Protecting Kids

dude....why are most of your threads disturbingly child related???

or about mentally ill trannies
Interesting. I can see both sides on this issue. There are medical/HIPAA confidentiality laws in play - especially for high school and some parents could present a real physical harm. Inversely parents have a right to access their children's records, and counselors are not qualified medical experts for anything.

But the question I have is,
1. why would the school have any records of the situation regardless, to hide or transmit?
2. why are counselors advising elementary kids about gender and changing such.
If parents present a threat of harm, report them to the authorities.
Otherwise, it's just hysterical, mentally ill teachers who are creepily fascinated by the idea of grooming kids into perversion and sterility.
I think that given your craziness kids should be kept away from you and your sort. Sick fucks.
Thats the issue in a nutshell. If a child says they are guy, and the school reports them to the parent (again, why would they know or have a record), what does Bob Blalock do?

If he was in the US he would be a teacher, and a foster parent.
I am a Texan. All your queso are belong to us.

If parents present a threat of harm, report them to the authorities.
This is a good point.

Otherwise, it's just hysterical, mentally ill teachers who are creepily fascinated by the idea of grooming kids into perversion and sterility.
Why do you think its the teachers. You must not know teachers.

Not even then.

My wife was sexually abused by her own father, from the time she was eight years old, until she was ten; ending with her father administering a .357-caliber lobotomy to himself. More than forty years later, my wife still bears much of the trauma of what her father did to her.

But what he did was nowhere near as bad as what the fucked-up faggot, Tainted Tommy, wants to be done to children. A child would be better off in the custody of a piece of shit like my father-in-law, than under the control of Tainted Tommy or any of the fucked-up perverts that he supports. At least my wife was able to develop normally into a woman, get married, and enjoy a long marital relationship with me. The kind of shit that Tainted Tommy supports would deny that possibility to many of its victims.
And what would you do if your child said they were gay?
In politics, pretty much every appeal to "It's for the children!" is a power grab. Bend over.
Here's a teacher who didn't tell the parents about his victim' student's...sexual journey.
Read the whole thing. It's full of interesting facts about the ppl who advocate for child abuse in the schools.


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In politics, pretty much every appeal to "It's for the children!" is a power grab. Bend over.

When it comes from the left wrong, everything that they say that want to do for the benefit of children is usually to the harm of the very children that they claim to want to help.

It's truly a bizarre game that they play, and equally bizarre that they are allowed to get away with any of it. They want to “help” children by filling their heads with insane and immoral sexual perversions and confusion, encouraging them to think they are the opposite of their actual sex, and offering them quasi-medical Frankensteinery to fuck their bodies up for life under the guise of helping them to “affirm” the false sexual identity thus created.
Here's a teacher who didn't tell the parents about his victim' student's...sexual journey.
Read the whole thing. It's full of interesting facts about the ppl who advocate for child abuse in the schools.

sentenced to less than 1 year in jail for 11 felony child sex crimes

By definition, a felony is a crime that calls for at least a year in prison. How is this piece of shit, convicted of eleven such felonies, getting less than a year total? That should be at least eleven years in prison.
And you're OK With the school grooming them and keeping secrets from you?
The schools aren't grooming anyone. I wouldn't have been worried, because unlike Bob Blalock I actually talk to my children. If a school is telling you your child is gay or into sports or Goth or fine haberdashery and you didn't know, you failed as a parent. THATS YOUR JOB, not the school.

I do want to know more about this school counselor thing. We only had academic counselors.

Having said that, I agree generally, that parents should have access to all records of their children. This gets twitchy with high school I could imagine. Inversely to that, I don't see why the school would have a record or reason to record anything about your child except their grades/attendance/discipline.

In politics, pretty much every appeal to "It's for the children!" is a power grab. Bend over.
This is true.
When it comes from the left wrong, everything that they say that want to do for the benefit of children is usually to the harm of the very children that they claim to want to help.

It's truly a bizarre game that they play, and equally bizarre that they are allowed to get away with any of it. They want to “help” children by filling their heads with insane and immoral sexual perversions and confusion, encouraging them to think they are the opposite of their actual sex, and offering them quasi-medical Frankensteinery to fuck their bodies up for life under the guise of helping them to “affirm” the false sexual identity thus created.
Yet you're the one who posted all the gay posts in the Confederate Flag thread...
Thats the issue in a nutshell. If a child says they are guy, and the school reports them to the parent (again, why would they know or have a record), what does Bob Blalock do?

I am a Texan. All your queso are belong to us.

This is a good point.

Why do you think its the teachers. You must not know teachers.

And what would you do if your child said they were gay?
None of your business, just as it is none of the business of the perverted groomers in the schools.
The schools aren't grooming anyone. I wouldn't have been worried, because unlike Bob Blalock I actually talk to my children. If a school is telling you your child is gay or into sports or Goth or fine haberdashery and you didn't know, you failed as a parent. THATS YOUR JOB, not the school.

I do want to know more about this school counselor thing. We only had academic counselors.

Having said that, I agree generally, that parents should have access to all records of their children. This gets twitchy with high school I could imagine. Inversely to that, I don't see why the school would have a record or reason to record anything about your child except their grades/attendance/discipline.

This is true.

Yet you're the one who posted all the gay posts in the Confederate Flag thread...
The schools aren't grooming anyone. I wouldn't have been worried, because unlike Bob Blalock I actually talk to my children. If a school is telling you your child is gay or into sports or Goth or fine haberdashery and you didn't know, you failed as a parent. THATS YOUR JOB, not the school.

I do want to know more about this school counselor thing. We only had academic counselors.

Having said that, I agree generally, that parents should have access to all records of their children. This gets twitchy with high school I could imagine. Inversely to that, I don't see why the school would have a record or reason to record anything about your child except their grades/attendance/discipline.

This is true.

Yet you're the one who posted all the gay posts in the Confederate Flag thread...
Maybe read the fucking article next time
When it comes from the left wrong, everything that they say that want to do for the benefit of children is usually to the harm of the very children that they claim to want to help.

It's truly a bizarre game that they play, and equally bizarre that they are allowed to get away with any of it. They want to “help” children by filling their heads with insane and immoral sexual perversions and confusion, encouraging them to think they are the opposite of their actual sex, and offering them quasi-medical Frankensteinery to fuck their bodies up for life under the guise of helping them to “affirm” the false sexual identity thus created.
You dont give a fuck about the kidz. You just hate gay folk. Probably because a bad thing happened to you.
Sort yourself out kid. Before you kill someone.

So this California school is being sued for following Caifornian law.

The law states that LGBTQ kids cannot be outed to parents without permission of the child. That seems pretty sensible. The kid knows bet how their parent will react.

Meantime money is drained away from actual education.

This all seems to be a part of the "conservative" war on gay folk, A war they have already lost.

But teachers are still left in an awkward position. I cant see it changing until the right grows up and adopts civilisation.

We dont really have these conversations in the UK.
After what has happened to children in the UK you have a lot of nerve. Stop the grooming and gang rapes and get back to us.

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