Protesters block 110 Freeway in downtown L.A. demanding cease-fire in Gaza

A black man better have an Army with him if he walks up on that racist compound you live in.

What a laugh. Black people are safe in my area. The only time they have a concern is when black gangbangers come over from California to cause trouble.
A black man better have an Army with him if he walks up on that racist compound you live in.
My neighborhood isn't 100% White.

My neighbor is a Black but he is the kind of Black you hateful shitheads despise.

He is a successful Middle Class Conservative. He voted for Trump. He is not on welfare. He has firearms and we go shooting together frequently. His wife is a BOA executive. His son graduated from West Point. I'm the one that taught his son how to build an AR-15 from scratch.

All three of them are intelligent hard working people that got where they are on their own merits and not because of some stupid AA or Diversity program. I told him the story about discriminating against Blacks when I was an Engineering Director and he agreed it was a smart thing to do.

He will be the first to tell you that Democrats are destructive to this country and most Blacks are sorry ass welfare queens. He escaped from the Democrat Plantation a long time ago and is proud of it.

You little hateful shitheads would call him an Uncle Tom and resent his success and not being on welfare.

By the way, in the 20 years I have been living in this neighborhood there have been no murders, no home invasions, no burglaries, no stolen vehicles, no sexual assaults, or anything else I can think of. You know, the type of things that are daily occurrences in any predominate minority neighborhood.
My neighborhood isn't 100% White.

My neighbor is a Black but he is the kind of Black you hateful shitheads despise.

He is a successful Middle Class Conservative. He voted for Trump. He is not on welfare. He has firearms and we go shooting together frequently. His wife is a BOA executive. His son graduated from West Point. I'm the one that taught his son how to build an AR-15 from scratch.

All three of them are intelligent hard working people that got where they are on their own merits and not because of some stupid AA or Diversity program. I told him the story about discriminating against Blacks when I was an Engineering Director and he agreed it was a smart thing to do.

He will be the first to tell you that Democrats are destructive to this country and most Blacks are sorry ass welfare queens. He escaped from the Democrat Plantation a long time ago and is proud of it.

You little hateful shitheads would call him an Uncle Tom and resent his success and not being on welfare.

By the way, in the 20 years I have been living in this neighborhood there have been no murders, no home invasions, no burglaries, no stolen vehicles, no sexual assaults, or anything else I can think of. You know, the type of things that are daily occurrences in any predominate minority neighborhood.
Yes indeed. Same here. One of my neighbors is a black retired Air Force officer.

When he and his family first moved here I took them on a flight around the region so they could get a birds eye view.

He still uses my plane to take his wife on trips to visit their kids in college around the country, and he acts as PIC for when I want to go flying.

He's a great guy, and his family is wonderful.
Yes indeed. Same here. One of my neighbors is a black retired Air Force officer.

When he and his family first moved here I took them on a flight around the region so they could get a birds eye view.

He still uses my plane to take his wife on trips to visit their kids in college around the country, and he acts as PIC for when I want to go flying.

He's a great guy, and his family is wonderful.
To me there is really no differences in the races. However, there is a tremendous difference in culture. Just look at how Asian culture in the US produces high achievers and how Black culture produces criminals and welfare queens.

Black ghetto culture is a very destructive force in this country.

Some Blacks have managed to escape it and god bless them.

The problem is that the Liberals want that destructive culture to continue because as long as they have control of the welfare checks then it gives them power.
My question is why did it take over an hour before the Police showed up? I'm sorry but ten minutes after a main highway was being blocked by protesters there should have been a school bus there and enough Police to arrest everyone and put them on that bus.
You have not been to a blocked freeway I take it. How would they get said bus there? Where is said bus coming from?

I agree, but having been stuck on a bus on a freeway more than once, aint nothing easy about that situation.
A Black person would be a thousand times more safe walking down the street of my 99% White neighborhood at 11:00 on a Saturday night than he/she would be walking down the streets of an all Black neighborhood in some Democrat controlled shithole like say South Chicago.
and we KNOW this

Chicagoans reported 43% more homicides in 2022 than in 2019, the last baseline year before COVID-19 pandemic tensions ushered in two of the city’s deadliest years in a quarter century. Few communities were exempt from the rise in violent crime.

LIghtfoot was horrible in a Latoya Cantrell sort of way (Latoya was shown during a NOLA parade giving people the finger) BUT

38% jump in Chicago crime during Mayor Johnson’s first month​

You are confused about this,

A Negro would be safer at a KKK rally in Mississippi than he would be walking down the streets of any Negro ghetto neighborhood in any Democrat run shithole in America.

Here is an example

Year To Date
Shot & Killed: 556
Shot & Wounded: 2413
Total Shot: 2969
Total Homicides: 622

View attachment 872984

2023 Race of Victim/Assailant

As of 12/1/2
You post some bogus ass stats and the other dumbass racist and sell outs cheer.

Most black folks are murdered by other black folks.

Most white folks are murdered by other white folks.

Most hispanics are murdered by other hispanics.

Are you seeing a trend here, dumbass.

I doubt if any black person would show up at a Klan rally, unless it's some boot licker like Tim Scott, Larry Elder or Clarence Thomas.
You post some bogus ass stats and the other dumbass racist and sell outs cheer.

Most black folks are murdered by other black folks.
Blacks kill at an enormous rate way out of their demographics because of their culture of violence.

Those are not bogus stats you dumbass. They come directly from the police and newspaper reports in Chicago. How come you are always in denial about the destruction that we see from Black culture? Is it because you don't want to know the truth? Typical Black unwilling to face reality, aren't you?

*Source Data & Editor’s Note

We compile our own dataset using the following sources: Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, Sun-Times Homicide Tracker, Cook County Medical Examiner, CPD’s Historical Data Set, City of Chicago Data Portal, Chicago Police Department Arrest Record Search, CPD CLEARMAP, Various CPD Dashboards, ISP Expressway Shooting Dashboard, CPD’s Media Major Incident Notifications and the needlessly woke Chicago Violence Reduction Dashboard.

Community areas and neighborhoods are determined by’s most excellent Incident Map or the Chicago Tribune’s Boundaries App.
Give them each ten years behind bars without parole... that will fix this once and for all...
Black folks are safe in black areas,
Bullshit they are!

Blacks kill other Blacks way out of proportion to their demographics like I showed you in the reference earlier. It is that way in all these Democrat controlled ghetto shitholes.

The only good news you assholes have is that because of Potatohead allowing so many goddamn Illegals flood in the Hispanics will soon catch up. They may even surpass.

Kinda like when Carter was considered the Worst President in the History of the Republic until Queer Barry took over the spot. Now Mr Potatohead has taken it away from Queer Barry.
Black folks are safe in black areas, black folks are probably suspicious in your area.

no one is getting into L.A. today. protestors causing a freeway jam. good greef watch if some one runs into them they will sue,
Well it's not like they have regular jobs to go to....

Nobody in CA works for a living anymore....they live off of gubberment cheese.
If you had 1000 persons in a group but only 100 were Black (10%).

Suppose they had 100 total murders committed by persons in that 1000 group over one year. You find out Blacks (from the group) committed 60 of those murders (60%). 10 murders by White, 20 murders by Brown & 10 murders by mixed, unknown or other.

That is over-representation in simple terms. Numbers cannot lie. Then you go to the other violent felonies, it is "off the charts" in almost every category (compared to total numbers). Need to clean this up.
IM2 & Superbadbrutha need to wake the heck up.

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