Protests in Syria


This is a direct result of US, UK, France, SA, Turkey and Qatar recruiting, financing, arming, training and supporting the terrorists inside Syria! And all the crimes the US commits in other countries are supported by the US ordinary citizens! Hitler and his Nazi party were amateurs compare to the US!

I asked you a question, and you declined to answer.


And do not bring here a military operation in Hama!
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From Bulgaria:

terrorist was WHITE with long hair and with fake driving license from MICHIGAN!!!!!!!!!
Western resolution on Syria was (predictably) vetoed.

There are reports of Qatar building life size props of some parts of Damascus; as they did prior to Western attack on Libya...

Now, we are waiting for terrorist "freedom fighters" to use chemical weapons they obtained from post-Gaddafi Libya and the West to pin it on Assad in order to justify its direct military intervention...
Western resolution on Syria was (predictably) vetoed.

There are reports of Qatar building life size props of some parts of Damascus; as they did prior to Western attack on Libya...

Now, we are waiting for terrorist "freedom fighters" to use chemical weapons they obtained from post-Gaddafi Libya and the West to pin it on Assad in order to justify its direct military intervention...

You have no proof those weapons came from Libya retard.
Western resolution on Syria was (predictably) vetoed.

There are reports of Qatar building life size props of some parts of Damascus; as they did prior to Western attack on Libya...

Now, we are waiting for terrorist "freedom fighters" to use chemical weapons they obtained from post-Gaddafi Libya and the West to pin it on Assad in order to justify its direct military intervention...

You have no proof those weapons came from Libya retard.

More than likely these chemical weapons came from Iraq.
Western resolution on Syria was (predictably) vetoed.

There are reports of Qatar building life size props of some parts of Damascus; as they did prior to Western attack on Libya...

Now, we are waiting for terrorist "freedom fighters" to use chemical weapons they obtained from post-Gaddafi Libya and the West to pin it on Assad in order to justify its direct military intervention...

You have no proof those weapons came from Libya retard.

More than likely these chemical weapons came from Iraq.

Thats a possibility.
Western resolution on Syria was (predictably) vetoed.

There are reports of Qatar building life size props of some parts of Damascus; as they did prior to Western attack on Libya...

Now, we are waiting for terrorist "freedom fighters" to use chemical weapons they obtained from post-Gaddafi Libya and the West to pin it on Assad in order to justify its direct military intervention...

You have no proof those weapons came from Libya retard.

More than likely these chemical weapons came from Iraq.

There are plenty reports on weapons from Libyan arsenals, including chemical ones, going into the hands of various militants and spreading across Africa and the ME even in WESTERN media as far back as a year ago! If you venture outside of Western media, you will find even more detailed accounts of where these weapons went to.

But, if you prefer to "find" "Iraqi WMD" in Syria, -- it's up to you. I'm only surprised US didn't cotton onto it yet: there will be no better opportunity to declare "Iraqi WMD are found!!!" :lol::lol::lol:
You have no proof those weapons came from Libya retard.

More than likely these chemical weapons came from Iraq.

There are plenty reports on weapons from Libyan arsenals, including chemical ones, going into the hands of various militants and spreading across Africa and the ME even in WESTERN media as far back as a year ago! If you venture outside of Western media, you will find even more detailed accounts of where these weapons went to.

But, if you prefer to "find" "Iraqi WMD" in Syria, -- it's up to you. I'm only surprised US didn't cotton onto it yet: there will be no better opportunity to declare "Iraqi WMD are found!!!" :lol::lol::lol:

I should slap the shit out of you for posting this drivel in my thread boy.
Bulgarians identified terrorist as Mehdi Ghezali, an Algerian-Swedish Islamist, educated in London and Saudi Arabia, who spent two years in Guantanamo Bay.

Add to it: Al Qaeda Commander of NATO’s Bloody Reign of Terror in Tripoli is the Monster Abdel Hakim Belhadj, aka Abdel Hakim al-Hasadi, Friend of Osama Bin Laden, former US POW (Guantanamo Bay), and Infamous Killer of US Soldiers in Afghanistan.

And this: King Abdullah II of Jordan: Our information is that there is a presence of Al Qaeda in certain regions inside Syria; has been there for a while.

It is also worth remembering that US used Al-Qaeda and other militant Islamists, like KLA to dismember first Yugoslavia, then -- Serbia...

Yesterday, the US and the West in general applauded a major terrorist act...

I think, one can safely state that US is now OPENLY siding with terrorists, arming them, directing them... and Guantanamo Bay became its most convenient recruiting centre.
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Bulgarians identified terrorist as Mehdi Ghezali, an Algerian-Swedish Islamist who spent two years in Guantanamo Bay.

Add to it: Al Qaeda Commander of NATO’s Bloody Reign of Terror in Tripoli is the Monster Abdel Hakim Belhadj, aka Abdel Hakim al-Hasadi, Friend of Osama Bin Laden, former US POW (Guantanamo Bay), and Infamous Killer of US Soldiers in Afghanistan.

And this: King Abdullah II of Jordan: Our information is that there is a presence of Al Qaeda in certain regions inside Syria; has been there for a while.

It is also worth remembering that US used Al-Qaeda and other militant Islamists, like KLA to dismember first Yugoslavia, then -- Serbia...

Yesterday, the US and the West in general applauded a major terrorist act...

I think, one can safely state that US is now OPENLY siding with terrorists, arming them, directing them... and Guantanamo Bay became its most convenient recruiting centre.

The asshole should have never been able to leave Guantanamo, thats all that tells me douche bag. You should be sent there also.

So, let's get it straight:

1. Supported, armed and directed by the US/EU/Qatar/SA Syrian opposition committed terrorist act in Syria against a legitimate government of the country.

2. Western born terrorist with clear links to London, Saudi Arabia and Al-Q, committed terrorist act in Bulgaria against Israeli citizens.

3. US, Israel, Western media accused Hezbollah/Iran of committing a terrorist act in Bulgaria.

4. But! Al-Q considers Hezbollah and Iran its sworn enemies; at the same time, US is known to work together with Al-Q in Serbia, Russia, Libya and Syria.

5. Today "As a result of the terrorist attack in Kazan Tatarstan Mufti Ildus Faizov was seriously injured and his deputy Valiulla Yakupov was killed. This accident has shaken Russia's community..." Mufti Ildus Faizov always stood in a way of militant Arabic Islamists, and was not allowing them to take root in Tatarstan (central Russia). Terrorist act against him has two purposes: to continue Western efforts for destabilisation of the situation inside Russia in preparation for a new attempt at coloured revolution; and to intimidate Muslims of Russia into accepting militant Arabic sects.

And considering that all three terrorist acts are in the interests of the US, Israel, EU, Qatar and SA, a question must be asked: who really stands behind the recent spite of terrorism?

So, let's get it straight:

1. Supported, armed and directed by the US/EU/Qatar/SA Syrian opposition committed terrorist act in Syria against a legitimate government of the country.

2. Western born terrorist with clear links to London, Saudi Arabia and Al-Q, committed terrorist act in Bulgaria against Israeli citizens.

3. US, Israel, Western media accused Hezbollah/Iran of committing a terrorist act in Bulgaria.

4. But! Al-Q considers Hezbollah and Iran its sworn enemies; at the same time, US is known to work together with Al-Q in Serbia, Russia, Libya and Syria.

5. Today "As a result of the terrorist attack in Kazan Tatarstan Mufti Ildus Faizov was seriously injured and his deputy Valiulla Yakupov was killed. This accident has shaken Russia's community..." Mufti Ildus Faizov always stood in a way of militant Arabic Islamists, and was not allowing them to take root in Tatarstan (central Russia). Terrorist act against him has two purposes: to continue Western efforts for destabilisation of the situation inside Russia in preparation for a new attempt at coloured revolution; and to intimidate Muslims of Russia into accepting militant Arabic sects.

And considering that all three terrorist acts are in the interests of the US, Israel, EU, Qatar and SA, a question must be asked: who really stands behind the recent spite of terrorism?


This is a direct result of US, UK, France, SA, Turkey and Qatar recruiting, financing, arming, training and supporting the terrorists inside Syria! And all the crimes the US commits in other countries are supported by the US ordinary citizens! Hitler and his Nazi party were amateurs compare to the US!

I asked you a question, and you declined to answer.


And do not bring here a military operation in Hama!

OK, weeweewee, you remark, "do not bring here a military operation in Hama!"

So, about 10 or 15 pages after I asked you to provide either a breakdown of factions, in Syria, and if you wish, you may honestly answer my original question, which was ARE YOU AN ALAWITE SHIITE?

Deflecting asshole, you never answered my legitimate question, and then you seek to imply the US is like Russia, with a base in Syria, with all sorts of American weapons, in the hands of the Assad regime's killers. But something like 99% of the weapons in Syria are made in Russia, including all heavy weapons, and some of them came to Syria, from Iran. Hey, pigshitter! The weapons were MADE IN RUSSIA.

It is time for Syria, to catch up, with the Arab Spring. No amount of queering around and size-X deflection in bold will work. It is time for the Assad regime, to GO.

Here's what's going to happen: you are going to keep deflecting, and God will fire up your asshole, for Ramadan. The US won't figure, without the Arab League and Turkey. But your buddy Bashar is doomed, weeweewee.

If you are in Hama, as you implied, I give you NO CHANCE, of survival, little pig.

I have asked you a very simple question! The reason you are trying to derail it with your "Syrian factions", is because until the US/EU/SA/Qatar decided to target Syria THERE WERE NO MASSACRES THERE!!!!! Despite all its "factions!"

And that is a damning fact: all massacres in Syria begun with the direct involvement of the US and its allies who finance, arm, direct and support perpetrators of massacres in Syria!

Yesterday Pentagon called to a terrorist -- a "MARTYR"!!!! Were perpetrators of 9/11 also "martyrs"?

While US is arming terrorist groups it recruits around the ME!
Soon ass-ad the turd will be hanging from the nearest lampost, putin the fool will have no seat at the table of a new syria - russia is going to bear the brunt of the new syrian regime's blowback when it also loses its tartus naval base - and hezboolah/iran terrorist filth will also be the losers.

The US/West is going to wipe the fake iranian terrorist regime off the map very soon, and with both regimes destroyed, a new age of peace might just be possible in the middle east.

The scumbags and turds like nasrallah the fat fucking pig animal will also hang for crimes against humanity and murder, and the hez terrorist filth will exist no more.

The invasion of Syria began.

In agreement with Turkish and Western intelligence services a military operation was launched against Syria yesterday. In it took part Turkish-trained militant Islamists from the Gulf, Libya, Tunisia and the North Caucasus.

Taking of Syrian border checkpoint began with artillery and mortar attack on the Syrian border positions. Then the assault was carried out quickly, most likely with the direct participation of foreign special forces.

A consequence of the capture of the checkpoint by rebels on the Syrian-Turkish border is the influx of gangs in the province of Idleb, from where gangs will disperse to other Syrian provinces. But most importantly - in the near future we can expect a more active actions of foreign SF in Syria in preparation for an attack on their main goal - Damascus.
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