Protest, protest, protest, protest, but the St. Louis one is interesting.....

The problem is these people believed the like "american dream" and that hard work will make one achieve. That's a bunch of be...always has been. Barely scraping by is the american dream. Having a few bucks left for an ice cold beer is what 99 percent should expect. Instead they've been indoctrinated into thinking america is a utopian place like that exists. Be happy you have a place to sleep and some Mac n cheese in your gut. It isn't a great place but its better than any other place.
. People have been held back in life by the greedy, and once the trend reached fever pitch, then those people have figured many ways to express their dissatisfaction of the way that they have been treated in life, and especially if they find that many others have also suffered the same fate. So social media, protest, and other venues have become favored by the down troddined in life. Some have legitimate claims while others want something for nothing.
Workers shouldn't expect to ever get ahead. That's strictly for the owners. Why are people so ungodly stupid as to belie e they are going or should live even somewhat comfortably?
All my family members went to college and have at least one degree. All are living comfortably and smartly. Don't depend on government for anything. You make your own place in our society. If you really wanted more than a case of beer each week, you would have made sure you were prepared for a very good job and intended to work hard in it.
The dirty little secret is owners despise their workers and those workers are looked at as shear liability.
. In many cases today, you are correct. Insurance companies are making it especially hard.
The problem is these people believed the like "american dream" and that hard work will make one achieve. That's a bunch of be...always has been. Barely scraping by is the american dream. Having a few bucks left for an ice cold beer is what 99 percent should expect. Instead they've been indoctrinated into thinking america is a utopian place like that exists. Be happy you have a place to sleep and some Mac n cheese in your gut. It isn't a great place but its better than any other place.
. People have been held back in life by the greedy, and once the trend reached fever pitch, then those people have figured many ways to express their dissatisfaction of the way that they have been treated in life, and especially if they find that many others have also suffered the same fate. So social media, protest, and other venues have become favored by the down troddined in life. Some have legitimate claims while others want something for nothing.
Tell me how someone is held back by the greedy.
I'm retired from my business. My son runs it now. I'm no victim I'm just stating facts. People believe that because they live in america they are going to hit it big because they are willing to work hard. That's pure bunk and irrefutable. Why not be happy with scraping by? More and more working young people are not getting married and not having kids to make their lives easier and better. Can't say I blame them. America isn't the saving grace. One must work hard to barely make it. That's realism.
Workers shouldn't expect to ever get ahead. That's strictly for the owners. Why are people so ungodly stupid as to belie e they are going or should live even somewhat comfortably?
All my family members went to college and have at least one degree. All are living comfortably and smartly. Don't depend on government for anything. You make your own place in our society. If you really wanted more than a case of beer each week, you would have made sure you were prepared for a very good job and intended to work hard in it.
. Always remember that the wealthy also love the needy, because it is an exploitable trait in those who can at least make it to the job site. It seems these days that the more needy one is, then the more they love it if they are in the kind of business that allows them to exploit the needy. Education was pushed heavily over the years in order to stop the problem of exploiting people, and to also equal out the respect for one another.
I'm retired from my business. My son runs it now. I'm no victim I'm just stating facts. People believe that because they live in america they are going to hit it big because they are willing to work hard. That's pure bunk and irrefutable. Why not be happy with scraping by? More and more working young people are not getting married and not having kids to make their lives easier and better. Can't say I blame them. America isn't the saving grace. One must work hard to barely make it. That's realism.
So you did make your place. No one held you back, you worked hard and probably were smart enough to save and invest. School is the most important factor of predicting future success. Either degrees or learning skills. We make our own future and don't depend on others for our own success.
Workers shouldn't expect to ever get ahead. That's strictly for the owners. Why are people so ungodly stupid as to belie e they are going or should live even somewhat comfortably?
All my family members went to college and have at least one degree. All are living comfortably and smartly. Don't depend on government for anything. You make your own place in our society. If you really wanted more than a case of beer each week, you would have made sure you were prepared for a very good job and intended to work hard in it.
. Always remember that the wealthy also love the needy, because it is an exploitable trait in those who can at least make it to the job site. It seems these days that the more needy one is, then the more they love it if they are in the kind of business that allows them to exploit the needy. Education was pushed heavily over the years in order to stop the problem of exploiting people, and to also equal out the respect for one another.
Could you explain that for me? I don't think I understand.
You miss the point....I'm not surprised. My point is hard work will get one a little ways but its no guarantee that one will create enough wealth to live a good life. There are no guarantees in america but some believe america will provide them with the means to get ahead. NO it won't. I don't blame the wealthy. I blame those that espouse the American dream myth.
Workers shouldn't expect to ever get ahead. That's strictly for the owners. Why are people so ungodly stupid as to belie e they are going or should live even somewhat comfortably?
All my family members went to college and have at least one degree. All are living comfortably and smartly. Don't depend on government for anything. You make your own place in our society. If you really wanted more than a case of beer each week, you would have made sure you were prepared for a very good job and intended to work hard in it.

You depend on government for.many things. For someone who claims to have a college education, you sure don't know much.

Think on it for a minute. I'll bet you can name several things that you depend on the government for.

Nobody held me back but I don't believe we should espouse the mythical american dream because that is beyond dumb and fictitious. So if one has enough for an ice cold beer that should be good enough. It isn't going to get much better no matter how hard one works.
If people are on equal footing in smarts or having a basic education (although one is the boss, and the other is the worker), then it is less likely that the boss would attempt to exploit or wrongfully treat the worker in such a case. This then causes the boss to respect the worker, and the worker to respect the boss while both have shared goals to be productive, and great employees for their company.
You miss the point....I'm not surprised. My point is hard work will get one a little ways but its no guarantee that one will create enough wealth to live a good life. There are no guarantees in america but some believe america will provide them with the means to get ahead. NO it won't. I don't blame the wealthy. I blame those that espouse the American dream myth.
Perhaps our pasts are different. I lived in the middle class, perhaps a bit above, but my father worked hard and made an excellent living. He went to college, but did not finish.
My brother went to college and ended up as Vice Pres. in a very familiar international company. My son went to college and is in line for the Vice Presidency in another familiar company. I am the black sheep and although had two degrees, ended up as teacher and consultant making a decent wage. All live comfortably for we live well, but not extravagant.
In America, I think we find the closest to a guarantee if you have the brains and drive to succeed.
Nobody held me back but I don't believe we should espouse the mythical american dream because that is beyond dumb and fictitious. So if one has enough for an ice cold beer that should be good enough. It isn't going to get much better no matter how hard one works.
. You might be right, because alot has changed over the years, and closeness between worker and company is becoming a thing of the past. Just remember this though, that as we get weaker so does the country on whole.
Workers shouldn't expect to ever get ahead. That's strictly for the owners. Why are people so ungodly stupid as to belie e they are going or should live even somewhat comfortably?
All my family members went to college and have at least one degree. All are living comfortably and smartly. Don't depend on government for anything. You make your own place in our society. If you really wanted more than a case of beer each week, you would have made sure you were prepared for a very good job and intended to work hard in it.

You depend on government for.many things. For someone who claims to have a college education, you sure don't know much.

Think on it for a minute. I'll bet you can name several things that you depend on the government for.

I depend on the governement to allow me to choose my direction in life. I depend on the governemnt to allow me to live in a safe country. I pay taxes for the services I get.
Nobody held me back but I don't believe we should espouse the mythical american dream because that is beyond dumb and fictitious. So if one has enough for an ice cold beer that should be good enough. It isn't going to get much better no matter how hard one works.
. You might be right, because alot has changed over the years, and closeness between worker and company is becoming a thing of the past. Just remember this though, that as we get weaker so does the country on whole.
That is true. And that scares me when I see these liberals who cry about the 1%, cry for crayons and play dough for feelings being "hurt." Fewer people are making their own destiny but playing the victim because it is so much easier.
Workers shouldn't expect to ever get ahead. That's strictly for the owners. Why are people so ungodly stupid as to belie e they are going or should live even somewhat comfortably?
All my family members went to college and have at least one degree. All are living comfortably and smartly. Don't depend on government for anything. You make your own place in our society. If you really wanted more than a case of beer each week, you would have made sure you were prepared for a very good job and intended to work hard in it.

You depend on government for.many things. For someone who claims to have a college education, you sure don't know much.

Think on it for a minute. I'll bet you can name several things that you depend on the government for.

. Depending on government to a degree of becoming to dependent is very bad, and the government attempting to make dependents out of millions is way bad.

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