"protecting" And "serving"

It was federal marshalls killing a family dog that touched off the Ruby Ridge incident. They shot the dog to silence it, the boy shot back to defend the dog, the marshals shot back killing the boy and a family friend killed a marshal with his hunting rifle, and on it went.

Dogs are family. When you shoot them, their family will shoot back.

You often post some good stuff here....but you are way out in left field here. DTMB has posted scores of news reports of police acting badly, or worse yet, getting away with acting badly. And you come here and call him a cop hater? I don't hate cops, but I fear them....because they have sooooooooo much power over my (and my families) life but have very little consequences when they ruin someone's life for no reason. Worse yet, citizens have no realistic means of redress when they encounter an out-of-control cop.

Have you (or anyone) actually READ the details of the DOJ report on Ferguson PD? While Officer Brown himself did nothing wrong, the statistics clearly show extreme racial prejudice in Ferguson. So what is a population supposed to do when those with power, like the police, use that power against them? Human nature is to fight back, and that is what we are seeing. Some people fight back like DTMB is doing, others fight back like they are doing in Ferguson. Others like we saw at Ruby Ridge.

Our government is out of control, and the police are the enforcers.
I look at the ratio of threads people make finding abuses or alleged abuses by police and compare it to the threads they make praising police for valor and exceptional service and make my evaluation based on the emphasis I see.

I don't apologize for calling tazer-brain a cop hater or anyone else who exhibits an inordinate focus on bad cops and screams "Police State!"
If you want to call attention to a problem, you focus on the problem. Good police are not the problem, bad cops and their protectors are the problem, and the point of this thread therefore the selection bias disturbs your ratio.
It was federal marshalls killing a family dog that touched off the Ruby Ridge incident. They shot the dog to silence it, the boy shot back to defend the dog, the marshals shot back killing the boy and a family friend killed a marshal with his hunting rifle, and on it went.

Dogs are family. When you shoot them, their family will shoot back.

You often post some good stuff here....but you are way out in left field here. DTMB has posted scores of news reports of police acting badly, or worse yet, getting away with acting badly. And you come here and call him a cop hater? I don't hate cops, but I fear them....because they have sooooooooo much power over my (and my families) life but have very little consequences when they ruin someone's life for no reason. Worse yet, citizens have no realistic means of redress when they encounter an out-of-control cop.

Have you (or anyone) actually READ the details of the DOJ report on Ferguson PD? While Officer Brown himself did nothing wrong, the statistics clearly show extreme racial prejudice in Ferguson. So what is a population supposed to do when those with power, like the police, use that power against them? Human nature is to fight back, and that is what we are seeing. Some people fight back like DTMB is doing, others fight back like they are doing in Ferguson. Others like we saw at Ruby Ridge.

Our government is out of control, and the police are the enforcers.

Its like a bad pot hole on a 1000 mile highway. It sucks. But its a relatively tiny problem compared to the scope of the rest of it.

I hope you arent taking that DOJ report on face value. It was a hit piece plain and simple.

Without getting too long winded...Holder used statistical grouping and maneuvering that anyone familiar with law enforcement would laugh at....all to achieve the headline.

For example...he counted search after arrest as statistically equal to a non arrest search. So...if a person commits assault and gets arrested...and searched before the jail...he counted that simply as 1 search equal to a cop asking a random Joe to search him for no reason. He also counted arrests for outstanding warrants...even warrants for outside agencies...as equal statistically to any other petty arrest. And you guessed it..the search after arrest counted as a search.

SO...lets say Kansas City put out a BOLO for a robbery warrant. And a Ferguson cop sees the black suspect from the bulletin. He stops him and arrests him on the warrant...and searches him before jail.

THAT Ferguson officer was credited with stopping 1 black male. Arresting 1 black male. Searching 1 black male. All in 1 day.

The analysis of the DOJ report said nearly 70% of searches and arrests were for this...WARRANTS.

SO...its easy to see what a fraudulent political hit this was.
are you fucking kidding, Bucky? Get upset over a shot dog, immediately take the dog's side over the cop. But never take the victim's side when human over the cop.

Thank dear Jebus you are no longer a cop (if you ever were one).
Blue Mafia murders another dog for absolutely no reason

Man Heartbroken After SDPD Kills His Dog NBC 7 San Diego

As a very emotional dog lover...this is one area I can sympathize with. Law enforcement does NOT get enough or any training for dogs. Some cops are terrified of dogs...particularly black officers for some reason.

Story says one cop knelt down to pet the dog...and the other shot it. Drastic difference in how two officers of same dept react to a dog.

A 60 lb pit bull doesnt need to run free. The owner has a responsibility to keep the dog secure. Because like people...some dogs are vicious towards strangers.

Dogs dont always know right from wrong. I have a lot of empathy for this. Thankfully...many police depts are quickly addressing this sad reality that many people fear dogs..and some are cops.

I feel worse for this dog than any aggressive thug who attacks a cop.
It was federal marshalls killing a family dog that touched off the Ruby Ridge incident. They shot the dog to silence it, the boy shot back to defend the dog, the marshals shot back killing the boy and a family friend killed a marshal with his hunting rifle, and on it went.

Dogs are family. When you shoot them, their family will shoot back.

You are right. Dogs ARE family members to many dog owners. Many cops get that. Some dont. Nkw THAT is some change and new training I fully support.

Owners have a responsibility to secure their dogs. But...sometimes the dog still gets out.

Big dogs can maim and even kill. So...cops do need some defense and they shouldnt be expected to get maimed or worse. BUT...those dogs are fairly rare.

Tasers do work on dogs and almost never cause permanent injury to them. Better than shooting the dog.

Some cops just would rather stomp the dog to death. Hell, they do it to five-pound teacup poodles. They blast terrified beagles at point-blank range with shotguns. They do it for the sheer JOY of thuggery!
are you fucking kidding, Bucky? Get upset over a shot dog, immediately take the dog's side over the cop. But never take the victim's side when human over the cop.

Thank dear Jebus you are no longer a cop (if you ever were one).
You've never known the love of a good dog in your pathetic life. I actually feel sorry for you.
Its like a bad pot hole on a 1000 mile highway. It sucks. But its a relatively tiny problem compared to the scope of the rest of it.

I hope you arent taking that DOJ report on face value. It was a hit piece plain and simple.

Without getting too long winded...Holder used statistical grouping and maneuvering that anyone familiar with law enforcement would laugh at....all to achieve the headline.

For example...he counted search after arrest as statistically equal to a non arrest search. So...if a person commits assault and gets arrested...and searched before the jail...he counted that simply as 1 search equal to a cop asking a random Joe to search him for no reason. He also counted arrests for outstanding warrants...even warrants for outside agencies...as equal statistically to any other petty arrest. And you guessed it..the search after arrest counted as a search.

SO...lets say Kansas City put out a BOLO for a robbery warrant. And a Ferguson cop sees the black suspect from the bulletin. He stops him and arrests him on the warrant...and searches him before jail.

THAT Ferguson officer was credited with stopping 1 black male. Arresting 1 black male. Searching 1 black male. All in 1 day.

The analysis of the DOJ report said nearly 70% of searches and arrests were for this...WARRANTS.

SO...its easy to see what a fraudulent political hit this was.

I agree it was a fraudulent hit. Holder and allies had to find "something" to point to after all of their previous allegations.

However the truth can be found in the report, somewhere between the leftist "Hands up, don't shoot" lies and the far right wing "cops never do anything wrong" lies.

Here are some things the DOJ brought up that should raise concerns about the FPD..

1. The FPD worked as a revenue generation machine for the city. E-mails show that FPDs supervisors, including the City Manager, pushed for FPD officers to increase their ticket fines, regardless if the tickets were justified. They even disciplined officers who didn't write enough tickets. Little ferguson received over $3 million in tickets in 2014! Fines for what should be trivial offenses, such as not mowing your yard, are much higher than surrounding areas.

2. Routine excessive use of force, including use of tasers and dogs when they were clearly unnecessary. Video from a "new" taser with camera clearly showed an officer tazing someone who posed absolutely no threat to the officer; just another example of retaliation towards anyone who is any way disrespectful to cops.

3. Sergeant and above personnel REVIEW THEIR OWN "USE OF FORCE" REPORTS! Yeah, we think having police review police is bad, having the specific officer review his own use of force report and see how bad things get.

Worse yet, many apparent uses of force were not reported, as was discovered by emails discussing a use of force incident which no report existed for.

4. Ferguson PD routinely "punished" citizens for "contempt of cop. Dozens of citations for vague laws such as "failure to comply", or "manner of walking" for citizens who simply "irritate" cops. Includingarresting a woman after she called an officer's supervisor describing an arrest she just witnessed but felt there was excessive force in the arrest. Or their own "wanted" system, which had no judicial oversite.

5. Now, onto race. even when using regression analysis to control for non-race based variables, blacks were much more likely to be pulled over and arrested than non-blacks.

Conservatives shouldn't be defending the Ferguson PD. We should be condemning them now this report is out. If we don't, we will become just as bad as the leftists.
Keep in mind 128 Police Officers were killed in the line of duty last year in the U.S. protecting your ungrateful asses.
And they STILL have a safer job than I do! No matter how many times you shriek to the heavens, the fact remains that police officers simply DO NOT have an especially dangerous job! FACTS are stubborn things!
And they STILL have a safer job than I do! No matter how many times you shriek to the heavens, the fact remains that police officers simply DO NOT have an especially dangerous job! FACTS are stubborn things!

Safer? Well...they wear bullet resistant vests to work. That prevents a lot of deaths. They are trained in hand to hand and weapons defense. Which again...helps them win many fights which could end with a cop being dead.

So while your job may be hazardous. ..you arent regularly assaulted at work or need to wear a vest and carry weapons.

You are exposed to hazards...and my be harmed in an accident. But...its apples and oranges. Theres almost no chance you are murdered at work. Cops...much different. Its why they wear vests and carry weapons and train to fight.

But...dying in an accident of some sort...not as big a risk for cops.

Accidental deaths vs. Homicide death. Apples vs Oranges.
Its like a bad pot hole on a 1000 mile highway. It sucks. But its a relatively tiny problem compared to the scope of the rest of it.

I hope you arent taking that DOJ report on face value. It was a hit piece plain and simple.

Without getting too long winded...Holder used statistical grouping and maneuvering that anyone familiar with law enforcement would laugh at....all to achieve the headline.

For example...he counted search after arrest as statistically equal to a non arrest search. So...if a person commits assault and gets arrested...and searched before the jail...he counted that simply as 1 search equal to a cop asking a random Joe to search him for no reason. He also counted arrests for outstanding warrants...even warrants for outside agencies...as equal statistically to any other petty arrest. And you guessed it..the search after arrest counted as a search.

SO...lets say Kansas City put out a BOLO for a robbery warrant. And a Ferguson cop sees the black suspect from the bulletin. He stops him and arrests him on the warrant...and searches him before jail.

THAT Ferguson officer was credited with stopping 1 black male. Arresting 1 black male. Searching 1 black male. All in 1 day.

The analysis of the DOJ report said nearly 70% of searches and arrests were for this...WARRANTS.

SO...its easy to see what a fraudulent political hit this was.

I agree it was a fraudulent hit. Holder and allies had to find "something" to point to after all of their previous allegations.

However the truth can be found in the report, somewhere between the leftist "Hands up, don't shoot" lies and the far right wing "cops never do anything wrong" lies.

Here are some things the DOJ brought up that should raise concerns about the FPD..

1. The FPD worked as a revenue generation machine for the city. E-mails show that FPDs supervisors, including the City Manager, pushed for FPD officers to increase their ticket fines, regardless if the tickets were justified. They even disciplined officers who didn't write enough tickets. Little ferguson received over $3 million in tickets in 2014! Fines for what should be trivial offenses, such as not mowing your yard, are much higher than surrounding areas.

2. Routine excessive use of force, including use of tasers and dogs when they were clearly unnecessary. Video from a "new" taser with camera clearly showed an officer tazing someone who posed absolutely no threat to the officer; just another example of retaliation towards anyone who is any way disrespectful to cops.

3. Sergeant and above personnel REVIEW THEIR OWN "USE OF FORCE" REPORTS! Yeah, we think having police review police is bad, having the specific officer review his own use of force report and see how bad things get.

Worse yet, many apparent uses of force were not reported, as was discovered by emails discussing a use of force incident which no report existed for.

4. Ferguson PD routinely "punished" citizens for "contempt of cop. Dozens of citations for vague laws such as "failure to comply", or "manner of walking" for citizens who simply "irritate" cops. Includingarresting a woman after she called an officer's supervisor describing an arrest she just witnessed but felt there was excessive force in the arrest. Or their own "wanted" system, which had no judicial oversite.

5. Now, onto race. even when using regression analysis to control for non-race based variables, blacks were much more likely to be pulled over and arrested than non-blacks.

Conservatives shouldn't be defending the Ferguson PD. We should be condemning them now this report is out. If we don't, we will become just as bad as the leftists.
"Cops don't do anything wrong" is something you'll never find on our side.

No matter how "far right" you go. Your entire argument is undone by that false dichotomy.
Its like a bad pot hole on a 1000 mile highway. It sucks. But its a relatively tiny problem compared to the scope of the rest of it.

I hope you arent taking that DOJ report on face value. It was a hit piece plain and simple.

Without getting too long winded...Holder used statistical grouping and maneuvering that anyone familiar with law enforcement would laugh at....all to achieve the headline.

For example...he counted search after arrest as statistically equal to a non arrest search. So...if a person commits assault and gets arrested...and searched before the jail...he counted that simply as 1 search equal to a cop asking a random Joe to search him for no reason. He also counted arrests for outstanding warrants...even warrants for outside agencies...as equal statistically to any other petty arrest. And you guessed it..the search after arrest counted as a search.

SO...lets say Kansas City put out a BOLO for a robbery warrant. And a Ferguson cop sees the black suspect from the bulletin. He stops him and arrests him on the warrant...and searches him before jail.

THAT Ferguson officer was credited with stopping 1 black male. Arresting 1 black male. Searching 1 black male. All in 1 day.

The analysis of the DOJ report said nearly 70% of searches and arrests were for this...WARRANTS.

SO...its easy to see what a fraudulent political hit this was.

I agree it was a fraudulent hit. Holder and allies had to find "something" to point to after all of their previous allegations.

However the truth can be found in the report, somewhere between the leftist "Hands up, don't shoot" lies and the far right wing "cops never do anything wrong" lies.

Here are some things the DOJ brought up that should raise concerns about the FPD..

1. The FPD worked as a revenue generation machine for the city. E-mails show that FPDs supervisors, including the City Manager, pushed for FPD officers to increase their ticket fines, regardless if the tickets were justified. They even disciplined officers who didn't write enough tickets. Little ferguson received over $3 million in tickets in 2014! Fines for what should be trivial offenses, such as not mowing your yard, are much higher than surrounding areas.

2. Routine excessive use of force, including use of tasers and dogs when they were clearly unnecessary. Video from a "new" taser with camera clearly showed an officer tazing someone who posed absolutely no threat to the officer; just another example of retaliation towards anyone who is any way disrespectful to cops.

3. Sergeant and above personnel REVIEW THEIR OWN "USE OF FORCE" REPORTS! Yeah, we think having police review police is bad, having the specific officer review his own use of force report and see how bad things get.

Worse yet, many apparent uses of force were not reported, as was discovered by emails discussing a use of force incident which no report existed for.

4. Ferguson PD routinely "punished" citizens for "contempt of cop. Dozens of citations for vague laws such as "failure to comply", or "manner of walking" for citizens who simply "irritate" cops. Includingarresting a woman after she called an officer's supervisor describing an arrest she just witnessed but felt there was excessive force in the arrest. Or their own "wanted" system, which had no judicial oversite.

5. Now, onto race. even when using regression analysis to control for non-race based variables, blacks were much more likely to be pulled over and arrested than non-blacks.

Conservatives shouldn't be defending the Ferguson PD. We should be condemning them now this report is out. If we don't, we will become just as bad as the leftists.
"Cops don't do anything wrong" is something you'll never find on our side.

No matter how "far right" you go. Your entire argument is undone by that false dichotomy.

No clue where you got that from. I posted several concerning findings from the DOJ investigation into Ferguson.

Conservatives should be outraged that the police department is working as a revenue generation machine for the city.

Conservatives should be outraged that cops would routinely use excessive force, including tazing people simply as retaliation for disrespect.

Conservatives should be outraged that Sergeants and above review their own use of force reports.

Conservatives should be up in arms over the Ferguson PD punishing citizens for disagreeing with them, such as when they arrested a woman simply for calling an officer's supervisor.

Conservatives should DEMAND changes when a police department has their own "wanted" system with no judicial oversight.
Its like a bad pot hole on a 1000 mile highway. It sucks. But its a relatively tiny problem compared to the scope of the rest of it.

I hope you arent taking that DOJ report on face value. It was a hit piece plain and simple.

Without getting too long winded...Holder used statistical grouping and maneuvering that anyone familiar with law enforcement would laugh at....all to achieve the headline.

For example...he counted search after arrest as statistically equal to a non arrest search. So...if a person commits assault and gets arrested...and searched before the jail...he counted that simply as 1 search equal to a cop asking a random Joe to search him for no reason. He also counted arrests for outstanding warrants...even warrants for outside agencies...as equal statistically to any other petty arrest. And you guessed it..the search after arrest counted as a search.

SO...lets say Kansas City put out a BOLO for a robbery warrant. And a Ferguson cop sees the black suspect from the bulletin. He stops him and arrests him on the warrant...and searches him before jail.

THAT Ferguson officer was credited with stopping 1 black male. Arresting 1 black male. Searching 1 black male. All in 1 day.

The analysis of the DOJ report said nearly 70% of searches and arrests were for this...WARRANTS.

SO...its easy to see what a fraudulent political hit this was.

I agree it was a fraudulent hit. Holder and allies had to find "something" to point to after all of their previous allegations.

However the truth can be found in the report, somewhere between the leftist "Hands up, don't shoot" lies and the far right wing "cops never do anything wrong" lies.

Here are some things the DOJ brought up that should raise concerns about the FPD..

1. The FPD worked as a revenue generation machine for the city. E-mails show that FPDs supervisors, including the City Manager, pushed for FPD officers to increase their ticket fines, regardless if the tickets were justified. They even disciplined officers who didn't write enough tickets. Little ferguson received over $3 million in tickets in 2014! Fines for what should be trivial offenses, such as not mowing your yard, are much higher than surrounding areas.

2. Routine excessive use of force, including use of tasers and dogs when they were clearly unnecessary. Video from a "new" taser with camera clearly showed an officer tazing someone who posed absolutely no threat to the officer; just another example of retaliation towards anyone who is any way disrespectful to cops.

3. Sergeant and above personnel REVIEW THEIR OWN "USE OF FORCE" REPORTS! Yeah, we think having police review police is bad, having the specific officer review his own use of force report and see how bad things get.

Worse yet, many apparent uses of force were not reported, as was discovered by emails discussing a use of force incident which no report existed for.

4. Ferguson PD routinely "punished" citizens for "contempt of cop. Dozens of citations for vague laws such as "failure to comply", or "manner of walking" for citizens who simply "irritate" cops. Includingarresting a woman after she called an officer's supervisor describing an arrest she just witnessed but felt there was excessive force in the arrest. Or their own "wanted" system, which had no judicial oversite.

5. Now, onto race. even when using regression analysis to control for non-race based variables, blacks were much more likely to be pulled over and arrested than non-blacks.

Conservatives shouldn't be defending the Ferguson PD. We should be condemning them now this report is out. If we don't, we will become just as bad as the leftists.

Don't know where I got that from? Here, I'll embolden it for you. Try to remember what you post next time, 50 First Dates.
There are some far right wing folks, like Bucs, who (almost) always say it wasn't the cops fault. That's what I was referring to.

Now, would you like to discuss the DOJ report or keep parsing words? True conservatives should be outraged at the police excesses found in Ferguson. Unfortunately, all we hear is the (likewise true) statements that the DOJ found no evidence that Officer Wilson acted with racial animosity. While that is truly great to hear, we should look at the rest of the story as well.
Bucs - Cops have dangerous jobs. I get that. That is why we should give them the benefit of the doubt every time. However when there isn't just "doubt", but evidence of wrongdoing....then that cop has not only (potentially) broken the law, but also violated the trust that society gave him/her.

With greater authority comes greater responsibility, and with greater responsibility comes greater rewards....and discipline. Except that is not what we see in many police departments anymore. We see greater authority (no knock warrants), less responsibility (just get home safely, ta'hell with anyone's constitutional rights), and less discipline (Sargeants and above review their own use of force).

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