"protecting" And "serving"

One of the only things you and I can ever agree on regarding cops is I wish they would stop shooting dogs. It's the single worst PR move possible. Even raging cop haters deep down understand self defense vs a human they just won't admit it. But not for dogs. Short of a 100 pound pit....99% of dogs aren't lethal. And...pepper spray is VERY effective on aggressive dogs and no permanent harm. Did it twice in my day. I didn't get bit. Dog didn't get shot.

Plus...cop can sue the owner for.hundreds of.thousands. Lawyers say mail men typically settle for 200K against homeowners insurance for dog bites.

This one I was fully prepared to be 100% against. But as usual...you blow it way out of proportion. It was kinda bad. Cop instinctively pulled a gun....didn't shoot because he saw the dog wasn't gonna be lethal. Girl jumped in just after that. It's obvious.

She jumped in his face...interfered...got arrested.

Was it handled perfect? No. Was it illegal or corrupt? No. It was just a collision of dumbasses with some disgruntled cops.

Nothing more.
Just how many readers here would want to be a cop today and have every sentence, every move scrutinized like the cops today are? I would not want to be one. I admit I could make a mistake in the heat of the moment and wouldn't want to spend the rest of my days in prison.

No one is perfect. Give cops a break except for those who are chronic abusers of protocol.
If you were a cop, and if you are capable of intelligently performing in accordance with the rules of Procedure and the rules of civilized conduct, the only thing you would need to worry about is the behavior of the ten percent who are ignorant, psychologically unstable, uniformed goons whose egregious misconduct unavoidably casts a negative reflection on all cops.

They, along with the many other cops who instinctively rush to defend the misconduct of any rogue cop because of their misguided sense of loyalty and "brotherhood" are the problem.
Just how many readers here would want to be a cop today and have every sentence, every move scrutinized like the cops today are? I would not want to be one. I admit I could make a mistake in the heat of the moment and wouldn't want to spend the rest of my days in prison.

No one is perfect. Give cops a break except for those who are chronic abusers of protocol.
If you were a cop, and if you are capable of intelligently performing in accordance with the rules of Procedure and the rules of civilized conduct, the only thing you would need to worry about is the behavior of the ten percent who are ignorant, psychologically unstable, uniformed goons whose egregious misconduct unavoidably casts a negative reflection on all cops.

They, along with the many other cops who instinctively rush to defend the misconduct of any rogue cop because of their misguided sense of loyalty and "brotherhood" are the problem.

That 10% could cost you your life. Is it worth it? Nah.

I can definitely side with you on this. I have a soft spot for dogs so intense that I'd even side with you. A cop is almost never justified in shooting a dog. A 100 pound fighting pit gnawing on a neck or groin? Absolutely. The only other time....maybe if you're being attacked by a human and the dog is biting your arm and can't defend yourself.

Otherwise...Police must find a solution to.stop shooting dogs.
Just how many readers here would want to be a cop today and have every sentence, every move scrutinized like the cops today are? I would not want to be one. I admit I could make a mistake in the heat of the moment and wouldn't want to spend the rest of my days in prison.

No one is perfect. Give cops a break except for those who are chronic abusers of protocol.
If you were a cop, and if you are capable of intelligently performing in accordance with the rules of Procedure and the rules of civilized conduct, the only thing you would need to worry about is the behavior of the ten percent who are ignorant, psychologically unstable, uniformed goons whose egregious misconduct unavoidably casts a negative reflection on all cops.

They, along with the many other cops who instinctively rush to defend the misconduct of any rogue cop because of their misguided sense of loyalty and "brotherhood" are the problem.

10%??? The Obama/Holder DOJ estimated it at 0.5%. Be accurate.
Just how many readers here would want to be a cop today and have every sentence, every move scrutinized like the cops today are? I would not want to be one. I admit I could make a mistake in the heat of the moment and wouldn't want to spend the rest of my days in prison.

No one is perfect. Give cops a break except for those who are chronic abusers of protocol.
If you were a cop, and if you are capable of intelligently performing in accordance with the rules of Procedure and the rules of civilized conduct, the only thing you would need to worry about is the behavior of the ten percent who are ignorant, psychologically unstable, uniformed goons whose egregious misconduct unavoidably casts a negative reflection on all cops.

They, along with the many other cops who instinctively rush to defend the misconduct of any rogue cop because of their misguided sense of loyalty and "brotherhood" are the problem.

10%??? The Obama/Holder DOJ estimated it at 0.5%. Be accurate.
It would depend what city...Like we are going to believe anything Holder says?
Just how many readers here would want to be a cop today and have every sentence, every move scrutinized like the cops today are? I would not want to be one. I admit I could make a mistake in the heat of the moment and wouldn't want to spend the rest of my days in prison.

No one is perfect. Give cops a break except for those who are chronic abusers of protocol.
If you were a cop, and if you are capable of intelligently performing in accordance with the rules of Procedure and the rules of civilized conduct, the only thing you would need to worry about is the behavior of the ten percent who are ignorant, psychologically unstable, uniformed goons whose egregious misconduct unavoidably casts a negative reflection on all cops.

They, along with the many other cops who instinctively rush to defend the misconduct of any rogue cop because of their misguided sense of loyalty and "brotherhood" are the problem.

10%??? The Obama/Holder DOJ estimated it at 0.5%. Be accurate.
It would depend what city...Like we are going to believe anything Holder says?

True . Each PD is different. Our local one is fantastic. Some arent. Just like the 1000000 humans employed as cops are each unique.

I watched it. That one disgusts me. There must be another answer law enforcement can find to that. I'll side with you on this one. Disgusting and sad.

Most departments strictly forbid warning shots due to liability. But damn....a shit into the dirt is so loud...probably scares the dog away. And I KNOW pepper spray on aggressive dogs works...because I had to use it twice on duty. So do tasers.

I'm not saying cops are obligated to allow themselves to get bitten. But damn....law enforcement MUST find an alternative to shooting dogs that arent an immediate threat to life.

One of my first FTOs kept a little bag of tennis balls and a jar of peanut butter. If he thought a dog was around...He'd toss a peanut butter covered tennis ball first. Dog became happy and focused on that.
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10%??? The Obama/Holder DOJ estimated it at 0.5%. Be accurate.
The Obama/Holder statistic is based on known incidents of misconduct. So are FBI statistics on apprehended criminals based on what is known. But you know as well as I do that for every apprehended criminal there are many who are never caught.

And for every incident of police misconduct revealed since the advent of video devices what percentage would you estimate go unreported?
10%??? The Obama/Holder DOJ estimated it at 0.5%. Be accurate.
The Obama/Holder statistic is based on known incidents of misconduct. So are FBI statistics on apprehended criminals based on what is known. But you know as well as I do that for every apprehended criminal there are many who are never caught.

And for every incident of police misconduct revealed since the advent of video devices what percentage would you estimate go unreported?

A guess? 10% go unreported. 30 years ago I'd say that 50%.

Remember....that DOJ Stat is the number 9f alleged cases of abuse. And as we know....people lie about police abuse all the time. So unreported plus reported plus falsified claims....probably all evens out.
Miami FOP goes on social media smear campaign of woman who video taped two officers beating a handcuffed suspect

Police Union Smears Woman Who Posted Video of Police Beating on Facebook Miami New Times

And here is how they decorate their Web site, while the display their phony outrage.

Brad Heath on Twitter Miami police union is upset that someone posted pics that glorify violence. Here s how they decorated their website. http t.co HrzawZxqWf

What a bunch of cry babies. On both sides.
DontTazeMeBro.....your thread has 12,000 views....but only 8 pretty green like check marks. Why? Other threads get that in mere days. Yours is a year long.

AND not even 900 posts.

Out of 1,000,000 cops....surely you'd have more than just this.
I could understand if a few incidents happen and those individuals meet reprisal, but the issue to me isn't even the behavior of those officers who behave poorly, its the courts that review these cases.

When a court says shooting an unarmed man or woman is legally justified, they allow that behavior to continue with their tacit stamp of approval
I feel better knowing I'm being protected and served against unarmed amputee homeless people.

Bystanders Ostracize as 14 Cops Tackle Amputee Homeless Man Punk Rock Libertarians

Wow. What a liar. There were not 14 cops tackling him. The video doesn't even show a tackle. It shows 3-4 cops...be EXTRA careful and patient...to handcuff the man. And a swarm of liberals and idiots like you began showing up and heckling the cops. So....a lot more cops showed up. For moron control. For people like you.

Headline is lie. But...when your source is "punk rock libertarians" what should we expect.

It's pathetic you idiots get mad over THIS. This was nothing. She's telling them how shitty they are at their jobs. Yeah...I'm sure she would've been much better at arresting the man.

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