Protests in Syria

Bashar uses toxic gas on civilians-


For what purpose?

Syrian civilians are helping their army to fight terrorists; and all of a sudden, Syrian government (freshly elected by "Syrian civilians") decide to gas the very people who support them?

Your video is yet another predictable bollox for the benefit of Western population. Assad had no reasons to attack the population that supports him; while terrorists who are flooding into Syria from abroad have every reason to resort to outrageous provocations in order to pin attrocities onto Syrian legitimate government and provide US with a reason for open invasion.

BINGO. You got it.

The US won't openly invade. obama is too afraid of Russia for that. The US will just keep the death toll rising by arming the muslim brotherhood because, you know, the muslim brotherhood has a member in the white house staff itself.
Hmm, looks like weeweewee oinked up four posts, as soon as Rhody inferred he was a troll.

Shit, Rhody, don't trip or anything, but if nobody analyzes trolls, nobody but trolls post.

If weeweewee is a little pig in Hama or somewhere, we can see how long it takes, for him to shut up, by one means or another. Just sayin' . . .
Bashar uses toxic gas on civilians-


For what purpose?

Syrian civilians are helping their army to fight terrorists; and all of a sudden, Syrian government (freshly elected by "Syrian civilians") decide to gas the very people who support them?

Your video is yet another predictable bollox for the benefit of Western population. Assad had no reasons to attack the population that supports him; while terrorists who are flooding into Syria from abroad have every reason to resort to outrageous provocations in order to pin attrocities onto Syrian legitimate government and provide US with a reason for open invasion.

the muslim brotherhood has a member in the white house staff itself.

Janet Napolitano?
For what purpose?

Syrian civilians are helping their army to fight terrorists; and all of a sudden, Syrian government (freshly elected by "Syrian civilians") decide to gas the very people who support them?

Your video is yet another predictable bollox for the benefit of Western population. Assad had no reasons to attack the population that supports him; while terrorists who are flooding into Syria from abroad have every reason to resort to outrageous provocations in order to pin attrocities onto Syrian legitimate government and provide US with a reason for open invasion.

the muslim brotherhood has a member in the white house staff itself.

Janet Napolitano?

Huma Abedin.
Syrians say: Israel's IDF to intervene in Syria, to prevent chimicals from being passed to Hezbollah.

Or. post:

הסורים טוענים: ישראל לקראת התערבות צבאית אפשרית בסוריה, כדי למנוע העברת נשק לחיזבאללה: שר הביטחון אהוד ברק הודיע ​​​

And chemical weapons in the hands of Al-Q don't bother Israel?

any excuse to start open intervention in Syria...

Intervene in Syria can cause a serious damage, and hurt thousands of Israelis. We won't do that if we can find another solution.
Possibly worrying news on Israeli forums and facebook acounts. A Likud MK living near the northern border wrote on his facebook page, that preparations are now being made to accept thousands of Syrian refugees into the Israeli Golan. That added to the official request that the Golan Druze people sent to PM Netanyahu, to recieve refugees from the Syrian southern district into Israel. Now the possibility is on the table.
Intervene in Syria can cause a serious damage, and hurt thousands of Israelis. We won't do that if we can find another solution.

Judging by how actively the US elites are setting the world on fire around Israel, one can't help but wonder if Israeli and US elites decided to pull a plug on Israel.

I hope Israeli people understand what the destruction of Syria and Iran will spell for them...
Possibly worrying news on Israeli forums and facebook acounts. A Likud MK living near the northern border wrote on his facebook page, that preparations are now being made to accept thousands of Syrian refugees into the Israeli Golan. That added to the official request that the Golan Druze people sent to PM Netanyahu, to recieve refugees from the Syrian southern district into Israel. Now the possibility is on the table.

Christians are ready to run for Lebanon, and alawites -- into Israel in anticipation of the onset of US induced militant Islamic "democracy".

Israel has every reason to take in alawites: when push will come to shove, they will fight militant Islamists in earnest...
obama's almost slavish devotion to the worst elements of islamic extremism will be his undoing, and ours.
Intervene in Syria can cause a serious damage, and hurt thousands of Israelis. We won't do that if we can find another solution.

Judging by how actively the US elites are setting the world on fire around Israel, one can't help but wonder if Israeli and US elites decided to pull a plug on Israel.

I hope Israeli people understand what the destruction of Syria and Iran will spell for them...

We follow. We can do nothing more in the meantime.
Was it last month Clinton said the UN needs to "modernise" and get rid of veto?

Well, the head of the Syrian National Council Abdelbased Seida repeated after Clinton at a news conference in Rome after meeting with Italian Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi: "The situation can no longer continue in this way. UN rules are outdated"; apparently, it is necessary to revise UN rules to MEET MODERN REQUIREMENTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY -- read: US is getting royally pi**ed with Russia and China messing up their plans to look like saviours of the world by using their right of veto thus forcing the US to either abandon their aggressive pursuits or expose themselves as aggressors.
Possibly worrying news on Israeli forums and facebook acounts. A Likud MK living near the northern border wrote on his facebook page, that preparations are now being made to accept thousands of Syrian refugees into the Israeli Golan. That added to the official request that the Golan Druze people sent to PM Netanyahu, to recieve refugees from the Syrian southern district into Israel. Now the possibility is on the table.

Christians are ready to run for Lebanon, and alawites -- into Israel in anticipation of the onset of US induced militant Islamic "democracy".

Israel has every reason to take in alawites: when push will come to shove, they will fight militant Islamists in earnest...

Sure, pigpigpig, Israel that illegally puts up walls and bulldozes Pali property is in a hella BIG hurry, to take in Alawite refugees, when fascist, racist Israelis are trying to kick Palis and foreigners OUT. As usual, you are a delusional pig, oinking around a shitpile.

Israel made Ethiopian Jews, known as the Lemba wait until 2000, for the High Court to rule, how these prospective immigrants had more Cohen DNA, than does 95% of the then-current Israeli Jewish population, so THEN the Lemba could move in.

Yeah, maybe somebody gets to go, to Israel. Sheldon Adelson bought airfares, for all kinds of white, Jewish kids. If you are European AND Jewish, you can get into Israel.

Asshole! At least you should be smart enough, to study some Farsi. Look at how the Iranians need fresh chickens. Maybe they will let some piggies in. Go for it.
A simple graphic explanation of how all "coloured revolutions" (including "Arab spring" one's) work:

Mahdi al-Harati -- an IRISH-Libyan, who lived in Ireland, was trained in Qatar for the war in Libya, connected with CIA commander of Tripoli "revolutionaries", a deputy head of Tripoli Military Council was killed in SYRIA!

What an Irishman turned Libyan "freedom fighter" on CIA payroll was doing in Syria is a rhetorical question...
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Mahdi al-Harati -- an IRISH-Libyan, who lived in Ireland, was trained in Qatar for the war in Libya, connected with CIA commander of Tripoli "revolutionaries", a deputy head of Tripoli Military Council was killed in SYRIA!

What an Irishman turned Libyan "freedom fighter" on CIA payroll was doing in Syria is a rhetorical question...

What can I say DDD, but a LOT of Sunnis are in the UK and US. When the time came, for change, in Libya, Qaddafi should have picked up and moved on. Of course, if you don't feel like picking up and moving, you can stay around, and see if Sunnis aren't connected, enough, to knock you bitches right out of Syria.

What did you expect, but your Alawite murderers aren't going to be popular, not in Syria or in the English-speaking world. Deflect, to Libya, if you think that will help.
Mahdi al-Harati -- an IRISH-Libyan, who lived in Ireland, was trained in Qatar for the war in Libya, connected with CIA commander of Tripoli "revolutionaries", a deputy head of Tripoli Military Council was killed in SYRIA!

What an Irishman turned Libyan "freedom fighter" on CIA payroll was doing in Syria is a rhetorical question...

@ BobG: Point of information for you. The Lemba are indeed an African group with Jewish ancestry. They live in South Africa/Zimbabwe, and most of them do not practice Judaism (Messianic "judaism" is Christian). The Ethiopian Jews, Beta Israel, are an entirely different group.
Beta Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lemba people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And of course, neither of those groups are the Abayudaya of Uganda.
Abayudaya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Incidentally, if you actually read the Wiki articles, you would find that the 'Western' 'European' Jewish community has been helping to bring the Beta Israel home to Israel since the '70's. Although once word got to them, some of them simply walked to Israel on their own.

I remain hopeful that you may reconsider your very unrealistic ideas in your posting in light of actual accurate information.

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