Protests in Syria

And Russia is sending Assad forces attack helicopters.

US: Russia sending Syria attack helicopters -

Told ya! I told you how many times?

What sort of stupidity will obama do? He can't be stupid enough to confront Russia directly. At least I hope not. The United States has one option, now that the UN has declared this a civil war, step back on the grounds that we do not interfere in purely internal civil wars, but will offer aid to refugees. Don't pay attention at all to the claims of childen being killed because BOTH sides are doing that.

This is a proxy war with Russia on one side and an Al Quaeda/muslim brotherhood coalition on the other. Russia is not going to let that base go without a fight.

The worst thing I can imagine would be for some rumor to start going around about who obama has chosen as the latest targets on his list.

Probably best to stay out of it at this point.

Which makes you more qualified to be president than the current crack pot. Thank goodness we have only a few more months to go of this amateur.
And Russia is sending Assad forces attack helicopters.

US: Russia sending Syria attack helicopters -

Told ya! I told you how many times?

What sort of stupidity will obama do? He can't be stupid enough to confront Russia directly. At least I hope not. The United States has one option, now that the UN has declared this a civil war, step back on the grounds that we do not interfere in purely internal civil wars, but will offer aid to refugees. Don't pay attention at all to the claims of childen being killed because BOTH sides are doing that.

This is a proxy war with Russia on one side and an Al Quaeda/muslim brotherhood coalition on the other. Russia is not going to let that base go without a fight.

The worst thing I can imagine would be for some rumor to start going around about who obama has chosen as the latest targets on his list.

Probably best to stay out of it at this point.

Which makes you more qualified to be president than the current crack pot. Thank goodness we have only a few more months to go of this amateur.

You want US Boots on the ground? :confused:
Which makes you more qualified to be president than the current crack pot. Thank goodness we have only a few more months to go of this amateur.

You want US Boots on the ground? :confused:

Heavens no. What we should be doing is bringing everyone home to prepare for the shitstorm that's coming.

Well I at least want our guys out of Afghanistan for starters, that place is a shit hole and we should leave.
Well I at least want our guys out of Afghanistan for starters, that place is a shit hole and we should leave.

What do you propose if al qaeda regroups, retakes afghanistan, and uses it as a base again - with the help of the pakistani ISI, of course? How can the US stop these shitholes from becoming terrorist planning/operations/launching bases?
If true, the gunship delivery moves this from a strict internal beef to a major Foreign outside interest backing Assad straight away. yes they had soviet russian equipment when it started, and shipments of bullets and rifles in one thing, this, is steps way past this.
Russia Sets Out Tough Terms for Resolving Syria’s ‘Civil War’


The notion that Russia might soon abandon Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime may prove mistakenly optimistic: Moscow is now supplying attack helicopters to Damascus. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced on Tuesday that the U.S. confronted Russia about the new arms deliveries, but Moscow insisted that the shipment was unrelated to Syria’s political conflict. The news was confirmed by the U.N.’s deputy head of peacekeeping, Hervé Ladsous. “Clearly what is happening is that the government of Syria lost some large chunks of territory, several cities to the opposition, and wants to retake control,” he told reporters. “Now we have confirmed reports not only of the use of tanks and artillery but also attack helicopters.”

There is, of course, no U.N. authorized arms embargo against Syria, and Russia is legally entitled to continue arming the regime. But the news suggests an escalation and, indeed, Ladsous called the conflict a “civil war.” The distinction between a popular rebellion and a civil war in Syria is more than semantics, because a civil war is resolved not simply by settling the fate of the leader of one of the sides but must also address the fate of the community that fights on his behalf. The situation in Syria appears nowhere near the point of a mediated settlement, despite fears that a civil war could imperil regional security and the reluctance of Western powers to accept the burden of de facto ownership of an unraveling Levant by intervening militarily to change the balance of power.

All along, Russia has made it clear that, while it is willing to see the departure of Assad if that’s what the Syrians agree to at the end of a peaceful political dialogue, it’s not prepared to countenance the armed overthrow of that regime — hence Moscow’s blocking of U.N. authorization for an intervention in the Syrian conflict and its continued arms supplies to the regime. It also consistently challenges those outside powers, particularly Saudi Arabia and Qatar, supplying weapons to rebel forces. Russia joined with Western and Arab states in backing special envoy Kofi Annan’s six-point plan for a cessation of hostilities and political dialogue in April, but that plan has never been implemented, and both sides continue to violate its cease-fire provisions.

The Assad regime has clearly opted to fight a sectarian civil war rather than open up democratic political space for its opponents and engage in a dialogue that would threaten his political survival. Rallying the Alawites, Christians and other minorities to back a vicious crackdown on the basis of fear of an Islamist Sunni rebellion clearly appeared the safer bet to Assad. But the rebellion has proved resilient: in almost a year and a half, some 15,000 Syrians have reportedly been killed in what has become an increasingly vicious sectarian civil war. Massacres like the one in Houla have claimed the headlines, but they don’t tell the full story of daily cycles of communal retribution at local levels and mounting fears on both sides that are fueling even greater violence. Syria, in short, is being torn apart, and the inevitable Bosnia comparisons contain within them a chilling portent: the collapse of a single polity composed of multiple ethnicities and sects into separate ethnic and sectarian fiefs.

Read more: Russia Sets Tough Terms for Resolving Syria's Civil War | World |
Well I at least want our guys out of Afghanistan for starters, that place is a shit hole and we should leave.

What do you propose if al qaeda regroups, retakes afghanistan, and uses it as a base again - with the help of the pakistani ISI, of course? How can the US stop these shitholes from becoming terrorist planning/operations/launching bases?

I don't know how to answer that, us staying there indefinently doesn't seem to be making life better for us or the Afghans.
Russia and Iran Accuse the United States of Arming Syrian Rebels

TEHRAN — Russia and Iran, Syria’s staunchest allies, on Wednesday accused the United States of sending weapons to opposition forces battling President Bashar al-Assad and his army.

Iran’s foreign minister Ali Akbar Salehi, and his Russian counterpart, Sergey V. Lavrov, told reporters that it was the United States and its allies — not Russia and Iran — that are seeking to destabilize Syria.

“The U.S. is sending weapons to the opposition in Syria, which are being used against the government of that country,” Mr. Lavrov said.

Mr. Salehi said that besides weapons, foreign troops had been sent into Syria to aid the armed opposition to Mr. Assad. “They have some of their forces operating inside Syria,” Mr. Salehi said, without specifically naming the United States or any other country. “They say they want to prevent massacres but at the same time send weapons — these are double standards.”

The Russian foreign minister reiterated Russia’s longstanding denial of American accusations that his country is sending helicopter gunships to Syria, which will help government troops to fight the opposition. Mr. Lavrov said that Russia is “honoring military contracts” with the Syrian government, but only sending “antiaircraft weapons.”

“We are not like the U.S., giving weapons to the opposition,” he said. He also said the United States and its allies were determined to follow the “Libyan model,” in which NATO countries armed the opposition, provided them with information and bombed government targets from the air.

“Syria as a country is an axis of stability,” Mr. Lavrov said. “We do not support the government; we are supporting the people and the country.”
Well I at least want our guys out of Afghanistan for starters, that place is a shit hole and we should leave.

What do you propose if al qaeda regroups, retakes afghanistan, and uses it as a base again - with the help of the pakistani ISI, of course? How can the US stop these shitholes from becoming terrorist planning/operations/launching bases?

I don't know how to answer that, us staying there indefinently doesn't seem to be making life better for us or the Afghans.

Russia controls all of the supply lines into Afghanistand and Iraq. We will stay until Russia gives us other orders.

obama wanted a post American world. This is what it looks like. We may never fully recover from what obama has done to us.

The best course of action now would be for the US to stop arming the rebels and let the Russian backed Assad reassert control. The only effect we are having is to increase the death toll.

obama imagines that Assad is fighting the same war in Syria that we are fighting in Afghanistan, battle on to a stalemate then declare peace. Assad means total victory. He is not interested in winning hearts and minds. Which is a totally stupid way to wage war to begin with.
What do you propose if al qaeda regroups, retakes afghanistan, and uses it as a base again - with the help of the pakistani ISI, of course? How can the US stop these shitholes from becoming terrorist planning/operations/launching bases?

I don't know how to answer that, us staying there indefinently doesn't seem to be making life better for us or the Afghans.

Russia controls all of the supply lines into Afghanistand and Iraq. We will stay until Russia gives us other orders.

obama wanted a post American world. This is what it looks like. We may never fully recover from what obama has done to us.

The best course of action now would be for the US to stop arming the rebels and let the Russian backed Assad reassert control. The only effect we are having is to increase the death toll.

obama imagines that Assad is fighting the same war in Syria that we are fighting in Afghanistan, battle on to a stalemate then declare peace. Assad means total victory. He is not interested in winning hearts and minds. Which is a totally stupid way to wage war to begin with.

Well I have to admit you are spot on about that, trying to win hearts and minds while you are dropping bombs on people and sending our Troops in on search and destroy missions makes no fucking sense whatsoever.
obama intends to "confront" Putin in mexico about the Syrian arms sales. Vladimir Putin is a real guy type man, former head of the KGB. obama isn't going to get anywhere telling a man like Putin that if obama doesn't get his way, Putin is a racist. World affairs doesn't work that way. obama is so far out of his league this has gone beyond amusing.
obama intends to "confront" Putin in mexico about the Syrian arms sales. Vladimir Putin is a real guy type man, former head of the KGB. obama isn't going to get anywhere telling a man like Putin that if obama doesn't get his way, Putin is a racist. World affairs doesn't work that way. obama is so far out of his league this has gone beyond amusing.

Maybe Biden can talk some sense into Putin? :dunno:
The fact that obama is presidebt is proof that there is a God and he's really pissed at us.
Russia and Iran Accuse the United States of Arming Syrian Rebels

TEHRAN — Russia and Iran, Syria’s staunchest allies, on Wednesday accused the United States of sending weapons to opposition forces battling President Bashar al-Assad and his army.

Iran’s foreign minister Ali Akbar Salehi, and his Russian counterpart, Sergey V. Lavrov, told reporters that it was the United States and its allies — not Russia and Iran — that are seeking to destabilize Syria.

“The U.S. is sending weapons to the opposition in Syria, which are being used against the government of that country,” Mr. Lavrov said.

Mr. Salehi said that besides weapons, foreign troops had been sent into Syria to aid the armed opposition to Mr. Assad. “They have some of their forces operating inside Syria,” Mr. Salehi said, without specifically naming the United States or any other country. “They say they want to prevent massacres but at the same time send weapons — these are double standards.”

The Russian foreign minister reiterated Russia’s longstanding denial of American accusations that his country is sending helicopter gunships to Syria, which will help government troops to fight the opposition. Mr. Lavrov said that Russia is “honoring military contracts” with the Syrian government, but only sending “antiaircraft weapons.”

“We are not like the U.S., giving weapons to the opposition,” he said. He also said the United States and its allies were determined to follow the “Libyan model,” in which NATO countries armed the opposition, provided them with information and bombed government targets from the air.

“Syria as a country is an axis of stability,” Mr. Lavrov said. “We do not support the government; we are supporting the people and the country.”

So fucking hilarious, those Iranian chimps...and WTF are they doing in lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan?
looks like the ole reset its not working very well eh? even after selling allies out on the missile defense shield, telling medvedev to tell putin obama will give him leeway after his re-election etc. etc....useful idiots...


[ame=]U.S. Gift to Russia Lost in Translation - YouTube[/ame]
Russia is reported to be making arms shipments such as attack helicopters to Syria and a Cold War situation is developing in Syria and Russia is ready to fight a proxy war by arming Assad. Putin cannot abandon Assad because Russia's strategic interests in the region are at stake and Russia and Syria signed a lease for a Syrian port which can host nuclear submarines and if Assad decides to attack the protesters from the air, NATO is likely to impose a no-fly zone to protect civilians but the civil war in Syria would never end until the number of casualties reaches an unacceptable level for the Syrians.
What do you propose if al qaeda regroups, retakes afghanistan, and uses it as a base again - with the help of the pakistani ISI, of course? How can the US stop these shitholes from becoming terrorist planning/operations/launching bases?

I don't know how to answer that, us staying there indefinently doesn't seem to be making life better for us or the Afghans.

Russia controls all of the supply lines into Afghanistand and Iraq. We will stay until Russia gives us other orders.

obama wanted a post American world. This is what it looks like. We may never fully recover from what obama has done to us.

The best course of action now would be for the US to stop arming the rebels and let the Russian backed Assad reassert control. The only effect we are having is to increase the death toll.

obama imagines that Assad is fighting the same war in Syria that we are fighting in Afghanistan, battle on to a stalemate then declare peace. Assad means total victory. He is not interested in winning hearts and minds. Which is a totally stupid way to wage war to begin with.

you mean Russia has bribed the people who control the routes..;) we have bribed a few back btw....
Russia is reported to be making arms shipments such as attack helicopters to Syria and a Cold War situation is developing in Syria and Russia is ready to fight a proxy war by arming Assad. Putin cannot abandon Assad because Russia's strategic interests in the region are at stake and Russia and Syria signed a lease for a Syrian port which can host nuclear submarines and if Assad decides to attack the protesters from the air, NATO is likely to impose a no-fly zone to protect civilians but the civil war in Syria would never end until the number of casualties reaches an unacceptable level for the Syrians.

nato won't do shit. they want/need us to lead, aint happening, obama has other things to do, he could barely stay awake during the Qaddafi deal.......
Russia and Iran Accuse the United States of Arming Syrian Rebels

TEHRAN — Russia and Iran, Syria’s staunchest allies, on Wednesday accused the United States of sending weapons to opposition forces battling President Bashar al-Assad and his army.

Iran’s foreign minister Ali Akbar Salehi, and his Russian counterpart, Sergey V. Lavrov, told reporters that it was the United States and its allies — not Russia and Iran — that are seeking to destabilize Syria.

“The U.S. is sending weapons to the opposition in Syria, which are being used against the government of that country,” Mr. Lavrov said.

Mr. Salehi said that besides weapons, foreign troops had been sent into Syria to aid the armed opposition to Mr. Assad. “They have some of their forces operating inside Syria,” Mr. Salehi said, without specifically naming the United States or any other country. “They say they want to prevent massacres but at the same time send weapons — these are double standards.”

The Russian foreign minister reiterated Russia’s longstanding denial of American accusations that his country is sending helicopter gunships to Syria, which will help government troops to fight the opposition. Mr. Lavrov said that Russia is “honoring military contracts” with the Syrian government, but only sending “antiaircraft weapons.”

“We are not like the U.S., giving weapons to the opposition,” he said. He also said the United States and its allies were determined to follow the “Libyan model,” in which NATO countries armed the opposition, provided them with information and bombed government targets from the air.

“Syria as a country is an axis of stability,” Mr. Lavrov said. “We do not support the government; we are supporting the people and the country.”

So fucking hilarious, those Iranian chimps...and WTF are they doing in lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan?

Lebanon is basically a client state of Iran, it is a Hezbollah strong hold and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards have a base there. The Iranians basically followed us into Iraq and Afghanistan after we invaded them to fuck shit up.

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