Protesters cut through Israel's wall near Jerusalem

We set up and defend Walls of Hate or we commit ourselves to tearing down all those walls that divide us.

WE each choose our paths.
What do you not understand about suicide bombings causing walls to be built, Fatima?

The choice by the builders of those walls is clearly Hate.

Suicide bombings in Palestine are very much a thing of the past.
We set up and defend Walls of Hate or we commit ourselves to tearing down all those walls that divide us.

WE each choose our paths.
What do you not understand about suicide bombings causing walls to be built, Fatima?

The choice by the builders of those walls is clearly Hate.

Suicide bombings in Palestine are very much a thing of the past.

Suicide bombings against jews are still ongoing-----Israel has responded to the
filth that excites the female jihadist sluts------by creating measures of security----
Vandalisms of synagogues in the name of isa/allah are down in my town too---
because of the hiring of very competent HINDU AND SIKH security guards ----
sheesh they are damned conscientous------them sikhs. One would think that
they could SMELL islamo jihadist filth. Only recently I learned why. The epicenter
of SIKH LAND seems to be the province of PUNJAB-----which turns out to be
split between pakistan and india---------even today----those in Pakistan are being
oppressed-----not that sikhs have no complaints about HINDUS---in india-----but--
according to a kid a ran into----in completely civilian dress----HE TURNED out
to be a punjabi sikh------and told me all about it------the trouble for
his relatives in the pakistani part of PUNJAB haunt his parents-----quite an all american
kid----I never would have guessed

Tuberculosis and cholera and Polio is way down in Palestine too----in fact
regarding the cholera and polio-----jews cleaned it up----Tuberculosis----
took a more concerted effort. The problem is growing, however--in
african muslim nations. As to POLIO ----the islamo nazi "fact" that polio
vaccines are a ZIONIST PLOT ----has brought about a RECRUDESCENCE of
that sickness in the middle east ------in honor of isa/allah
We set up and defend Walls of Hate or we commit ourselves to tearing down all those walls that divide us.

WE each choose our paths.

Yes---you do choose hate, sherri-----that is obvious. Are you suggesting that
Mecca and Medina should be opened to the world ? I do agree that the fact that Medina
was a jewish city for more than 1000 years before the rapist pig was born makes it an idea
study area for Archaeologists interesting the real developement of culture in arabia----
and even the life of the rapist pig
We set up and defend Walls of Hate or we commit ourselves to tearing down all those walls that divide us.

WE each choose our paths.
What do you not understand about suicide bombings causing walls to be built, Fatima?

The choice by the builders of those walls is clearly Hate.

Suicide bombings in Palestine are very much a thing of the past.
Isn't it nice that the fence has been put up so that your friends can't send in the suicide bombers? Too bad your friends keep on trying to kill people with shooting off rockets. Maybe if the fence weren't put up, Frau Sherri would volunteer to teach some young kids how to put on their bomb vests and instruct them to set themselves off in a big crowd of Jews. In other places in Muslim countries, we still see young kids blowing themselves up in a crowd as instructed. These kids seem happy to do so because they think they will be getting their 72 virgins. (as if those kids would know what to do with a virgin)
[ame=]Palestinians Demolish a Section of the The Apartheid Wall in Abu Dis - YouTube[/ame]
What do you not understand about suicide bombings causing walls to be built, Fatima?

The choice by the builders of those walls is clearly Hate.

Suicide bombings in Palestine are very much a thing of the past.
Isn't it nice that the fence has been put up so that your friends can't send in the suicide bombers? Too bad your friends keep on trying to kill people with shooting off rockets. Maybe if the fence weren't put up, Frau Sherri would volunteer to teach some young kids how to put on their bomb vests and instruct them to set themselves off in a big crowd of Jews. In other places in Muslim countries, we still see young kids blowing themselves up in a crowd as instructed. These kids seem happy to do so because they think they will be getting their 72 virgins. (as if those kids would know what to do with a virgin)

The Apartheid Wall has nothing to do with security or suicide bombings.

It is all about land confiscations and separating the colonizers from the indigenous peoples.

Walls that divide motivated by bigotry and hate.
The choice by the builders of those walls is clearly Hate.

Suicide bombings in Palestine are very much a thing of the past.
Isn't it nice that the fence has been put up so that your friends can't send in the suicide bombers? Too bad your friends keep on trying to kill people with shooting off rockets. Maybe if the fence weren't put up, Frau Sherri would volunteer to teach some young kids how to put on their bomb vests and instruct them to set themselves off in a big crowd of Jews. In other places in Muslim countries, we still see young kids blowing themselves up in a crowd as instructed. These kids seem happy to do so because they think they will be getting their 72 virgins. (as if those kids would know what to do with a virgin)

The Apartheid Wall has nothing to do with security or suicide bombings.

It is all about land confiscations and separating the colonizers from the indigenous peoples.

Walls that divide motivated by bigotry and hate.
The walls were built to deter armed attackers and suicide bombers from entering Israel This proven to be a major deterrent. If there had been no attackers or bombers there would never have been a wall built. Do you agree or are you going to push that lie about apartheid or land grabbing?
The walls were built to deter armed attackers and suicide bombers from entering Israel This proven to be a major deterrent. If there had been no attackers or bombers there would never have been a wall built. Do you agree or are you going to push that lie about apartheid or land grabbing?

The Hafrada Wall steals more than 10% of the West Bank.

Israelis sure do like stealing.
The walls were built to deter armed attackers and suicide bombers from entering Israel This proven to be a major deterrent. If there had been no attackers or bombers there would never have been a wall built. Do you agree or are you going to push that lie about apartheid or land grabbing?

The Hafrada Wall steals more than 10% of the West Bank.

Israelis sure do like stealing.
Well your Muslims friends didn't seem to have any problems stealing the lands of Christians in the Middle East when they left the Saudi Peninsula, and the descendents of the remaining Christians can't even practice their religious beliefs in peace -- not that you care.. Meanwhile, if your Muslim friends wouldn't have started with their suicide bombings, there would be no fence. Apparently you have no problem with innocent people being blown up by suicide bombers, whether these people are Jews, Christians or Muslims. One word to you though, Miss Hoffstra -- there are no virgin studs awaiting women in the so-called Muslim paradise,
Well your Muslims friends didn't seem to have any problems stealing the lands of Christians in the Middle East when they left the Saudi Peninsula, and the descendents of the remaining Christians can't even practice their religious beliefs in peace -- not that you care.. Meanwhile, if your Muslim friends wouldn't have started with their suicide bombings, there would be no fence. Apparently you have no problem with innocent people being blown up by suicide bombers, whether these people are Jews, Christians or Muslims. One word to you though, Miss Hoffstra -- there are no virgin studs awaiting women in the so-called Muslim paradise,

The Jews stole Canaan from the Canaanites.

The Muslims stole Palestine from the Byzantines.

Big deal.
Well your Muslims friends didn't seem to have any problems stealing the lands of Christians in the Middle East when they left the Saudi Peninsula, and the descendents of the remaining Christians can't even practice their religious beliefs in peace -- not that you care.. Meanwhile, if your Muslim friends wouldn't have started with their suicide bombings, there would be no fence. Apparently you have no problem with innocent people being blown up by suicide bombers, whether these people are Jews, Christians or Muslims. One word to you though, Miss Hoffstra -- there are no virgin studs awaiting women in the so-called Muslim paradise,

The Jews stole Canaan from the Canaanites.

The Muslims stole Palestine from the Byzantines.

Big deal.
The Canaanites abandoned the homestead and the Muslims cut a swath through a big portion of Asia, Africa and Europe, all by a murderous campaign that is still spreading like a plague.
The Canaanites abandoned the homestead and the Muslims cut a swath through a big portion of Asia, Africa and Europe, all by a murderous campaign that is still spreading like a plague.

The Jews stole Canaan from the Canaanites. Its in the Bible.

and its pretty bigoted of you to compare Muslims to a plague, especially since the Nazis said the same thing about Jews.
The Canaanites abandoned the homestead and the Muslims cut a swath through a big portion of Asia, Africa and Europe, all by a murderous campaign that is still spreading like a plague.

The Jews stole Canaan from the Canaanites. Its in the Bible.

and its pretty bigoted of you to compare Muslims to a plague, especially since the Nazis said the same thing about Jews.
Listen, Dingleberry, I compared the campaign to spreading like a plague. That's how you Muslims twist words to make it look like someone said something they didn't. That's what Islam teaches you birds and that's why I say Islam is a cancer. Or a plague. Pick one.
Listen, Dingleberry, I compared the campaign to spreading like a plague. That's how you Muslims twist words to make it look like someone said something they didn't. That's what Islam teaches you birds and that's why I say Islam is a cancer. Or a plague. Pick one.

The Nazis said Jews were a cancer and a plague.

And like rats. Pick one.
Listen, Dingleberry, I compared the campaign to spreading like a plague. That's how you Muslims twist words to make it look like someone said something they didn't. That's what Islam teaches you birds and that's why I say Islam is a cancer. Or a plague. Pick one.

The Nazis said Jews were a cancer and a plague.

And like rats. Pick one.
Eff off, gnat.

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