"protecting" And "serving"

Are We Training Cops to be Hyper-Aggressive? -- Joshua Holland

>> The median police recruit in the United States will receive 129 hours of instruction on defensive techniques and using his or her gun, baton, OC-spray, and Taser. That cadet will receive another 24 hours of scenario-based training, drilling on things like when to shoot or hold fire. The median trainee also gets 48 hours of instruction on constitutional law and his or her department’s use-of-force policies.

But that same future police officer will receive only eight hours of training in conflict de-escalation. And despite the fact that a quarter of the 838 citizens shot dead by police this year showed symptoms of mental-health issues, according to The Washington Post, the median cadet gets only eight hours of training in crisis intervention.

The study paints a similar picture with in-service training. A total of 59 percent of a cop’s time is spent on using their weapons or defending themselves. That’s more than four times as much time that he or she will spend on de-escalation and crisis intervention. Almost all of the agencies surveyed offer their cops continual training with firearms, but over a third offer zero in-service instruction on conflict de-escalation.

.... “What we’ve learned in England and Scotland is the importance of communication, of engaging and slowing things down in certain circumstances,” says Wexler. “There are times when you get called to a situation where someone is obviously distraught or emotionally disturbed and they might have a knife or a stick or a rock, and that’s where we need to slow things down, maintain a safe distance and call in additional resources. And most importantly, we need to start at a lower level of force and begin to communicate.” He adds: “With a mentally ill person, the worst thing you can do is shove a gun in their face and start barking orders at them. It’s counterproductive.”

Wexler thinks our lightning-fast, high-tech culture is part of the problem. “Some of the officers coming out of police academies approach these situations asking themselves, ‘Which of my technologies can I use to get this person under control? Should I use a gun, or should I use a Taser or a baton or whatever.’ They’re not thinking, ‘What do I have here, what is the situation? How can I take this person who’s at a very high level of anxiety and try to bring them down to earth?’”

... Police are taught to be assertive, establish their authority and immediately take control of a situation. Failing to get that done may be seen as a sign of weakness. Many agencies evaluate cops in part on how many calls they answer, which is another incentive to react to events quickly rather than taking stock of a situation and taking a step back when it’s appropriate to do so. <<

Ultimately then, the dual epidemics of mass random shootings, and the growth of the "Warrior Cop" mentality, have their roots in the same place --- perversions of masculinity.

820-ish. That's all? As I said....the number of incidents where someone is shot dead is so statistically tiny...it's barely measurable.

How the fuck does any of that relate to the post quoted?
Wtf is "820-ish"? Being a "thug" (read: responsible citizen) nobody ever taught me this code.

It's called math retard. You bitch about deescalation. Well....cops shooting a person is SO RARE statistically it's hardly measurable. I say they're doing a fine job.

That's what "820-ish" means, is it? Well ain't that clear as mud.

Obviously you didn't even read the post, since that's not what it was about.
Why am I not surprised. Maybe only we "thugs" can read.
Are We Training Cops to be Hyper-Aggressive? -- Joshua Holland

>> The median police recruit in the United States will receive 129 hours of instruction on defensive techniques and using his or her gun, baton, OC-spray, and Taser. That cadet will receive another 24 hours of scenario-based training, drilling on things like when to shoot or hold fire. The median trainee also gets 48 hours of instruction on constitutional law and his or her department’s use-of-force policies.

But that same future police officer will receive only eight hours of training in conflict de-escalation. And despite the fact that a quarter of the 838 citizens shot dead by police this year showed symptoms of mental-health issues, according to The Washington Post, the median cadet gets only eight hours of training in crisis intervention.

The study paints a similar picture with in-service training. A total of 59 percent of a cop’s time is spent on using their weapons or defending themselves. That’s more than four times as much time that he or she will spend on de-escalation and crisis intervention. Almost all of the agencies surveyed offer their cops continual training with firearms, but over a third offer zero in-service instruction on conflict de-escalation.

.... “What we’ve learned in England and Scotland is the importance of communication, of engaging and slowing things down in certain circumstances,” says Wexler. “There are times when you get called to a situation where someone is obviously distraught or emotionally disturbed and they might have a knife or a stick or a rock, and that’s where we need to slow things down, maintain a safe distance and call in additional resources. And most importantly, we need to start at a lower level of force and begin to communicate.” He adds: “With a mentally ill person, the worst thing you can do is shove a gun in their face and start barking orders at them. It’s counterproductive.”

Wexler thinks our lightning-fast, high-tech culture is part of the problem. “Some of the officers coming out of police academies approach these situations asking themselves, ‘Which of my technologies can I use to get this person under control? Should I use a gun, or should I use a Taser or a baton or whatever.’ They’re not thinking, ‘What do I have here, what is the situation? How can I take this person who’s at a very high level of anxiety and try to bring them down to earth?’”

... Police are taught to be assertive, establish their authority and immediately take control of a situation. Failing to get that done may be seen as a sign of weakness. Many agencies evaluate cops in part on how many calls they answer, which is another incentive to react to events quickly rather than taking stock of a situation and taking a step back when it’s appropriate to do so. <<

Ultimately then, the dual epidemics of mass random shootings, and the growth of the "Warrior Cop" mentality, have their roots in the same place --- perversions of masculinity.

820-ish. That's all? As I said....the number of incidents where someone is shot dead is so statistically tiny...it's barely measurable.

How the fuck does any of that relate to the post quoted?
Wtf is "820-ish"? Being a "thug" (read: responsible citizen) nobody ever taught me this code.

It's called math retard. You bitch about deescalation. Well....cops shooting a person is SO RARE statistically it's hardly measurable. I say they're doing a fine job.

That's what "820-ish" means, is it? Well ain't that clear as mud.

Obviously you didn't even read the post, since that's not what it was about.
Why am I not surprised. Maybe only we "thugs" can read.

God damn you're just too dumb to debate with.

Go back to your safe space you fag thug

Looks like Barney Fife here has just discovered "420". He was only off by half. :lol:

Jesus Christ. Let me see if I can lay this out in crayon - eater terms for you.

820ish= approximately how many people are shot to death per year by cops.

Stats: what proves how incredibly small and rare 820ish is in context to nation size/crime rate/police numbers in US

Deescalation: What you bitch about cops needing

Reality: Me showing you that statistically cops must have quite good deescalation skills since shootings are indeed incredibly rare

I can't put it into much simpler window-licker terms for you. If you can't grasp it now....go eat some glue and grin your ass off.
Looks like Barney Fife here has just discovered "420". He was only off by half. :lol:

Jesus Christ. Let me see if I can lay this out in crayon - eater terms for you.

820ish= approximately how many people are shot to death per year by cops.

Stats: what proves how incredibly small and rare 820ish is in context to nation size/crime rate/police numbers in US

Deescalation: What you bitch about cops needing

Reality: Me showing you that statistically cops must have quite good deescalation skills since shootings are indeed incredibly rare

I can't put it into much simpler window-licker terms for you. If you can't grasp it now....go eat some glue and grin your ass off.

And how the fuck was I, or anyone else, supposed to pull that out of your ass, Barn? There's no such figure or claim anywhere in my article at all.

Interesting number though. About twice as many as there are murders in the city of Chicago in a year. But that, we can talk all day about, right?

820/year = about two and a quarter killed every day... or roughly one person killed by cops every ten hours, 41 minutes.

Jeepers, wonder how that compares to other countries?
Looks like Barney Fife here has just discovered "420". He was only off by half. :lol:

Jesus Christ. Let me see if I can lay this out in crayon - eater terms for you.

820ish= approximately how many people are shot to death per year by cops.

Stats: what proves how incredibly small and rare 820ish is in context to nation size/crime rate/police numbers in US

Deescalation: What you bitch about cops needing

Reality: Me showing you that statistically cops must have quite good deescalation skills since shootings are indeed incredibly rare

I can't put it into much simpler window-licker terms for you. If you can't grasp it now....go eat some glue and grin your ass off.

And how the fuck was I, or anyone else, supposed to pull that out of your ass, Barn? There's no such figure or claim anywhere in my article at all.

Interesting number though. About twice as many as there are murders in the city of Chicago in a year. But that, we can talk all day about, right?


Well....of those 820....how many are "murder" vs a justified shooting? 20 or 30 maybe? Still too many....but an TINY TINY fraction. Like 0.00000001% of police....it's so tiny it's not worth measuring.

Everyone else could grasp that. You're a window locker though so you're behind.
820/year = about two and a quarter killed every day... or roughly one person killed by cops every ten hours, 41 minutes.

Jeepers, wonder how that compares to other countries?

How does the inner city crime rate compare to other countries?

Apples vs Oranges.

You say cops kill someone once every 10 hours. Well....since almost all are completely justified....I can say someone tries to kill a cop every 10 hours and the cops simply win.

See how that works?
Looks like Barney Fife here has just discovered "420". He was only off by half. :lol:

Jesus Christ. Let me see if I can lay this out in crayon - eater terms for you.

820ish= approximately how many people are shot to death per year by cops.

Stats: what proves how incredibly small and rare 820ish is in context to nation size/crime rate/police numbers in US

Deescalation: What you bitch about cops needing

Reality: Me showing you that statistically cops must have quite good deescalation skills since shootings are indeed incredibly rare

I can't put it into much simpler window-licker terms for you. If you can't grasp it now....go eat some glue and grin your ass off.

And how the fuck was I, or anyone else, supposed to pull that out of your ass, Barn? There's no such figure or claim anywhere in my article at all.

Interesting number though. About twice as many as there are murders in the city of Chicago in a year. But that, we can talk all day about, right?


Well....of those 820....how many are "murder" vs a justified shooting? 20 or 30 maybe? Still too many....but an TINY TINY fraction. Like 0.00000001% of police....it's so tiny it's not worth measuring.

Everyone else could grasp that. You're a window locker though so you're behind.

Dafuck is a "window locker"? My windows aren't locked.

Never mind ... :rolleyes:
Looks like Barney Fife here has just discovered "420". He was only off by half. :lol:

Jesus Christ. Let me see if I can lay this out in crayon - eater terms for you.

820ish= approximately how many people are shot to death per year by cops.

Stats: what proves how incredibly small and rare 820ish is in context to nation size/crime rate/police numbers in US

Deescalation: What you bitch about cops needing

Reality: Me showing you that statistically cops must have quite good deescalation skills since shootings are indeed incredibly rare

I can't put it into much simpler window-licker terms for you. If you can't grasp it now....go eat some glue and grin your ass off.

And how the fuck was I, or anyone else, supposed to pull that out of your ass, Barn? There's no such figure or claim anywhere in my article at all.

Interesting number though. About twice as many as there are murders in the city of Chicago in a year. But that, we can talk all day about, right?


Well....of those 820....how many are "murder" vs a justified shooting? 20 or 30 maybe? Still too many....but an TINY TINY fraction. Like 0.00000001% of police....it's so tiny it's not worth measuring.

Everyone else could grasp that. You're a window locker though so you're behind.

Dafuck is a "window locker"? My windows aren't locked.

Never mind ... :rolleyes:

Damn cell phone auto correct.

"Window licker". Retard.
DontTazeMeBros you gonna correct your mistake in trying to call a government racist against blacks....when every single member of Pageland is black?
Looks like Barney Fife here has just discovered "420". He was only off by half. :lol:

Jesus Christ. Let me see if I can lay this out in crayon - eater terms for you.

820ish= approximately how many people are shot to death per year by cops.

Stats: what proves how incredibly small and rare 820ish is in context to nation size/crime rate/police numbers in US

Deescalation: What you bitch about cops needing

Reality: Me showing you that statistically cops must have quite good deescalation skills since shootings are indeed incredibly rare

I can't put it into much simpler window-licker terms for you. If you can't grasp it now....go eat some glue and grin your ass off.

And how the fuck was I, or anyone else, supposed to pull that out of your ass, Barn? There's no such figure or claim anywhere in my article at all.

Interesting number though. About twice as many as there are murders in the city of Chicago in a year. But that, we can talk all day about, right?


Well....of those 820....how many are "murder" vs a justified shooting? 20 or 30 maybe? Still too many....but an TINY TINY fraction. Like 0.00000001% of police....it's so tiny it's not worth measuring.

Everyone else could grasp that. You're a window locker though so you're behind.

Dafuck is a "window locker"? My windows aren't locked.

Never mind ... :rolleyes:

Damn cell phone auto correct.

"Window licker". Retard.

Fine, the question stands -- wtf is a "window licker"?

You have to understand, I left grade school in the early '60s. I'm not up on the newfangled shit you kids today come up with.
Jesus Christ. Let me see if I can lay this out in crayon - eater terms for you.

820ish= approximately how many people are shot to death per year by cops.

Stats: what proves how incredibly small and rare 820ish is in context to nation size/crime rate/police numbers in US

Deescalation: What you bitch about cops needing

Reality: Me showing you that statistically cops must have quite good deescalation skills since shootings are indeed incredibly rare

I can't put it into much simpler window-licker terms for you. If you can't grasp it now....go eat some glue and grin your ass off.

And how the fuck was I, or anyone else, supposed to pull that out of your ass, Barn? There's no such figure or claim anywhere in my article at all.

Interesting number though. About twice as many as there are murders in the city of Chicago in a year. But that, we can talk all day about, right?


Well....of those 820....how many are "murder" vs a justified shooting? 20 or 30 maybe? Still too many....but an TINY TINY fraction. Like 0.00000001% of police....it's so tiny it's not worth measuring.

Everyone else could grasp that. You're a window locker though so you're behind.

Dafuck is a "window locker"? My windows aren't locked.

Never mind ... :rolleyes:

Damn cell phone auto correct.

"Window licker". Retard.

Fine, the question stands -- wtf is a "window licker"?

You have to understand, I left grade school in the early '60s. I'm not up on the newfangled shit you kids today come up with.

I'm only 33 and I have never heard the term window licker either. He's just a psychopath
Are We Training Cops to be Hyper-Aggressive? -- Joshua Holland

>> The median police recruit in the United States will receive 129 hours of instruction on defensive techniques and using his or her gun, baton, OC-spray, and Taser. That cadet will receive another 24 hours of scenario-based training, drilling on things like when to shoot or hold fire. The median trainee also gets 48 hours of instruction on constitutional law and his or her department’s use-of-force policies.

But that same future police officer will receive only eight hours of training in conflict de-escalation. And despite the fact that a quarter of the 838 citizens shot dead by police this year showed symptoms of mental-health issues, according to The Washington Post, the median cadet gets only eight hours of training in crisis intervention.

The study paints a similar picture with in-service training. A total of 59 percent of a cop’s time is spent on using their weapons or defending themselves. That’s more than four times as much time that he or she will spend on de-escalation and crisis intervention. Almost all of the agencies surveyed offer their cops continual training with firearms, but over a third offer zero in-service instruction on conflict de-escalation.

.... “What we’ve learned in England and Scotland is the importance of communication, of engaging and slowing things down in certain circumstances,” says Wexler. “There are times when you get called to a situation where someone is obviously distraught or emotionally disturbed and they might have a knife or a stick or a rock, and that’s where we need to slow things down, maintain a safe distance and call in additional resources. And most importantly, we need to start at a lower level of force and begin to communicate.” He adds: “With a mentally ill person, the worst thing you can do is shove a gun in their face and start barking orders at them. It’s counterproductive.”

Wexler thinks our lightning-fast, high-tech culture is part of the problem. “Some of the officers coming out of police academies approach these situations asking themselves, ‘Which of my technologies can I use to get this person under control? Should I use a gun, or should I use a Taser or a baton or whatever.’ They’re not thinking, ‘What do I have here, what is the situation? How can I take this person who’s at a very high level of anxiety and try to bring them down to earth?’”

... Police are taught to be assertive, establish their authority and immediately take control of a situation. Failing to get that done may be seen as a sign of weakness. Many agencies evaluate cops in part on how many calls they answer, which is another incentive to react to events quickly rather than taking stock of a situation and taking a step back when it’s appropriate to do so. <<

Ultimately then, the dual epidemics of mass random shootings, and the growth of the "Warrior Cop" mentality, have their roots in the same place --- perversions of masculinity.

820-ish. That's all? As I said....the number of incidents where someone is shot dead is so statistically tiny...it's barely measurable.

How the fuck does any of that relate to the post quoted?
Wtf is "820-ish"? Being a "thug" (read: responsible citizen) nobody ever taught me this code.

It's called math retard. You bitch about deescalation. Well....cops shooting a person is SO RARE statistically it's hardly measurable. I say they're doing a fine job.

Of course you do, psycho boy...to you, nothing a cop does is over the line!
And how the fuck was I, or anyone else, supposed to pull that out of your ass, Barn? There's no such figure or claim anywhere in my article at all.

Interesting number though. About twice as many as there are murders in the city of Chicago in a year. But that, we can talk all day about, right?


Well....of those 820....how many are "murder" vs a justified shooting? 20 or 30 maybe? Still too many....but an TINY TINY fraction. Like 0.00000001% of police....it's so tiny it's not worth measuring.

Everyone else could grasp that. You're a window locker though so you're behind.

Dafuck is a "window locker"? My windows aren't locked.

Never mind ... :rolleyes:

Damn cell phone auto correct.

"Window licker". Retard.

Fine, the question stands -- wtf is a "window licker"?

You have to understand, I left grade school in the early '60s. I'm not up on the newfangled shit you kids today come up with.

I'm only 33 and I have never heard the term window licker either. He's just a psychopath

It's because people have been nice and never called either of you that when you could hear it.

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