"protecting" And "serving"

And you can make that statement because you have experience in how to handle a crime scene correct?

The facts are this; you have a video, and that video starts post take down by the officer. Period.

You have no information on what happened prior to that except for what the lady stated and let's be honest suspects always tell a very incomplete story. Unless of course you believe everyone is innocent and the cops are always wrong. LOL.

You also have no experience on securing a suspect, therefore have no idea how hard it is to actually handle someone resisting arrest.

There are plenty of videos out today showing officers handling difficult suspects. One died in New York.

Again, you liberals think you know it all. Let's just call that what it is.
The charges made against that woman by the cops who brutalized and humiliated her have been withdrawn.

Do you know what that means? Do you know what is left?
means nothing other than she won't go to court. That's it.
The charges made against that woman by the cops who brutalized and humiliated her have been withdrawn.

Do you know what that means? Do you know what is left?

Conservatives worship anyone in a uniform. It doesn't matter what happened. He'll never admit the cops did anything wrong. He's too busy salivating over the thought of licking those boots.
And you can make that statement because you have experience in how to handle a crime scene correct?

The facts are this; you have a video, and that video starts post take down by the officer. Period.

You have no information on what happened prior to that except for what the lady stated and let's be honest suspects always tell a very incomplete story. Unless of course you believe everyone is innocent and the cops are always wrong. LOL.

You also have no experience on securing a suspect, therefore have no idea how hard it is to actually handle someone resisting arrest.

There are plenty of videos out today showing officers handling difficult suspects. One died in New York.

Again, you liberals think you know it all. Let's just call that what it is.
The charges made against that woman by the cops who brutalized and humiliated her have been withdrawn.

Do you know what that means? Do you know what is left?
means nothing other than she won't go to court. That's it.

If they had something to prosecute her with they would do it, but you already knew that. Instead you choose to be dishonest and dishonorable like the men who beat her.
DAs drop charges often. Courts are severely back logged. Get an attorney who even stayed awake through an online law school....and you have a 50% chance of charges being dropped just from backed up dockets.

Show us that's the case here.
DAs drop charges often. Courts are severely back logged. Get an attorney who even stayed awake through an online law school....and you have a 50% chance of charges being dropped just from backed up dockets.
D.A.s do not often drop charges in this kind of situation. In fact they do everything humanly possible to avoid doing that because it leaves the arresting officer(s) and their employer vulnerable to criminal and civil charges, respectively, which is what is happening here.

A DA will usually drop a charge when it simply isn't worth the time and effort to prosecute it. In this example the dropped charges means there was no offense. No cause for arrest. The woman was falsely arrested, brutalized, and falsely charged!
I have no faith in my local cops neither. They aren't doing anything when they are supposed to be. They bend the rules as they like, not enforced as I am entitled to.
nope, not at all, that just says the DA dropped felony charges. doesn't at all tell me what happened. Facts not in evidence at this time.

I still want to know her blood alcohol level or blood work on drugs.
The fact in evidence is the prosecutor has withdrawn all charges. In this example the only reason for doing that is the charges cannot be substantiated. So there no longer is a criminal case against the former defendant. She is an innocent citizen who was falsely arrested, brutalized, and falsely charged.

What remains now is how much the City of Carlsbad is willing to pay to avoid criminal prosecution of the cops, which is the usual arrangement. But this woman is pissed off and she is a fighter. A sizable punitive award is a foregone conclusion, so she just might refuse to bargain for more and demand satisfaction in the form of criminal prosecution.

Rest assured right now those cops are cooperating with Internal Affairs like trained monkeys to point out who did what and said what.
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means nothing other than she won't go to court. That's it.
She won't be going back to court as a defendant -- but you may rest assured she will be going to civil court as the plaintiff in one hell of a damage suit. And once that is settled she very well could be going back to criminal court as a complainant against those cops, at least one of whom could be looking at prison time.

Once the charges against her were withdrawn she was immediately eligible to prefer charges against those cops. The fact that those charges were withdrawn makes it clear that the DA's office thoroughly investigated and found them unsubstantiated -- meaning false.

Those guys are in serious trouble.
means nothing other than she won't go to court. That's it.
She won't be going back to court as a defendant -- but you may rest assured she will be going to civil court as the plaintiff in one hell of a damage suit. And once that is settled she very well could be going back to criminal court as a complainant against those cops, at least one of whom could be looking at prison time.

Once the charges against her were withdrawn she was immediately eligible to prefer charges against those cops. The fact that those charges were withdrawn makes it clear that the DA's office thoroughly investigated and found them unsubstantiated -- meaning false.

Those guys are in serious trouble.
I expect Geragos will be quietly distributing information packets about this incident to the media because publicity will significantly aid his presentation to a civil court jury. I'm very surprised to have seen nothing about it on CNN or MSNBC. The only reason I can think of for the omission thus far is media's cooperation with a government effort to cool down the rising anti-cop mood.

This video is bound to piss off a lot of people who ordinarily are pro-cop. It pissed me off to see a grown man punching a prostrate woman in the face and driving his knee into her liver. I believe the cop who did that is the one who had told her to "mind your own fucking business" and was punishing her for reporting him. If I'm right he deserves some prison time.
Department of "protecting and serving" their own -- despite their actions:

Cop Charged with Murdering his Daughter's Teenage Boyfriend gets $160,000 Check after Being Approved for Police Retirement

>> Kepler, 54, was formally charged on August 18 by Tulsa prosecutors with the August 5 killing of 19-year-old Jeremey Lake, who was dating his daughter Lisa. He was also charged with one count of shooting with intent to kill because prosecutors said he shot at his daughter during an alleged confrontation.

Kepler chose to participate in the state's deferred option pension plan in 2010. This allowed him to collect approximately four years' worth of monthly pension payments, plus interest, in a lump sum on retirement, the Tulsa World reports. Records show his monthly pension is $2,947, and the plan has a minimum interest rate of 7.5 per cent, bringing the lump sum total to approximately $162,000.

A 2011 state law was introduced to close a loophole that allowed some government employees to collect pensions even if they were convicted of felonies.

The law bars police officers and other municipal workers from collecting retirement pay if they plead guilty, no contest, or are convicted of a felony for bribery, corruption, forgery, perjury or 'any other crime related to their office or employment'.

Steven Snyder, executive director of the Police Pension and Retirement board, told Tulsa World that Kepler would forfeit his monthly pension if convicted of a felony not resulting in a deferred sentence, but gets to keep his lump sum payment. Kepler's attorney, Richard O'Carroll, argues that he believes the law allows Kepler to keep his monthly payments as well. <<

Note: the time reference "August" refers to August of 2014. To date as far as I've been able to find out he still hasn't been tried.

After kicking his adopted daughter out of the house she took up with the 19-year-old man who volunteered at the shelter where she went for shelter. This guy drove up to them as they walked, and when the kid approached to introduce himself, he shot and killed him. Also shot at his own daughter but missed, and winged the 19-year-old's younger brother.

Three months AFTER doing all this he retires and gets his lump sum of $162,000.
Look at these heroes beating up a defenseless woman for absolutely no reason at all.

Mother was repeatedly punched in the face by police officers

Ah I see word is already out...

>> According to the complaint, which was filed on Friday, Cindy Hahn and her children were leaving a friend's birthday party on July 31, 2013 when they came across a car with its alarm going off. Hahn reportedly asked the officer why the police weren't doing anything as the car alarm sounded. The officer allegedly yelled at her, telling her to "mind your f**king business." Hahn then called a nonemergency police hotline to report the exchange, the report says.

When Hahn was driving home, she realized that the officer was following her before he pulled her over on an alleged seatbelt violation, according to the complaint. The officer allegedly had Hahn get out of the car, and he started beating her up while her children, ages 7 and 11, watched from the back seat. "While she was being beaten and pummeled, Ms. Hahn was crying out for help," the complaint says.

The video of Hahn's arrest was shot by an "out-of-state bystander who was appalled," said Hahn's attorney, Mark Geragos. Hahn and her attorneys contend that the officer pulled her over and beat her in retaliation for calling the police hotline. << -- HuffPo

Geragos is highly experienced in this category of litigation. If everything reported above is true, and if a record of Hahn's complaint to the police is available, she stands to receive a substantial punitive award. It's equally important that a serious and widely publicized example is made of the cops who criminally mistreated her.

Unless they end their lives nailed to crosses and screaming, they got off too easily.
can't see anything prior to what is on video, it's all hear say. I want to know what her blood alcohol level was and drug screen.

Doesn't even matter. You don't pin a woman down and punch her in the face with her kids looking on because her alcohol content was over or under "X", nor was she charged with anything like that.

That's just a stupid point attempting to excuse authoritarian thuggery.

"Small" government conservatives have a love affair with authoritarian thuggery. They can't get enough of it.
so you'd just let someone take an airline down if you had an opportunity to take someone down threatening the plane. Yep, I agree with physical authority when it is called for. You betcha bubba!!!!

Which has absolutely nothing to do with this topic, so I have no clue what it is you're ranting about

That's all right...neither does he.
Another hero selling drugs while on duty


Whoa....bro....it's like SO cool what you do. You like...spend all day hunting bad cop stories...then you like...post them online. Bro...I'm telling you...you're gonna change shit in this country. I bet all the pigs are like...scared as shit cuz you like...post all their shit online. So cool bro....so cool!
means nothing other than she won't go to court. That's it.
She won't be going back to court as a defendant -- but you may rest assured she will be going to civil court as the plaintiff in one hell of a damage suit. And once that is settled she very well could be going back to criminal court as a complainant against those cops, at least one of whom could be looking at prison time.

Once the charges against her were withdrawn she was immediately eligible to prefer charges against those cops. The fact that those charges were withdrawn makes it clear that the DA's office thoroughly investigated and found them unsubstantiated -- meaning false.

Those guys are in serious trouble.
I expect Geragos will be quietly distributing information packets about this incident to the media because publicity will significantly aid his presentation to a civil court jury. I'm very surprised to have seen nothing about it on CNN or MSNBC. The only reason I can think of for the omission thus far is media's cooperation with a government effort to cool down the rising anti-cop mood.

This video is bound to piss off a lot of people who ordinarily are pro-cop. It pissed me off to see a grown man punching a prostrate woman in the face and driving his knee into her liver. I believe the cop who did that is the one who had told her to "mind your own fucking business" and was punishing her for reporting him. If I'm right he deserves some prison time.

Also relevant (and somehow neglected in the above debate over the incident) is that Ms. Hahn is the daughter of a police officer. This was the reason for her initial call to complain about Geragos' behavior -- because she had been raised by a police officer, and she had been taught not only to respect members of the force, but also what to do in the case that she witnessed police misconduct.

Geragos screwed up very badly when he attacked the daughter of a fellow officer.

2 points:

1) This disgusts me. As I've told you before....regardless of any past topics you and I have debated...THIS IS one topic I can drop it all and stand with you on. What the answer is I'm not sure. But this cannot be it. The public will turn on police 100x faster over THIS than over a Ferguson or Baltimore case. I pepper sprayed 2 dogs and it works. My FTO kept tennis balls with peanut butter to toss over fences if dogs were there. Worked every time.

I'm with you 100% on stopping this.

2) Most cops love dogs. Most say they like dogs more than people. Nothing pissed me off more than hearing that random cop saying he'd shoot someone's dog on spot. Fuck that.
Another hero selling drugs while on duty


Whoa....bro....it's like SO cool what you do. You like...spend all day hunting bad cop stories...then you like...post them online. Bro...I'm telling you...you're gonna change shit in this country. I bet all the pigs are like...scared as shit cuz you like...post all their shit online. So cool bro....so cool!

Now.....give us a nice paragraph about what YOU do. I'll start it for you.

I spend all day hunting...............

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