Protesters stormed the stage and yelled 'Jews against DeSantis' while the Florida governor spoke at a GOP fundraising event


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2020
Weirdos and better get more security.

  • Two protesters ran up on stage during a GOP event while Governor Ron DeSantis was speaking.
  • The protesters shouted "Jews against DeSantis" before they were carried off stage.
  • The governor brushed off the protests before continuing his speech.

The ultimate Khazarian strategy .
Get mind controlled Sheeple to work for Khazarians ( the pretend Jews) using the ultimate weapon -- accusations of anti semitism .

Works brilliantly . Especially if you can get the Holocaust into the narrative.
Sounds like just another fake group invented by Democrats as hired street thugs to disrupt others' rights to free speech. We have some of those Jewish bigots here, in fact.Trying to conflate attacks on George Soros as 'antisemitic' is just hilaroius, and a dead giveaway these are false fronts, like the antifa 'natzees in armbands' showing up at Trump rallies and posing for the media buddies' cameras.
Why are they against DeSantis?

Because they're paid to be. Somewhere there are some rich Democrats paying them.

INN supports controversial U.S. Representatives Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI). INN claimed Tlaib “has been one of the clearest allies of the Jewish people.” 16 INN was also a participant in the #StandwithIlhan campaign. 17



IfNotNow’s founders and leaders are Yonah Lieberman, Kara Segal, Max Berger, and Simone Zimmerman. Zimmerman worked for the 2016 presidential campaign of U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Sanders fired Zimmerman after a profanity-laced Facebook post criticizing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came to light. 20

Commie deviants as usual. Lot of dykes in their 'leadership'.
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Sounds like just another fake group invented by Democrats as hired street thugs to disrupt others' rights to free speech. We have some of those Jewish bigots here, in fact.Trying to conflate attacks on George Soros as 'antisemitic' is just hilaroius, and a dead giveaway these are false fronts, like the antifa 'natzees in armbands' showing up at Trump rallies and posing for the media buddies' cameras.
I don’t believe we have any Jewish bigots here. What Jew here conflated attacks on George Soros as antisemitic? The only ones doing that are Christian Democrats.
I don’t believe we have any Jewish bigots here. What Jew here conflated attacks on George Soros as antisemitic? The only ones doing that are Christian Democrats.

Try reading my post again; wait til you're sober.
The media has overplayed this to a ridiculous level.
"Protestors stormed the stage" - "Crowd erupts at DeSantis"
These are two actual headlines.
What actually happened? For a total of 6 seconds - TWO - hyped up females ran on stage and incoherently yelled something about Jews.
6 seconds. Two people.
The crowd didn't erupt, and no protestors "stormed" the stage.

God our media sucks.
On second thought, it IS possible these were Democrat Jews. They put their liberalism ahead of their Judaism, and are outraged at any candidate who supports Israel.

It’s like a group of turkeys, protesting a candidate’s wish to make Thanksgiving vegetarian.
The media has overplayed this to a ridiculous level.
"Protestors stormed the stage" - "Crowd erupts at DeSantis"
These are two actual headlines.
What actually happened? For a total of 6 seconds - TWO - hyped up females ran on stage and incoherently yelled something about Jews.
6 seconds. Two people.
The crowd didn't erupt, and no protestors "stormed" the stage.

God our media sucks.
The media is trying to convince the gullible, useful idiots that DeSantis is antisemitic. Said idiots will not read the article, or comprehend what happened, just fall in line behind the antisemitism charge.

There was a Republican candidate for my district some years back, and I kept being asked how I could plan to vote for an antisemite. (I’m Jewish.) I kept asking why he’s said to be antisemitic, and nobody could tell me. I tried researching it myself, and the only thing I could find is that he condemned George Soros in an interview some years prior.

They are probably Democrats, using the usual Democrat tactic: to call their opponent, be he Trump or DeSantis, the usual “raaaaacist!!” and “antisemite!!”

I’m Jewish and pray to Gd that Trump or DeSantis is our next president.
I am not anti Jewish in the slightest .But I am blindly anti Khazarian .

Did you know that those professing true Jewishness and being right about it are very few in number .That is, those with Judean blood lines.
Others are Khazarian who adopted Jewishness to avoid being squeezed into subserviance between the Roman and Ottoman Empires . Around 800 AD in old money .
Just saying .
I am not anti Jewish in the slightestas is The Donald .But I am blindly anti Khazarian .

But did you know that those professing true Jewishness and being right about it are very few in number .That is, those with Judean blood lines.
Others are Khazarian who adopted Jewishness to avoid being squeezed into subserviance between the Roman and Ottoman Empires . Around 800 AD in old money .
Just saying .
Can one tell by a DNA test? I am 99% Ashkenazi Jew.
Meh, better lookin' than the dem hags that usually do those types of things.

No. Explain it so we can see who the REAL antisemite is.

Disagreeing with your idiotic babbling isn't 'antisemitic', so there's that. I probably have more 'Jewish DNA' than you do, so there is that, too, plus there is the fact you can't find anything 'antisemitc' I've ever said, yet you continue to lie about that. You just think you're a 'Master Race' Jew and can't stand to be ctiticized by what you perceive to be your 'racial inferiors' is all, like the other counterfeit Jewish bigots you hang with here.

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