Protests in Syria

Back on topic...

"...The current attack , of course, does not equal that of 911, but nevertheless it is already clear that the preparation for it was meticulous and thorough. Attack of the militants on Damascus, an unscheduled meeting of the outer circle of management (more on that later), and coordinated attacks at a meeting of security officials and Republican Guard headquarters means that the nature of planning was that of variability - Plan A, Plan B and so on. Depending on the turn of events. This is a demonstration of the highest quality planning characteristic of a limited number of special services. The perpetrators received instructions at the last moment - that's why there was no leak.

Terrorist attack against the top management was planned very intelligently. In any country, and even more so in authoritarian, there are several levels of decision-making. For Syria, this means - the highest leadership of the country, the so-called inner circle - it consists literally of a dozen people. It is Bashar Assad himself, his brother, Maher, and their mother - the widow of Hafez Assad Anis (nee Mahlyuf), Anisa Mohammed Mahlyuf brother and his son Rami. The last two - big businessmen. According to various sources, the family Mahlyuf controls up to 60% of the Syrian economy.

The outer circle is a creation of these people. First of all, law enforcement officers. Various law enforcement agencies are under the control of each member of the inner circle. In fact, this outer circle is the major transmission link between senior management and the entire control system. Murder of the Defence Minister, Interior Minister (who reportedly died in hospital after all), the two heads of intelligence agencies - Ash-Shawkat and Hafez Mahlyuf, serious injuries of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and many others rapidly and substantially disrupt the process of making operational decisions. Therefore, the level of planning and quality of performance is clearly beyond the scope of any thugs who hastened to take responsibility. Despite the legendary Arab messiness and carelessness, to smuggle explosives into the room of this level is possible only in the presence of a traitor who has full access. Penetrate into the barracks and the headquarters of the Republican Guard - the problem is also not for people from the street.

In other words - it's about the ties of one or several of the leading Syrian clans with Western intelligence agencies. According to common understanding, only one clan comes to mind - Clan of Tlass. And it's not even about the recently defected representative of this clan. It's about its head - former Minister of Defense Mustafa Tlass, who now lives in Paris.

Mustafa Tlass is one of the most influential, intelligent and highly capable people of the Syrian elite. Actually, it was he who brought to power Bashar al-Assad and helped him overcome a very strong resistance of the elite. Tlass stands behind several coups in the Arab world in the last half-century.

Today there is no more influential person outside of Syria. It is logical to assume that with him the West is conducting negotiations or at least negotiated the reconfiguration of power in Syria. And if negotiations eventually resulted in an agreement of the parties, the West gained access to the very heart of Syria's ruling elite.

This does not mean that Tlass is able - even with the help of the West - to carry out a coup. There are too many powerful people who do not see themselves outside of power, and for whom there is no place in the new configuration. However, there are many others - who will be able to survive the re-configuration. Logic dictates that the first must be destroyed, and the second - to be negotiated with. The newcomers, even if they will come with a truck load of gold and a division of special agents-terrorists, would not be able to achieve neither first task, nor second. In the East it is important whom you are dealing with; and do you trust him; do you really respect him. And Mustafa Tlass - is too obvious a candidate for the task.

Of course, there are other equally powerful families, clans and bosses. In fact, it is not very important - whether Tlass clan or someone else stands behind this terrorist act. It is important that such an outstanding act of terrorism by all indications was not possible without the participation of some of the most influential individuals and groups. And it is a huge problem for Assad. Perhaps even more important than any bombing. If he will not solve it - the other efforts of his are meaningless."

Ð*ль Мюрид - Теракт
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Back on topic...

"...The current attack is, of course, does not equal the level of 911, but nevertheless it is already clear that the preparation for it was meticulous and thorough. Attack of the militants on Damascus, an unscheduled meeting of the outer circle of management (more on that later), and coordinated attacks at a meeting of security officials and Republican Guard headquarters means that the nature of planning was that of variability - Plan A, Plan B and so on. Depending on the turn of events. This is a demonstration of the highest quality planning characteristic of a limited number of special services. The perpetrators received instructions at the last moment - that's why there was no leak.

Terrorist attack against the top management was planned very intelligently. In any country, and even more so in authoritarian, there are several levels of decision-making. For Syria, this means - the highest leadership of the country, the so-called inner circle - it consists literally a dozen people. It is Bashar Assad himself, his brother, Maher, and their mother - the widow of Hafez Assad Anis (nee Mahlyuf), Anisa Mohammed Mahlyuf brother and his son Rami. The last - big businessmen. According to various sources, the family Mahlyuf controls up to 60% of the Syrian economy.

The outer circle is a creation of these people. First of all, law enforcement officers. Various law enforcement agencies are under the control of each member of the inner circle. In fact, this outer circle is the major transmission link between senior management and the entire control system. Murder of the Defence Minister, Interior Minister (who reportedly died in hospital after all), the two heads of intelligence agencies - Ash-Shawkat and Hafez Mahlyuf, serious injuries of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and many others rapidly and substantially disrupt the process of making operational decisions. Therefore, the level of planning and quality of performance is clearly beyond the scope of any thugs who hastened to take responsibility. Despite the legendary Arab messiness and carelessness, to smuggle explosives into the room of this level is possible only in the presence of a traitor who has full access. Penetrate into the barracks and the headquarters of the Republican Guard - the problem is also not for people from the street.

In other words - it's about the ties of one or several of the leading Syrian clans with Western intelligence agencies. According to common understanding, only one clan comes to mind - Clan of Tlass. And it's not even about the recently defected representative of this clan. It's about its head - former Minister of Defense Mustafa Tlass, who now lives in Paris.

Mustafa Tlass is one of the most influential, intelligent and highly capable people of the Syrian elite. Actually, it was he who brought to power Bashar al-Assad and helped him overcome a very strong resistance of the elite. Tlass stands behind several coups in the Arab world in the last half-century.

Today there is no more influential person outside of Syria. It is logical to assume that with him the West is conducting negotiations or at least negotiated the reconfiguration of power in Syria. And if negotiations eventually resulted in an agreement of the parties, the West gained access to the very heart of Syria's ruling elite.

This does not mean that Tlass is able - even with the help of the West - to carry out a coup. There are too many powerful people who do not see themselves outside of power, and for whom there is no place in the new configuration. However, there are many others - who will be able to survive the re-configuration. Logic dictates that the first must be destroyed, and the second - to be negotiated with. The newcomers, even if they will come with a truck load of gold and a division special agents-terrorists, would not be able to achieve neither first task, nor second. In the East it is important whom you are dealing with; and do you trust him; do you really respect him. And Mustafa Tlass - is too obvious a candidate for the task.

Of course, there are other equally powerful families, clans and bosses. In fact, it is not very important - whether Tlass clan or someone else stands behind this terrorist act. It is important that such an outstanding act of terrorism by all indications was not possible without the participation of some of the most influential individuals and groups. And it is a huge problem for Assad. Perhaps even more important than any bombing. If he will not solve it - that other efforts of his are meaningless."

Ð*ль Мюрид - Теракт

What we need to know about Syria


The death of Syria's defense minister – in an apparent suicide bombing for which the Syrian rebels have claimed responsibility – is a sign that the rebellion is gaining strength and the Assad regime is cracking. I certainly hope so, but it's important for us to admit that we actually know very little about what is going on in Syria.

Naturally, our hearts are with the rebels and the Free Syrian Army, so when we hear reports about this bombing, we hope it is a sign of their growing reach and effectiveness. But we don't really know much about the circumstances. Is the use of suicide bombing, for example, a sign of the greater involvement of Islamic jihadis?

Similarly, when we hear about a massacre, such as reports last week surrounding events in Hama province, we naturally assume that it has been done by the Syrian military in the most brutal possible way.

And in most cases it’s true. But in some cases we really don’t know enough to be sure. In this most recent massacre, there’s some evidence that perhaps the Syrian government’s version of events was closer to reality than we had realized. But what that highlights to me is not that the Syrian government is less culpable – this is a government that has systematically and brutally used violence against men, women and children. Bashar al-Assad and his henchmen have the blood of innocents on their hands. So whether all the stories are completely accurate or whether some of them are exaggerated seems to me largely irrelevant from a moral point of view.

What is relevant is this: we don’t know much about the rebels. We don’t know, for example, how organized they are or whether they are bands of free floating groups. We don’t know what is their agenda or agendas. And we also, despite today’s reports, don’t really know how effective they are.

The rebels don’t control any part of Syria. In fact, as far as I can see, they don’t seem to have even been able to hold a town in Syria for more than a day. They can launch sporadic attacks – sometimes very effective ones such as the bombing yesterday – they can keep government forces on edge. But they haven’t been able to hold territory. Compare that with Libya, where the Libyan rebels were able to hold almost a third of the country and they took control of a major city, Benghazi.

Now Libya is a very different place – it’s much bigger, with more open spaces to hide in. But that’s precisely my point – for reasons of geography, perhaps, or maybe because of lack of organization, the Free Syrian Army hasn’t been able to succeed in some basic ways. Perhaps it’s because the Syrian military is very powerful and effective. Perhaps there are other, sectarian, explanations.

The first step toward figuring out what we can or should do – understanding the situation on the ground.

What we need to know are the following: is the opposition fighting together in a coordinated way? Who leads it? Does the Syrian National Council — the main exile opposition group – have any sway over these forces? Do the groups on the ground have any sectarian flavor? Are they largely Kurdish or Sunni? What is the role of the jihadi militant groups in the Syrian rebellion?

What we need to know about Syria – Global Public Square - Blogs
From the previous post:

"The rebels don’t control any part of Syria. In fact, as far as I can see, they don’t seem to have even been able to hold a town in Syria for more than a day." ----- which in itself is a damning admission that the "rebels" have no support of the local population.

"we don’t know much about the rebels. We don’t know, for example, how organized they are or whether they are bands of free floating groups. We don’t know what is their agenda or agendas."
"Naturally, our hearts are with the rebels and the Free Syrian Army,.." ------ naturally, no comment.
From the previous post:

"The rebels don’t control any part of Syria. In fact, as far as I can see, they don’t seem to have even been able to hold a town in Syria for more than a day." ----- which in itself is a damning admission that the "rebels" have no support of the local population.

Right, asshole! Dead people and refugees don't count, so anybody who wants Assad's murderers to shoot him, outright stand up and sing. Go over there, stick your loud, idiot self up, and go, "memememememe!" Eat shit, Mame.

"we don’t know much about the rebels. We don’t know, for example, how organized they are or whether they are bands of free floating groups. We don’t know what is their agenda or agendas."

and "Naturally, our hearts are with the rebels and the Free Syrian Army,.." ------ naturally, no comment.

If it's PUTIN it ain't gay, shitbag. Any comments? Erdogan and Putin got up on stage, for a press conference, this morning. Let's see if there's any response, or do the Turks and Saudis have to shred the Assad bitches, regardless of what Vlad the stud has to say about any of this?

Putin will get one chance, to straighten up, before somebody does something, to Bashar. Turkey and Saud don't want to just get into a beef, with Russia. But they won't take shit from those Alawites, forever.

Your meme-first shit about how some Mustafa Tlass introduced Bashar to power is interesting, but Bashar seems to be the son, of Haffez, and transition to power upon Haffez' death seemed seamless, to me.
From the previous post:

"The rebels don’t control any part of Syria. In fact, as far as I can see, they don’t seem to have even been able to hold a town in Syria for more than a day." ----- which in itself is a damning admission that the "rebels" have no support of the local population.

Right, asshole! Dead people and refugees don't count, so anybody who wants Assad's murderers to shoot him, outright stand up and sing. Go over there, stick your loud, idiot self up, and go, "memememememe!" Eat shit, Mame.

"we don’t know much about the rebels. We don’t know, for example, how organized they are or whether they are bands of free floating groups. We don’t know what is their agenda or agendas."

and "Naturally, our hearts are with the rebels and the Free Syrian Army,.." ------ naturally, no comment.

If it's PUTIN it ain't gay, shitbag. Any comments? Erdogan and Putin got up on stage, for a press conference, this morning. Let's see if there's any response, or do the Turks and Saudis have to shred the Assad bitches, regardless of what Vlad the stud has to say about any of this?

Putin will get one chance, to straighten up, before somebody does something, to Bashar. Turkey and Saud don't want to just get into a beef, with Russia. But they won't take shit from those Alawites, forever.

Your meme-first shit about how some Mustafa Tlass introduced Bashar to power is interesting, but Bashar seems to be the son, of Haffez, and transition to power upon Haffez' death seemed seamless, to me.

I simply love communicating with Americans! The way they hide their lack of understanding of the world around them behind verbal abuse -- is something to behold! :lol: As British put it: even milk left alone develops culture...

What are you dribbling on about? I quoted an article from the previous post; what were you answering to? What "dead", what "putin"? Read, before posting!
Dear, dear...
Daoud Rajha, Syria's Defense Minister, Killed In Suicide Blast, State TV Says


I have bolded all that matters. ;)

this is big, it tells Assads inner circle he may not be able to protect them , even in the heart of the capital at the Defense Ministry.

we are going to see just what kind of grit he and they have. Is he his daddy? Will he make an example of a small to medium size city and gas them? There is absolutely nothing to hold him back except conscience.....(Even if he did, would that work? I don't think so. )

there is no reason why he has to fear anything outside the country, the UN is doing what they do, running around trying to make beleive they actually have an effect on any of this and are a viable org. that has any tangible value whatsoever, the US by virtue of clumsy foreign policy and its self imposed 'silences' most especially in that region and at the strangest times, is neutered.

Russia (and newcomer china) has/have more influence in the ME right now since Yom Kippur war and they were the USSR.

Will his people start deserting? :eusa_think:...I can almost hear the *thump, snap* of those attache cases filled with bullion closing........the movers and shakers of the alawite minority are looking for transport...Russian vessels?

If I were Assad I would not use WMD's, that would get too much international attention and start reminding people of Saddam. However I would start to pound the rebel areas into submission with whatever air power I have.

well, saddam did what he did and what was the net overall effect? that happened in 1988, when we were allied with saddam against iran.....nothing was done until 2005, even though pictures etc. had gotten out. ...when some European court found saddam guilty perpetrating genocide...big whoop. if we had not been in there zip would have happened. Geo-Politics can be a dirty biz....

now, even if assad did so, obama is not going to do a thing, he is trying to talk with Russia who has only one option, to sppt asssad till the end, they are to far into sptting him to stop, so they know if he falls no one who takes over if assad falls will have thing to do with them....and the UN etc. is a dead end.

it calls for a no fly zone as tacit sppt. allied with Turkey, saudi arabia and Qatar and the rest of the sunnis who will go along.

did you see Iran stuck a pin in Israel by attacking a bus full of Israelis in Bulgaria? theim minds are busy tonight in tel aviv.

this thing could spin out of control, not like theres a whole bunch of control now to start with....:lol:
From the previous post:

"The rebels don’t control any part of Syria. In fact, as far as I can see, they don’t seem to have even been able to hold a town in Syria for more than a day." ----- which in itself is a damning admission that the "rebels" have no support of the local population.

Right, asshole! Dead people and refugees don't count, so anybody who wants Assad's murderers to shoot him, outright stand up and sing. Go over there, stick your loud, idiot self up, and go, "memememememe!" Eat shit, Mame.

"we don’t know much about the rebels. We don’t know, for example, how organized they are or whether they are bands of free floating groups. We don’t know what is their agenda or agendas."

and "Naturally, our hearts are with the rebels and the Free Syrian Army,.." ------ naturally, no comment.

If it's PUTIN it ain't gay, shitbag. Any comments? Erdogan and Putin got up on stage, for a press conference, this morning. Let's see if there's any response, or do the Turks and Saudis have to shred the Assad bitches, regardless of what Vlad the stud has to say about any of this?

Putin will get one chance, to straighten up, before somebody does something, to Bashar. Turkey and Saud don't want to just get into a beef, with Russia. But they won't take shit from those Alawites, forever.

Your meme-first shit about how some Mustafa Tlass introduced Bashar to power is interesting, but Bashar seems to be the son, of Haffez, and transition to power upon Haffez' death seemed seamless, to me.

I simply love communicating with Americans! The way they hide their lack of understanding of the world around them behind verbal abuse -- is something to behold! :lol: As British put it: even milk left alone develops culture...

What are you dribbling on about? I quoted an article from the previous post; what were you answering to? What "dead", what "putin"? Read, before posting!
Dear, dear...

yes, you're a legend in your own mind......
it calls for a no fly zone as tacit sppt. allied with Turkey, saudi arabia and Qatar and the rest of the sunnis who will go along.

did you see Iran stuck a pin in Israel by attacking a bus full of Israelis in Bulgaria?

SA is currently VERY busy with its own troubles;
and Erdogan is trying to find a way to back off (Turkey military were opposing his ambitions for active military involvement in Syria, for which came under repressions in the past month); perhaps he finally realised that with Syria turning into "Libya" -- a country without a state, Kurds will destabilise Turkey and may even carve a part of it towards creating their Kurdistan...

In Burgas (Bulgaria) a bus load of Israeli tourists was blown up.

Without any investigation, Israel and Western media pointed fingers at Hezbollah, which effectively means -- at Iran. The fact, that such an act is contrary to the interests of both has been utterly ignored by media...

The situation is reminiscent of 9/11, when the elites had to stage a bloody provocation, and within minutes find the "culprits", who happened to be the US intended targets of the time: OBL and Afghanistan. That provocation, in the words of Zigmund Brzezinski, galvanised American society in support of what became the first step of the murderous spree of US/Zionist elites around the world.

The current terrorist act in Burgas was "investigated" within minutes, and fingers pointed at allied to Iran Hezbollah. More likely then not, it was done to persuade "dove" wing of Israeli elites to support more militant approach to Iran. After all, as soon, as the US/"civilised community" will start bombing Syria, Iran will have to be attacked also. And now, after the blood of Israeli tourists was pinned on Iran, Israel will have to fight its HISTORIC ALLY. whether it wants to or not!
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From the previous post:

"The rebels don’t control any part of Syria. In fact, as far as I can see, they don’t seem to have even been able to hold a town in Syria for more than a day." ----- which in itself is a damning admission that the "rebels" have no support of the local population.

Right, asshole! Dead people and refugees don't count, so anybody who wants Assad's murderers to shoot him, outright stand up and sing. Go over there, stick your loud, idiot self up, and go, "memememememe!" Eat shit, Mame.

"we don’t know much about the rebels. We don’t know, for example, how organized they are or whether they are bands of free floating groups. We don’t know what is their agenda or agendas."

and "Naturally, our hearts are with the rebels and the Free Syrian Army,.." ------ naturally, no comment.

If it's PUTIN it ain't gay, shitbag. Any comments? Erdogan and Putin got up on stage, for a press conference, this morning. Let's see if there's any response, or do the Turks and Saudis have to shred the Assad bitches, regardless of what Vlad the stud has to say about any of this?

Putin will get one chance, to straighten up, before somebody does something, to Bashar. Turkey and Saud don't want to just get into a beef, with Russia. But they won't take shit from those Alawites, forever.

Your meme-first shit about how some Mustafa Tlass introduced Bashar to power is interesting, but Bashar seems to be the son, of Haffez, and transition to power upon Haffez' death seemed seamless, to me.

I simply love communicating with Americans! The way they hide their lack of understanding of the world around them behind verbal abuse -- is something to behold! :lol: As British put it: even milk left alone develops culture...

What are you dribbling on about? I quoted an article from the previous post; what were you answering to? What "dead", what "putin"? Read, before posting!
Dear, dear...

You are doing the same thing bitch.:eusa_hand:
If I were Assad I would not use WMD's, that would get too much international attention and start reminding people of Saddam. However I would start to pound the rebel areas into submission with whatever air power I have.

well, saddam did what he did and what was the net overall effect? that happened in 1988, when we were allied with saddam against iran.....nothing was done until 2005, even though pictures etc. had gotten out. ...when some European court found saddam guilty perpetrating genocide...big whoop. if we had not been in there zip would have happened. Geo-Politics can be a dirty biz....

now, even if assad did so, obama is not going to do a thing, he is trying to talk with Russia who has only one option, to sppt asssad till the end, they are to far into sptting him to stop, so they know if he falls no one who takes over if assad falls will have thing to do with them....and the UN etc. is a dead end.

it calls for a no fly zone as tacit sppt. allied with Turkey, saudi arabia and Qatar and the rest of the sunnis who will go along.

did you see Iran stuck a pin in Israel by attacking a bus full of Israelis in Bulgaria? theim minds are busy tonight in tel aviv.

this thing could spin out of control, not like theres a whole bunch of control now to start with....:lol:

Nothing was done in 1988 because we were still "allies" with him technically but that incident made him a pariah around the world, I just have this feeling that if Assad does use his chemical weapons he will face international intervention in his country, if hes letting loose WMD in the region it effects everyone not just Syria.
it calls for a no fly zone as tacit sppt. allied with Turkey, saudi arabia and Qatar and the rest of the sunnis who will go along.

did you see Iran stuck a pin in Israel by attacking a bus full of Israelis in Bulgaria?

SA is currently VERY busy with its own troubles;
and Erdogan is trying to find a way to back off (Turkey military were opposing his ambitions for active military involvement in Syria, for which came under repressions in the past month); perhaps he finally realised that with Syria turning into "Libya" -- a country without a state, Kurds will destabilise Turkey and may even carve a part of it towards creating their Kurdistan...

In Burgas (Bulgaria) a bus load of Israeli tourists was blown up.

Without any investigation, Israel and Western media pointed fingers at Hezbollah, which effectively means -- at Iran. The fact, that such an act is contrary to the interests of both has been utterly ignored by media...

The situation is reminiscent of 9/11, when the elites had to stage a bloody provocation, and within minutes find the "culprits", who happened to be the US intended targets of the time: OBL and Afghanistan. That provocation, in the words of Zigmund Brzezinski, galvanised American society in support of what became the first step of the murderous spree of US/Zionist elites around the world.

The current terrorist act in Burgas was "investigated" within minutes, and fingers pointed at allied to Iran Hezbollah. More likely then not, it was done to persuade "dove" wing of Israeli elites to support more militant approach to Iran. After all, as soon, as the US/"civilised community" will start bombing Syria, Iran will have to be attacked also. And now, after the blood of Israeli tourists was pinned on Iran, Israel will have to fight its HISTORIC ALLY. whether it wants to or not!

Usual nonsense.
U.S. official: Al-Assad faces 'fight or flight' decision


The killing of three top officials by an explosion on Wednesday has left Syrian President Bashar al-Assad at a "decision point," a senior U.S. official told CNN.

"From an intelligence point of view the regime has to decide: fight or flight," the senior official said.

Another senior official from the Middle East region underscored that assessment, telling CNN the attacks indicate "strong cracks in the regime."

"This is a potential tipping point," the Middle East official said.

The nature of the violence and the proximity to al-Assad's inner circle of power is causing the increased concern from American government officials in the last few days, the American source said. A second senior U.S. official concurred with that assessment.

When asked if the al-Assad regime also believes itself to be at a decision point, the U.S. official the there is at least some information to back up that belief.

But the king of Jordan, whose country borders Syria, warned that despite a "tremendous blow," the regime is not going to give up.

"Damascus has shown its resilience. So I think maybe we need to keep this in perspective, although this is a blow," King Abdullah II said in an interview that aired Wednesday on CNN's Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer. "I'm sure that the regime will continue to show fortitude, at least in the near future.

"I don't think we should jump to any conclusions of writing the regime off in the near future."

When Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told reporters Wednesday that the Syrian situation is "rapidly spinning out of control," he was reflecting growing concern about the fighting having reaching the Syrian capital and growing worries about Syria's chemical weapons, officials tell CNN.

With the Syrian regime now having moved some of its chemical weapons on at least one recent occasion, the Obama administration is stepping up efforts to conduct an "assessment of intentions" of the Syrian regime to employ that deadly arsenal against its own people, according to the second senior U.S. official who has direct knowledge of the efforts.

At the same time, senior U.S. officials involved in this issue have spoken privately but directly with their Russian counterparts in the past several days to reinforce that any use of the chemical weapons by the Syrians is a so-called "red-line" for the United States.

U.S. official: Al-Assad faces 'fight or flight' decision – CNN Security Clearance - Blogs
From the previous post:

"The rebels don’t control any part of Syria. In fact, as far as I can see, they don’t seem to have even been able to hold a town in Syria for more than a day." ----- which in itself is a damning admission that the "rebels" have no support of the local population.

Right, asshole! Dead people and refugees don't count, so anybody who wants Assad's murderers to shoot him, outright stand up and sing. Go over there, stick your loud, idiot self up, and go, "memememememe!" Eat shit, Mame.

"we don’t know much about the rebels. We don’t know, for example, how organized they are or whether they are bands of free floating groups. We don’t know what is their agenda or agendas."

and "Naturally, our hearts are with the rebels and the Free Syrian Army,.." ------ naturally, no comment.

If it's PUTIN it ain't gay, shitbag. Any comments? Erdogan and Putin got up on stage, for a press conference, this morning. Let's see if there's any response, or do the Turks and Saudis have to shred the Assad bitches, regardless of what Vlad the stud has to say about any of this?

Putin will get one chance, to straighten up, before somebody does something, to Bashar. Turkey and Saud don't want to just get into a beef, with Russia. But they won't take shit from those Alawites, forever.

Your meme-first shit about how some Mustafa Tlass introduced Bashar to power is interesting, but Bashar seems to be the son, of Haffez, and transition to power upon Haffez' death seemed seamless, to me.

I simply love communicating with Americans! The way they hide their lack of understanding of the world around them behind verbal abuse -- is something to behold! :lol: As British put it: even milk left alone develops culture...

What are you dribbling on about? I quoted an article from the previous post; what were you answering to? What "dead", what "putin"? Read, before posting!
Dear, dear...

UN: Syria now in state of civil war, death toll at more than 4,000 - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

"We are placing the figure at 4,000, but really the reliable information coming to us is that it is much more than that," UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay told a news conference.

What "DEAD"? A conservative estimate would be 4000, since last year, or 150 per day, since somebody, named Bashar seems to be using Russian weapons, to slaughter civilians, which seems to have pissed somebody AND somebody else off, weeweewee, you piece of pig-shit!

I seem to remember reading how you think some sort of events will transpire in Russia, which post suggested you oppose Putin, but if you won't comment on Putin, notice he was on TV, yesterday, which needed no other introduction.

Also, you might as well say where you are from, but you suck, like a pig, so you might not want to reflect on how you came from some sty. But anyone who signs his USMB posts, with a Stalin quote and who has a lot of denial, while eliminating definite articles, from his sentences would tend to be a Russian shit-bag, pigging it up, in the US.

Syria's civil war: Innocent boys and girls left horrifically injured after attack by government forces | Mail Online

They are the innocent victims of the bloody Syrian civil war, young boys and girls left horrifically injured after government forces shelled their homes in brutal attack.
The youngsters, who suffered appalling shrapnel wounds, are pictured being treated at a makeshift hospital in the town of Houla near the flashpoint city of Homs yesterday.
Since the troubles began in March last year, Some 13,000 people, including 1,183 children, are said to have been killed.

Read more: Syria's civil war: Innocent boys and girls left horrifically injured after attack by government forces | Mail Online


Analysis: Syrian civil war enters new phas... JPost - Middle East

The clashes in Damascus this week, the growing stream of defections and yesterday’s bomb attack on the National Security Building in the capital, set the seal on the failure. The deaths of Defense Minister Daoud Rajiha, Assad’s brother-in- law Assef Shawkat and former chief of staff Hassan Turkmani in a bomb attack on a meeting of senior officials in Damascus exemplify the sharp erosion in the regime’s position in recent weeks.

You piece of wet pig-shit, weeweewee, WHAT "DEAD?" What wounded? A lot of people have been killed AND wounded, pigski-shitski faggot!
Russia, China Veto Syria Resolution From UN Security Council

UNITED NATIONS, July 19 (Reuters) - Russia and China vetoed a Western-backed U.N. Security Council resolution on Thursday that threatened Syrian authorities with sanctions if they did not stop using heavy weapons against an uprising and withdraw troops from towns and cities.

It was the third time that Russia, a key ally of the Syrian government, and China have used their veto power to block U.N. Security Council resolutions designed to put pressure on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and halt the violence in the 16-month conflict that has killed thousands of people. (Reporting By Michelle Nichols; Editing by David Brunnstrom)

Russia, China Veto Syria Resolution From UN Security Council

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