"protecting" And "serving"

there was absolutely no reason to punch her in the face.
I have no clue to that. like i said, it might have been warranted. You weren't there.
I saw the video. There was no reason to punch her in the face.

The cops need to be brought up on charges just like normal people would be.
funny, yep it's on video so you now know it all.
I know they had no reason to punch her in the face.
no you don't. you only think you do because you are a liberal and you think you know everything.
there was absolutely no reason to punch her in the face.
I have no clue to that. like i said, it might have been warranted. You weren't there.
I saw the video. There was no reason to punch her in the face.

The cops need to be brought up on charges just like normal people would be.
funny, yep it's on video so you now know it all.
I know they had no reason to punch her in the face.
no you don't. you only think you do because you are a liberal and you think you know everything.
I know far from everything but I know the cops had no reason to punch her in the face.
I have no clue to that. like i said, it might have been warranted. You weren't there.
I saw the video. There was no reason to punch her in the face.

The cops need to be brought up on charges just like normal people would be.
funny, yep it's on video so you now know it all.
I know they had no reason to punch her in the face.
no you don't. you only think you do because you are a liberal and you think you know everything.
I know far from everything but I know the cops had no reason to punch her in the face.
uh, no you don't.
there was absolutely no reason to punch her in the face.
I have no clue to that. like i said, it might have been warranted. You weren't there.
I saw the video. There was no reason to punch her in the face.

The cops need to be brought up on charges just like normal people would be.
funny, yep it's on video so you now know it all.
I know they had no reason to punch her in the face.
no you don't. you only think you do because you are a liberal and you think you know everything.

Why don't you list for us the reasons --- ANY of the reasons --- that two full grown adult male goons would be justified in punching an unarmed woman in the face?

Do her eyes shoot poison darts or something? What are we missing?
I have no clue to that. like i said, it might have been warranted. You weren't there.
I saw the video. There was no reason to punch her in the face.

The cops need to be brought up on charges just like normal people would be.
funny, yep it's on video so you now know it all.
I know they had no reason to punch her in the face.
no you don't. you only think you do because you are a liberal and you think you know everything.

Why don't you list for us the reasons --- ANY of the reasons --- that two full grown adult male goons would be justified in punching an unarmed woman in the face?

Do her eyes shoot poison darts or something? What are we missing?
you didn't see her resisting eh? Funny, you're blind.
I saw the video. There was no reason to punch her in the face.

The cops need to be brought up on charges just like normal people would be.
funny, yep it's on video so you now know it all.
I know they had no reason to punch her in the face.
no you don't. you only think you do because you are a liberal and you think you know everything.

Why don't you list for us the reasons --- ANY of the reasons --- that two full grown adult male goons would be justified in punching an unarmed woman in the face?

Do her eyes shoot poison darts or something? What are we missing?
you didn't see her resisting eh? Funny, you're blind.
Immaterial. They had no reason to punch her in the face.
funny, yep it's on video so you now know it all.
I know they had no reason to punch her in the face.
no you don't. you only think you do because you are a liberal and you think you know everything.

Why don't you list for us the reasons --- ANY of the reasons --- that two full grown adult male goons would be justified in punching an unarmed woman in the face?

Do her eyes shoot poison darts or something? What are we missing?
you didn't see her resisting eh? Funny, you're blind.
Immaterial. They had no reason to punch her in the face.
why is it immaterial? Did it look like they were being successful in getting her handcuffed? Two very big guys, and they couldn't get her handcuffed. See that tells me immediately she is on something. I'm profiling here.
I saw the video. There was no reason to punch her in the face.

The cops need to be brought up on charges just like normal people would be.
funny, yep it's on video so you now know it all.
I know they had no reason to punch her in the face.
no you don't. you only think you do because you are a liberal and you think you know everything.

Why don't you list for us the reasons --- ANY of the reasons --- that two full grown adult male goons would be justified in punching an unarmed woman in the face?

Do her eyes shoot poison darts or something? What are we missing?
you didn't see her resisting eh? Funny, you're blind.

If I were being punched in the face I'd resist too. And I might add that anyone there witnessing this who jumped in to pull the cops off would have been completely justified in doing so. That's an assault and battery in progress. And that's a crime.

And you didn't answer the question. Because you can't.
funny, yep it's on video so you now know it all.
I know they had no reason to punch her in the face.
no you don't. you only think you do because you are a liberal and you think you know everything.

Why don't you list for us the reasons --- ANY of the reasons --- that two full grown adult male goons would be justified in punching an unarmed woman in the face?

Do her eyes shoot poison darts or something? What are we missing?
you didn't see her resisting eh? Funny, you're blind.

If I were being punched in the face I'd resist too. And I might add that anyone there witnessing this who jumped in to pull the cops off would have been completely justified in doing so. That's an assault and battery in progress. And that's a crime.

And you didn't answer the question. Because you can't.
if that were actually the case then maybe. But it isn't so a moot point.

yeah right, you indeed have a problem with authority.
May as well just start an ongoing thread of all the police abuse around the nation since it's pretty much a daily occurrence now. Here's the latest.

Earlier this week, the San Diego Police Department traumatized an innocent man by pointing dozens of laser sighted machine guns at him as he stepped out onto his balcony Tuesday morning.

The victim, who posted a video of the encounter under the YouTube user name Demetrice Gordon said that a large number of police officers surrounded his building with guns drawn because he “fit the description” of a “black man with a beard.”

They accused me of being armed and came to the wrong home after a woman with a very suspect story claimed to have been beaten and threatened with a gun. While this was happening the person they were supposed to be looking for got away,” said Gordon.

In the first few minutes of the video, as police begin to surround the building, they can actually be seen pointing their guns directly at onlookers who were taking cell phone video recordings. People in the background can be heard scrambling to get their children inside, not to protect them from the alleged criminal, but from the heavily armed police.

Other police reportedly spread out along the street, telling onlookers to get inside and turn their cellphone cameras off.

A Half Dozen Laser Sights on his Chest Still this Guy Asserts His Rights Punk Rock Libertarians

Of course they want the cameras off. They don't want the public to see the way they abuse people's rights.

The serve part's a crock. When hitchhiking down the California coast one summer lots of cop cars sped by but none stopped and offered me a ride. :)
I know they had no reason to punch her in the face.
no you don't. you only think you do because you are a liberal and you think you know everything.

Why don't you list for us the reasons --- ANY of the reasons --- that two full grown adult male goons would be justified in punching an unarmed woman in the face?

Do her eyes shoot poison darts or something? What are we missing?
you didn't see her resisting eh? Funny, you're blind.

If I were being punched in the face I'd resist too. And I might add that anyone there witnessing this who jumped in to pull the cops off would have been completely justified in doing so. That's an assault and battery in progress. And that's a crime.

And you didn't answer the question. Because you can't.
if that were actually the case then maybe. But it isn't so a moot point.

yeah right, you indeed have a problem with authority.

Let's face it -- you're an abject coward. A pussy who stands on the side cheering on the goons because you worship the badge no matter what it's doing. That makes you an enabler, and part of the problem.

You still can't answer my question. Because there IS NO such answer.
May as well just start an ongoing thread of all the police abuse around the nation since it's pretty much a daily occurrence now. Here's the latest.

Earlier this week, the San Diego Police Department traumatized an innocent man by pointing dozens of laser sighted machine guns at him as he stepped out onto his balcony Tuesday morning.

The victim, who posted a video of the encounter under the YouTube user name Demetrice Gordon said that a large number of police officers surrounded his building with guns drawn because he “fit the description” of a “black man with a beard.”

They accused me of being armed and came to the wrong home after a woman with a very suspect story claimed to have been beaten and threatened with a gun. While this was happening the person they were supposed to be looking for got away,” said Gordon.

In the first few minutes of the video, as police begin to surround the building, they can actually be seen pointing their guns directly at onlookers who were taking cell phone video recordings. People in the background can be heard scrambling to get their children inside, not to protect them from the alleged criminal, but from the heavily armed police.

Other police reportedly spread out along the street, telling onlookers to get inside and turn their cellphone cameras off.

A Half Dozen Laser Sights on his Chest Still this Guy Asserts His Rights Punk Rock Libertarians

Of course they want the cameras off. They don't want the public to see the way they abuse people's rights.

The serve part's a crock. When hitchhiking down the California coast one summer lots of cop cars sped by but none stopped and offered me a ride. :)
funny stuff dude.Now you think the cops are limo service. Too funny.
no you don't. you only think you do because you are a liberal and you think you know everything.

Why don't you list for us the reasons --- ANY of the reasons --- that two full grown adult male goons would be justified in punching an unarmed woman in the face?

Do her eyes shoot poison darts or something? What are we missing?
you didn't see her resisting eh? Funny, you're blind.

If I were being punched in the face I'd resist too. And I might add that anyone there witnessing this who jumped in to pull the cops off would have been completely justified in doing so. That's an assault and battery in progress. And that's a crime.

And you didn't answer the question. Because you can't.
if that were actually the case then maybe. But it isn't so a moot point.

yeah right, you indeed have a problem with authority.

Let's face it -- you're an abject coward. A pussy who stands on the side cheering on the goons because you worship the badge no matter what it's doing. That makes you an enabler, and part of the problem.

You still can't answer my question. Because there IS NO such answer.
I answered every question you asked. you didn't like my answer. Too bad. The fact is you have no idea what happened. The video says nothing. ABSOLUTELY nothing about why she was on the ground and detained. NOTHING. And it is very obvious in the video the lady was resisting arrest. And that two very large cops couldn't restrain the lady to put handcuffs on her. hence the punch. And, I am cool with that. you don't have to like what i like, I never asked you to, so don't ask me to agree with you.

Edit: and in typical liberal fashion since you persuade me to agree with you you feel it is necessary to pull out insults. Typical liberal stuff.
Fully agree.

It's weird, I used to live there in Carlsbad. It was a while ago but it's totally not the kind of place I would have expected this kind of juvenile shit to go down. It's an indication of how far this Warrior Mentality where police see themselves as a paramilitary force fighting against the people has permeated the subculture.
I fully agree with that assessment.

At some point in the recent past, owing to an increase in police fatalities and injuries, it was decided that the priority factor in police performance was officer safety. That concern gave rise to various new procedures used by police in dealing with arrest subjects. While some of these procedures are necessary when dealing with subjects who are resisting arrest their use has become not only routine but quite often unnecessarily employed and exaggerated in their application. In fact, these procedures have evolved into a convenient means of brutalizing subjects who are fully cooperative and are not resisting in the least.

This excessive use of force is readily observable in many of the arrest incidents seen in most episodes of the TV "ride-along" documentary series, COPS. This systematic abuse is not something which is commonly observed by the average citizen but its cumulative effect is a contributing factor in much of the rage exhibited in some recent riotous anti-police demonstrations.
you didn't see her resisting eh? Funny, you're blind.
What we saw are two male cops struggling incompetently to handcuff an hysterical female while a third cop thought it was more important to deter a witness than to assist in the restraint -- which should not have been necessary to begin with. As mentioned earlier, if those two males were incapable of restraining that female without punching and kneeing her they don't belong on the street with so little training and/or physical ability.

With only vague recollection of my YMCA wrestling days I am aware of three simple wrestling holds, called "come-along" holds in police terminology, which those two cops could easily have applied to handcuff that woman without all the violence. So unless those two cops are just poorly-trained goons, the other possibility is they were making use of "procedural" methods to brutally punish her earlier disrespectful conduct toward them.

There is no third possibility.
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I have no idea what the lady did. They may be completely justified. She was obviously resisting and she paid for that. that's on her. No one else. I didn't see any kids, did you?

"In July this year, the San Diego District Attorney dropped felony charges against Hahn for battery on a police officer and resisting arrest – which her attorney Mark Geragos says was due to the video."

Mother was repeatedly punched in the face by police officers


That should give you a clear idea of what the woman did or didn't do. The DA dropped the charges against her -- and I'm sure you know what that means. If those cops get away with being fired they can consider themselves very lucky.
you didn't see her resisting eh? Funny, you're blind.
What we saw are two male cops struggling incompetently to handcuff an hysterical female while a third cop thought it was more important to deter a witness than to assist in the restraint -- which should not have been necessary to begin with. As mentioned earlier, if those two males were incapable of restraining that female without punching and kneeing her they don't belong on the street with so little training and/or physical ability.

With only vague recollection of my YMCA wrestling days I am aware of three simple wrestling holds, called "come-along" holds in police terminology, which those two cops could easily have applied to handcuff that woman without all the violence. So unless those two cops are just poorly-trained goons, the other possibility is they were making use of "procedural" methods to brutally punish her earlier disrespectful conduct toward them.

There is no third possibility.
And you can make that statement because you have experience in how to handle a crime scene correct?

The facts are this; you have a video, and that video starts post take down by the officer. Period.

You have no information on what happened prior to that except for what the lady stated and let's be honest suspects always tell a very incomplete story. Unless of course you believe everyone is innocent and the cops are always wrong. LOL.

You also have no experience on securing a suspect, therefore have no idea how hard it is to actually handle someone resisting arrest.

There are plenty of videos out today showing officers handling difficult suspects. One died in New York.

Again, you liberals think you know it all. Let's just call that what it is.

I have no idea what the lady did. They may be completely justified. She was obviously resisting and she paid for that. that's on her. No one else. I didn't see any kids, did you?

"In July this year, the San Diego District Attorney dropped felony charges against Hahn for battery on a police officer and resisting arrest – which her attorney Mark Geragos says was due to the video."

Mother was repeatedly punched in the face by police officers


That should give you a clear idea of what the woman did or didn't do. The DA dropped the charges against her -- and I'm sure you know what that means. If those cops get away with being fired they can consider themselves very lucky.

DAs drop charges often. Courts are severely back logged. Get an attorney who even stayed awake through an online law school....and you have a 50% chance of charges being dropped just from backed up dockets.

I have no idea what the lady did. They may be completely justified. She was obviously resisting and she paid for that. that's on her. No one else. I didn't see any kids, did you?

"In July this year, the San Diego District Attorney dropped felony charges against Hahn for battery on a police officer and resisting arrest – which her attorney Mark Geragos says was due to the video."

Mother was repeatedly punched in the face by police officers


That should give you a clear idea of what the woman did or didn't do. The DA dropped the charges against her -- and I'm sure you know what that means. If those cops get away with being fired they can consider themselves very lucky.
nope, not at all, that just says the DA dropped felony charges. doesn't at all tell me what happened. Facts not in evidence at this time.

I still want to know her blood alcohol level or blood work on drugs.
And you can make that statement because you have experience in how to handle a crime scene correct?

The facts are this; you have a video, and that video starts post take down by the officer. Period.

You have no information on what happened prior to that except for what the lady stated and let's be honest suspects always tell a very incomplete story. Unless of course you believe everyone is innocent and the cops are always wrong. LOL.

You also have no experience on securing a suspect, therefore have no idea how hard it is to actually handle someone resisting arrest.

There are plenty of videos out today showing officers handling difficult suspects. One died in New York.

Again, you liberals think you know it all. Let's just call that what it is.
The charges made against that woman by the cops who brutalized and humiliated her have been withdrawn.

Do you know what that means? Do you know what is left?

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