Protests in Syria

There are foreign powers involved proxy, the Wahhabi, LIFG and Al Qaeda terrorists inside Syria are being funded by NATO...U.S. through Saudi Arabia and Bahrain INDIRECTLY. They say the funds are just for medical supplies and food which is bunk. They're supplying them with military hardware.

Asshole, what is fucking hezbollah? Or hamas? Or islamic jihad?

Those aren't proxy armies of iran and syria? Or in your tiny, putrid brain only the anti-israel/anti-US animals get to use terrorism and war to achieve political goals?

Explain to us, you fucking idiot asshole, why you have a problem with the US helping overthrow mossadegh, but have no problem with iran/syria doing far worse in lebanon.
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Infowars’ Paul Joseph Watson

Fucktard monkey still using fake news "sources" like this fraud as reliable...yawn...... :eusa_whistle: :cuckoo:

It quite apparent you are incapable of engaging in an honest intellectual debate. You can only resort to childish sophomoric ad hominem.
You have failed to prove my sources are fake and furthermore you have failed to refute the information because it is clear you are an intellectual juvenile who is intellectually lazy.
What I put up is beyond your comprehension and ability to disprove, probably because you have what appears to be the I.Q. of a doorknob.

Your childish...juvenile stupidity doesn't bother me because I know you're the one that is deficient in mental capacity!
There are foreign powers involved proxy, the Wahhabi, LIFG and Al Qaeda terrorists inside Syria are being funded by NATO...U.S. through Saudi Arabia and Bahrain INDIRECTLY. They say the funds are just for medical supplies and food which is bunk. They're supplying them with military hardware.

Countries need a public justification for attacking another country. This justification is needed to galvanize internal support for the war, as well as gain the support of potential allies.

In theory international law today allows only three situations as legal cause to go to war: out of self-defense, defense of an ally under a mutual defense pact, or sanctioned by the UN.

This is why there is a propaganda campaign against Syria.There are powerful western interest's along with the Saudi's and Israel that are trying to manufacture a situation that permits them to militarily (officially) attack Syria. A casus beli
NATO, being led by the U.S., attack on Libya was actually in violation of international law when they attacked Libya. This R2P, right to protect, was something that was cooked up to be used more like misused... as an excuse to attack another country for economic reasons or for strategic future war planning reasons, under the guise of "humanitarianism" and "Democracy"


so, you're stance appears to be, that western anti shia agents and org's, funded by US et al are responsible for the uprising and the concomitant violence over the last year and a half?


NATO Using Al-Qaeda to Destabilize Syria

Infowars’ Paul Joseph Watson is joined by Syrian Girl, an outspoken activist against NATO’s campaign to use Al-Qaeda terrorists as a means of destabilizing the Assad regime. In this interview, Syrian Girl reveals the true intentions behind NATO’s agenda in Syria as well as discussing other topics such as the charge that she is a pro-Assad mouthpiece, women in the truth movement, the Arab Spring and more.
» NATO Using Al-Qaeda to Destabilize Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

NATO Using Al-Qaeda to Destabilize Syria - YouTube

Syrian Rebels are Foreign-backed Terrorists

Update: March 19, 2012 - It is now confirmed that Saudi Arabia is shipping arms to foreign fighters and Syrian rebels operating out of Jordan. The Australian reports in their article,Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian"Bombs in Syria as Saudis 'send arms to rebels'," that "Saudi military equipment is on its way to Jordan to arm the Free Syrian Army," quoting an Arab diplomat. Of course, as reported below, the "Free Syrian Army" is led not by Syrians, but by NATO-backed Libyan militants from the US State Department-listed terrorist organization, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group.
Land Destroyer: Syrian Rebels are Foreign-backed Terrorists

It must be noted that Saudi Arabia in turn, receives its weapons and a significant amount of military funding from the United States.

so AQ et al went to Syria and fomented this uprising? no, I am sorry thats not it....
There are a lot of them that aren't happy with their leadership just as in the U.S. and Israel. As happened in Iran in 1953 and in Libya last year the people are subjected to cleverly crafted propaganda, their source for information is purposely misinforming them.
The people really don't have any control over outside agent provocateurs coming into the country. Just as here in the U.S. people are divided... Democrat vs. Republican. It would be like if outside forces, agent provocateurs, came in and tried to stir up shit between the Dems and Repubs. to get a civil war going.
Let me ask you something, if outside forces came into the U.S. blowing things up and killing innocent civilians do you think the U.S government would sit idly by?
Assad is certainly no angel, but the Syrian government has a right to fight back against these foreign invaders who are wreaking havoc on their country. The reaction of the Syrian government to these foreign invaders is being distorted in the press. This is by design, again, powerful western interests want Assad out of the way and they need to justify to the world that a military intervention is required in Syria under the guise of humanitarianism and democracy. This is what they did to Libya.

you are grossly mischaracterizing and conflating several issues situations and ideologies all at once to lend your view some verisimilitude.

Obama has done his level best to stay afar, the insurgency of sunni's inside Syria was homegrown, now that it has lasted this long, violent factions who breed and feed on any situations like this have penetrated Syria, so what, same happened in Libya.

now, would the sauds, israel and us, be benefactors of an overthrow of assad and in installation of a sunni majority gov? sounds good, but one never knows, its like playing with fire and obama would never sppt. something so loosely concocted, even if we thought it would work out our way and do Iran and hezbollah damage which would benefit israel and us, he doesn't have the vision nor the game to do so.

You're just flat out wrong and you don't know what you're talking about. There is overwhelming evidence to support my assertions.
I've placed plenty information to backed up what I have stated with links and videos. It appears that you are not comprehending what is taking place.

The insurgency inside Syria is not homegrown...there is plenty of evidence that this insurgency in Syria is being perpetrated by foreign agent provocateurs. Why don't you do some research into the situation there with the links I provided and/or do google searches and you will find out I know what I am talking about!

The Houla Massacre: A War Provocation by NATO Death Squads in Himmler's Gleiwitz Operation Tradition - YouTube

that this insurgency in Syria is being perpetrated by foreign agent provocateurs.

IS see, as in IS....?

I said already that there are elements that feed on this, most certainly they have arrived and as RS said there are and have been proxy elements from early on, Assad calling oon Iran how dispatched Hezbollah and armed sppt. from Russia et al.

I don't find your sources convincing.

And I do read, I read a great deal and have followed this from day 1, you are searching for and assembling various slight sources that taken alone mean little, any hypothesis can be sptted by a huge number of apparently and conveniently, purposefully connected actions, there after to fit an agenda, but that doesn't make them coordinated plans that were laid and hatched here to fore.

Was the Homs issue in Hafez al-Assad's day, an outside fomented rebellion too?
you are grossly mischaracterizing and conflating several issues situations and ideologies all at once to lend your view some verisimilitude.

Obama has done his level best to stay afar, the insurgency of sunni's inside Syria was homegrown, now that it has lasted this long, violent factions who breed and feed on any situations like this have penetrated Syria, so what, same happened in Libya.

now, would the sauds, israel and us, be benefactors of an overthrow of assad and in installation of a sunni majority gov? sounds good, but one never knows, its like playing with fire and obama would never sppt. something so loosely concocted, even if we thought it would work out our way and do Iran and hezbollah damage which would benefit israel and us, he doesn't have the vision nor the game to do so.

You're just flat out wrong and you don't know what you're talking about. There is overwhelming evidence to support my assertions.
I've placed plenty information to backed up what I have stated with links and videos. It appears that you are not comprehending what is taking place.

The insurgency inside Syria is not homegrown...there is plenty of evidence that this insurgency in Syria is being perpetrated by foreign agent provocateurs. Why don't you do some research into the situation there with the links I provided and/or do google searches and you will find out I know what I am talking about!

The Houla Massacre: A War Provocation by NATO Death Squads in Himmler's Gleiwitz Operation Tradition - YouTube

that this insurgency in Syria is being perpetrated by foreign agent provocateurs.

IS see, as in IS....?

I said already that there are elements that feed on this, most certainly they have arrived and as RS said there are and have been proxy elements from early on, Assad calling oon Iran how dispatched Hezbollah and armed sppt. from Russia et al.

I don't find your sources convincing.

And I do read, I read a great deal and have followed this from day 1, you are searching for and assembling various slight sources that taken alone mean little, any hypothesis can be sptted by a huge number of apparently and conveniently, purposefully connected actions, there after to fit an agenda, but that doesn't make them coordinated plans that were laid and hatched here to fore.

Was the Homs issue in Hafez al-Assad's day, an outside fomented rebellion too?

I've shown you my sources and will show you some more...but, you haven't put up any sources of your own. You stated you read a lot, what do you read and where do you get your information from?
Why don't you find the sources I've listed convincing?

General Wesley Clark Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years

[ame=]General Wesley Clark Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]

United States Army, Wesley K. Clark rose to the rank of four-star general as NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander, Europe. Since retiring from the military in 2000, he has taken on the roles of investment banker,alternative energy leader,author,cable network television military analyst and businessman.

France, US arming Syrian rebels with anti-aircraft missiles – report

France, US arming Syrian rebels with anti-aircraft missiles

Same Old Spring: 'US training & arming rebels in Syria'

[ame=]Same Old Spring: 'US training & arming rebels in Syria' - YouTube[/ame]

NATO and CIA Covertly Arming Syrian Rebels in Order to Weaken Iran

NATO and CIA Covertly Arming Syrian Rebels in Order to Weaken Iran

GGN: Syrian Rebels Behind Suicide Bombs, UN/NATO Confirm Arming Rebels, US Funds Yemeni Al Qaeda
[ame=]GGN: Syrian Rebels Behind Suicide Bombs, UN/NATO Confirm Arming Rebels, US Funds Yemeni Al Qaeda - YouTube[/ame]

Syria massacre: Rebels share blame, says Russia's Lavrov

BBC News - Syria massacre: Rebels share blame, says Russia's Lavrov
we already know who is supplying what, hello, these events started over a year ago, your links of events this past February mean nothing in this I said they and you are taking facts now, then fitting ( and not many btw) and much supposition of past events to render a planned agenda NOW. and I am sorry but truth out is not what I would call a source that I can trust, read it as a spectator with no dog in the fight and you can see what they are doing.....

and they appear to disregard a great deal, as they never address it- example; here to fore assad gave much help to insurgents IN Iraq to fight US, AQ etc., yet you have them , oh 2 years ago which they would need to plan this, then starting 18 months ago moving to take Assad down, it is counter to past events and logic.

my sources are not in question, I won't post any until you supply a source that has some heft and reliability.
You have failed to prove my sources are fake and furthermore you have failed to refute the information because it is clear you are an intellectual juvenile who is intellectually lazy.

You're a weak fucking idiot loser racist trash turd with no brains or future. You rely upon fake, disreputable "news" sites run by raving psychotics who make nonsensical claims - and then turn around and attack forum posters for not being able to "prove them wrong":

"John Doe declares the sun is green!" And yes, we can list 5,000 respected MSM news sites stating that is wrong, but fanatic idiots like you with no intelligence whatsoever, either mentally ill or trolling, will repetitively argue that your BS sites are more accurate.

That is why few here respond to your garbage posts, or will do so in the future.

And moron, as soon as you claim that the entire syrian uprising is only due to outside terrorist groups like a fucking bashar ass-licker - you are OVER. Any hope to be taken seriously after that is a fantasy.
You really think its a good idea for us to get involved in another war though? would NATO get involved in this like they did with Libya? I see alot of apprehension from the Euros about bombing Damascus.

It is better than continuing to allow the heinous iran/syria axis to obtain nukes, foment wars and terrorism across the middle east, and slaughter people. I may dislike arabs, but even I have a conscience, and when I see small children being murdered - those two regimes, both of whom are complicit in these massacres - have no right to exist.

Neither does the current russia or chinese ones either, and unfortunately wars could not remove those without a major world war, so I'll just hope their populaces grow some brains and remove those dictatorships.

And yes, NATO could initiate a massive air strike campaign against both syria and iran, as the more I think about it, the more I realize that both need to be eliminated, particularly iran's, or that cancer will just continue to foment problems with whatever new government is established in syria.

Bush's biggest mistake was attacking the wrong country; had iran's regime been eradicated, iraq would have been FAR easier to deal with. And the reckoning for that diseased, filthy, cancerous regime of thugs and murderers that is iran is near...

U R A F'ING IDIOT:mad::cuckoo::eek:
You have failed to prove my sources are fake and furthermore you have failed to refute the information because it is clear you are an intellectual juvenile who is intellectually lazy.

You're a weak fucking idiot loser racist trash turd with no brains or future. You rely upon fake, disreputable "news" sites run by raving psychotics who make nonsensical claims - and then turn around and attack forum posters for not being able to "prove them wrong":

"John Doe declares the sun is green!" And yes, we can list 5,000 respected MSM news sites stating that is wrong, but fanatic idiots like you with no intelligence whatsoever, either mentally ill or trolling, will repetitively argue that your BS sites are more accurate.

That is why few here respond to your garbage posts, or will do so in the future.

And moron, as soon as you claim that the entire syrian uprising is only due to outside terrorist groups like a fucking bashar ass-licker - you are OVER. Any hope to be taken seriously after that is a fantasy.

U R A F'ING IDIOT:confused::redface::mad::cuckoo::eek:
Syria Uprising: Troops Shelling Houla Days After Massacre, Say Activists


BEIRUT — U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on Syria on Thursday to stop its attacks, saying the U.N. observers monitoring the cease-fire were not there to watch the killing of innocent people. The warning came as activists reported that Syrian troops again shelled the country's central region of Houla where more than 100 people were massacred last week.

The latest shelling and sniper fire killed at least one person and made scores flee in fear of more government attacks.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and the Local Coordination Committees activist groups said government troops unleashed heavy machine guns but also used mortars Thursday in Houla, a collection of poor farming villages in the central Homs province. Both groups said a young man was killed by sniper fire.

Survivors of the Houla massacre have blamed pro-regime gunmen for at least some of carnage that began Friday and left 108 people dead, many of them children and women. The Syrian government denied its troops were behind the killings and blamed "armed terrorists."

Activists from Houla said government forces last Friday first shelled the area after large demonstrations against the regime earlier in the day. That evening, they said, pro-regime fighters known as shabiha stormed the villages, gunning down men in the streets and stabbing women and children in their homes.

The Houla massacre was one of the deadliest incidents since the uprising against President Bashar Assad's regime started in March last year. The U.N. said several weeks ago that more than 9,000 people have been killed in the past 15 months while activists put the number at about 13,000.

The Observatory reported that Houla residents were fleeing Thursday to nearby towns and villages "fearing a new massacre."

Speaking in Istanbul, Ban said that "the massacre of civilians of the sort seen last weekend could plunge Syria into a catastrophic civil war – a civil war from which the country would never recover." He added that a united international community demands that the Syrian government act on its responsibilities to its people.

"We are there to record violations and to speak out so that the perpetrators of crimes may be held to account," Ban told a summit of the Alliance of Civilizations, a forum promoting understanding between the Western and Islamic worlds.

"The more the international community knows," Ban said, "the more likely it is that we can advance on our most important goal: to help find a political solution, a solution that safeguards the lives and interests of all the Syrian people."

"Let me state plainly, however: The U.N. did not deploy in Syria just to bear witness to the slaughter of innocents," he said. "We are not there to play the role of passive observer to unspeakable atrocities."

Nearly 300 U.N. observers have been deployed around Syria to monitor a cease fire that went into effect on April 12, as part of a peace plan negotiated by international envoy Kofi Annan. Despite the cease fire, violence continued almost daily.

Syria Uprising: Troops Shelling Houla Days After Massacre, Say Activists
arron klien reports directly from the area, the long war journal et al offer explanations for those recent deaths, many children among them, which were NOT due to artillery fire, but close range gunshots.

-Syrian soldiers
- Syrian gov. police 'shabiha' ( thugs like the folks how shot Nadia in Iran )
- AQ.......

I rule out the soldiers, any of tyhe other 2 are perfectly believable.

Kofi Annan of Oil for Food fame, is useless, ( we knew that but hey..its the UN, douche bags like him never really lose their ability to fool other fools), he was a failure as UN head honcho and this ( his) peace 'initiative' only gave initiative to Assad and some breathing space. He should just stfu.

Next stop? a litany of Srebrenicas, tit for tast etc. until the rebellion dies out of exhaustion, is crushed or assad falls.... ....
arron klien reports directly from the area, the long war journal et al offer explanations for those recent deaths, many children among them, which were NOT due to artillery fire, but close range gunshots.

-Syrian soldiers
- Syrian gov. police 'shabiha' ( thugs like the folks how shot Nadia in Iran )
- AQ.......

I rule out the soldiers, any of tyhe other 2 are perfectly believable.

Kofi Annan of Oil for Food fame, is useless, ( we knew that but hey..its the UN, douche bags like him never really lose their ability to fool other fools), he was a failure as UN head honcho and this ( his) peace 'initiative' only gave initiative to Assad and some breathing space. He should just stfu.

Next stop? a litany of Srebrenicas, tit for tast etc. until the rebellion dies out of exhaustion, is crushed or assad falls.... ....

Kofi Annan is a corrupt empty suit, he's a pussy and is just buying Assad breathing room at this point just like he did for Saddam in the 1990's, if the Syrian peoples lives depend on him they are totally and completely fucked.
I don't think any real outside help is coming for the Syrian people, if they have a way out of the country do it NOW.
Houla Massacre: Russia's Tipping Point On Syria?


MOSCOW, May 30 (Reuters) - Vladimir Putin resumed the Russian presidency declaring a moral right to promote Kremlin power on the world stage. A massacre in Syria could now press him towards abandoning his closest Middle Eastern ally, but any backdown would have to be carefully engineered to protect Russian interests and save face.

International envoy Kofi Annan said the massacre of 108 people, half of them children, in the town of Houla showed Syria at a 'tipping point'. He urged President Bashar al-Assad to halt the killing that the West blames squarely on his troops.

"I think there may be changes in Russia's position, because Russia has lost its ability to manage the situation," said Fyodor Lukyanov, editor of the journal Russia in Global Affairs and a foreign policy expert with Kremlin connections.

With Western and Arab League pressure on both Syria and Russia after the Houla killings, he said, a Russian shift "is more likely than before - but there is no decision yet."

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, speaking after talks with British foreign minister William Hague, blamed both sides, government and rebels, for the Houla massacre; but he appeared to move a degree towards Western and Arab League positions in acknowledging Assad bears overall responsibility for security.

Putin flies to Berlin and Paris this week for talks he had hoped would be led by economic projects to modernise Russian industry. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande may have other ideas.

"He did not want to talk about Syria, where Russian influence is overestimated," said German political scientist Alexander Rahr. "If the West decides Putin is defending Assad, that will spoil his chances to develop partnership with Germany and France, which are very important for him."

Russia has helped Assad play for time through more than a year of bloodshed in which the United Nations says government forces have killed more than 9,000 civilians. The government says thousands of police have been killed by 'terrorists'.

Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Reuters nobody had "unambiguous information" about Houla. "One should not give in to emotion at such an important moment."

"Russia is a country with a consistent foreign policy and pressure is hardly appropriate."

Houla Massacre: Russia's Tipping Point On Syria?
Houla Massacre: Russia's Tipping Point On Syria?


MOSCOW, May 30 (Reuters) - Vladimir Putin resumed the Russian presidency declaring a moral right to promote Kremlin power on the world stage. A massacre in Syria could now press him towards abandoning his closest Middle Eastern ally, but any backdown would have to be carefully engineered to protect Russian interests and save face.

International envoy Kofi Annan said the massacre of 108 people, half of them children, in the town of Houla showed Syria at a 'tipping point'. He urged President Bashar al-Assad to halt the killing that the West blames squarely on his troops.

"I think there may be changes in Russia's position, because Russia has lost its ability to manage the situation," said Fyodor Lukyanov, editor of the journal Russia in Global Affairs and a foreign policy expert with Kremlin connections.

With Western and Arab League pressure on both Syria and Russia after the Houla killings, he said, a Russian shift "is more likely than before - but there is no decision yet."

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, speaking after talks with British foreign minister William Hague, blamed both sides, government and rebels, for the Houla massacre; but he appeared to move a degree towards Western and Arab League positions in acknowledging Assad bears overall responsibility for security.

Putin flies to Berlin and Paris this week for talks he had hoped would be led by economic projects to modernise Russian industry. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande may have other ideas.

"He did not want to talk about Syria, where Russian influence is overestimated," said German political scientist Alexander Rahr. "If the West decides Putin is defending Assad, that will spoil his chances to develop partnership with Germany and France, which are very important for him."

Russia has helped Assad play for time through more than a year of bloodshed in which the United Nations says government forces have killed more than 9,000 civilians. The government says thousands of police have been killed by 'terrorists'.

Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Reuters nobody had "unambiguous information" about Houla. "One should not give in to emotion at such an important moment."

"Russia is a country with a consistent foreign policy and pressure is hardly appropriate."

Houla Massacre: Russia's Tipping Point On Syria?

Grav,this morning the Syrian Foreign Minister had the gall,the fucking gall, to blame the "rebels" for the killings......these bastards have more front than Macys shop windows.

These are evil bastards.steve
Houla Massacre: Russia's Tipping Point On Syria?


MOSCOW, May 30 (Reuters) - Vladimir Putin resumed the Russian presidency declaring a moral right to promote Kremlin power on the world stage. A massacre in Syria could now press him towards abandoning his closest Middle Eastern ally, but any backdown would have to be carefully engineered to protect Russian interests and save face.

International envoy Kofi Annan said the massacre of 108 people, half of them children, in the town of Houla showed Syria at a 'tipping point'. He urged President Bashar al-Assad to halt the killing that the West blames squarely on his troops.

"I think there may be changes in Russia's position, because Russia has lost its ability to manage the situation," said Fyodor Lukyanov, editor of the journal Russia in Global Affairs and a foreign policy expert with Kremlin connections.

With Western and Arab League pressure on both Syria and Russia after the Houla killings, he said, a Russian shift "is more likely than before - but there is no decision yet."

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, speaking after talks with British foreign minister William Hague, blamed both sides, government and rebels, for the Houla massacre; but he appeared to move a degree towards Western and Arab League positions in acknowledging Assad bears overall responsibility for security.

Putin flies to Berlin and Paris this week for talks he had hoped would be led by economic projects to modernise Russian industry. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande may have other ideas.

"He did not want to talk about Syria, where Russian influence is overestimated," said German political scientist Alexander Rahr. "If the West decides Putin is defending Assad, that will spoil his chances to develop partnership with Germany and France, which are very important for him."

Russia has helped Assad play for time through more than a year of bloodshed in which the United Nations says government forces have killed more than 9,000 civilians. The government says thousands of police have been killed by 'terrorists'.

Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Reuters nobody had "unambiguous information" about Houla. "One should not give in to emotion at such an important moment."

"Russia is a country with a consistent foreign policy and pressure is hardly appropriate."

Houla Massacre: Russia's Tipping Point On Syria?

Grav,this morning the Syrian Foreign Minister had the gall,the fucking gall, to blame the "rebels" for the killings......these bastards have more front than Macys shop windows.

These are evil bastards.steve

Of course they are going to say that, they can't admit openly to the world they are butchering their own citizens.
Syria Killings: 11 State Workers Killed In Factory


BEIRUT -- Gunmen killed 11 workers at a state-owned fertilizer factory in a volatile central Syrian province, activists said Friday, the second execution-style shooting reported in Syria in less than a week.

The shooting near the town of Qusair in Homs province occurred Thursday as the workers were on their way to their jobs in a bus that came under fire, said the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

A pro-government Facebook page, the Homs News Network, posted photos of 11 men on the floor of what appeared to be a classroom. It blamed the rebel Free Syrian Army, saying the workers were killed for being state employees. The opposition blamed the government.

Syria has grown increasingly chaotic in recent months, possibly spiraling toward civil war, making it difficult to determine responsibility for much of the bloodshed. The government restricts journalists from moving freely, making it nearly impossible to independently verify accounts from either side.

On Thursday, 13 bound corpses, many apparently shot execution-style, were found in the eastern province of Deir el-Zour near the Iraqi border. The men were believed to be workers for an oil company. It was unclear who killed them.

The uprising against President Bashar Assad's regime began in March last year with largely peaceful protests calling for reform. A fierce government crackdown prompted many in the opposition take up arms, transforming the conflict into an insurgency.

The U.N. said in March that more than 9,000 people have been killed during the crisis. Activists put the toll far higher, saying 13,000 have died.

Syria Killings: 11 State Workers Killed In Factory
THE HOULA MASSACRE: Opposition Terrorists "Killed Families Loyal to the Government"
In the weekend of May 25, 2012, at about 2 PM, big groups of fighters attacked and captured the town of Al – Hula of the Homs province. Al-Houla is made up of three regions: the village of Taldou, Kafr Laha and Taldahab, each of which had previously been home for 25-30 thousand people.

The town was attacked from the north-east by groups of bandits and mercenaries, numbering up to 700 people. The militants came from Ar-Rastan (the Brigade of al-Farouk from the Free Syrian Army led by the terrorist Abdul Razak Tlass and numbering 250), from the village of Akraba (led by the terrorist Yahya Al-Yousef), from the village Farlaha, joined by local gangsters, and from Al Houla.

The city of Ar-Rastan has long been abandoned by most civilians. Now Wahhabis from Lebanon dominate the scene, fueled with money and weapons by one of the main orchestrators of international terrorism, Saad Hariri, who heads the anti-Syrian political movement “Tayyar Al-Mustaqbal” (“Future Movement”). The road from Ar-Rastan to Al-Houla runs through Bedouin areas that remain mostly out of control of government troops, which made the militant attacks on Al Hula a complete surprise for the Syrian authorities.

When the rebels seized the lower checkpoint in the center of town and located next to the local police department, they began to sweep all the families loyal to the authorities in neighboring houses, including the elderly, women and children. Several families of the Al-Sayed were killed, including 20 young children and the family of the Abdul Razak. Many of those killed were “guilty” of the fact that they dared to change from Sunnis to Shiites. The people were killed with knives and shot at point blank range. Then they presented the murdered to the UN and the international community as victims of bombings by the Syrian army, something that was not verified by any marks on their bodies.
THE HOULA MASSACRE: Opposition Terrorists "Killed Families Loyal to the Government"

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