Protests in Syria

Gathered in Qatar representatives of the Arab League came to a conclusion that the best thing to do for Assad would be to go away of his own initiative.

It means, that Syria managed to fight off "Friends of Syria" this time.

But it also means that Assad should increase his personal security because the victory in Syria is of immense importance to Obama, and it has to happen before the US elections.
As per current situation, to declare "victory" to US population all Obama needs is to get rid of Assad (even if the course of Syria will not change! US can deal with it later).
Syria Chemical Weapons Only For Foreign Attack Defense, Says Regime


BEIRUT — The Syrian regime threatened Monday to use its chemical and biological weapons in case of a foreign attack, in its first ever acknowledgement that it possesses weapons of mass destruction.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Jihad Makdissi stressed, however, that Damascus would not use its unconventional arms against its own citizens. The announcement comes as Syria faces international isolation, a tenacious rebellion that has left at least 19,000 people dead and threats by Israel to attack to prevent such weapons from falling into rebel hands.

The timing, however, of Syria's decision to reveal the long suspected existence of its chemical weapons suggests a desperate regime deeply shaken by an increasingly bold revolt that has scored a string of successes in the past week, including a stunning bomb attack that killed four high-level security officials, the capture of several border crossings and sustained offensives on the regime strongholds of Damascus and Aleppo.

"No chemical or biological weapons will ever be used, and I repeat, will never be used, during the crisis in Syria no matter what the developments inside Syria," Makdissi said in news conference broadcast on Syrian state TV. "All of these types of weapons are in storage and under security and the direct supervision of the Syrian armed forces and will never be used unless Syria is exposed to external aggression."

The Syrian government later tried to back off from the announcement, sending journalists an amendment to the prepared statement read out by Makdissi adding the phrase "if any," in attempts to return to their previous position of neither confirming or denying the existence of unconventional weapons.

The regime subsequently blasted foreign media outlets for taking its remarks out of context and focusing on the announcement of chemical weapons instead of its attempt to "respond to a media campaign aimed at preparing international opinion for foreign intervention into Syria under the false pretext that it was going to use weapons of mass destruction inside the country."

Syria is believed to have nerve agents as well as mustard gas, Scud missiles capable of delivering these lethal chemicals and a variety of advanced conventional arms, including anti-tank rockets and late-model portable anti-aircraft missiles.

Israel has said it fears that chaos following Assad's fall could allow the Jewish state's enemies to access Syria's chemical weapons, and has not ruled out military intervention to prevent this from happening.

Syria Chemical Weapons Only For Foreign Attack Defense, Says Regime
Syria Conflict: Damascus Suffers Destruction, Hunger As Fighting Hits Country's Heart


MASNAA, Lebanon -- After a bloody, weeklong siege in the Syrian capital, residents who stayed behind are facing hours-long lines for gasoline and bread, stinking piles of garbage in the streets and scenes of destruction unimaginable in a city that had long been spared the worst ravages of the country's uprising.

It's a gruesome turn for the distinguished Middle Eastern city of Damascus, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, and a sign that Syria's civil war appears doomed to escalate.

Residents in the hardest hit neighborhoods of Midan, Qaboun and Barzeh picked through the rubble of destroyed homes, charred cars and mangled electricity cables. Even as the government claimed on Monday to have largely put down rebels in the city, some residents fearing more violence continued to trickle into neighboring Lebanon, where thousands fled during the height of the fighting last week.

"I never thought I would see gunmen clashing with the army on the streets of Damascus, people fleeing their homes," said Nahed, a 32-year-old peace activist in Damascus. "It's like Lebanon but in reverse," she said, referring to the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah when thousands of Lebanese poured into Syria, looking for safety.

For a year and a half, residents of the Syrian capital went about their daily business, largely oblivious as President Bashar Assad's forces and rebels laid waste to towns and cities across the country. Restaurants, cafes and night clubs filled up every night with members of a Damascus elite convinced that the regime would keep the fighting away from its heavily guarded seat of power.

So when the "Damascus Volcano" – as anti-regime activists call the unprecedented eruption of rebels in the capital – struck on July 14, many in the city of 1.7 million were unprepared.

The veneer of calm was shattered and the once bustling, tourist-friendly metropolis was transformed into a virtual war zone as government forces unleashed their full might against the insurgents. Helicopter gunships and tanks blasted rebel positions in neighborhoods. Artillery batteries fired down from the mountains overlooking Damascus into the city.

Long lines built up at the border crossing into Lebanon with cars packed with families and their belongings. Some who stayed packed "getaway bags" with passports, diplomas, money and other valuables in case they had to run for their lives.

Syria Conflict: Damascus Suffers Destruction, Hunger As Fighting Hits Country's Heart
@ BobG: Point of information for you. The Lemba are indeed an African group with Jewish ancestry. They live in South Africa/Zimbabwe, and most of them do not practice Judaism (Messianic "judaism" is Christian). The Ethiopian Jews, Beta Israel, are an entirely different group.
Beta Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lemba people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And of course, neither of those groups are the Abayudaya of Uganda.
Abayudaya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Incidentally, if you actually read the Wiki articles, you would find that the 'Western' 'European' Jewish community has been helping to bring the Beta Israel home to Israel since the '70's. Although once word got to them, some of them simply walked to Israel on their own.

I remain hopeful that you may reconsider your very unrealistic ideas in your posting in light of actual accurate information.

Incidentally, since you are such a thoroughly anus-affected vagina about all this, the Lemba are descended from Jews, who moved to Abyssinia, from the Holy Land, in 1149, likely when the end of Crusader occupation became imminent. By 1187, Salah al-Haddin had won the decisive battle, at the Horns of Hattin, and Jerusalem fell, after.

The Lemba reviewed by my media did settle in Ethiopia, which as a land called "Cush" in Deuteronomy is where Jews are from, and Pharoah led captives, from that defunct kingdom, or did that also slide by you, Hunter?

Where Jews actually come from slides right on by a lot of Zionist Christians and Jews, as does the suggestion of this, by the speaking of Aramaic, by Jesus and other Judeans, at the time of the passion. It turns out, Judea was conquered by Aramid tribes, before the Romans incorporated parts of the Middle East into their empire. The conquering Aramid tribes were also from Abyssinia.

The fabric known as Kevlar is composed of what was known, as "Aramid" fibers.

Modern Ethiopia is a nasty place, to try to survive. I am not surprised, at how Lemba may have turned up in other parts of Africa. They would have in many cases succumbed, to Christian media, over time.

I suspect modern Jews will eventually be really sorry they put up with expulsions and pogroms, to then invade Palestine, as part of modern Crusades. But given how greed works, Zionists still have some time, to prance around, before something stops them, from their obnoxious media of theft and conquest.
Mahdi al-Harati -- an IRISH-Libyan, who lived in Ireland, was trained in Qatar for the war in Libya, connected with CIA commander of Tripoli "revolutionaries", a deputy head of Tripoli Military Council was killed in SYRIA!

What an Irishman turned Libyan "freedom fighter" on CIA payroll was doing in Syria is a rhetorical question...

What can I say DDD, but a LOT of Sunnis are in the UK and US. When the time came,[sic] for change,[sic] in Libya, Qaddafi should have picked up and moved on. Of course, if you don't feel like picking up and moving, you can stay around,[sic] and see if Sunnis aren't connected,[sic] enough,[sic] to knock you bitches right out of Syria.

What did you expect, but your Alawite murderers aren't going to be popular, not in Syria or in the English-speaking world. Deflect,[sic] to Libya,[sic] if you think that will help.

I hope you never visit the English-speaking world because you'd have a terrible time with the language barrier.
Is Syria’s Bashar Assad Going the Way of Muammar Gaddafi?


As tens of thousands of Syrians flee the chaos and bloodshed of the country’s 17-month uprising and civil war, Arab leaders on Monday raised the possibility that President Bashar Assad would be allowed a “safe exit” from power, if he quickly abandons the presidency and ends the all-out military assault on rebel fighters.

But is it too late for that?

According to some — including officials from the country that said it would offer Assad asylum just a few months ago — the Syrian leader might have missed his moment to leave (and then live) in peace. It seems increasingly likely, some believe, that Assad will end his rule — and perhaps his life — in the fighting, much the way that the late Muammar Gaddafi did last October, when Libyan militia fighters cornered the dictator on the run and shot him on the spot. “We are in a kind of Gaddafi situation,” says Khaled Ben M’Barek, chief political aide to Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki. “The scenario of Assad saying that he will leave seems more and more improbable.”

In a meeting of Arab League foreign ministers in Qatar on Monday, officials raised the issue of a deal for Assad to leave office, according to the organization’s Secretary General Nabil Elaraby, who told reporters after the discussions that Assad could be offered a “safe exit.” He would not reveal any details, apparently because the proposal needed to be fleshed out further with other countries.

Until now, Tunisia’s Marzouki was the only leader — Arab or otherwise — to offer Assad asylum. He has twice floated the idea of taking in Assad and his family in Tunisia as a way of ending the bloody conflict, in which more than 10,000 have died. In a BBC interview in March, Marzouki said, “If the price of peace in Syria is to give a safe haven to this guy, why not?” In an interview with the Arabic al-Hayat newspaper the following month, Marzouki again pleaded with Assad to get out while he could — a strategy that Gaddafi refused to heed. “It is best for you and your family to leave alive because if you decide to leave dead, this would mean that you will cause the death of tens of thousands of innocent people,” the Tunisian President said.

Marzouki’s country has become used to setting precedents (if not saving presidents). Tunisia’s former leader Zine el Abidine Ben Ali fled the presidential palace in January 2011 after 24 years in power, chased out by a monthlong revolt that swept through the country to his very doorstep. Clearly concluding that his regime was on the verge of collapse, he flew into exile in Saudi Arabia — and is unlikely ever to face trial, despite being convicted in his absence in a Tunisian court. Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak staved off numerous calls to resign in peace, instead sending in forces to quash an 18-day revolt in January and February last year. Though Mubarak will now surely die in prison, after being convicted in Cairo, he at least survived the revolution. The same could not be said of Gaddafi. And in the end, might not be said of Assad.

In an intimate, imploring tone, Sheikha Mayassa, the 28-year-old daughter of Qatar’s Emir, e-mailed her friend, Assad’s wife Asma, earlier this year, urging her to persuade her husband to resign and leave Syria, at the very least in order to save his family. “I only pray that you will convince the President to take this opportunity to exit without having to face charges,” she wrote in the e-mail, which was intercepted by opposition activists and leaked to the Guardian. “I’m sure you have many places to turn to, including Doha.”

Read more: Syria: Window Closing for Bashar Assad
Aleppo Clashes: Syria Fighting Enters 4th Day


DAMASCUS, Syria — A Syrian government official says President Bashar Assad has named five officials to top security posts in a reshuffle of the regime's inner circle.

One of Tuesday's appointments replaces Assad's national security chief, who died last week after being wounded in a rebel bombing that also killed three other officials.

The new appointees are known regime figures, making it unlikely that the reshuffle will alter the government's efforts to defeat anti-Assad rebels.

Rebel groups are battling the government across Syria as the country's 16-month crisis grows increasingly violent and chaotic.

Last week's bomb attack struck a sharp blow to the regime's top brass, though government troops have now largely routed rebel forces fighting in the capital.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity in order to discuss security matters.

Fierce clashes spread to new neighborhoods in Aleppo in a fourth day of fighting in Syria's commercial capital, showing the resilience of a rebel offensive on strongholds of President Bashar Assad's regime.

President Barack Obama also warned Syria against using its chemical weapons after Damascus acknowledged for the first time on Monday that they possessed such weapons and threatened to use them against any "foreign aggression."

Syria's rebels have recently seized the offensive in the country's bloody civil war, which activists say has killed at least 19,000 people since it began in March 2011. Rebel fighters over the past two weeks have taken the fight to the Assad regime in the country's two largest cities, killed four senior security officials in a bold bomb attack in the heart of the capital and captured a string of border crossings with Iraq and Turkey.

Syria's state news agency said Tuesday that government troops were battling rebels in the Aleppo neighborhoods of Salaheddine and Sukkari and claimed they had inflicted heavy losses. The Britain-based Syria Observatory for Human Rights, meanwhile, reported the spread of fighting to other previously peaceful neighborhoods as well as shelling by regime forces.

Clashes between rebels and government forces spread out of the northeastern neighborhoods of Sukkari and Hanano to nearby areas and even closer to the center in Arkoub. Meanwhile fighting flared in previously quiet southern neighborhood of Firdous.

On Sunday, a newly formed alliance of rebel groups called the Brigade for Unification announced an operation to take Aleppo, the country's largest city with about three million people. While the rebels have not shown themselves able to hold neighborhoods for any significant period of time, the continued fighting highlights the government's inability to pin down the lightly armed opposition forces.

Aleppo Clashes: Syria Fighting Enters 4th Day
What can I say DDD, but a LOT of Sunnis are in the UK and US. When the time came,[sic] for change,[sic] in Libya, Qaddafi should have picked up and moved on. Of course, if you don't feel like picking up and moving, you can stay around,[sic] and see if Sunnis aren't connected,[sic] enough,[sic] to knock you bitches right out of Syria.

What did you expect, but your Alawite murderers aren't going to be popular, not in Syria or in the English-speaking world. Deflect,[sic] to Libya,[sic] if you think that will help.

I hope you never visit the English-speaking world because you'd have a terrible time with the language barrier.

Psst! Retarded faggot Punkotardy! Guess what "sic" means? It means YOU SUCK, I guess, since the spelling was correct.

Don't you queers put commas, before prepositions? If you see a comma, before a preposition, that doesn't mean the spelling is incorrect, faggot.

I was pointing out your incorrect use of commas, you illiterate psycho.
Incidentally, I can find no mention of 'Aramid tribes', but only of the Aramaic language, spoken by several different groups in the ME.

Aramaic language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Aramaic used by Jews is so very close to Hebrew, it's more like an 'accent' - not even a 'dialect's worth of difference.

Here's a link to a very interesting 'high-level' discussion of some topics in Hebrew?Aramaic language in context of Biblical-period history.
[b-hebrew] Aramaic to Hebrew language switch?
I suspect modern Jews will eventually be really sorry they put up with expulsions and pogroms, to then invade Palestine, as part of modern Crusades. But given how greed works, Zionists still have some time, to prance around, before something stops them, from their obnoxious media of theft and conquest.

What on earth are you babbling about? I laugh at how imbeciles rail at jews for alleged "theft" of land - land they either legitimately bought or won in defensive wars - and then ignore 1,400 YEARS of massive crusades, conquests, and slaughter by the muslims.

Remind us again how a death cult initiated in saudi arabia spread from western africa to the phillippines...
Syria Conflict: Damascus Suffers Destruction, Hunger As Fighting Hits Country's Heart

It's simply amazing how much "civilised community" wants Syrians to suffer destructions and starvation! :lol::lol::lol:

This is Damascus 22.07.2012

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Prince Bandar thought killed during the recent terrorist act in SA is alive; the killed man was identified as colonel Mashal al-Karni -- a close associate of prince Bandar...
Incidentally, I can find no mention of 'Aramid tribes', but only of the Aramaic language, spoken by several different groups in the ME.

Aramaic language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Aramaic used by Jews is so very close to Hebrew, it's more like an 'accent' - not even a 'dialect's worth of difference.

Here's a link to a very interesting 'high-level' discussion of some topics in Hebrew?Aramaic language in context of Biblical-period history.
[b-hebrew] Aramaic to Hebrew language switch?

Aramaean-Syriac people are the source of the Aramaic language.

The previous, pre-PC media I had access to likely referred, to the "Aramid" origins, in Africa, but the Aramaeans invaded Judea, from the Arab peninsula, which is the recent source, of Aramaic-speaking Judeans, which language is evident, today.

Not too much comes up, on these guys, in PC searches:


Somewhere is a better search medium, but you might have to conduct several searches. I'd do it, but it's time to run. If you haven't found it by tomorrow, I'll look it up.
I suspect modern Jews will eventually be really sorry they put up with expulsions and pogroms, to then invade Palestine, as part of modern Crusades. But given how greed works, Zionists still have some time, to prance around, before something stops them, from their obnoxious media of theft and conquest.

What on earth are you babbling about? I laugh at how imbeciles rail at jews for alleged "theft" of land - land they either legitimately bought or won in defensive wars - and then ignore 1,400 YEARS of massive crusades, conquests, and slaughter by the muslims.

Remind us again how a death cult initiated in saudi arabia spread from western africa to the phillippines...

But anus-scholar, by the time the Roman Catholic Church got involved, Islam would be founded. Some other religion was needed. Don't agree? Why not?

When Romans conquered, and then became Christian, to harass Jews, in order to take what they had and convert them, the way was cleared, for the spread, of Islam, which is a more practical religion, than either Christianity or Judaism.

When Moors conquered part of Spain, crusades were inevitable. If Islam didn't want crusades to happen, Muslims didn't have to go, to Spain, but alas, Moors went over there, and history was set, on its current course, toward WWIII.

The British have marvelous expressions; among them: "There is a Spaniard, in the works." This was also the inspiration, for the title, of one of John Lennon's books.

Moorish and Turkish conquests and wars are not necessarily part of the Pope-ordained CRUSADES, punk-fuck ranter. Pay attention. A Crusade comes out of some Pope's asshole, see "Urban," etc.

Of course, Romanesque Christians copy Catholics, to take litany, etc., as it suits them, and now, Christian geeks have all sorts of flat-earth media, which they impose on all of us, no matter how well Benedict tries to connect skepticism, against global warming, with atheism. The Protestants don't protest, any more! They just SUCK. Their Jesus is DEAD, and his daddy was a Roman soldier, but that doesn't stop the rapture OR their desire, to spread intrigue, in the Middle East.

That any non-Catholic Christians exist, without a Pope ruling them is disgusting. They end up in the US, to keep Darwin out of school curriculum, until 1958, when the Soviets launched Sputnik. All the smart US Christians went off, to be agnostics or atheists or both, or they converted, to Islam, when Mohammed Ali and Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Ahmad Rashad did this.

But there are a lot of retards, in the US, which helps sustain organized crime cartels, including religions, which conspire, against our US Constitution and statutes. Some of these criminals go get a CROSS, which they use, in the course of illegal CRUSADES, faggot. If you could say Muslims engage, in "crusades," what kind of queer are you? Don't you have a cross?

Probably, you have some kind of star, which your people co-opted, from a 6000-year-old Egyptian sun-sign, and maybe you call yourself "Hebrew," which is a corruption, of the word "Habiru." But since you SUCK, you are corrupt, whatever you are.

As for "theft," Israel started the 1967 war, to take a lot of territory. The paranoid IDF shot up the USS Liberty, for monitoring the conflict. AIPAC and Israel and international Zionists own US political agendas, lock, stock, and barrel. These pigs can and will start WWIII, in the midst of all sorts of destructive climate change.

Will Israel or the US get a good hemp, switchgrass, and algae program, to make a lot of biodiesel? NO. The US imports oil, and we are screwed by our politicians, who guarantee tiny asshole-Israel's oil supply and a lot of its offensive military media.

Let me remind you, why radical Islam happened. By the industrial revolution, Christians, particularly in the English-speaking world, see "British Empire" wanted back into the Middle East, bigtime. Since a lot of Jews in Britain were powerful, see "Disraeli and Balfour," Zionists departed from England, 1882, to Palestine, to not only settle, but found a Jewish republic.

This was the incitement, for the Mahdi Rebellion, 1886.

There is a Jewish republic, which sponsors bulldozing of Palestinian homes and entire villages, while other Semites, like Kurds and Palestinians do not have a homeland, thanks to British Imperialism, which powers the American war machine, today.

Modern Zionist Jews and Christians are involved, with organized crime and the taking of any media, which might enable Zionism, punkfuck. So Muslims are even MORE pissed off, than they were, in 1886. Heard of Islam? There's a lot of Muslims.

The only thing really stopping them is still the Shia-Sunni split. All major nations play the Sunnis or Shiites, against the others, lest a unified Islam start taking over.

That a word, "Judeo-Christian" exists, which indicates modern Zionist media is also an indication, how the US Constitution is being ravaged, by Zionists, which profiteer.

That you are a faggot won't stop pissed-off radical Islam. Devious politics in the West will have its limits, since our Constitution strains, under the several violations, by perpetrators, who start hacking away, at our separation clause, move against the standing army clause, USCA 4 security, and against 18 US Code, in the course of busting our budget, which will fail, 2012.

What are YOU babbling about, queer? Read some history, bitch.

You can't stop radical Islam, and since I know the "Judeo-Christians" and their pernicious organized criminal media, I don't know why in the world I would oppose Muslims, who are way over there, somewhere, no matter how many millions they are.

Over here, in the US are millions of seditious, punkfuck faggots and their fascist overlords. And I should worry, about any Muslims? Tell me how Islam is worse, than your shit and your AIDS.

Eat shit, ranting, faggot bitch!
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History of the Jews and the Crusades - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Crusades - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have no idea, why Zionist elitists, such as Jews, would believe they can keep from using nuclear weapons, with the blessing of their airhead Crusader allies, and somehow refrain, from destroying our mutual human habitat.

But, stupid is, as stupid does! On the way to dragging us all off, to hell, Judeo-Christian organized crime is destroying all western resources and economic initiative, for their illegal agendas.

Some people think black Obamney will find a way out of this. It looks like he'll have to. Support for white Obamney is eroding, faster than is support, for black Obamney.

Got tax returns? I don't think so. Got a US budget? Not for long!

Tiny asshole Israel, with all the big shit it drives has to be on the US chopping block. Or, tiny Israel can drag the Americans, to hell.
Arameans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I suggest the reason Wikipedia has no reference, to "Aramids" is these originated, in Abyssinia, per the NOVA show I saw, and these became the Arameans, which had a language, similar to the Habiru language, since hey, they were all from Abyssinia, originally.

I don't know why the idea of an Aramid people, with an Abyssinian origin isn't readier, at search, than old 1937 definitions, of "Aramaic," from a defunct Soviet encyclopedia.

I think Judeo-Christians may be fucking up modern searches, since that is the kind of shit they do.

The word "aramid" is still in use, in biology and as the un-patented term, for Kevlar fibers.
The previous,[sic] pre-PC media I had access to likely referred,[sic] to the "Aramid" origins,[sic] in Africa, but the Aramaeans invaded Judea,[sic] from the Arab peninsula, which is the recent source,[sic] of Aramaic-speaking Judeans, which[sic] language is evident,[sic] today.

Not too much comes up,[sic] on these guys,[sic] in PC searches:[/I]


Somewhere is a better search medium, but you might have to conduct several searches. I'd do it, but it's time to run. If you haven't found it by tomorrow, I'll look it up.

What is your first language?
The previous,[sic] pre-PC media I had access to likely referred,[sic] to the "Aramid" origins,[sic] in Africa, but the Aramaeans invaded Judea,[sic] from the Arab peninsula, which is the recent source,[sic] of Aramaic-speaking Judeans, which[sic] language is evident,[sic] today.

Not too much comes up,[sic] on these guys,[sic] in PC searches:[/I]


Somewhere is a better search medium, but you might have to conduct several searches. I'd do it, but it's time to run. If you haven't found it by tomorrow, I'll look it up.

What is your first language?

Its must be assholism.

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