE OF bent cops?

Neither. The % of America's cops who are corrupt...is less than 1%.

I'm not so sure Jarlaxie's reference to "bent" cops means corrupt cops. I believe the widely accepted connotation of the words corrupt and crooked used in reference to public officials implies wrongful appropriation of money or other improper inducements.

In keeping with that connotation I'm not inclined to disagree with your one percent corruption figure. But I am inclined to think Jarlaxie's use of the word "bent" has more to do with one's psychological disposition -- such as latent sadism and/or an excessive need to dominate others by imposing one's will and by exaggerated assertion of authority.

Pretty much...and note that I consider the cops that cover for the truly corrupt to be just as dirty!

(And hey, it's Jarlaxle.)

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