Protests in Syria

So far 0 countries have come forward with any kind of operations, to take out the air defense systems, establish a no fly zone, nothing, there is a Russian Naval Base in Syria also, you really think their just going to sit there if NATO starts bombing Assads troops?

The public pressure to act will be overwhelming, there is no way the Western governments will be able to withstand it. Ass-ad will be given a choice: allow a safe have in the Western part of the country, or be liquidated under a massive Serbian-type assault.

I may sound overconfident, but the US' latest radar detection systems can obliterate the syrian air defenses without much difficulty. It isno accident that israel buzzes ass-ad's palaces at will when they feel like it, and took out the nuclear reactor rather easily in '07. That's a good example where the US financial aid investments in israel come in quite handy.

Also, in 1999 Turkey threatened ass-ad and he backed down quickly, since he understands one thing only - force. Another massacre and you will see Russian leverage vanish; already they are talking about replacing ass-ad. Notice how no one mentions the chinese anymore?

Ass-ad is out of options, and he has pinned himself into a corner from which there is only one eventual option; the Hague, unless the rebellion captures and kills him first, which is also a possibility.
Unholy Alliance Forming Against Syria
Washington, Tel Aviv, Ankara, Brussels, Arab puppet regimes, Extremist Wahhabis, Al-Qaeda

Syria is bracing for more political chaos as all antagonistic forces appear to have entered into an unholy alliance to bring the government to its knees by ingeniously choreographing massacres and attributing them to Syrian government, thereby turning the country into fertile soil for US-led invasion.
What deserves due attention in the carnage that happened in Houla is that many were shot dead at close range, many were Shia Muslims and many were women and children. In other words, these atrocities are conjectured to have been carried out at the hands of the extremist Wahhabis and al-Qaeda elements who are notorious for targeting women and children in their terrorist operations.
Syrian authorities on Sunday denied having a hand in the carnage.
Washington is funding the rebel groups in Syria. A report reveals that the rebels in Syria “have begun receiving significantly more and better weapons in recent weeks, an effort paid for by Persian Gulf nations and coordinated in part by the United States”
Syrian rebels get influx of arms with gulf neighbors’ money, U.S. coordination - The Washington Post

Source article: Unholy Alliance Forming Against Syria

[ame=]Webster Tarpley: NATO-Backed "Syrian National Council" Breaking Apart... - YouTube[/ame]
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So far 0 countries have come forward with any kind of operations, to take out the air defense systems, establish a no fly zone, nothing, there is a Russian Naval Base in Syria also, you really think their just going to sit there if NATO starts bombing Assads troops?

The public pressure to act will be overwhelming, there is no way the Western governments will be able to withstand it. Ass-ad will be given a choice: allow a safe have in the Western part of the country, or be liquidated under a massive Serbian-type assault.

I may sound overconfident, but the US' latest radar detection systems can obliterate the syrian air defenses without much difficulty. It isno accident that israel buzzes ass-ad's palaces at will when they feel like it, and took out the nuclear reactor rather easily in '07. That's a good example where the US financial aid investments in israel come in quite handy.

Also, in 1999 Turkey threatened ass-ad and he backed down quickly, since he understands one thing only - force. Another massacre and you will see Russian leverage vanish; already they are talking about replacing ass-ad. Notice how no one mentions the chinese anymore?

Ass-ad is out of options, and he has pinned himself into a corner from which there is only one eventual option; the Hague, unless the rebellion captures and kills him first, which is also a possibility.

You really think its a good idea for us to get involved in another war though? would NATO get involved in this like they did with Libya? I see alot of apprehension from the Euros about bombing Damascus.
Syria Crisis: Turkey, Japan Expel Syrian Diplomats In Wake Of Houla Massacre


BEIRUT — U.N. observers have discovered 13 bound corpses in eastern Syria, many of them apparently shot execution-style, the monitoring mission said Wednesday.

The announcement comes days after a massacre in Houla, in the central Homs province, which killed more than 100 people and prompted worldwide condemnation against the regime of President Bashar Assad. The Syrian government denied its troops were behind the killings and blamed "armed terrorists."

The latest killings apparently happened in Deir el-Zour province. The corpses were found with their hands tied behind their backs, according to a statement by the U.N. mission. Some appeared to have been shot in the head from a short distance.

The head of the U.N. observer team, Maj. Gen. Robert Mood, said he was "deeply disturbed by this appalling and inexcusable act."

The violence in Syria is spiraling out of control as an uprising against Assad that began in March 2011 has morphed into an armed insurgency.

In the wake of the Houla massacre, the United States and several other countries expelled Syrian diplomats to protest the killings. Survivors blamed pro-regime gunmen for at least some of the carnage in Houla.

The U.N.'s top human rights body planned to hold a special session Friday to address the massacre. Violence also continued elsewhere unabated. Syrian forces bombarded rebel-held areas in the same province where the Houla killings occurred, although no casualties were immediately reported, activists said.

Damascus had said it would conclude its own investigation into the Houla deaths by Wednesday but it was not clear if the findings would be made public.

Syria's state-run media on Wednesday denounced the diplomatic expulsions as "unprecedented hysteria."

Syria Crisis: Turkey, Japan Expel Syrian Diplomats In Wake Of Houla Massacre
Syria Crisis: Turkey, Japan Expel Syrian Diplomats In Wake Of Houla Massacre


BEIRUT — U.N. observers have discovered 13 bound corpses in eastern Syria, many of them apparently shot execution-style, the monitoring mission said Wednesday.

The announcement comes days after a massacre in Houla, in the central Homs province, which killed more than 100 people and prompted worldwide condemnation against the regime of President Bashar Assad. The Syrian government denied its troops were behind the killings and blamed "armed terrorists."

The latest killings apparently happened in Deir el-Zour province. The corpses were found with their hands tied behind their backs, according to a statement by the U.N. mission. Some appeared to have been shot in the head from a short distance.

The head of the U.N. observer team, Maj. Gen. Robert Mood, said he was "deeply disturbed by this appalling and inexcusable act."

The violence in Syria is spiraling out of control as an uprising against Assad that began in March 2011 has morphed into an armed insurgency.

In the wake of the Houla massacre, the United States and several other countries expelled Syrian diplomats to protest the killings. Survivors blamed pro-regime gunmen for at least some of the carnage in Houla.

The U.N.'s top human rights body planned to hold a special session Friday to address the massacre. Violence also continued elsewhere unabated. Syrian forces bombarded rebel-held areas in the same province where the Houla killings occurred, although no casualties were immediately reported, activists said.

Damascus had said it would conclude its own investigation into the Houla deaths by Wednesday but it was not clear if the findings would be made public.

Syria's state-run media on Wednesday denounced the diplomatic expulsions as "unprecedented hysteria."

Syria Crisis: Turkey, Japan Expel Syrian Diplomats In Wake Of Houla Massacre

I don't think that it was the Syrian Army that was responsible for this massacre. I believe it was the Saudi and Bahrain (NATO) backed Wahhabi and Al Queda mercenary forces that were responsible for this. Syria was slated for take down a long time ago. U.S. and NATO, just as in Libya, send in agent provocateurs to stir up trouble which leads to violence and the government reacts. Libya is in way worse shape today than it was under Gaddaffi.
The victims of the Houla massacre were Shia Muslims and the agent provocateur mercenaries are from the Sunni sect which are enemies of the Shia Muslims. Sunni's terrorists are indiscriminate in their terror operations. Iran is mostly Shia and the vast majority across the Persian Gulf are Sunni. This is a proxy war and a campaign to destabilize Syria and the road to Tehran is going through Damascus.
The Houla Massacre: A War Provocation by NATO Death Squads in Himmler's Gleiwitz Operation Tradition - YouTube
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Syria Crisis: Turkey, Japan Expel Syrian Diplomats In Wake Of Houla Massacre


BEIRUT — U.N. observers have discovered 13 bound corpses in eastern Syria, many of them apparently shot execution-style, the monitoring mission said Wednesday.

The announcement comes days after a massacre in Houla, in the central Homs province, which killed more than 100 people and prompted worldwide condemnation against the regime of President Bashar Assad. The Syrian government denied its troops were behind the killings and blamed "armed terrorists."

The latest killings apparently happened in Deir el-Zour province. The corpses were found with their hands tied behind their backs, according to a statement by the U.N. mission. Some appeared to have been shot in the head from a short distance.

The head of the U.N. observer team, Maj. Gen. Robert Mood, said he was "deeply disturbed by this appalling and inexcusable act."

The violence in Syria is spiraling out of control as an uprising against Assad that began in March 2011 has morphed into an armed insurgency.

In the wake of the Houla massacre, the United States and several other countries expelled Syrian diplomats to protest the killings. Survivors blamed pro-regime gunmen for at least some of the carnage in Houla.

The U.N.'s top human rights body planned to hold a special session Friday to address the massacre. Violence also continued elsewhere unabated. Syrian forces bombarded rebel-held areas in the same province where the Houla killings occurred, although no casualties were immediately reported, activists said.

Damascus had said it would conclude its own investigation into the Houla deaths by Wednesday but it was not clear if the findings would be made public.

Syria's state-run media on Wednesday denounced the diplomatic expulsions as "unprecedented hysteria."

Syria Crisis: Turkey, Japan Expel Syrian Diplomats In Wake Of Houla Massacre

I don't think that it was the Syrian Army that was responsible for this massacre. I believe it was the Saudi and Bahrain (NATO) backed Wahhabi and Al Queda mercenary forces that were responsible for this. Syria was slated for take down a long time ago. U.S. and NATO, just as in Libya, send in agent provocateurs to stir up trouble which leads to violence and the government reacts. Libya is in way worse shape today than it was under Gaddaffi.
The victims of the Houla massacre were Shia Muslims and the agent provocateur mercenaries are from the Sunni sect which are enemies of the Shia Muslims. Sunni's terrorists are indiscriminate in their terror operations. Iran is mostly Shia and the vast majority across the Persian Gulf are Sunni. This is a proxy war and a campaign to destabilize Syria and the road to Tehran is going through Damascus.
The Houla Massacre: A War Provocation by NATO Death Squads in Himmler's Gleiwitz Operation Tradition - YouTube

How would a small number of foreigners be able to have this much influence over a large swath of the Syrian population? are you trying to tell me Bashar Assad is the Syrian Aberham Lincoln or Mahatma Gandhi?
Syria Crisis: Turkey, Japan Expel Syrian Diplomats In Wake Of Houla Massacre


Syria Crisis: Turkey, Japan Expel Syrian Diplomats In Wake Of Houla Massacre

I don't think that it was the Syrian Army that was responsible for this massacre. I believe it was the Saudi and Bahrain (NATO) backed Wahhabi and Al Queda mercenary forces that were responsible for this. Syria was slated for take down a long time ago. U.S. and NATO, just as in Libya, send in agent provocateurs to stir up trouble which leads to violence and the government reacts. Libya is in way worse shape today than it was under Gaddaffi.
The victims of the Houla massacre were Shia Muslims and the agent provocateur mercenaries are from the Sunni sect which are enemies of the Shia Muslims. Sunni's terrorists are indiscriminate in their terror operations. Iran is mostly Shia and the vast majority across the Persian Gulf are Sunni. This is a proxy war and a campaign to destabilize Syria and the road to Tehran is going through Damascus.
The Houla Massacre: A War Provocation by NATO Death Squads in Himmler's Gleiwitz Operation Tradition - YouTube

How would a small number of foreigners be able to have this much influence over a large swath of the Syrian population? are you trying to tell me Bashar Assad is the Syrian Aberham Lincoln or Mahatma Gandhi?

You're misunderstanding the situation. In 1953 the CIA went into Iran to organize a coup ( a takeover) The operation, was code-named TP-AJAX and it was the blueprint for a succession of CIA plots to foment coups and destabilize governments. Look it up.
The plan was to overthrow the government of Mohammad Mosaddeq and replace him with
Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi.
This planned coup was the result of Mosaddeq nationalizing Iran's oil and thus reducing western oil companies control and profits.
With Syria, it's their relationship with Iran and their proximity to Israel that has them slated for takeover. Israel and the U.S. want to take Iran out,but they don't want to have Assad in power when they attack Iran because Assad is friendly with the Iranian regime.
With Assad out of the way and a western puppet in there, Israel and the region has less to be concerned about.
This isn't about pushing for "democracy" in Syria. NATO, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain are co-operating to try and paint Assad in the worse possible light because they want him out of the way for the attack on Iran. Look up the CIA's project AJAX because it's the basic blueprint for takeover of regimes the West doesn't like.
I don't think that it was the Syrian Army that was responsible for this massacre. I believe it was the Saudi and Bahrain (NATO) backed Wahhabi and Al Queda mercenary forces that were responsible for this. Syria was slated for take down a long time ago. U.S. and NATO, just as in Libya, send in agent provocateurs to stir up trouble which leads to violence and the government reacts. Libya is in way worse shape today than it was under Gaddaffi.
The victims of the Houla massacre were Shia Muslims and the agent provocateur mercenaries are from the Sunni sect which are enemies of the Shia Muslims. Sunni's terrorists are indiscriminate in their terror operations. Iran is mostly Shia and the vast majority across the Persian Gulf are Sunni. This is a proxy war and a campaign to destabilize Syria and the road to Tehran is going through Damascus.
The Houla Massacre: A War Provocation by NATO Death Squads in Himmler's Gleiwitz Operation Tradition - YouTube

How would a small number of foreigners be able to have this much influence over a large swath of the Syrian population? are you trying to tell me Bashar Assad is the Syrian Aberham Lincoln or Mahatma Gandhi?

You're misunderstanding the situation. In 1953 the CIA went into Iran to organize a coup ( a takeover) The operation, was code-named TP-AJAX and it was the blueprint for a succession of CIA plots to foment coups and destabilize governments. Look it up.
The plan was to overthrow the government of Mohammad Mosaddeq and replace him with
Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi.
This planned coup was the result of Mosaddeq nationalizing Iran's oil and thus reducing western oil companies control and profits.
With Syria, it's their relationship with Iran and their proximity to Israel that has them slated for takeover. Israel and the U.S. want to take Iran out,but they don't want to have Assad in power when they attack Iran because Assad is friendly with the Iranian regime.
With Assad out of the way and a western puppet in there, Israel and the region has less to be concerned about.
This isn't about pushing for "democracy" in Syria. NATO, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain are co-operating to try and paint Assad in the worse possible light because they want him out of the way for the attack on Iran. Look up the CIA's project AJAX because it's the basic blueprint for takeover of regimes the West doesn't like.

I have a question for you though, do you think most Syrians are happy with their leadership? because if that were the case, this kind of conspiracy should never be able to work without the people buying in.
How would a small number of foreigners be able to have this much influence over a large swath of the Syrian population? are you trying to tell me Bashar Assad is the Syrian Aberham Lincoln or Mahatma Gandhi?

You're misunderstanding the situation. In 1953 the CIA went into Iran to organize a coup ( a takeover) The operation, was code-named TP-AJAX and it was the blueprint for a succession of CIA plots to foment coups and destabilize governments. Look it up.
The plan was to overthrow the government of Mohammad Mosaddeq and replace him with
Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi.
This planned coup was the result of Mosaddeq nationalizing Iran's oil and thus reducing western oil companies control and profits.
With Syria, it's their relationship with Iran and their proximity to Israel that has them slated for takeover. Israel and the U.S. want to take Iran out,but they don't want to have Assad in power when they attack Iran because Assad is friendly with the Iranian regime.
With Assad out of the way and a western puppet in there, Israel and the region has less to be concerned about.
This isn't about pushing for "democracy" in Syria. NATO, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain are co-operating to try and paint Assad in the worse possible light because they want him out of the way for the attack on Iran. Look up the CIA's project AJAX because it's the basic blueprint for takeover of regimes the West doesn't like.

I have a question for you though, do you think most Syrians are happy with their leadership? because if that were the case, this kind of conspiracy should never be able to work without the people buying in.

There are a lot of them that aren't happy with their leadership just as in the U.S. and Israel. As happened in Iran in 1953 and in Libya last year the people are subjected to cleverly crafted propaganda, their source for information is purposely misinforming them.
The people really don't have any control over outside agent provocateurs coming into the country. Just as here in the U.S. people are divided... Democrat vs. Republican. It would be like if outside forces, agent provocateurs, came in and tried to stir up shit between the Dems and Repubs. to get a civil war going.
Let me ask you something, if outside forces came into the U.S. blowing things up and killing innocent civilians do you think the U.S government would sit idly by?
Assad is certainly no angel, but the Syrian government has a right to fight back against these foreign invaders who are wreaking havoc on their country. The reaction of the Syrian government to these foreign invaders is being distorted in the press. This is by design, again, powerful western interests want Assad out of the way and they need to justify to the world that a military intervention is required in Syria under the guise of humanitarianism and democracy. This is what they did to Libya.
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You're misunderstanding the situation. In 1953 the CIA went into Iran to organize a coup ( a takeover) The operation, was code-named TP-AJAX and it was the blueprint for a succession of CIA plots to foment coups and destabilize governments. Look it up.
The plan was to overthrow the government of Mohammad Mosaddeq and replace him with
Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi.
This planned coup was the result of Mosaddeq nationalizing Iran's oil and thus reducing western oil companies control and profits.
With Syria, it's their relationship with Iran and their proximity to Israel that has them slated for takeover. Israel and the U.S. want to take Iran out,but they don't want to have Assad in power when they attack Iran because Assad is friendly with the Iranian regime.
With Assad out of the way and a western puppet in there, Israel and the region has less to be concerned about.
This isn't about pushing for "democracy" in Syria. NATO, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain are co-operating to try and paint Assad in the worse possible light because they want him out of the way for the attack on Iran. Look up the CIA's project AJAX because it's the basic blueprint for takeover of regimes the West doesn't like.

I have a question for you though, do you think most Syrians are happy with their leadership? because if that were the case, this kind of conspiracy should never be able to work without the people buying in.

There are a lot of them that aren't happy with their leadership just as in the U.S. and Israel. As happened in Iran in 1953 and in Libya last year the people are subjected to cleverly crafted propaganda, their source for information is purposely misinforming them.
The people really don't have any control over outside agent provocateurs coming into the country. Just as here in the U.S. people are divided... Democrat vs. Republican. It would be like if outside forces, agent provocateurs, came in and tried to stir up shit between the Dems and Repubs. to get a civil war going.
Let me ask you something, if outside forces came into the U.S. blowing things up and killing innocent civilians do you think the U.S government would sit idly by?
Assad is certainly no angel, but the Syrian government has a right to fight back against these foreign invaders who are wreaking havoc on their country. The reaction of the Syrian government to these foreign invaders is being distorted in the press. This is by design, again, powerful western interests want Assad out of the way and they need to justify to the world that a military intervention is required in Syria under the guise of humanitarianism and democracy. This is what they did to Libya.

The thing is so far foreign powers seem reluctant to get involved, no countries have stepped forward with a Military solution and seem to be twiddling their thumbs, why haven't they jumped all over this thing with air strikes already if this were true?
Syria Crisis: 13 Bodies Found With Hands Tied, Head Of UN Observers Says


BEIRUT, May 30 (Reuters) - U.N. observers said on Wednesday 13 bodies had been discovered bound and shot in eastern Syria, days after a massacre of 108 civilians, nearly half of them children, ignited a world outcry.

Syrian activists said the victims were army defectors killed by Assad's forces, but it was not possible to verify their accounts.

Outrage at last Friday's mass killings in the Syrian town of Houla, documented by U.N. monitors, prompted a host of Western countries to step up pressure on Syria on Tuesday by expelling its senior diplomats, and to press Russia and China to allow tougher action by the U.N. Security Council.

Wednesday's observer report underlined how a peace plan drafted by international envoy Kofi Annan has failed to stem bloodshed or bring Syria's government and opposition to the negotiating table.

Major-General Robert Mood, the Norwegian head of the observer mission, said the corpses had been found with their hands tied behind their backs and signs that some had been shot in the head from close range.

"General Mood is deeply disturbed by this appalling and inexcusable act," a statement issued by the observer mission said. "He calls on all parties to exercise restraint and end the cycle of violence for the sake of Syria and the Syrian people."

The U.N. observers said the 13 dead men had been found on Tuesday evening in Assukar, about 50 km (31 miles) east of the city of Deir al-Zor.

Video footage posted by activists shows the bodies face down on the ground, hands tied behind their backs, with dark pools of what could be blood around their heads and torsos. Mood did not apportion any blame for the killings.

U.N. peacekeeping chief Herve Ladsous said in New York on Tuesday that the Syrian army and "shabbiha" militiamen supporting Assad were "probably" responsible for massacring 108 people in Houla with artillery, tanks, small arms and knives. Syria denied any responsibility and blamed Islamist "terrorists" - its term for rebel forces.

Trying to save his seven-week-old peace plan from collapse, U.N.-Arab League envoy Annan told Assad in Damascus on Tuesday that Syria was at a tipping point, but there was no let-up in violence, with more than 100 people killed the same day, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Syria Crisis: 13 Bodies Found With Hands Tied, Head Of UN Observers Says
Syria Massacre: Houla Child Witness Describes Mother's Murder

In a new amateur video uploaded to YouTube, a young Syrian boy describes witnessing the murder of his family during last week's horrifying massacre in the town of Houla.

The boy says his uncles and brothers were taken by security forces. He claims his mother was shot five times in the head after she shouted at soldiers who entered their house. The boy survived, he says, because he 'played dead' after he was shot himself.

The video could not independently be verified.

Syria Massacre: Houla Child Witness Describes Mother's Murder (VIDEO)
I have a question for you though, do you think most Syrians are happy with their leadership? because if that were the case, this kind of conspiracy should never be able to work without the people buying in.

There are a lot of them that aren't happy with their leadership just as in the U.S. and Israel. As happened in Iran in 1953 and in Libya last year the people are subjected to cleverly crafted propaganda, their source for information is purposely misinforming them.
The people really don't have any control over outside agent provocateurs coming into the country. Just as here in the U.S. people are divided... Democrat vs. Republican. It would be like if outside forces, agent provocateurs, came in and tried to stir up shit between the Dems and Repubs. to get a civil war going.
Let me ask you something, if outside forces came into the U.S. blowing things up and killing innocent civilians do you think the U.S government would sit idly by?
Assad is certainly no angel, but the Syrian government has a right to fight back against these foreign invaders who are wreaking havoc on their country. The reaction of the Syrian government to these foreign invaders is being distorted in the press. This is by design, again, powerful western interests want Assad out of the way and they need to justify to the world that a military intervention is required in Syria under the guise of humanitarianism and democracy. This is what they did to Libya.

The thing is so far foreign powers seem reluctant to get involved, no countries have stepped forward with a Military solution and seem to be twiddling their thumbs, why haven't they jumped all over this thing with air strikes already if this were true?

There are foreign powers involved proxy, the Wahhabi, LIFG and Al Qaeda terrorists inside Syria are being funded by NATO...U.S. through Saudi Arabia and Bahrain INDIRECTLY. They say the funds are just for medical supplies and food which is bunk. They're supplying them with military hardware.

Countries need a public justification for attacking another country. This justification is needed to galvanize internal support for the war, as well as gain the support of potential allies.

In theory international law today allows only three situations as legal cause to go to war: out of self-defense, defense of an ally under a mutual defense pact, or sanctioned by the UN.

This is why there is a propaganda campaign against Syria.There are powerful western interest's along with the Saudi's and Israel that are trying to manufacture a situation that permits them to militarily (officially) attack Syria. A casus beli
NATO, being led by the U.S., attack on Libya was actually in violation of international law when they attacked Libya. This R2P, right to protect, was something that was cooked up to be used more like misused... as an excuse to attack another country for economic reasons or for strategic future war planning reasons, under the guise of "humanitarianism" and "Democracy"

There are a lot of them that aren't happy with their leadership just as in the U.S. and Israel. As happened in Iran in 1953 and in Libya last year the people are subjected to cleverly crafted propaganda, their source for information is purposely misinforming them.
The people really don't have any control over outside agent provocateurs coming into the country. Just as here in the U.S. people are divided... Democrat vs. Republican. It would be like if outside forces, agent provocateurs, came in and tried to stir up shit between the Dems and Repubs. to get a civil war going.
Let me ask you something, if outside forces came into the U.S. blowing things up and killing innocent civilians do you think the U.S government would sit idly by?
Assad is certainly no angel, but the Syrian government has a right to fight back against these foreign invaders who are wreaking havoc on their country. The reaction of the Syrian government to these foreign invaders is being distorted in the press. This is by design, again, powerful western interests want Assad out of the way and they need to justify to the world that a military intervention is required in Syria under the guise of humanitarianism and democracy. This is what they did to Libya.

The thing is so far foreign powers seem reluctant to get involved, no countries have stepped forward with a Military solution and seem to be twiddling their thumbs, why haven't they jumped all over this thing with air strikes already if this were true?

There are foreign powers involved proxy, the Wahhabi, LIFG and Al Qaeda terrorists inside Syria are being funded by NATO...U.S. through Saudi Arabia and Bahrain INDIRECTLY. They say the funds are just for medical supplies and food which is bunk. They're supplying them with military hardware.

Countries need a public justification for attacking another country. This justification is needed to galvanize internal support for the war, as well as gain the support of potential allies.

In theory international law today allows only three situations as legal cause to go to war: out of self-defense, defense of an ally under a mutual defense pact, or sanctioned by the UN.

This is why there is a propaganda campaign against Syria.There are powerful western interest's along with the Saudi's and Israel that are trying to manufacture a situation that permits them to militarily (officially) attack Syria. A casus beli
NATO, being led by the U.S., attack on Libya was actually in violation of international law when they attacked Libya. This R2P, right to protect, was something that was cooked up to be used more like misused... as an excuse to attack another country for economic reasons or for strategic future war planning reasons, under the guise of "humanitarianism" and "Democracy"


so, you're stance appears to be, that western anti shia agents and org's, funded by US et al are responsible for the uprising and the concomitant violence over the last year and a half?
You're misunderstanding the situation. In 1953 the CIA went into Iran to organize a coup ( a takeover) The operation, was code-named TP-AJAX and it was the blueprint for a succession of CIA plots to foment coups and destabilize governments. Look it up.
The plan was to overthrow the government of Mohammad Mosaddeq and replace him with
Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi.
This planned coup was the result of Mosaddeq nationalizing Iran's oil and thus reducing western oil companies control and profits.
With Syria, it's their relationship with Iran and their proximity to Israel that has them slated for takeover. Israel and the U.S. want to take Iran out,but they don't want to have Assad in power when they attack Iran because Assad is friendly with the Iranian regime.
With Assad out of the way and a western puppet in there, Israel and the region has less to be concerned about.
This isn't about pushing for "democracy" in Syria. NATO, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain are co-operating to try and paint Assad in the worse possible light because they want him out of the way for the attack on Iran. Look up the CIA's project AJAX because it's the basic blueprint for takeover of regimes the West doesn't like.

I have a question for you though, do you think most Syrians are happy with their leadership? because if that were the case, this kind of conspiracy should never be able to work without the people buying in.

There are a lot of them that aren't happy with their leadership just as in the U.S. and Israel. As happened in Iran in 1953 and in Libya last year the people are subjected to cleverly crafted propaganda, their source for information is purposely misinforming them.
The people really don't have any control over outside agent provocateurs coming into the country. Just as here in the U.S. people are divided... Democrat vs. Republican. It would be like if outside forces, agent provocateurs, came in and tried to stir up shit between the Dems and Repubs. to get a civil war going.
Let me ask you something, if outside forces came into the U.S. blowing things up and killing innocent civilians do you think the U.S government would sit idly by?
Assad is certainly no angel, but the Syrian government has a right to fight back against these foreign invaders who are wreaking havoc on their country. The reaction of the Syrian government to these foreign invaders is being distorted in the press. This is by design, again, powerful western interests want Assad out of the way and they need to justify to the world that a military intervention is required in Syria under the guise of humanitarianism and democracy. This is what they did to Libya.

you are grossly mischaracterizing and conflating several issues situations and ideologies all at once to lend your view some verisimilitude.

Obama has done his level best to stay afar, the insurgency of sunni's inside Syria was homegrown, now that it has lasted this long, violent factions who breed and feed on any situations like this have penetrated Syria, so what, same happened in Libya.

now, would the sauds, israel and us, be benefactors of an overthrow of assad and in installation of a sunni majority gov? sounds good, but one never knows, its like playing with fire and obama would never sppt. something so loosely concocted, even if we thought it would work out our way and do Iran and hezbollah damage which would benefit israel and us, he doesn't have the vision nor the game to do so.
The thing is so far foreign powers seem reluctant to get involved, no countries have stepped forward with a Military solution and seem to be twiddling their thumbs, why haven't they jumped all over this thing with air strikes already if this were true?

There are foreign powers involved proxy, the Wahhabi, LIFG and Al Qaeda terrorists inside Syria are being funded by NATO...U.S. through Saudi Arabia and Bahrain INDIRECTLY. They say the funds are just for medical supplies and food which is bunk. They're supplying them with military hardware.

Countries need a public justification for attacking another country. This justification is needed to galvanize internal support for the war, as well as gain the support of potential allies.

In theory international law today allows only three situations as legal cause to go to war: out of self-defense, defense of an ally under a mutual defense pact, or sanctioned by the UN.

This is why there is a propaganda campaign against Syria.There are powerful western interest's along with the Saudi's and Israel that are trying to manufacture a situation that permits them to militarily (officially) attack Syria. A casus beli
NATO, being led by the U.S., attack on Libya was actually in violation of international law when they attacked Libya. This R2P, right to protect, was something that was cooked up to be used more like misused... as an excuse to attack another country for economic reasons or for strategic future war planning reasons, under the guise of "humanitarianism" and "Democracy"


so, you're stance appears to be, that western anti shia agents and org's, funded by US et al are responsible for the uprising and the concomitant violence over the last year and a half?


NATO Using Al-Qaeda to Destabilize Syria

Infowars’ Paul Joseph Watson is joined by Syrian Girl, an outspoken activist against NATO’s campaign to use Al-Qaeda terrorists as a means of destabilizing the Assad regime. In this interview, Syrian Girl reveals the true intentions behind NATO’s agenda in Syria as well as discussing other topics such as the charge that she is a pro-Assad mouthpiece, women in the truth movement, the Arab Spring and more.
» NATO Using Al-Qaeda to Destabilize Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

NATO Using Al-Qaeda to Destabilize Syria - YouTube

Syrian Rebels are Foreign-backed Terrorists

Update: March 19, 2012 - It is now confirmed that Saudi Arabia is shipping arms to foreign fighters and Syrian rebels operating out of Jordan. The Australian reports in their article,Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian"Bombs in Syria as Saudis 'send arms to rebels'," that "Saudi military equipment is on its way to Jordan to arm the Free Syrian Army," quoting an Arab diplomat. Of course, as reported below, the "Free Syrian Army" is led not by Syrians, but by NATO-backed Libyan militants from the US State Department-listed terrorist organization, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group.
Land Destroyer: Syrian Rebels are Foreign-backed Terrorists

It must be noted that Saudi Arabia in turn, receives its weapons and a significant amount of military funding from the United States.
You really think its a good idea for us to get involved in another war though? would NATO get involved in this like they did with Libya? I see alot of apprehension from the Euros about bombing Damascus.

It is better than continuing to allow the heinous iran/syria axis to obtain nukes, foment wars and terrorism across the middle east, and slaughter people. I may dislike arabs, but even I have a conscience, and when I see small children being murdered - those two regimes, both of whom are complicit in these massacres - have no right to exist.

Neither does the current russia or chinese ones either, and unfortunately wars could not remove those without a major world war, so I'll just hope their populaces grow some brains and remove those dictatorships.

And yes, NATO could initiate a massive air strike campaign against both syria and iran, as the more I think about it, the more I realize that both need to be eliminated, particularly iran's, or that cancer will just continue to foment problems with whatever new government is established in syria.

Bush's biggest mistake was attacking the wrong country; had iran's regime been eradicated, iraq would have been FAR easier to deal with. And the reckoning for that diseased, filthy, cancerous regime of thugs and murderers that is iran is near...
I have a question for you though, do you think most Syrians are happy with their leadership? because if that were the case, this kind of conspiracy should never be able to work without the people buying in.

There are a lot of them that aren't happy with their leadership just as in the U.S. and Israel. As happened in Iran in 1953 and in Libya last year the people are subjected to cleverly crafted propaganda, their source for information is purposely misinforming them.
The people really don't have any control over outside agent provocateurs coming into the country. Just as here in the U.S. people are divided... Democrat vs. Republican. It would be like if outside forces, agent provocateurs, came in and tried to stir up shit between the Dems and Repubs. to get a civil war going.
Let me ask you something, if outside forces came into the U.S. blowing things up and killing innocent civilians do you think the U.S government would sit idly by?
Assad is certainly no angel, but the Syrian government has a right to fight back against these foreign invaders who are wreaking havoc on their country. The reaction of the Syrian government to these foreign invaders is being distorted in the press. This is by design, again, powerful western interests want Assad out of the way and they need to justify to the world that a military intervention is required in Syria under the guise of humanitarianism and democracy. This is what they did to Libya.

you are grossly mischaracterizing and conflating several issues situations and ideologies all at once to lend your view some verisimilitude.

Obama has done his level best to stay afar, the insurgency of sunni's inside Syria was homegrown, now that it has lasted this long, violent factions who breed and feed on any situations like this have penetrated Syria, so what, same happened in Libya.

now, would the sauds, israel and us, be benefactors of an overthrow of assad and in installation of a sunni majority gov? sounds good, but one never knows, its like playing with fire and obama would never sppt. something so loosely concocted, even if we thought it would work out our way and do Iran and hezbollah damage which would benefit israel and us, he doesn't have the vision nor the game to do so.

You're just flat out wrong and you don't know what you're talking about. There is overwhelming evidence to support my assertions.
I've placed plenty information to backed up what I have stated with links and videos. It appears that you are not comprehending what is taking place.

The insurgency inside Syria is not homegrown...there is plenty of evidence that this insurgency in Syria is being perpetrated by foreign agent provocateurs. Why don't you do some research into the situation there with the links I provided and/or do google searches and you will find out I know what I am talking about!

The Houla Massacre: A War Provocation by NATO Death Squads in Himmler's Gleiwitz Operation Tradition - YouTube
The thing is so far foreign powers seem reluctant to get involved, no countries have stepped forward with a Military solution and seem to be twiddling their thumbs, why haven't they jumped all over this thing with air strikes already if this were true?

LOL, whatever facts and logic you try to apply with a fucking moron against their absurd conspiracy theories will just lead to them morphing the conspiracy to try and twist it to fit.

Its a ridiculous circle that no matter how much reasoning you apply that crushes the CT, the dog will just keep chasing its tail. Don't bother.

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