Protest against police lawlessness

Even if there was a shot fired in the patrol car and the boy ran, the initial witness statements are that the boy complied down the road and was shot. If there are no evidence of weapons on or near the boy, what happened in the car does not excuse a police execution in the road.

If the evidence stands up, the charges will be murder in the first with a plea offered for life if the cop takes murder in the second.

You are really deluded about how the justice system treats cops. Remember that cop who shot the teenaged that was being held down by 3 other cops? What was the charge in that case again?

I see that case and raise you this

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Riots are in Ferguson. Residents of Ferguson, Missouri, have destroyed several shops and gathered outside the police station. Riots provoked by the incident of policeman, who shot 18-year-old boy.
Several hundred city residents, gathered in the streets, beat box cars and smash shops. People gathered outside the police station, chanting: "What do we want? - Justice! When we want it? - Now!"

Sounds like time to bring out the riot police, then. Shotguns loaded with 00 buckshot, flamethrowers, machine guns...shoot into the mob until it disperses.
You are really stupid if you believe all cops are let off.

They have this guy dead to rights.

How about the cop who is facing 2nd degree/manslaughter charges in NYC for the choke hold?

Want to bet all your rep on it?

The worst that is going to happen is the feds my charge him with violating the kids civil rights.
Even if there was a shot fired in the patrol car and the boy ran, the initial witness statements are that the boy complied down the road and was shot. If there are no evidence of weapons on or near the boy, what happened in the car does not excuse a police execution in the road.

If the evidence stands up, the charges will be murder in the first with a plea offered for life if the cop takes murder in the second.

You are really deluded about how the justice system treats cops. Remember that cop who shot the teenaged that was being held down by 3 other cops? What was the charge in that case again?

I see that case and raise you this

Yep, the cops beat him to death, on camera, and got off.
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Breaking a window in a local store and stealing the contents from some poor jerk who is barely making a living is a pretty good way of protesting police "lawlessness" ...or not.
Assume there's no video or they'd be showing it on the news.

If he was being arrested, wrestled with the officer, made a grab for his gun, it's a justified homocide. Since that's what the police department is saying happened, let's wait and see what the board of inquiry determines before we run amok.
Riots are in Ferguson. Residents of Ferguson, Missouri, have destroyed several shops and gathered outside the police station. Riots provoked by the incident of policeman, who shot 18-year-old boy.
Several hundred city residents, gathered in the streets, beat box cars and smash shops. People gathered outside the police station, chanting: "What do we want? - Justice! When we want it? - Now!"

And then they looted and took stuff...
Riots are in Ferguson. Residents of Ferguson, Missouri, have destroyed several shops and gathered outside the police station. Riots provoked by the incident of policeman, who shot 18-year-old boy.
Several hundred city residents, gathered in the streets, beat box cars and smash shops. People gathered outside the police station, chanting: "What do we want? - Justice! When we want it? - Now!"

And then they looted and took stuff...

And when they did, they should of lost the debate.
Riots are in Ferguson. Residents of Ferguson, Missouri, have destroyed several shops and gathered outside the police station. Riots provoked by the incident of policeman, who shot 18-year-old boy.
Several hundred city residents, gathered in the streets, beat box cars and smash shops. People gathered outside the police station, chanting: "What do we want? - Justice! When we want it? - Now!"

Sounds like time to bring out the riot police, then. Shotguns loaded with 00 buckshot, flamethrowers, machine guns...shoot into the mob until it disperses.

5,000 blacks murdered every year, mostly by the hand of other blacks. Yet, they go nuts and burn down stores over this? Blind is what I call it.

Shame on them. Their hatred of whites is screwing them from reality.
Riots are in Ferguson. Residents of Ferguson, Missouri, have destroyed several shops and gathered outside the police station. Riots provoked by the incident of policeman, who shot 18-year-old boy. Several hundred city residents, gathered in the streets, beat box cars and smash shops. People gathered outside the police station, chanting: "What do we want? - Justice! When we want it? - Now!"

Sounds to me like it's a good time to own a gun.

I'd love to see rioters come to my house. :badgrin:
A now deceased friend of mine.....ex police lieutenant......used to say about the blacks, "They are one generation removed from the tree's". You see shit like this and you know, it does resonate does it not?
Assume there's no video or they'd be showing it on the news.

If he was being arrested, wrestled with the officer, made a grab for his gun, it's a justified homocide. Since that's what the police department is saying happened, let's wait and see what the board of inquiry determines before we run amok.

Probaby not if the board determines he was just multiple times in t he face and chest with his arms raised and with no weapon at reach.
The fact that professional leeches and opportunistic freeloading shake down artists like the so-called "reverends" Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have not put in an appearance yet, seems to prove that what the cop did was nothing more than doing his duty.
Even if there was a shot fired in the patrol car and the boy ran, the initial witness statements are that the boy complied down the road and was shot. If there are no evidence of weapons on or near the boy, what happened in the car does not excuse a police execution in the road.

If the evidence stands up, the charges will be murder in the first with a plea offered for life if the cop takes murder in the second.

And we all know the witness would never lie .......
If you can find iron clad proof the cop executed him,by all means prosecute the shit out of him.
But I'm going to need more than some ne'er do well with an ax to grind telling me it happened that way.

The forensics may be that "iron clad" for which you are asking.

There was no weapon on him or near him. He was shot in the face and the chest, which means he was facing the shooter. It is unnecessary for eyewitness testimony if the foregoing is the evidence.
The cop shot the simian when the simian shoved the cop backwards into the patrol car then went after the cop's gun. A struggle took place and the cop managed to get his gun out and he shoot the simian in the face/chest. The simian lurched backwards and stood upright and began to move away from the car and the cop shot the simian again for good luck.........make that bad luck for a simian who thought he could get into it with a cop carrying a loaded gun.
and liberals tell us to turn in our guns and let the police who are trained handle everything.
Even if there was a shot fired in the patrol car and the boy ran, the initial witness statements are that the boy complied down the road and was shot. If there are no evidence of weapons on or near the boy, what happened in the car does not excuse a police execution in the road.

If the evidence stands up, the charges will be murder in the first with a plea offered for life if the cop takes murder in the second.

Were the witnesses other black teens ?

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