Protests in Syria

The previous,[sic] pre-PC media I had access to likely referred,[sic] to the "Aramid" origins,[sic] in Africa, but the Aramaeans invaded Judea,[sic] from the Arab peninsula, which is the recent source,[sic] of Aramaic-speaking Judeans, which[sic] language is evident,[sic] today.

Not too much comes up,[sic] on these guys,[sic] in PC searches:[/I]


Somewhere is a better search medium, but you might have to conduct several searches. I'd do it, but it's time to run. If you haven't found it by tomorrow, I'll look it up.

What is your first language?

Its must be assholism.

He does seem fluent in that at least.
Whatever, shit-talking faggots. Tell us more, about how well you do, at Engish US, so mememe has to tell you faggots how to write.
Whatever, shit-talking faggots. Tell us more, about how well you do, at Engish US, so mememe has to tell you faggots how to write.

"Engish"? Is that your first language? You should try to learn English sometime.
Here you go. What it was all about, all along.

Syrian Muslim Brotherhood to launch political party

Syrian-National-Council is in its core the Syrian branch of the Muslim-Brotherhood, patched-up with some other organizations here and there.
It was created after Syria rejected to end one-party rule and to let other groups of society join the political system (which would have ended Assad's minority rule).

Syrian Foreign Minister said it himself.
Turkey-Syria Ties Worsened on Muslim Brotherhood, Hurriyet Says - Bloomberg
Whatever, shit-talking faggots. Tell us more, about how well you do, at Engish US, so mememe has to tell you faggots how to write.

"Engish"? Is that your first language? You should try to learn English sometime.

Good for you, Punko. You caught ANOTHER spelling mistake. You could get a job, eating shit. You don't do searches for studies, reports, and graphs, do you.

I guess that's part, of being a RightWingFaggotThatRunsWordsTogether.

Now you can use your (sic) trick. Don't forget to eat shit, faggot!
The previous,[sic] pre-PC media I had access to likely referred,[sic] to the "Aramid" origins,[sic] in Africa, but the Aramaeans invaded Judea,[sic] from the Arab peninsula, which is the recent source,[sic] of Aramaic-speaking Judeans, which[sic] language is evident,[sic] today.

Not too much comes up,[sic] on these guys,[sic] in PC searches:[/I]


Somewhere is a better search medium, but you might have to conduct several searches. I'd do it, but it's time to run. If you haven't found it by tomorrow, I'll look it up.

What is your first language?

Butt speak
Whatever, shit-talking faggots. Tell us more, about how well you do, at Engish US, so mememe has to tell you faggots how to write.

"Engish"? Is that your first language? You should try to learn English sometime.

Good for you, Punko. You caught ANOTHER spelling mistake. You could get a job,[sic] eating shit. You don't do searches for studies, reports, and graphs, do you.

I guess that's part,[sic] of being a RightWingFaggotThatRunsWordsTogether.

Wouldn't it just be easier for you to learn how to write properly in English? No, I guess that would be impossible.
The previous,[sic] pre-PC media I had access to likely referred,[sic] to the "Aramid" origins,[sic] in Africa, but the Aramaeans invaded Judea,[sic] from the Arab peninsula, which is the recent source,[sic] of Aramaic-speaking Judeans, which[sic] language is evident,[sic] today.

Not too much comes up,[sic] on these guys,[sic] in PC searches:[/I]


Somewhere is a better search medium, but you might have to conduct several searches. I'd do it, but it's time to run. If you haven't found it by tomorrow, I'll look it up.

What is your first language?

Butt speak

So it seems.
Very large spam from the illiterate buffoon. It's too bad you can't understand any of the things you copy and paste.
Arameans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I suggest the reason Wikipedia has no reference, to "Aramids" is these originated, in Abyssinia, per the NOVA show I saw, and these became the Arameans, which had a language, similar to the Habiru language, since hey, they were all from Abyssinia, originally.

I don't know why the idea of an Aramid people, with an Abyssinian origin isn't readier, at search, than old 1937 definitions, of "Aramaic," from a defunct Soviet encyclopedia.

I think Judeo-Christians may be fucking up modern searches, since that is the kind of shit they do.

The word "aramid" is still in use, in biology and as the un-patented term, for Kevlar fibers.

If you mean the Hebrew language, the way one says 'Hebrew' in that language is 'Ee-vree' (singular) or 'Ee-vrit' (the language) or 'Ee-vrim' (plural) - which of course is nothing at all like the 'Hapiru' or 'Habiru' of the Egyptians. The two are not connected.

As to your assertions of 'Aram' being in Abyssinia - that is extremely unlikely. Again, you have neither linked to nor cited a single source for any of your allegations. Nor have you substantiated your assertions about 'Judeo-Christians' or 'Soviet encyclopedia' or anything else to which you have so fancifully and whimisically referred.

NB: 'Arameans' being people are properly a 'who' and not a 'which'.....
Last edited:
Syria Conflict: Damascus, Aleppo Endure Heavy Shelling


BEIRUT, July 26 (Reuters) - Damascus and Syria's second biggest city, Aleppo, came under shell fire on Thursday as troops loyal to President Bashar al-Assad stepped up efforts to crush rebels threatening the government's two main power centres.

One of the most senior figures to defect from Assad's inner circle, Brigadier General Manaf Tlas, put himself forward as someone who could help unite the fragmented opposition inside and outside Syria on a blueprint for a transfer of power.

A bomb attack that killed four of Assad's closest lieutenants last week prompted predictions among his enemies that the 46-year-old president's time in power was drawing to a close.

But in the days that have followed that attack, Assad's forces have noticeably toughened their response to the armed revolt, with fixed-wing combat aircraft seen in action over Aleppo and rebel fighters said by opposition sources to have been summarily executed on the streets of Damascus.

Residents in the capital reported a shell landing in southern districts every minute on Thursday morning. Helicopters were attacking the Hajar-al-Aswad district, one of the last rebel strongholds in the city after days of street fighting, opposition activists said.

After a major assault on rebels in Damascus last week, the army has turned to Aleppo, reinforcing troops there with an armoured column that had been operating in a northern province, apparent evidence of the government's aim not to lose control of Syria's commercial capital, a city of 2.5 million.

Fierce clashes raged in the early hours of Thursday in Aleppo, and an activist said rebels now controlled half of the city, a claim that could not be independently verified.

"There was shelling this morning on the Salaheddine and Mashhad districts," said Aleppo activist Abu Hisham. "Now it has stopped, but helicopters are buzzing overhead."

Activists said 24 people were killed in fighting in and around Aleppo on Wednesday, swelling a national death toll of about 18,000 since the revolt against Assad began 16 months ago.

In the Syrian capital, a resident in the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp reported heavy shelling, particularly near the southern Hajar al-Aswad district.

Syria Conflict: Damascus, Aleppo Endure Heavy Shelling
Syria Conflict: Turkey Refugee Camps Struggle To Cope With 44,000 Syrians


KILIS, Turkey, July 25 (Reuters) - Tempers are running short in Syrian refugee camps just inside Turkey, where torrid summer heat and the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan are compounding complaints about living conditions and perceived mistreatment by the Turkish authorities.

"They have broken our hearts, the Turks. Why are they doing this to us?" sobbed Umm Omar, huddling with her four children after choking on teargas fired by Turkish riot police to quell trouble over food distribution in the Kilis camp on Sunday.

"We are fasting," she said, complaining there was not enough food for the evening meal that ends the day's fast during Ramadan.

Fights have broken out in other camps, too, this week, among refugees as well as with Turkish security forces, illustrating one of Turkey's many challenges in coping with the fallout from the conflict raging in nearby Syria for the past 16 months.

The challenge could get much worse, perhaps forcing Turkey to reconsider its current policy mix of taking in refugees, sheltering Syrian army defectors, promoting unity among a fractured Syrian opposition and quietly allowing foreign funds and weapons to reach rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad.

Turkey says 70,000 Syrians in all have crossed the border, but 26,000 have gone back, leaving 46,000 refugees in eight tented camps and in Kilis, which houses 12,000 in rows of white prefabs behind a high metal wall topped with barbed wire.

The numbers are manageable so far, despite occasional friction, but an unprecedented surge of fighting this week in Syria's northern city of Aleppo, just 50 kilometres (30 miles) from the Turkish border, points up the risk of a huge exodus of refugees.

For now, people caught up in the battles in Aleppo, Syria's sprawling commercial capital, have moved to safer districts in the city of up to 4 million rather than heading for Turkey.

Less than 20 years ago, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Kurds fled into the Turkish mountains after the 1991 Gulf War, fearing that Saddam Hussein's forces might attack them with poison gas.

Turkey then appealed to its Western allies, which set up a no-fly zone over northern Iraq to enable the refugees to return.

Syria Conflict: Turkey Refugee Camps Struggle To Cope With 44,000 Syrians
CONFIRMED: Turkey Running Proxy-Invasion of Syria
Admits hosting foreign fighters seeking to enter Syria, trucks in weapons to rearm terrorist groups.

The Washington Post has just published an article with the very misleading titled, “Turkey a hub for Syria revolution as illegal border crossing points abound,” in which it describes “Salafi Muslims,” who have “come to offer help from the countries of the Persian Gulf region” arming and joining the so-called “Free Syrian Army.” The article also claims “weapons are ferried into Syria, delivered by Turkish military trucks and
picked up by fighters on the other side in the dead of night.”

Turkey a hub for Syria revolution as illegal border crossing points abound - The Washington Post

A more apt title would be, “Turkey hosts invading Saudi and Qatari mercenary army.”

This confirms earlier reports featured in the New York Times and the Washington Post, that not only are the Gulf States of Saudi Arabia and Qatar funding and arming militants via Turkey, but that the US is coordinating the logistical aspects of the operation as well.

Likewise, CNN has attempted to spin concessions made by its own Ivan Watson, traveling with sectarian extremists into Syria, where it was admitted:

"On Wednesday, CNN’s crew met a Libyan fighter who had crossed into
Syria from Turkey with four other Libyans. The fighter wore full
camouflage and was carrying a Kalashnikov rifle. He said more Libyan
fighters were on the way."

Faces of the Free Syrian Army -

CNN then attempts to claim the “real” Syrian “revolutionaries” “do not want an Islamist political agenda to be mixed in with their revolution.”...LOL

Unfortunately for CNN, despite its best efforts, it cannot qualify its claim that these foreign fighters are “unwanted,” – for the so-called “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) has long since exposed itself as a sectarian extremist front infiltrated with foreign fighters and foreign weapons, stretching back as far as 2007.

Land Destroyer: Bloomberg: Syria Violence is Sectarian

Extremists Ravaging Syria Created by US in 2007:
Land Destroyer: Extremists Ravaging Syria Created by US in 2007

source link:Turkey Running Proxy-Invasion of Syria
Saudis and Qataris Attempt “Arab League-UN” Rescue of Faltering Mercenaries

Perhaps as a sign the Gulf States of Saudi Arabia and Qatar are stretched to the limits of their ability to covertly undermine Syria, they have announced plans to seek “UN General Assembly action” for a “political transition and establishment of a democratic government in Syria.” For the despotic, unelected, grandiose nepotism of Saudi Arabia and Qatar to call for a “democratic government in Syria” is truly a move made as much out of desperation as it is one of farcical hypocrisy.

Both Gulf State nations are run by absolute monarchies – some of the only kind still left in the world. In Saudi Arabia, not only are elections out of the question, but women are in fact, prohibited from even driving. How the Saudis themselves are not subject to UN resolutions, open condemnations, sanctions of all kinds, and ultimatums over their own dictatorship is a true indication of the bankrupted, hypocritical, self-serving dysfunction that punctuates a Western corporate-financier dominated “international order.” It is an “international community” that creates the illusion of urgency and injustice when it seeks to expand its interests into one nation, but conveniently ignores real injustice when it jeopardizes their interests elsewhere.

Turkey Supports Subversion of Syria, While Crushing Dissent at Home

Turkey itself has been waging a decades-long bloody campaign against its
own armed uprising in predominately Kurdish areas bordering Syria,
Iraq, and Iran. In fact, at one point, the US allowed Turkish tanks to
cross into American-occupied Iraq to attack villages suspected of
harboring armed Kurdish separatists in 2008, mirroring the very tactics Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is now condemning Syria for. The Guardian reported in their 2008
article, “Iraq demands Turkey withdraw from border conflict with Kurds,” that the conflict had been raging since 1984 and had cost the lives of 40,000 people.

Iraq demands Turkey withdraw from border conflict with Kurds | World news |

Turkey has in recent weeks, violated Iraq’s airspace in order to strafe and bomb Kurdish villages inside Iraqi territory. Iraq has lodged a complaint with the UN Security Council – a complaint likely to go unnoticed.
One can only imagine the “threat” Syria would be portrayed as if it were to likewise strafe and bomb targets beyond its borders in pursuit of now admittedly foreign-armed, foreign fighters invading its country via Turkey. Turkey, a NATO member since 1952, would most likely invoke “Chapter V” of NATO’s treaty, a mutual defense clause that makes an attack on one alliance member an attack on all members – thus opening up the door for more direct foreign military intervention.

Iraq warns Turkey against violating airspace | Reuters

Turkey’s ruling government led by PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is in fact undermining its own national security by running errands for NATO versus Syria. By supporting foreign terrorists invading neighboring Syria, it undermines the legitimacy of its own campaign against Kurdish rebels within its borders, not to mention beyond them. Turkey’s current stance vis-a-vis Syria is not shared by all members of Turkey’s government, and at this critical stage, now more than ever they need to make their voices heard both to the Turkish people and to the people of the world.

Carving Out “Safe Havens” for the US State Department’s SNC

The ultimate goal of inundating Syria with foreign fighters and weapons while Saudi Arabia and Qatar farcically call for a “democratic transition” in Syria is to create a “safe haven” from which the US State Department coached and directed “Syrian National Council” (SNC) can rule from – further dividing and undermining the Syrian nation-state.

This geopolitical objective was first summarized in the Fortune 500-funded Brookings Institution’s March 2012 Middle East Memo #21 “Assessing Options for Regime Change and recently reiterated almost verbatim by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

US is Writing Syria's New Constitution - Tutoring SNC for Take Over:

Land Destroyer: US is Writing Syria's New Constitution - Tutoring SNC for Take Over

Clinton's Syria Policy Parrots Fortune 500 Think-Tank:

Land Destroyer: Clinton's Syria Policy Parrots Fortune 500 Think-Tank

source link: CONFIRMED: Turkey Running Proxy-Invasion of Syria | End the Lie – Independent News

Arameans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I suggest the reason Wikipedia has no reference, to "Aramids" is these originated, in Abyssinia, per the NOVA show I saw, and these became the Arameans, which had a language, similar to the Habiru language, since hey, they were all from Abyssinia, originally.

I don't know why the idea of an Aramid people, with an Abyssinian origin isn't readier, at search, than old 1937 definitions, of "Aramaic," from a defunct Soviet encyclopedia.

I think Judeo-Christians may be fucking up modern searches, since that is the kind of shit they do.

The word "aramid" is still in use, in biology and as the un-patented term, for Kevlar fibers.

If you mean the Hebrew language, the way one says 'Hebrew' in that language is 'Ee-vree' (singular) or 'Ee-vrit' (the language) or 'Ee-vrim' (plural) - which of course is nothing at all like the 'Hapiru' or 'Habiru' of the Egyptians. The two are not connected.

As to your assertions of 'Aram' being in Abyssinia - that is extremely unlikely. Again, you have neither linked to nor cited a single source for any of your allegations. Nor have you substantiated your assertions about 'Judeo-Christians' or 'Soviet encyclopedia' or anything else to which you have so fancifully and whimisically referred.

NB: 'Arameans' being people are properly a 'who' and not a 'which'.....

I suppose you got all prissy and went and found the six-pointed star, at Wikipedia!

As to you being the Wikipedia-faggot, you can have it. If you ran a search, which could find all the migrations, of all known peoples, more power to you, faggot.

I won't even run searches, for this thread, since faggots spam the crap out of this and all kinds of other threads, with shit about commas, and they get to stay up, like they are hunting communists. At least you know a word for this: EAT SHIT, ASSHOLE.

I see you are a member, of RightWingFaggotsThatShoveWordsandClausesTogether.

Fuck you, bitch.
I know why you RightWingFaggotsThatShoveClausesTogether need Willard Meat's report cards.

RightWingFaggots gave up, on math and law. So we don't get those tax returns, do we.

White Obamney got good grades. That is a curiosity, among RWFTSCs.

Get those commanists, faggots. They might also use good grammar and sentence structure!
Actually, BobbyG - I used to be a 'DD' quite a few years back, but now I'm between a 'C' and a 'D' depending on the exact manufacturer and style.......many ladies are.

I'm glad, however, that despite your tenuous long-distance relationship with reality, you can still dimly comprehend that I'm a

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