Protesters Don't Know What They're Protesting About


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Watching news shows of police brutality protesters holding signs and being interviewed by reporters, it is evident that what is going on here is a massive collection of very young (mostly late teens - early 20s), information-deprived kids, who don't know what they're talking about.

In one interview after another claims are made which simply are not correct. The signs being held say the same things that is being told to reporters. I saw a few signs that had names of alleged (by the protesters) victims of police brutality. Some names I did not recognize. Problem is, every name I DID recognize were NOT victims of police brutality. They may have been shot and killed by police (or gun licensed civilian), but that alone does not constitute police brutality.

We are a sophisticated society with highly organized sets of laws in every state. Across the country these laws are practically identical from state to state. Among these are laws pertaining to what defines or does not define excessive use of force.

Here are some of the names I saw on signs, and heard protesters claiming they were victims of police brutality (but were not) >>

Philando Castille - shot dead by cop, while reaching into his jacket. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Terrence Crutcher - shot dead by cop when reaching into his SUV. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Daniel Shaver - shot dead by cop while reaching behind his body. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Travon Martin -shot dead by security while attacking the security person. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Michael Brown - shot dead by cop while attacking the cop. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Walter Scott -shot by dead by cop while running away. Justifiable shooting by Fleeing Felon Rule.

Anthony Lamar Smith. - shot dead by cop after cop ordered him to show his hands, and Smith refused. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

The protesters, insufficiently educated by university teachers clueless on law enforcement, and even more clueless about guns, don't know that it is correct to shoot a suspect (armed or unarmed) when that suspect does not show his hands (empty of weapons). For cops to not shoot under that circumstance, is to risk their life, while giving suspect the benefit of the doubt that he will not shoot the cop, instantaneously. This is standard police academy training all across the US.

Note: from the moment that a suspect's hands disappear, it takes him 1/2 second to pull out a gun and fire.
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Watching news shows of police brutality protesters holding signs and being interviewed by reporters, it is evident that what is going on here is a massive collection of very young (mostly late teens - early 20s), information-deprived kids, who don't know what they're talking about.

In one interview after another claims are made which simply are not correct. The signs being held say the same things that is being told to reporters. I saw a few signs that had names of alleged (by the protesters) victims of police brutality. Some names I did not recognize. Problem is, every name I DID recognize were NOT victims of police brutality. They may have been shot and killed by police (or gun licensed civilian), but that alone does not constitute police brutality.

We are a sophisticated society with highly organized sets of laws in every state. Across the country these laws are practically identical from state to state. Among these are laws pertaining to what defines or does not define excessive use of force.

Here are some of the names I saw on signs, and heard protesters claiming they were victims of police brutality (but were not) >>

Philando Castille - shot dead by cop, while reaching into his jacket. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Terrence Crutcher - shot dead by cop when reaching into his SUV. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Daniel Shaver - shot dead by cop while reaching behind his body. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Travon Martin -shot dead by security while attacking the security person. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Michael Brown - shot dead by cop while attacking the cop. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Walter Scott -shot by dead by cop while running away. Justifiable shooting by Fleeing Felon Rule.

Anthony Lamar Smith. - shot dead by cop after cop ordered him to show his hands, and Smith refused. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

The protesters, insufficiently educated by university teachers clueless on law enforcement, and even more clueless about guns, don't know that it is correct to shot a suspect (armed or unarmed) when that suspect does not show his hands (empty of weapons). For cops to not shoot under that circumstance, is to risk their life, while giving suspect the benefit of the doubt that he will not shoot the cop, instantaneously. This is standard police academy training all across the US.

The "protestors" are running on emotion and ideology which is perhaps the most combustible of combinations. They do not seek solutions or answers. They want results and they want them now. Most young people want more than anything to change or have a direct hand in changing the world. For tens of thousands of Floyd fanatics this moment is their chance—or that's quite possibly their how they see it. The young mind truly is the backbone of revolution. We must treat them as potential revolutionaries, should they continue to journey down that road.
The white protestors are actually dumber than the black ones.It's not their fault though.Our public education system has been dumbed down so much so the blacks can go to school with the whites this is what you get.When a black graduates high school and can spell their name and read at the third grade level they are college material.
The white protestors are actually dumber than the black ones.It's not their fault though.Our public education system has been dumbed down so much so the blacks can go to school with the whites this is what you get.When a black graduates high school and can spell their name and read at the third grade level they are college material.
...humans want to feel good about they join the bandwagon --without knowing anything ....
I've seen a lot of middle age and older folks protesting. They are protesting against fascism.

Lol !!
They're protesting in the wrong places then !
They need to head to their nearest university, where they work daily to silence anyone who opposes the left's views and their agenda.
Here are some of the names I saw on signs, and heard protesters claiming they were victims of police brutality (but were not) >>

Actually, none of those people should have been shot. They weren't a threat to the officers involved.

It's a badge, not a hunting license.
Watching news shows of police brutality protesters holding signs and being interviewed by reporters, it is evident that what is going on here is a massive collection of very young (mostly late teens - early 20s), information-deprived kids, who don't know what they're talking about.

In one interview after another claims are made which simply are not correct. The signs being held say the same things that is being told to reporters. I saw a few signs that had names of alleged (by the protesters) victims of police brutality. Some names I did not recognize. Problem is, every name I DID recognize were NOT victims of police brutality. They may have been shot and killed by police (or gun licensed civilian), but that alone does not constitute police brutality.

We are a sophisticated society with highly organized sets of laws in every state. Across the country these laws are practically identical from state to state. Among these are laws pertaining to what defines or does not define excessive use of force.

Here are some of the names I saw on signs, and heard protesters claiming they were victims of police brutality (but were not) >>

Philando Castille - shot dead by cop, while reaching into his jacket. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Terrence Crutcher - shot dead by cop when reaching into his SUV. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Daniel Shaver - shot dead by cop while reaching behind his body. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Travon Martin -shot dead by security while attacking the security person. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Michael Brown - shot dead by cop while attacking the cop. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Walter Scott -shot by dead by cop while running away. Justifiable shooting by Fleeing Felon Rule.

Anthony Lamar Smith. - shot dead by cop after cop ordered him to show his hands, and Smith refused. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

The protesters, insufficiently educated by university teachers clueless on law enforcement, and even more clueless about guns, don't know that it is correct to shoot a suspect (armed or unarmed) when that suspect does not show his hands (empty of weapons). For cops to not shoot under that circumstance, is to risk their life, while giving suspect the benefit of the doubt that he will not shoot the cop, instantaneously. This is standard police academy training all across the US.

Note: from the moment that a suspect's hands disappear, it takes him 1/2 second to pull out a gun and fire.

so true----I is old and came of age in the 1960's---and attended my state college. DEMONSTRATIONS left and right. I was and am not all that well informed---I is a kinda reclusive person-----BUT I did have the presence of mind to actually ASK demonstrating kids
"what's this all about ? ....." The fact is----THEY WERE CLUELESS. I concluded ----way back in my early 20s------to get a BIG CROWD----just make a sign ----with an arrow pointing the way......"DEMONSTRATION"
My personal revelations rendered me a "nonjoiner"----
demonstrations are nothing but a social event----sometimes they include violence and even more attractive----LOOTING. For idiocy in society----read
"VANITY FAIR" the heroine understood the reason for "BALLS" in england----
Watching news shows of police brutality protesters holding signs and being interviewed by reporters, it is evident that what is going on here is a massive collection of very young (mostly late teens - early 20s), information-deprived kids, who don't know what they're talking about.

In one interview after another claims are made which simply are not correct. The signs being held say the same things that is being told to reporters. I saw a few signs that had names of alleged (by the protesters) victims of police brutality. Some names I did not recognize. Problem is, every name I DID recognize were NOT victims of police brutality. They may have been shot and killed by police (or gun licensed civilian), but that alone does not constitute police brutality.

We are a sophisticated society with highly organized sets of laws in every state. Across the country these laws are practically identical from state to state. Among these are laws pertaining to what defines or does not define excessive use of force.

Here are some of the names I saw on signs, and heard protesters claiming they were victims of police brutality (but were not) >>

Philando Castille - shot dead by cop, while reaching into his jacket. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Terrence Crutcher - shot dead by cop when reaching into his SUV. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Daniel Shaver - shot dead by cop while reaching behind his body. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Travon Martin -shot dead by security while attacking the security person. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Michael Brown - shot dead by cop while attacking the cop. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Walter Scott -shot by dead by cop while running away. Justifiable shooting by Fleeing Felon Rule.

Anthony Lamar Smith. - shot dead by cop after cop ordered him to show his hands, and Smith refused. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

The protesters, insufficiently educated by university teachers clueless on law enforcement, and even more clueless about guns, don't know that it is correct to shot a suspect (armed or unarmed) when that suspect does not show his hands (empty of weapons). For cops to not shoot under that circumstance, is to risk their life, while giving suspect the benefit of the doubt that he will not shoot the cop, instantaneously. This is standard police academy training all across the US.

The "protestors" are running on emotion and ideology which is perhaps the most combustible of combinations. They do not seek solutions or answers. They want results and they want them now. Most young people want more than anything to change or have a direct hand in changing the world. For tens of thousands of Floyd fanatics this moment is their chance—or that's quite possibly their how they see it. The young mind truly is the backbone of revolution. We must treat them as potential revolutionaries, should they continue to journey down that road.
Take away their cell phones and they fall apart.
They'll change their attitude if you start starving them.......and that's what the left will do.
Then they'll go from willing protesters to slaves overnight.
speaking of which------what is that idiotic----"take a knee ritual all about" It makes me wonder about all the other idiot rituals in which PEOPLE, WORLD-WIDE, engage. Seems to be that they all developed out of sheer stupidity.
The protests are vaguely disguised anti-Trump rallies.
That's all the Democrat party wants, another reason to criticize Trump. The dopes who believe Democrats care about BLM are as clueless as the Democrats who thought their party cared about Blasey Ford. They dumped her as soon as she wasn't politically useful to them and they'll do the same with Blacks. Trump did more for Blacks in 3 1/2 years than all the Presidents since Kennedy.
Watching news shows of police brutality protesters holding signs and being interviewed by reporters, it is evident that what is going on here is a massive collection of very young (mostly late teens - early 20s), information-deprived kids, who don't know what they're talking about.

In one interview after another claims are made which simply are not correct. The signs being held say the same things that is being told to reporters. I saw a few signs that had names of alleged (by the protesters) victims of police brutality. Some names I did not recognize. Problem is, every name I DID recognize were NOT victims of police brutality. They may have been shot and killed by police (or gun licensed civilian), but that alone does not constitute police brutality.

We are a sophisticated society with highly organized sets of laws in every state. Across the country these laws are practically identical from state to state. Among these are laws pertaining to what defines or does not define excessive use of force.

Here are some of the names I saw on signs, and heard protesters claiming they were victims of police brutality (but were not) >>

Philando Castille - shot dead by cop, while reaching into his jacket. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Terrence Crutcher - shot dead by cop when reaching into his SUV. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Daniel Shaver - shot dead by cop while reaching behind his body. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Travon Martin -shot dead by security while attacking the security person. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Michael Brown - shot dead by cop while attacking the cop. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Walter Scott -shot by dead by cop while running away. Justifiable shooting by Fleeing Felon Rule.

Anthony Lamar Smith. - shot dead by cop after cop ordered him to show his hands, and Smith refused. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

The protesters, insufficiently educated by university teachers clueless on law enforcement, and even more clueless about guns, don't know that it is correct to shoot a suspect (armed or unarmed) when that suspect does not show his hands (empty of weapons). For cops to not shoot under that circumstance, is to risk their life, while giving suspect the benefit of the doubt that he will not shoot the cop, instantaneously. This is standard police academy training all across the US.

Note: from the moment that a suspect's hands disappear, it takes him 1/2 second to pull out a gun and fire.

Not to worry!

A lot of those silly and naïve kids are going to eventually learn the hard way that it was foolish to have been such bleeding hearts.
Watching news shows of police brutality protesters holding signs and being interviewed by reporters, it is evident that what is going on here is a massive collection of very young (mostly late teens - early 20s), information-deprived kids, who don't know what they're talking about.

In one interview after another claims are made which simply are not correct. The signs being held say the same things that is being told to reporters. I saw a few signs that had names of alleged (by the protesters) victims of police brutality. Some names I did not recognize. Problem is, every name I DID recognize were NOT victims of police brutality. They may have been shot and killed by police (or gun licensed civilian), but that alone does not constitute police brutality.

We are a sophisticated society with highly organized sets of laws in every state. Across the country these laws are practically identical from state to state. Among these are laws pertaining to what defines or does not define excessive use of force.

Here are some of the names I saw on signs, and heard protesters claiming they were victims of police brutality (but were not) >>

Philando Castille - shot dead by cop, while reaching into his jacket. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Terrence Crutcher - shot dead by cop when reaching into his SUV. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Daniel Shaver - shot dead by cop while reaching behind his body. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Travon Martin -shot dead by security while attacking the security person. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Michael Brown - shot dead by cop while attacking the cop. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

Walter Scott -shot by dead by cop while running away. Justifiable shooting by Fleeing Felon Rule.

Anthony Lamar Smith. - shot dead by cop after cop ordered him to show his hands, and Smith refused. Justifiable shooting in self defense.

The protesters, insufficiently educated by university teachers clueless on law enforcement, and even more clueless about guns, don't know that it is correct to shoot a suspect (armed or unarmed) when that suspect does not show his hands (empty of weapons). For cops to not shoot under that circumstance, is to risk their life, while giving suspect the benefit of the doubt that he will not shoot the cop, instantaneously. This is standard police academy training all across the US.

Note: from the moment that a suspect's hands disappear, it takes him 1/2 second to pull out a gun and fire.

Not to worry!

A lot of those silly and naïve kids are going to eventually learn the hard way that it was foolish to have been such bleeding hearts.

Heads - they are bleeding heads.

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