Protests in Syria

Syria Rebels No Longer Committed To Annan Peace Plan


BEIRUT, June 4 (Reuters) - Syrian rebels are no longer committed to a U.N.-backed peace plan that has failed to end violence in the country and have launched attacks on government forces to "defend our people", a spokesman said on Monday.

"We have decided to end our commitment to this (plan) and starting from that date (Friday) we began defending our people," Major Sami al-Kurdi, a spokesman for the rebel military council, told Reuters, referring to a deadline of Friday they gave to President Bashar al-Assad to end violence or face consequences.

Kurdi also said rebels wanted a U.N. observing mission in the country to be turned to a "peace enforcing mission" or the international community should take "bold" decisions and impose a no-fly zone and a buffer zone to help bring Assad down.

Syria Rebels No Longer Committed To Annan Peace Plan

Syria Finds 800-Man Death Squad Guilty of Houla Massacre: Putin Warns of Extreme Danger While Hollande Drifts Towards Warmonger Camp.

A Syrian government investigation into the Houla massacre has shown that anti-Damascus armed groups were responsible for the killings in the Syrian town.
The leader of Russia’s Communist Party says the massacre in Houla, which killed over 100 people, is an intelligence plot concocted by Western politicians.

[ame=]Syria Finds 800-Man Death Squad Guilty Of Houla Massacre - YouTube[/ame]
]Syria Finds 800-Man Death Squad Guilty of Houla Massacre: Putin Warns of Extreme Danger While Hollande Drifts Towards Warmonger Camp.A Syrian government investigation into the Houla massacre has shown that anti-Damascus armed groups were responsible for the killings in the Syrian town.The leader of Russia’s Communist Party says the massacre in Houla, which killed over 100 people, is an intelligence plot concocted by Western politicians.

Douchebag, no one, no where accepts this fucking garbage you moron.

Why doesn't your friend ass-ad allow journalists into the country? Why doesn't he allow freedom of speech or assembly?

I laugh at twat fucking trash assholes like you who rail against Israel for the slightest fucking thing - who then deflect / divert and excuse away the monstrous murders and terrorism by fake, illegal regimes like this.
]Syria Finds 800-Man Death Squad Guilty of Houla Massacre: Putin Warns of Extreme Danger While Hollande Drifts Towards Warmonger Camp.A Syrian government investigation into the Houla massacre has shown that anti-Damascus armed groups were responsible for the killings in the Syrian town.The leader of Russia’s Communist Party says the massacre in Houla, which killed over 100 people, is an intelligence plot concocted by Western politicians.

Douchebag, no one, no where accepts this fucking garbage you moron.

Why doesn't your friend ass-ad allow journalists into the country? Why doesn't he allow freedom of speech or assembly?

I laugh at twat fucking trash assholes like you who rail against Israel for the slightest fucking thing - who then deflect / divert and excuse away the monstrous murders and terrorism by fake, illegal regimes like this.

You have your head up your ass and are sight seeing as usual! Man!'re such a pompous brainwashed ASSHOLE! The violence in Syria was instigated by forces outside of Syria known as agents provocteurs the mercenary Sunni and Wahabi extremists who have historically been at war with Shiite Muslims. The Assad regime is an ally of the Iranian regime, Shiite Muslims. Perhaps that beyond your comprehension because it's apparent you have the I.Q. of a door knob! NATO, which is dominated by the U.S. whose foreign policy is ran by Zionist Jews like AIPAC and the Brookings Institute's, a very influential "think tank" financed by Supremacist Zionist Jews like Haim Saban who has a center named after him the Haim Saban Middle East Policy Center. Haim Saban is a Billionaire Israeli Zionist media mogul who donates large sums of money to U.S. politicians who will support the Zionists agenda of Eretz Israel, the expansionist Israeli policies. What is going in Syria is a plan to take out a regime that is friendly with the Iranian regime and replace the Assad government with a puppet to NATO's and hence Israel's liking. With the Assad government out of the way there will be less to be concerned about when Israel, U.S. and a coalition of the foolish attack Iran.
The feigned concern about the welfare of the Syrian people by the likes of that witch Hillary Billary Clinton and the other frauds that call themselves diplomats is a front for an agenda for the Middle East. What Hillary Clinton and O'Bullshitter are engaged in is called diplomacy by deception. Setting things up by covert and overt operations to create a "humanitarian crisis" and aided by a complicit spin-doctor Zionist controlled press that then tries to sell a military intervention to the U.N. security council and the world. What Hillary, O'Bullshitter and the other western "diplomats" are engaged in with their friends in the lap dog media is perception management. You need to stop drinking the kool-aid that the controlled lap dog media is feeding you. They've been caught numerous times in Libya and Syria misrepresenting and spin doctoring events...basically lying about the situations there.
I look forward to more of your childish sophomoric know-nothingisms in the future.
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Syria Crisis Causes Spike in Draft-Dodging

(TRIPOLI, Lebanon) — Approaching his 18th birthday, Hamza, a merchant sailor from Syria, resigned himself to the fate awaiting him when he reached adulthood: A year and a half of mandatory military service.

Then last year, the uprising against Syrian President Bashar Assad erupted with demonstrations calling for change. Troops dispatched by Syria's autocratic regime shot protesters and shelled opposition towns, killing thousands of civilians.

That altered the plan for Hamza, and for a growing number of young Syrians who are dodging the draft out of fear that military service will force them to kill their countrymen — or get killed themselves.

"I couldn't go because the army is supposed to protect people, but all this army does is protect Assad," said Hamza, now a wispy-bearded 19-year-old with thick biceps from his work at sea. He fled Syria this year to Tripoli, a city on Lebanon's Mediterranean coast. Unable to work, he lives in hiding in a small apartment here with six other draft-dodgers.

Young Syrians have long avoided the draft by traveling abroad, cooking up medical excuses or using connections and bribes to get their names off the rolls. But anti-regime activists in and outside Syria say the number has shot up during the 15-month conflict that the U.N. says has killed more than 9,000 people.

Some hide out in opposition areas in Syria, avoiding checkpoints where they could be jailed or conscripted. Others flee the country, opting, at least for now, for an impoverished existence far from their families.

The extent of all this is hard to gauge since the Syrian government does not comment on its military. But in a hint that the army is under strain, Assad issued an amnesty this month: He gave draft-dodgers inside the country 90 days to report for duty without punishment, and 120 days to those abroad.

The government has not said how many have accepted the offer.

So far, the drop in conscripts has not noticeably lessened the state's advantage over the opposition Free Syrian Army, largely because draftees are less committed than professional soldiers.

"The guys they call up now are not the guys who are going to stick by them," said Joseph Holliday, an analyst at the Institute for the Study of War who is studying the Syrian army. "Anyone they can get to fight for them loyally is already taking part."

Others warn that efforts to replace draft-dodgers with regime loyalists will exacerbate sectarian strife. The opposition is mostly Sunni Muslim, while Assad's regime and security forces give outsized power to Assad's sect, the Alawites.

Both sides use sectarian appeals to rally their forces, raising the risk that Syria's violence could mirror that which has torn apart its neighbors Lebanon and Iraq in recent decades.

"This revolution, which is turning into a civil war along sectarian lines, is only going to become more sectarian as time goes on," said Syria expert Joshua Landis at the University of Oklahoma.

Read more: Syria Crisis Causes Spike in Draft-Dodging - TIME
You have your head up your ass and are sight seeing as usual! Man!'re such a pompous brainwashed ASSHOLE! The violence in Syria was instigated by forces outside of Syria known as agents provocteurs the mercenary Sunni and Wahabi extremists who have historically been at war with Shiite Muslims. The Assad regime is an ally of the Iranian regime, Shiite Muslims. Perhaps that beyond your comprehension because it's apparent you have the I.Q. of a door knob! NATO, which is dominated by the U.S. whose foreign policy is ran by Zionist Jews like AIPAC and the Brookings Institute's, a very influential "think tank" financed by Supremacist Zionist Jews like Haim Saban who has a center named after him the Haim Saban Middle East Policy Center. Haim Saban is a Billionaire Israeli Zionist media mogul who donates large sums of money to U.S. politicians who will support the Zionists agenda of Eretz Israel, the expansionist Israeli policies. What is going in Syria is a plan to take out a regime that is friendly with the Iranian regime and replace the Assad government with a puppet to NATO's and hence Israel's liking. With the Assad government out of the way there will be less to be concerned about when Israel, U.S. and a coalition of the foolish attack Iran.
The feigned concern about the welfare of the Syrian people by the likes of that witch Hillary Billary Clinton and the other frauds that call themselves diplomats is a front for an agenda for the Middle East. What Hillary Clinton and O'Bullshitter are engaged in is called diplomacy by deception. Setting things up by covert and overt operations to create a "humanitarian crisis" and aided by a complicit spin-doctor Zionist controlled press that then tries to sell a military intervention to the U.N. security council and the world. What Hillary, O'Bullshitter and the other western "diplomats" are engaged in with their friends in the lap dog media is perception management. You need to stop drinking the kool-aid that the controlled lap dog media is feeding you. They've been caught numerous times in Libya and Syria misrepresenting and spin doctoring events...basically lying about the situations there.
I look forward to more of your childish sophomoric know-nothingisms in the future.

Syria "being allied" to Iran has not helped them regain their territory occupied by Israel.
Moreover, their territory will be drilled for Oil by Israel:
Government secretly approves Golan Heights drilling | The Times of Israel

Syria's "alliance" to Iran has not brought anything else than economic stagnation and the incapability to regain their territory.
The system in Syria uses the available Syrian "wealth" & "capabilities" to sustain minority rule over the country. Nothing more, nothing less.
The violence in Syria was instigated by forces outside of Syria known as agents provocteurs

You are a lying, stupid fucking idiot. The people living there started the marches, and if you knew anything about these events you'd know that at the beginning they were chanting "peaceful, peaceful" and then started to get shot at. Syria is a huge gulag, with one of the world's most repressive state security repression systems in place, giving NK and East Germany a run for their money. But armchair anti-israel/anti-Western morons like you don't care about 40 years of crushing repression, all scumbag far leftists like you care about is that they are anti-Western.

...NATO, which is dominated by the U.S. whose foreign policy is ran by Zionist Jews like AIPAC

So now the scumbag turd is showing its true colors: a stormfront moron. Bubye, idiot.
The violence in Syria was instigated by forces outside of Syria known as agents provocteurs

You are a lying, stupid fucking idiot. The people living there started the marches, and if you knew anything about these events you'd know that at the beginning they were chanting "peaceful, peaceful" and then started to get shot at. Syria is a huge gulag, with one of the world's most repressive state security repression systems in place, giving NK and East Germany a run for their money. But armchair anti-israel/anti-Western morons like you don't care about 40 years of crushing repression, all scumbag far leftists like you care about is that they are anti-Western.

...NATO, which is dominated by the U.S. whose foreign policy is ran by Zionist Jews like AIPAC

So now the scumbag turd is showing its true colors: a stormfront moron. Bubye, idiot.

You're a juvenile asinine sophomoric gullible twit who doesn't know when they're being propagandize by a lying Zionist ran media and they do run the media and they brag about it you fool.

[ame=]American Mass Media is controlled by Zionists! - YouTube[/ame]

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who doesn't know when they're being propagandize by a lying Zionist ran media and they do run the media and they brag about it you fool.

You're a fucking idiot, plain and simple. You are THE first person claiming that the entire syrian uprising was completely not indigenous. Congratulations idiot asshole, you are now laughed at, and ignored.
PRESSURES ON RUSSIA: US Attempts to Mass-Murder Its Way to Victory in Syria.
US to Russia: "Give Up" or Swim in Sea of Syrian Blood

As revelations emerge that the violence in Syria has been premeditated by Western planners years before the Arab Spring unfolded, and as the facade of "democratic aspirations" Land Destroyer: Syrian War: The Prequelcollapse in the face of a sectarian-driven bloodbath,Land Destroyer: Bloomberg: Syria Violence is SectarianUS officials and Western think-tank policy makers speaking with Bloomberg have stated that their final message to Russia in order to begin regime change is essentially this: the violence will continue to be purposefully escalated until regime change is accomplished - Russia can capitulate now and have a say in how a transition occurs, or capitulate later and suffer exclusion as was the case in Libya.

Brookings Institution's Middle East Memo #21 "Assessing Options for Regime Change ," makes no secret that the humanitarian "responsibility to protect" is but a pretext for long-planned regime change.

Just how close the US is, or believes it is to actually overthrowing the Syrian government is a matter of varied opinion. What is not opinion is the fact that the US has openly conspired to "bleed" Syria to death to either perpetually limit its geopolitical influence throughout the Middle East, or to eventually precipitate the fall of the government. This was stated very clearly in Brookings Institution's "Middle East Memo #21 "Assessing Options for Regime Change

Source link: PRESSURES ON RUSSIA: US Attempts to Mass-Murder Its Way to Victory in Syria.
who doesn't know when they're being propagandize by a lying Zionist ran media and they do run the media and they brag about it you fool.

You're a fucking idiot, plain and simple. You are THE first person claiming that the entire syrian uprising was completely not indigenous. Congratulations idiot asshole, you are now laughed at, and ignored.

You're the the fucking idiot you jackass lowlife piece of shit for brains scumbag!! You don't know when you're being propagandized because you have the I.Q. of a rock you DICKHEAD!
[ame=]Houla massacre sparks Zionist Media Frenzy - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]'Rebels behind Houla massacre, US plan to destabilize Syria in full swing' - YouTube[/ame]
For the non-mentally ill, a GENUINE and respected source:

Syria activists: 78 killed in village -

Syria activists: 78 killed in village

"(CNN) -- At least 78 people were killed in one Syrian village Wednesday, with at least half of the dead women and children, Syrian opposition activists said.

The deaths happened in Qubeir, a small farming village of 200 people in Hama province, according to the Local Coordination Committees of Syria. It blamed the deaths on Syrian government forces."
For the non-mentally ill, a GENUINE and respected source:

Syria activists: 78 killed in village -

Syria activists: 78 killed in village

"(CNN) -- At least 78 people were killed in one Syrian village Wednesday, with at least half of the dead women and children, Syrian opposition activists said.

The deaths happened in Qubeir, a small farming village of 200 people in Hama province, according to the Local Coordination Committees of Syria. It blamed the deaths on Syrian government forces."

What about the thousands of Palestinians the Israelis have murdered???? you little shit
For the non-mentally ill, a GENUINE and respected source:

Syria activists: 78 killed in village -

Syria activists: 78 killed in village

"(CNN) -- At least 78 people were killed in one Syrian village Wednesday, with at least half of the dead women and children, Syrian opposition activists said.

The deaths happened in Qubeir, a small farming village of 200 people in Hama province, according to the Local Coordination Committees of Syria. It blamed the deaths on Syrian government forces."

Danny caught lying about Syria on CNN, but nothing happens, the machine goes on... (No other MSM comments on their competitor's shame.)

[ame=]Caught: Staged CNN Syria Interviews Faked By Activist Danny - YouTube[/ame]

Danny Abdul Dayem : Liar Desired and Hired by the Anti-Syrian Media

[ame=]Danny Abdul Dayem : Liar Desired and Hired by the Anti-Syrian Media - YouTube[/ame]

CNN WAR SCAM and Truth About Danny Abdul-Dayem Syrian Danny

[ame=]CNN WAR SCAM and Truth About Danny Abdul-Dayem Syrian Danny - YouTube[/ame]
To the non-mentally ill, it looks like the fake, illegitimate and illegal cancerous mafia regime of ass-ad is guilty of yet another massacre given that they are blocking monitors from visiting the site.

It could not be more obvious that these scumbag animal filth are guilty of murdering dozens more children - a regime with nothing to hide would not be blocking monitors and inspectors.

The time when ass-ad and his regime will be militarily deposed - with the animals responsible for these massacres hanged at the Hague - is growing very near.

Syria Said to Be Blocking Site of Reported Massacre
Published: June 7, 2012

LONDON — The commander of United Nations monitors seeking to gain access to the site of a reported mass killing in central Syria said on Thursday that his forces were being blocked by army checkpoints and civilians in a standoff that seemed to mirror a looming diplomatic stalemate over the crisis.

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