Protests in Syria

To the non-mentally ill, it looks like the fake, illegitimate and illegal cancerous mafia regime of ass-ad is guilty of yet another massacre given that they are blocking monitors from visiting the site.

It could not be more obvious that these scumbag animal filth are guilty of murdering dozens more children - a regime with nothing to hide would not be blocking monitors and inspectors.

The time when ass-ad and his regime will be militarily deposed - with the animals responsible for these massacres hanged at the Hague - is growing very near.

Syria Said to Be Blocking Site of Reported Massacre
Published: June 7, 2012

LONDON — The commander of United Nations monitors seeking to gain access to the site of a reported mass killing in central Syria said on Thursday that his forces were being blocked by army checkpoints and civilians in a standoff that seemed to mirror a looming diplomatic stalemate over the crisis.

New York Times beats drum for war in Syria … and beyond

April 23, 2012

In a cynical and duplicitous editorial Saturday, the New York Times stepped up its campaign for US political subversion and military action against Syria, while demanding Washington adopt a more aggressive posture against Russia and China. The editorial, headlined “Assad’s Lies,” is itself a compendium of lies, as the newspaper reprises its role in the run-up to the US invasion of Iraq, when it peddled the Bush administration’s lies about supposed Iraqi “weapons of mass destruction” in order to neutralize the widespread popular opposition to the war.

The Times indicts Assad for “cruelty and blindness,” which would hardly make him unique in the region. Virtually all the US allies and client states in the Middle East—Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, the military dictatorship in Egypt, the Netanyahu government in Israel—display those characteristics. This week, for example, has seen violent repression of anti-government protests in Bahrain and Tunisia, both right-wing regimes closely tied to the United States, along with saber-rattling threats by Israeli officials of a unilateral attack on Iran, an action that would represent a war crime of monstrous proportions.

The Times editorial is written in its typically hand-wringing tone, bemoaning the “bloodbath” in Syria and the danger of a “wider war,” although the policy advocated by the newspaper—and carried out by the Obama administration—leads inexorably to both outcomes. The Times would like its readers to forget the fact that the US government is directly or indirectly arming the opposition in Syria, using both American Special Forces and US proxies like Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Moreover, where does the danger of “wider war” come from—the beleaguered Assad is hardly likely to invade any of his neighbors—if not from the intervention of a US-led coalition along the lines of the NATO operation against Libya last year.

Source link: New York Times beats drum for war in Syria … and beyond
Syria Said to Be Blocking Site of Reported Massacre


LONDON — The commander of United Nations monitors seeking to gain access to the site of a reported mass killing in central Syria said on Thursday that his forces were being blocked by army checkpoints and civilians in a standoff that seemed to mirror a looming diplomatic stalemate over the crisis.

If verified, the massacre, reported on Wednesday, would be the fourth in less than two weeks, threatening to inject a new surge of angry momentum into the growing international effort to isolate President Bashar al-Assad and remove him from power.

But efforts to establish what happened in the village of Qubeir, the site of the reported killing of as many as 78 people, suffered a severe setback on Thursday as United Nations monitors were thwarted in their attempts to visit, warned that their safety was at risk and even shot at, United Nations officials said.

The monitors were “being stopped at Syrian Army checkpoints and in some cases turned back,” said Gen. Robert Mood, the head of the observer team, in a statement issued by the United Nations office in Geneva.

“Some of our patrols are being stopped by civilians in the area,” the statement said, an apparent reference to armed militiamen controlled by the government and known as shabiha.

General Mood also said that while United Nations observers were still trying to gain access, “we are receiving information from residents of the area that the safety of our observers is at risk” if they seek to enter the village.

Later at the United Nations headquarters, Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said he had learned that the monitors, who are unarmed, “had been shot at with small arms.” The developments on the ground echoed a deepening standoff in international diplomacy, suggesting that hitherto intractable differences over the crisis were likely to endure or worsen.

Speaking in Istanbul on Thursday, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton intensified her criticism of Mr. Assad, blaming him for the bloodletting and insisting that he leave the country.

But even as she castigated the Syrian leader, China, one of Mr. Assad’s leading allies along with Russia, reiterated its opposition on Thursday to any effort to oust him outside an existing plan by the special envoy for the United Nations and the Arab League, Kofi Annan, to end the fighting, seeming to limit prospects for any breakthrough at new talks scheduled later in the day at the United Nations.
Syria Said to Be Blocking Site of Reported Massacre


LONDON — The commander of United Nations monitors seeking to gain access to the site of a reported mass killing in central Syria said on Thursday that his forces were being blocked by army checkpoints and civilians in a standoff that seemed to mirror a looming diplomatic stalemate over the crisis.

If verified, the massacre, reported on Wednesday, would be the fourth in less than two weeks, threatening to inject a new surge of angry momentum into the growing international effort to isolate President Bashar al-Assad and remove him from power.

But efforts to establish what happened in the village of Qubeir, the site of the reported killing of as many as 78 people, suffered a severe setback on Thursday as United Nations monitors were thwarted in their attempts to visit, warned that their safety was at risk and even shot at, United Nations officials said.

The monitors were “being stopped at Syrian Army checkpoints and in some cases turned back,” said Gen. Robert Mood, the head of the observer team, in a statement issued by the United Nations office in Geneva.

“Some of our patrols are being stopped by civilians in the area,” the statement said, an apparent reference to armed militiamen controlled by the government and known as shabiha.

General Mood also said that while United Nations observers were still trying to gain access, “we are receiving information from residents of the area that the safety of our observers is at risk” if they seek to enter the village.

Later at the United Nations headquarters, Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said he had learned that the monitors, who are unarmed, “had been shot at with small arms.” The developments on the ground echoed a deepening standoff in international diplomacy, suggesting that hitherto intractable differences over the crisis were likely to endure or worsen.

Speaking in Istanbul on Thursday, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton intensified her criticism of Mr. Assad, blaming him for the bloodletting and insisting that he leave the country.

But even as she castigated the Syrian leader, China, one of Mr. Assad’s leading allies along with Russia, reiterated its opposition on Thursday to any effort to oust him outside an existing plan by the special envoy for the United Nations and the Arab League, Kofi Annan, to end the fighting, seeming to limit prospects for any breakthrough at new talks scheduled later in the day at the United Nations.

Syria's Bloody CIA Revolution - A Distraction?

While the mainstream media is going to great lengths to convince the world that events in Syria are the result of yet another 'people's revolution', the facts point clearly to yet another US government-sponsored bloody 'regime change'. Given that the US has been a de facto global empire for at least 60 years, with all of the power, infrastructure and influence that entails, how difficult do we think it would be for agents of the empire to manufacture a 'revolution' in any given country? The answer, surprisingly, is 'not so easily'. But it is doable, as long as the empire is willing to murder innocent civilians to create the impression of a brutal regime in need of removal. And the USA has never balked at murdering a few hundred, a few thousand, or even a few million civilians to ensure it gets its geo-political way, to the delight of psychopaths in power everywhere.

Consider the fact that the one of the leaders of the 'rebel' assault on Tripoli and the current military governor of Tripoli (more or less the commander-in-chief of the Libyan military) is Abdelhakim Belhadj. Belhadj has an interesting past. After a stint as a Mujaheddin fighter (trained and funded by the US) in the Soviet-Afghan war, Belhadj travelled across the Middle East and then came back to Libya in the early 1990s. There he joined the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and tried to overthrow Colonel Gaddafi before being forced to flee in 1998. He then moved to Afghanistan and joined the Taliban. In 2002, after the September 11 attacks and Gaddafi's reconciliation with the West, an arrest warrant was issued for Belhadj by the Libyan authorities. In it, it was alleged that Belhadj had developed "close relationships" with al-Qaeda leaders, and specifically Taliban chief Mullah Omar. Based in Jalalabad, he is alleged to have run and financed training camps for Arab mujaheddin fighters. According to the former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar, Belhadj was suspected of complicity in the 2004 Madrid train bombings. As a virtual CIA asset, he was being tracked by the agency and was arrested in Bangkok and rendered to a secret prison in Libya in 2004. He stayed there until last year when he escaped and became a CIA-funded leader of the Libyan revolution.

In case you are a little confused by all that, let me spell it out: the CIA is using 'Muslim terrorists', i.e. people against whom America is waging the 'War on Terror', to bring 'freedom and democracy' to states that 'harbor Muslim terrorists'.

Cut-throats, Thugs and Hired Hitmen

In April 2011, Syrian state television aired the testimonies of three men arrested on suspicion of being involved in attacks on civilians and Syrian security forces. Anas al-Kanj, who presented himself as the head of an "armed terrorist group" is heard saying in a taped broadcast that he received "arms and money" from Lebanese MP Jamal Jarrah through an intermediary, Ahmad al-Uda, who identified himself as a member of Syria's banned Muslim Brotherhood.

In April 2011, Syrian state television aired the testimonies of three men arrested:Lebanon news - NOW Lebanon -Syrian media touts confessions of foreign aid to protestors

Kanj said he was instructed "to incite people to protest, particularly outside the Ummayad Mosque in Damascus" and in the flashpoint protest towns of Daraa, Latakia and Banias, to "incite protests to topple the regime and to carry out acts of sabotage". Agence France-Presse, citing Syria's Ath-Thawra newspaper, said that Kanj was instructed "to open fire on protesters in order to sow disarray and lead people to believe that the security forces was shooting on the demonstrators."

Agence France-Presse, citing Syria's Ath-Thawra newspaper:Syria says suspects admit getting money, arms to fuel protests - Brusearch News

This is an EXCELLENT article that explains what going on in Syria and the Middle East in general.Go to this site and get an education I back up what I tried to explain to you High Gravity.

Source link:Syria's Bloody CIA Revolution - A Distraction? -- Puppet Masters --
If the CIA is really pulling this off they are some bad ass motherfuckers, just sayin.

CIA? Give me a break. This is the alawite militias, with hezbollah filth and iranian republican guards.

You don't know what the hell you're talking about! You and High Gravity must love being lied to and fooling yourselves into believing you actually know what's going on. You both are delusional propagandized fools.

US ambassador to Syria since 2010 was Robert Stephen Ford. Before Syria, Ford was Political Counselor to the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad from 2004 until 2006 under 'Mr. Death Squad' John Negroponte. Before his recent departure and the closing of the US embassy, Ford temporarily left Damascus in October 2011 over fears for his safety after he was attacked with eggs by Syrians and accused by the Syrian media of overseeing the use of death squads in Syria. Having successfully overseen the establishment of his death squads in Syria, Ford is reportedly heading back to his old stomping ground, Iraq, to take command of the US embassy there.

The Syrian 'revolution' proper began in March 2011 when fighting broke out in the relatively small town of Daraa on the Jordanian border, rather than in large cities like Damascus or Homs. Since then, the mainstream media has systematically misrepresented the sizes of the anti-government demonstrations and relied on biased reports for casualty counts.

For example, almost all of the first reports from fighting in Daraa in March made reference to police attacks on 'anti-government' protestors. Yet other reports point to more police being killed than demonstrators. So who, exactly, in this supposedly 'peaceful demonstration' was able to shoot and kill 7 policemen? And what exactly did anyone expect the Syrian government to do in response? After seeing what US police do to actual peaceful protestors, like the OWS movement, we can only imagine what the US government would do if US cops came under fire from protestors.

In June 2011, Syrian state media reported that at least 120 members of the country's security forces were killed in a battle with what it called "armed organizations". According to NPR's Deborah Amos:
"Syrian state television described a heated battle in the northern town of Jisr al-Shughour, near the Turkish border. Gangs armed with machine guns attacked security forces and set fire to government buildings, according to Syrian state TV. In the broadcast, a frantic resident called the evening news program to ask the government to save the town."

If you read the report you will notice that the reports of the most serious fighting come from border towns, which is indicative of incursions by armed groups from Turkey to the north, Jordan to the south and, of course, US-controlled Iraq to the east. Indeed, the main 'centers of unrest', as they're being called, are Daraa near Jordan, Talkalakh, Homs, Talbiseh and Al-Rastan near Lebanon, and Jisr ash-Shugur near Turkey, all located along Syria's borders. In November 2011, Albawaba reported that 600 fighters had already gone from Libya to Syria in order to support the newly established 'Free Syrian Army'.

Source link:Syria's Bloody CIA Revolution - A Distraction? -- Puppet Masters --
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You don't know what the hell you're talking about!

This is the one time i will respond to this fucking douchebag, and not to this asshole - but as a general post.

This rebellion is homegrown, as all of the demonstrations early on were syrian citizens marching in the streets, who were then shot at at close range. There are some 50,000 videos on the web showing this.

Second, syria is a tightly-run dictatorship, it would not have been possible to smuggle in large numbers of al qaeda/terrorists and weapons 18 months ago when ass-ad's regime had total control over the country.

This poster is clearly a fucking moron, and will continue to be ignored. Not surprising that hardly anyone even notices this turd is here. Hopefully soon, it will recognize this and leave. :cuckoo:
If the CIA is really pulling this off they are some bad ass motherfuckers, just sayin.

CIA? Give me a break. This is the alawite militias, with hezbollah filth and iranian republican guards.

You don't know what the hell you're talking about! You and High Gravity must love being lied to and fooling yourselves into believing you actually know what's going on. You both are delusional propagandized fools.

US ambassador to Syria since 2010 was Robert Stephen Ford. Before Syria, Ford was Political Counselor to the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad from 2004 until 2006 under 'Mr. Death Squad' John Negroponte. Before his recent departure and the closing of the US embassy, Ford temporarily left Damascus in October 2011 over fears for his safety after he was attacked with eggs by Syrians and accused by the Syrian media of overseeing the use of death squads in Syria. Having successfully overseen the establishment of his death squads in Syria, Ford is reportedly heading back to his old stomping ground, Iraq, to take command of the US embassy there.

The Syrian 'revolution' proper began in March 2011 when fighting broke out in the relatively small town of Daraa on the Jordanian border, rather than in large cities like Damascus or Homs. Since then, the mainstream media has systematically misrepresented the sizes of the anti-government demonstrations and relied on biased reports for casualty counts.

For example, almost all of the first reports from fighting in Daraa in March made reference to police attacks on 'anti-government' protestors. Yet other reports point to more police being killed than demonstrators. So who, exactly, in this supposedly 'peaceful demonstration' was able to shoot and kill 7 policemen? And what exactly did anyone expect the Syrian government to do in response? After seeing what US police do to actual peaceful protestors, like the OWS movement, we can only imagine what the US government would do if US cops came under fire from protestors.

In June 2011, Syrian state media reported that at least 120 members of the country's security forces were killed in a battle with what it called "armed organizations". According to NPR's Deborah Amos:
"Syrian state television described a heated battle in the northern town of Jisr al-Shughour, near the Turkish border. Gangs armed with machine guns attacked security forces and set fire to government buildings, according to Syrian state TV. In the broadcast, a frantic resident called the evening news program to ask the government to save the town."

If you read the report you will notice that the reports of the most serious fighting come from border towns, which is indicative of incursions by armed groups from Turkey to the north, Jordan to the south and, of course, US-controlled Iraq to the east. Indeed, the main 'centers of unrest', as they're being called, are Daraa near Jordan, Talkalakh, Homs, Talbiseh and Al-Rastan near Lebanon, and Jisr ash-Shugur near Turkey, all located along Syria's borders. In November 2011, Albawaba reported that 600 fighters had already gone from Libya to Syria in order to support the newly established 'Free Syrian Army'.

Source link:Syria's Bloody CIA Revolution - A Distraction? -- Puppet Masters --

Fools huh? I was trying to have a rational discussion with you about the horse shit you were posting but you want to go the name calling route now? Fuck you, mother fuck you and the horse you rode in on biatch. :thup:
Syria Said to Be Blocking Site of Reported Massacre


LONDON — The commander of United Nations monitors seeking to gain access to the site of a reported mass killing in central Syria said on Thursday that his forces were being blocked by army checkpoints and civilians in a standoff that seemed to mirror a looming diplomatic stalemate over the crisis.

If verified, the massacre, reported on Wednesday, would be the fourth in less than two weeks, threatening to inject a new surge of angry momentum into the growing international effort to isolate President Bashar al-Assad and remove him from power.

But efforts to establish what happened in the village of Qubeir, the site of the reported killing of as many as 78 people, suffered a severe setback on Thursday as United Nations monitors were thwarted in their attempts to visit, warned that their safety was at risk and even shot at, United Nations officials said.

The monitors were “being stopped at Syrian Army checkpoints and in some cases turned back,” said Gen. Robert Mood, the head of the observer team, in a statement issued by the United Nations office in Geneva.

“Some of our patrols are being stopped by civilians in the area,” the statement said, an apparent reference to armed militiamen controlled by the government and known as shabiha.

General Mood also said that while United Nations observers were still trying to gain access, “we are receiving information from residents of the area that the safety of our observers is at risk” if they seek to enter the village.

Later at the United Nations headquarters, Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said he had learned that the monitors, who are unarmed, “had been shot at with small arms.” The developments on the ground echoed a deepening standoff in international diplomacy, suggesting that hitherto intractable differences over the crisis were likely to endure or worsen.

Speaking in Istanbul on Thursday, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton intensified her criticism of Mr. Assad, blaming him for the bloodletting and insisting that he leave the country.

But even as she castigated the Syrian leader, China, one of Mr. Assad’s leading allies along with Russia, reiterated its opposition on Thursday to any effort to oust him outside an existing plan by the special envoy for the United Nations and the Arab League, Kofi Annan, to end the fighting, seeming to limit prospects for any breakthrough at new talks scheduled later in the day at the United Nations.

Not just reported Grav...FACT 78 villagers slaughtered,brains splattered,bodies hacked to peices,children,women infact an entire community........the mental rabid state of these pro-Assad rable must have been completely manic.....not only all the people but every living animal was slaughtered.

This regime is completely debase,cunning and heinous

I trust you'r well Grav. steve.
You don't know what the hell you're talking about!

This is the one time i will respond to this fucking douchebag, and not to this asshole - but as a general post.

This rebellion is homegrown, as all of the demonstrations early on were syrian citizens marching in the streets, who were then shot at at close range. There are some 50,000 videos on the web showing this.

Second, syria is a tightly-run dictatorship, it would not have been possible to smuggle in large numbers of al qaeda/terrorists and weapons 18 months ago when ass-ad's regime had total control over the country.

This poster is clearly a fucking moron, and will continue to be ignored. Not surprising that hardly anyone even notices this turd is here. Hopefully soon, it will recognize this and leave. :cuckoo:

Terrible as this situation is,but the above post from someone like you is totally sickening.

As you proudly in other threads openly want to kill,maim and murder all Arabs inparticular Palestinians.

You are a fucking hypocrite and liar,to read your crocodile teared summation above,clearly shows a cretin,with NO MORALITY WHATSOEVER.

Fuck off to whence you infect Gravs very serious and sensible debate here by you,is tantamount to insult to Grav himself.

And I just ain't having it from such a wonton LIAR like YOU who calls himself scholar:eusa_hand:,nothing could be from the truth.

Are the leaders of Syria part of the "religion of peace"? There you go! There is your sign!

You are quoting yourself. Quote this:

The Assad regime is headed by Bashar, son of former dictator Hafez. The Assads and presumably the core of the Baath Party are Shiites, ruling a Sunni majority. There is a Russian military base, in Syria, so the Russians support Syria and Shia Islam, which the Sunnis have been running down, since after the death of Muhammed, 632 C.E.

The US is an ally of Turkey, where Sunni Islam originated. So the US supports Sunni tyrants, like Saddam and King of Bahrain, over Shiite majorities. CIA clients Saddam and UBL de-stabilized that shaky relationship, since the US supports Israeli apartheid excesses, to completely destabilize the Middle East, and allow US standing army clause violations, wholesale, from fabricated need, for false security and defense interests.

The Sunnis will fight the Assad brothers, since their regime is not only tyrannical, it is murderous. The UK destabilized the Middle East, by poor administration, after WWI. The US learned how empire can be manipulated, to profitable unrest, by conspiring to unsettle that part of the world, with the UK, over the course of the 20th Century.

No wonder foreign Muslims don't like Americans. So few of us are smart. So many are assholes.
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The US is an ally of Turkey, where Sunni Islam originated....No wonder foreign Muslims don't like Americans. So few of us are smart. So many are assholes.

History of Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Following its origin in Mecca and Medina, the Islamic world..."

LOL, I'll assume you'll include yourself as the latter... :cuckoo:

"The word "Sunni" is Arabic - a language not even spoken in Turkey. BWaahahahaahah...good job monkey.
Analyst: Zionists employing three-track strategy to destroy Syria
“Israel is following a tripartite plot in order to topple Bashar Assad and destroy Syria under the guidance of [such figures as] Haim Saban: 1. make donations to political parties (e.g. funding and arming rebels and Wahhabi terrorists in Syria) 2. establish think tanks (e.g. setting up centers such as the Zionist Saban centers in Washington and Doha and formulating effective strategies to bring down the Assad government) and 3. control media (blacking out Arab and Western media from delivering honest and unbiased reports on the Syrian situation),” the author noted.

Elaborating on the role of Saban, he went on to say that in 2002, the influential Zionist “founded the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, in Washington, D.C. which is affiliated to the powerful Zionist lobby in America notoriously known as AIPAC.”

“Three ways to be influential in American politics are to make donations to political parties, establish think tanks, and control media outlets,” Salami quoted Saban as saying during a conference in Israel.

The political analyst further singled out two other Zionist figures, Martin Indyk — Vice President and Director of Foreign Policy at Brookings Institution — and Shadi Hamid — “the director of research at the Brookings Doha Center and Fellow at the Zionist Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution” — for devising plans to subvert the Assad government.

“In fact, these centers are secretly tasked with formulating strategies and exploring effective ways to destabilize any regime in the Middle East which proves hostile or detrimental to the interests of Israel,” he said.
Analyst: Zionists employing three-track strategy to destroy Syria | _
THE HOULA MASSACRE: Opposition Terrorists "Killed Families Loyal to the Government"

Oh look, the useless idiot with her requisite drive by trolling post with a link to a fake source, thanks for sharing with us, twat-faced idiot.

THE HOULA MASSACRE: Opposition Terrorists "Killed Families Loyal to the Government"

First; I take nothing for granted, especially in the ME, so this very well may have happened this way, BUT this anna news service is a closed loop, I vetted 4 pages of google looking for the agency and all I find was their link back via their hyper link to Marat Musin here;

Syria: ANNA News Journalist Marat Musin about Houla Massacre - SyriaNews

select their politics link and ALL of it is pro Syrian gov.

this is one man, anything is possible including a complete fabrication. *shrugs* show me something with some heft.
Analyst: Zionists employing three-track strategy to destroy Syria

Fucking hilarious. If it rains in Montana, they arab muslims and jew-hating dogshit will blame the jews... :cuckoo:

Sorry fucking douchebag skunt turd moron on your best fucking day, there's only 4 million jews in the mideast, can't blame them for the arab muslim failures - or this shit either.
Syria Conflict Is Civil War, Says Herve Ladsous, U.N. Peacekeeping Chief


UNITED NATIONS, June 12 (Reuters) - The 15-month-old conflict in Syria has grown into a full-scale civil war in which the government is attempting to recapture large swathes of urban territory it has lost to the opposition, the U.N. peacekeeping chief said on Tuesday.

"Yes, I think we can say that," U.N. Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Herve Ladsous said in an interview with Reuters and one other reporter when asked if the Syrian crisis could now be characterized as a civil war.

"Clearly what is happening is that the government of Syria lost some large chunks of territory in several cities to the opposition and wants to retake control of these areas," he said.

Syria Conflict Is Civil War, Says Herve Ladsous, U.N. Peacekeeping Chief
And Russia is sending Assad forces attack helicopters.

US: Russia sending Syria attack helicopters -

Told ya! I told you how many times?

What sort of stupidity will obama do? He can't be stupid enough to confront Russia directly. At least I hope not. The United States has one option, now that the UN has declared this a civil war, step back on the grounds that we do not interfere in purely internal civil wars, but will offer aid to refugees. Don't pay attention at all to the claims of childen being killed because BOTH sides are doing that.

This is a proxy war with Russia on one side and an Al Quaeda/muslim brotherhood coalition on the other. Russia is not going to let that base go without a fight.

The worst thing I can imagine would be for some rumor to start going around about who obama has chosen as the latest targets on his list.
And Russia is sending Assad forces attack helicopters.

US: Russia sending Syria attack helicopters -

Told ya! I told you how many times?

What sort of stupidity will obama do? He can't be stupid enough to confront Russia directly. At least I hope not. The United States has one option, now that the UN has declared this a civil war, step back on the grounds that we do not interfere in purely internal civil wars, but will offer aid to refugees. Don't pay attention at all to the claims of childen being killed because BOTH sides are doing that.

This is a proxy war with Russia on one side and an Al Quaeda/muslim brotherhood coalition on the other. Russia is not going to let that base go without a fight.

The worst thing I can imagine would be for some rumor to start going around about who obama has chosen as the latest targets on his list.

Probably best to stay out of it at this point.

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