Protesters Have No Clue Why They Are There

I didn't get the impression that any of those protestors were interested in talking to the guy. Seems you'll need to come up with some other stunt to find remarks you can take out of context.
I got the impression they didn't know what to say or they were ashamed to say it. Any reasonable person would draw that assumption.
That is way wrong. Israel is a nation. Jews are a religious/ethnic group spread throughout the world. If they are vilified in America for something another nation is doing in a conflict that doesn’t even directly involve us…then that makes me question your own assumptions and motivations.

After Covid, Asian Americans were being vilified, scape-goated…was that justified?

After 911, American Muslims were scapegoated, attacked even by our politicians and blamed for it…was that justified?

Uh, the only reason why Israel gets away with the garbage it does is because American Jews lobby Congress and have undue influence over both of our political parties. So, yes, collectively, they kind of deserve blame.

Most Asians did not spread covid. Most Muslims did not support terrorism. I didn't see "I stand with Al Qaeda" tee-shirts after 9/11.
Uh, the only reason why Israel gets away with the garbage it does is because American Jews lobby Congress and have undue influence over both of our political parties. So, yes, collectively, they kind of deserve blame.
Israel has a powerful lobby that certainly influences our country.

But so does China.

So does Saudi Arabia.

Jews certainly have a lobby that influences our politics.

But so do Blacks.

So do Asians.

So do Muslims.

So do Hispanics.

So do Evangelicals.

So what?

Most Asians did not spread covid. Most Muslims did not support terrorism. I didn't see "I stand with Al Qaeda" tee-shirts after 9/11.
Yes. And?

Jews in America have diverse opinions on the conduct of the war in Gaza. This is apparent in the protests.

You can condemn how Israel is conducting it’s war, but you really cannot condemn it’s right to take action after the atrocities Hamas committed on innocent civilians.

So what exactly are you accusing “most Jews” here of “defending”? For the record, I have not seen any Jews with tshirts stating “proud to have killed 34,000 Palestinians”…have you?
Israel has a powerful lobby that certainly influences our country.

But so does China.

They do? Because it seems demonizing China is the go-to for both parties in this country. Oh, my God, a guy from China owns Tik Tok!!!

Jews certainly have a lobby that influences our politics.

No, they have a lobby that advocates for a foreign government. I am not aware of ANY other country that has a group like AIPAC that has both political parties soiling their underwear.

So what exactly are you accusing “most Jews” here of “defending”? For the record, I have not seen any Jews with tshirts stating “proud to have killed 34,000 Palestinians”…have you?

NO, but they do wear the "I stand with Israel" t-shirts. They did put up those pink billboards saying "Hamas is your problem, too">

Brown University did it the right way. The Dean and his reps sat down with the leaders of the protesters and did something unheard of, they reached an agreement. Brown agreed in their session to take up the student concerns and agreed to have leaders on both sides meet at the September Session and iron out an agreement that gave both sides what they wanted. Talking, who thunk it.
That's called blackmail.
They do? Because it seems demonizing China is the go-to for both parties in this country. Oh, my God, a guy from China owns Tik Tok!!!

Sure…China is demonized…but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a powerful lobby or influence on our country.

Perfect example…how China was able to shut down the free speech rights of basketball players in our own country when they criticized Chinese treatment of the Uighurs. Our own citizens‘ free speech rights in our own country.
And it worked.

No, they have a lobby that advocates for a foreign government. I am not aware of ANY other country that has a group like AIPAC that has both political parties soiling their underwear.

Do you honestly think other countries don’t work to influence politics through their own expats or citizens with ethnic backgrounds?

Here is a more example of another country with a strongly religious nationalist party in charge exerting it’s influence.


NO, but they do wear the "I stand with Israel" t-shirts. They did put up those pink billboards saying "Hamas is your problem, too">

View attachment 942106
What specifically is wrong with that?
None of these people will answer him. Either they aren't educated enough on these issues to be able to intelligently discuss them or they haven't been "permitted" by the so-called organizers to have any discussions with him or other media. The latter would line up with standard authoritarian Palestinian views

They know why they are there, and so did the paid for pro israeli agitators. To engage in violence.

Looks like Zionist money can buy a lot of violence.
Sorry bout that,

1. But your, crocodile tears, are a croc.
2. Save them for others who care.
3. And Israel is prepared to fight till ALL lay down their weapons, even children with knives.
4. Yes, children with knives, they can kill too.
5. Start them young, Hamas always taught.


Yes, these hardened assassins are terrifying.
Your mind is twisted


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Why is your animus aimed at the Israelis attempting to liberate Gaza from Hamas instead of Hamas that is hiding behind those innocent children?
Obviously, you aren't paying attention to what I'm saying. Israel has every right, and even a responsibility to quash hamas. Hamas putting innocent children in harms way is disgusting, and even against international law. That doesn't absolve Israel of their responsibility to limit harm to innocents. Sure, it makes battling hamas harder to do, but it is the ethical thing to do.
None of these people will answer him. Either they aren't educated enough on these issues to be able to intelligently discuss them or they haven't been "permitted" by the so-called organizers to have any discussions with him or other media. The latter would line up with standard authoritarian Palestinian views

Amazing! In less than one minute they managed to answer more questions than Karine Jean-Pierre has done in 4 years! :)
I suspect that we all basically agree that it is a horror to be a kid trapped in Gaza and being used as human shields by the scumbag Hamas cowards.

That doesn’t explain how Israel is supposed to “properly” respond to the threat Hamas constantly poses to the people of Israel.

Some History:

When the ancient Roman’s fought an enemy and seized towns and villages and cities, it wasn’t uncommon to have those places razed and the farmland seeded with salt to destroy agriculture and starve the survivors.

Germany targeted British cities for relentless bombings.

England (with some American help) fire
bombed Dresden.

Americans fire bombed large swaths of Japanese cities. We also nuked a couple of their cities.


War is vile, horrible and utterly uncivilized.

But the very thing a few students are “protesting” now (Israel bombing areas within Gaza where Hamas is hiding), is not exactly different than those and other historical examples. So this raises the question.

What exactly is Israel to do instead. Be specific. Also, be effective.
Not my job to develop a war plan for Israel. Of course there will sadly be some loss of innocent life. War is hell. That doesn't justify indiscriminate bombing. or unnecessary starvation of innocents.
I got the impression they didn't know what to say or they were ashamed to say it. Any reasonable person would draw that assumption.
It's obviously a concerted effort by protestors to focus on specific spokesmen Directing questions to specific spokesmen is a fairly new tactic and prevents unethical reporters from misdirecting the purpose of the protest.

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