Protesters block 110 Freeway in downtown L.A. demanding cease-fire in Gaza

I despise people that would let a baby die in ambulance just to protest things that have no direct control over,.
I am not for violence but if an irate mother of a sick child kills a bunch of them sign me up for the jury
At the very least, the mother should be able to use her phone to record the faces of everyone that blocked the ambulance and be allowed to sue each and every one of them for damages, lots of damages.
Well it's not like they have regular jobs to go to....

Nobody in CA works for a living anymore....they live off of gubberment cheese.
plenty do have real jobs. just dems make it hard to survive here. over pricing everything.

no one is getting into L.A. today. protestors causing a freeway jam. good greef watch if some one runs into them they will sue,

Support for Hamas is a core value of the DemoKKKrat party.
Blacks kill at an enormous rate way out of their demographics because of their culture of violence.

Those are not bogus stats you dumbass. They come directly from the police and newspaper reports in Chicago. How come you are always in denial about the destruction that we see from Black culture? Is it because you don't want to know the truth? Typical Black unwilling to face reality, aren't you?

*Source Data & Editor’s Note

We compile our own dataset using the following sources: Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, Sun-Times Homicide Tracker, Cook County Medical Examiner, CPD’s Historical Data Set, City of Chicago Data Portal, Chicago Police Department Arrest Record Search, CPD CLEARMAP, Various CPD Dashboards, ISP Expressway Shooting Dashboard, CPD’s Media Major Incident Notifications and the needlessly woke Chicago Violence Reduction Dashboard.

Community areas and neighborhoods are determined by’s most excellent Incident Map or the Chicago Tribune’s Boundaries App.
Chicago is ONE city in America, does the majority of black folks live in Chicago?

That's funny a white racist talking about someone not wanting to face reality.

Give me 3 black gun manufacturers in America.

Tell me why drugs are allowed to be sold on the corners in the Hood? Tell me why you don't see that happening in white neighborhoods.
Bullshit they are!

Blacks kill other Blacks way out of proportion to their demographics like I showed you in the reference earlier. It is that way in all these Democrat controlled ghetto shitholes.

The only good news you assholes have is that because of Potatohead allowing so many goddamn Illegals flood in the Hispanics will soon catch up. They may even surpass.

Kinda like when Carter was considered the Worst President in the History of the Republic until Queer Barry took over the spot. Now Mr Potatohead has taken it away from Queer Barry.
Don't whites kill whites?

Black folks walk the streets in our neighborhoods everyday, we shop everyday, we go to restaurants everyday.

You love to try and call a black man gay, to demean him. How do you know he is gay? How do we know that you are not gay?
That doesn't make any sense.

Neither do you, skippy. Think real hard. How many California asshats are moving to Nevada?

If they move to Clark County they are almost all progressive morons, desiring to turn nevada into that which they just fled.
Neither do you, skippy. Think real hard. How many California asshats are moving to Nevada?

If they move to Clark County they are almost all progressive morons, desiring to turn nevada into that which they just fled.
I still don’t see what that has to do with anything I said. I’m not sure you do either.
Israel has an answer for it. They are called the 'Teddy Bear'. Puts you right to sleep, every time.

If you had 1000 persons in a group but only 100 were Black (10%).

Suppose they had 100 total murders committed by persons in that 1000 group over one year. You find out Blacks (from the group) committed 60 of those murders (60%). 10 murders by White, 20 murders by Brown & 10 murders by mixed, unknown or other.

That is over-representation in simple terms. Numbers cannot lie. Then you go to the other violent felonies, it is "off the charts" in almost every category (compared to total numbers). Need to clean this up.
IM2 & Superbadbrutha need to wake the heck up.
What if a frog had a glass ass? It would break every time he jumps.
Most motorists were on their way to work.

Maybe some motorists were taking loved ones to medical appointments.

Yet a few losers were planting their rear ends on the freeway to stop cars. (Try that in most countries, and those protesters' families would be planning funerals today.)
You have never been to L.A. the 110 in downtown is an interchange, Tie that up and you tie up hwy101 ( Hollywood Freeway), US 10 (Santa Monica Freeway) US 5 (Golden State Freeway) AND the Pasadena Freeway.
Tempers will flare eventually if they aren't stopped from doing this. Somebody will run one of them over. Somebody will punch one of them out. It's just a matter of time. If you were a responsible political leader you'd nip it in the bud before that happened but this is California and they don't HAVE responsible political leaders!
It’s already started. Remember the tribal Police breaking the roadblock near Burning Man this year!?
You have not been to a blocked freeway I take it. How would they get said bus there? Where is said bus coming from?

I agree, but having been stuck on a bus on a freeway more than once, aint nothing easy about that situation.
Gee, Zinc...if I were them I'd drive that bus right up the empty freeway ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BLOCKADE!!! It's amusing that you couldn't think of that. Duh?

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