"protecting" And "serving"

If what I heard is correct, there are 1,000,000 cops in America.

10,000 of them equals 1%.

I don't think there are 10,000 cops each year doing this kind of stuff.

I agree. I think there are far more than that.

I would say that the number of bad cops is-at least-50%. Quite possibly more.

Nope. That's as outlandish as your Rightist counterparts who say at least 50% of all black people are bad.

I would agree it's not 50%, but your analogy doesn't quite work. Your hypothetical race baiter would be claiming 50% (or whatever portion) of black people are "bad" because they're black. Bad police on the other hand are usually bad because they're trained to be.

In other words this is something where we can pinpoint a direct causation and fix it.
If we want to, that is. And the first step is to admit we have a problem.

What's the cops name? You don't know...because the story is still active. As usual....you're spewing nonsense without full facts.

This is in my home state. Guess what happens when you drive a car at a cop? You expect to get shot....AND....probably turn away instinctively. And turning ones body sideways....just like baseball players do.when hit by a pitch. Which. ...would put bullets in the side and rear of arm/shoulder. Idiot.

He tried to run from a drug bust. He realized he may get shot...and human instinct kicked in....and he turned himself away from the gun.

Lesson? Dont steer your car towards a cop.
And legalize weed....because I agree it's not worth this.
Not sure how you turn your body sideways while driving a car but whatever....

Um....you ever reached in the back seat for something. ..or look backwards to back the car up like they teach in drivers ed??? Like that. It's a car. Not an F16 cockpit.
Another dog execution because a month old puppy is a clear and present threat to this coward

Woman facing charges after police shoot kill dog www.wsbtv.com

"He just took a step back and he just shot at the dog," Smarr said. "And then he started laughing afterward."

"The dog was shaking on the ground," Terry said. "And he walked up to the dog and shot it a second time. He walked closer and shot it a second time."

Officer Dennard's file showed several use of force complaints, including a suspension for Tasing a suspect in the neck. But Terry is the one facing charges for not having her dog on a leash or showing rabies paperwork.

And the police wonder why the public hates them more every day. Like I've been saying, they're bringing the backlash on themselves.
Post #829!!

You just MIGHT hit 1000 posts by this threads 1 year anniversary. Out of 1000000 cops....you have...fewer than 100 links. Maybe not even 600. Making that 0.01% of cops or fewer.

Keep working. One day you'll hit the 10000 bad cop mark in a year and expose 1% of them.

So.childish. These links are all isolated and statistically uncommon, localized issues.

I agree. Tell schools to stop fucking calling cops for child discipline. Not their jobs. They aren't doctors or counselors. They sure the hell aren't kindergarten teachers.

Would you rather they put an out of control kid into a bear hug or restraint technique?

This is why cops are starting to just not show up. Good. DontTazeMeBro. ...you'll have a 911 call ignored one day. It's karma.
What is most surprising to me about that flashbang incident is how little attention the media has afforded it. These redundant, unnecessarily aggressive "no-knock" raids are opposed to the most basic principles of Constitutional America.

It was not so long ago that police would only break down a residence door at 3AM to apprehend the most dangerous kind of felon and the warrants necessary to do so were very rarely issued. Today these raids occur many times a day, every day, all over America -- often for mere suspicion of very minor drug offenses, and they often are mistakes.
Botched Paramilitary Police Raids Cato Institute

America is becoming the kind of place we once would read about and thanked God our Country was different. If the same degree of police militarization takes place in future America which has taken place over the past four decades this Nation will be regarded by others the way Americans once regarded the world's most oppressive police states.

It is important for the American People to understand the encroachment of militaristic authoritarianism on the part of American police has been the direct result of Ronald Reagan's War On Drugs, which has utterly failed to do anything constructive in the way of reducing drug abuse but has successfully transformed the character of civilian law-enforcement into something invoking images from George Orwell's fantasy, Nineteen Eighty Four.

DontTazeMeBro. ...835!!! You have a little over a month and you'll hit 1000 posts!! Since most people ignore this thread and don't respond. ..I'll assume it actually posts maybe 700 actual "bad cop" links.

Keep this up...and you just may hit that magic 1000 bad cop link number by the threads 1 year anniversary. ...a whopping 0.1% of all cops!! You are a great American sir. You're truly making a difference.
Another member of the Blue Mafia out of control. Pulls his gun on a man for recording him with his cell phone from his own property.

Welcome to the United Police States of America Cop Pulls Gun on Man Over Being Recorded - SavingtheRepublic.com Video News Opinion

Woohoo!!! 837!!!

Come on man you're gonna make it to 1000! So cool bro. SO cool!

At least you gave a good one this time. That old man is now an EX cop and that's good. He shouldn't have done that shit...unless there was a call to detain that citizen for some reason...but article didn't say there was. Looked like a collision of dumbasses. But one can be a dumbass on their own property....isn't a crime. You know the feeling haha!
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DontTazeMeBro. ...835!!! You have a little over a month and you'll hit 1000 posts!! Since most people ignore this thread and don't respond. ..I'll assume it actually posts maybe 700 actual "bad cop" links.

Keep this up...and you just may hit that magic 1000 bad cop link number by the threads 1 year anniversary. ...a whopping 0.1% of all cops!! You are a great American sir. You're truly making a difference.

Keep yelling, dude...it probably won't distract people from seeing all the stories of bent cops, but if you troll this thread long enough, you might get people to stop opening it.
DontTazeMeBro. ...835!!! You have a little over a month and you'll hit 1000 posts!! Since most people ignore this thread and don't respond. ..I'll assume it actually posts maybe 700 actual "bad cop" links.

Keep this up...and you just may hit that magic 1000 bad cop link number by the threads 1 year anniversary. ...a whopping 0.1% of all cops!! You are a great American sir. You're truly making a difference.

Keep yelling, dude...it probably won't distract people from seeing all the stories of bent cops, but if you troll this thread long enough, you might get people to stop opening it.

Trolling it? Hell....he's lucky. I'm about the only person reading it. I'm cheering him on. Almost 1000 posts!! Woohoo!

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