Protests in Syria

Daoud Rajha, Syria's Defense Minister, Killed In Suicide Blast, State TV Says


BEIRUT -- A suicide bomber struck the National Security building in the Syrian capital Wednesday, killing the defense minister and wounding the interior minister in a brazen attack on the seat of government power, state-run TV said.

Defense Minister Dawoud Rajha, 65, a former army general, is the most senior government official to be killed in the Syrian civil war as rebels battle to oust President Bashar Assad. Interior Minister Mohammed Shaar was in stable condition, state-run TV said.

Although it was unclear who was behind the attack, the high-level assassination could signal a turning point in the 16-month conflict as the violence becomes increasingly chaotic.

The capital also has seen four straight days of clashes pitting government troops against rebels - an unprecedented challenge to government rule in the tightly controlled capital.

Rajha was the most senior Christian government official in Syria. Assad appointed him to the post last year. His death will resonate with Syria's minority Christian population, who make up about 10 percent of Syria's population and have generally stood by the regime.

Christians say they are particularly vulnerable to the violence sweeping the country of 22 million people, and they are fearful that Syria will become another Iraq, with Christians caught in the crossfire between rival Muslim groups.

Wednesday's attack struck the National Security building in Damascus during a meeting of Cabinet ministers and senior security officials. State-run TV said some of the officials were seriously wounded.

Damascus-based activist Omar al-Dimashki said Republican Guard troops surrounded the nearby al-Shami Hospital where some officials were taken for treatment.

The blast came on the same day the U.N. Security Council was scheduled to vote on a new resolution aimed at pressuring the Syrian regime to comply with a peace plan.

But Russia remained at loggerheads with the U.S. and its European allies over any mention of sanctions and Chapter 7 of the U.N. charter, which could eventually allow the use of force to end the conflict in Syria.

Daoud Rajha, Syria's Defense Minister, Killed In Suicide Blast, State TV Says
Syria Crisis: Rebels Launch Operation To 'Liberate Damascus'


BEIRUT, July 17 (Reuters) - Rebels will intensify attacks inside the Syrian capital and target sensitive security installations in what they call an operation to "liberate Damascus", a rebel commander said on Tuesday, after three days of fierce fighting in the city.

Colonel Qassem Saadeddine, spokesman of the joint command of the Free Syrian Army inside Syria, told Reuters via Skype that many fighters arrived in Damascus from several provinces 10 days ago to take part in the operation and more would be sent soon.

"There is no going back. The Damascus battle has priority for us. We have started the operation to liberate Damascus," Saadeddine said, adding the rebels had called their operation "Damascus volcano and Syrian earthquake".

For three days rebels and government troops have clashed in the streets of Damascus in the fiercest fighting in the capital since the revolt against President Bashar al-Assad erupted last year, but neither side seems to able to deliver a decisive blow.

"This has been planned for some time now. We sent many groups and fighters to Damascus and its suburbs 10 days ago. We have sent at least 50 groups, each with around 50 fighters," Saadeddine said.

"We will hit security buildings. There is major coordination between all military councils regarding this. We will not stop, there is no return."

A Free Army officer taking part in the fighting in Midan district, the scene of some of the heaviest clashes in the past three days, said the situation was "really excellent".

The officer, who declined to be named, said the fighters were in control of Midan and succeeded in repelling army attempts to break into the neighbourhod.

A video uploaded by opposition activists, aired on al-Jazeera television on Monday, showed men in jeans hiding in sandbagged alleyways, firing rocket-propelled grenades and machineguns.

The rebels said they were bracing for a conflict that could last a month. Although they lacked ammunition, they said they had enough weapons to hold their ground and were seizing more arms from Assad's forces across the country.

Activists' videos showed rebels seizing tanks and armoured vehicles in the city of Talbiseh, north of Homs, on Tuesday.

Syria Crisis: Rebels Launch Operation To 'Liberate Damascus'
Daoud Rajha, Syria's Defense Minister, Killed In Suicide Blast, State TV Says


BEIRUT -- A suicide bomber struck the National Security building in the Syrian capital Wednesday, killing the defense minister and wounding the interior minister in a brazen attack on the seat of government power, state-run TV said.

Defense Minister Dawoud Rajha, 65, a former army general, is the most senior government official to be killed in the Syrian civil war as rebels battle to oust President Bashar Assad. Interior Minister Mohammed Shaar was in stable condition, state-run TV said.

Daoud Rajha, Syria's Defense Minister, Killed In Suicide Blast, State TV Says

I have bolded all that matters. ;)

this is big, it tells Assads inner circle he may not be able to protect them , even in the heart of the capital at the Defense Ministry.

we are going to see just what kind of grit he and they have. Is he his daddy? Will he make an example of a small to medium size city and gas them? There is absolutely nothing to hold him back except conscience.....(Even if he did, would that work? I don't think so. )

there is no reason why he has to fear anything outside the country, the UN is doing what they do, running around trying to make beleive they actually have an effect on any of this and are a viable org. that has any tangible value whatsoever, the US by virtue of clumsy foreign policy and its self imposed 'silences' most especially in that region and at the strangest times, is neutered.

Russia (and newcomer china) has/have more influence in the ME right now since Yom Kippur war and they were the USSR.

Will his people start deserting? :eusa_think:...I can almost hear the *thump, snap* of those attache cases filled with bullion closing........the movers and shakers of the alawite minority are looking for transport...Russian vessels?
Daoud Rajha, Syria's Defense Minister, Killed In Suicide Blast, State TV Says


BEIRUT -- A suicide bomber struck the National Security building in the Syrian capital Wednesday, killing the defense minister and wounding the interior minister in a brazen attack on the seat of government power, state-run TV said.

Defense Minister Dawoud Rajha, 65, a former army general, is the most senior government official to be killed in the Syrian civil war as rebels battle to oust President Bashar Assad. Interior Minister Mohammed Shaar was in stable condition, state-run TV said.

Daoud Rajha, Syria's Defense Minister, Killed In Suicide Blast, State TV Says

I have bolded all that matters. ;)

this is big, it tells Assads inner circle he may not be able to protect them , even in the heart of the capital at the Defense Ministry.

we are going to see just what kind of grit he and they have. Is he his daddy? Will he make an example of a small to medium size city and gas them? There is absolutely nothing to hold him back except conscience.....(Even if he did, would that work? I don't think so. )

there is no reason why he has to fear anything outside the country, the UN is doing what they do, running around trying to make beleive they actually have an effect on any of this and are a viable org. that has any tangible value whatsoever, the US by virtue of clumsy foreign policy and its self imposed 'silences' most especially in that region and at the strangest times, is neutered.

Russia (and newcomer china) has/have more influence in the ME right now since Yom Kippur war and they were the USSR.

Will his people start deserting? :eusa_think:...I can almost hear the *thump, snap* of those attache cases filled with bullion closing........the movers and shakers of the alawite minority are looking for transport...Russian vessels?

If I were Assad I would not use WMD's, that would get too much international attention and start reminding people of Saddam. However I would start to pound the rebel areas into submission with whatever air power I have.
defense minister, head of intelligence, and the minister of interior, all killed in suicide bombing attack in Syria, an hour ago

Head of intelligence, was Bashar Al-Assad's brother in law.
This is wonderful, fantastic news - the rebels have reached the inner circle, and it looks like we're at the end of the assad mafia gang regime's existence. I cannot be happier, and so are the Syrian people.

Soon ass-ad, then iran in a few days/weeks, then hezbollah...the dominoes are all falling, and obama has timed it all perfectly.

If he removes the iranian regime - I'll even vote for him in November.

The problem with Iran is the same as in any other country, which the CIA has been fucking with, since 1948 or whenever they started fucking with things, best left alone.

The CIA and MI6 installed the Shah, in 1953, preceding the removal of nationalization, of Iranian oil, while BP was chartered.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was a student, during the Iranian revolution. He was against taking the US Embassy, but Iran went for taking the US Embassy, to establish closer relations, with the former Soviet Union.

The US has too much obnoxious hegemony, in favor of Israel and minority Sunni tyrants, to get anywhere, with Iran. Black Obamney isn't enough of a leader, to get anything like what you want done, since what he does is copy Republicans, which gets him in trouble, but not enough trouble, to lose an election, outright.

What will happen in Iran is MAYBE the Iranians can see sense, in Syria, since Assad has to go, and MAYBE Iran can get some kind of sense, from the US, to minimize damage, by the tyrannical King of Bahrain, a Sunni tyrant, ruling a Shiite majority.

MAYBE white Obamney will release his tax returns and win, in November. But even though the National Review has called on Meat to get out his returns, what looks like is happening is Meat continued at Bain, lied about it, so now, he's a liar, about to lose, in November. So you get black Obamney, in the White House, no matter how you vote.
In Syria, Rebels Celebrate Stunning Assassinations–and Send More Forces to Damascus


A TIME reporter was in Syria’s restive Idlib province when news broke that Defense Minister Daoud Rajiha and deputy army chief, Assef Shawkat — who is also President Bashar Assad’s brother-in-law — had been killed in a dramatic attack in one of the most secure areas of Damascus, the country’s capital and the heart of the regime.

Celebratory gunfire filled the air even as some fighters admonished their comrades to “Save the bullets! We will need them.” To which came the reply, “Not today!”

There was reason not to draw too much attention, however. The town is surrounded by regime tanks and one fired off a shell in response to the armed merriment. The Assad loyalists had been through the community of 50,000 people several months ago–with the burnt out remains of shops and homes in painful evidence. Many of the shops have not reopened since, their gates warped and broken even as they shutter their wares.

Nevertheless, the celebration over the deaths of the dreaded officials in Damascus soon became an impromptu parade, with people marching behind several pick-up trucks. A local mosque blared out the news as well, sending a message to the loyalist troops just outside the town: “You are out brothers! Join us!”

Despite being ravaged by the regime’s army, Idlib has been trying to propel the uprising in Damascus. According to Free Syrian Army sources, the province has responded to requests from rebels in the capital by sending 1,500 fighters to Damascus. The request was specifically for ex-soldiers, not civilians. More apparently are on the way.

Read more: In Syria, Rebels Celebrate Stunning Assassinations–and Send More Forces to Damascus | World |
SYRIA: Criminal Propagandists: Killing Civilians as Part of a "Humanitarian Mandate"

Claim "UN blames regime forces for Syria massacre ," admits "neither activists' claims nor the videos could be independently verified."

Surely if nothing "activists" have so far said about latest so-called "massacre," in Tremseh, Syria can be verified, it is impossible to "blame" anyone for the alleged deaths that are said to have occurred. Nevertheless, the Associated Press, Reuters, AFP, and many other mainstays of the West's corporate-run media machine ran with titles such as, "UN blames regime forces for Syria massacre" (AP), "Syrian regime condemned for Tremseh massacre" (Reuters), "Syria crisis: Tremseh 'massacre'" (Guardian), and "Syria unrest: Kofi Annan shocked at Tremseh 'atrocities'" (BBC).

Unarmed civilians? From the US State Department and outward through its tentacles across the corporate media, the so-called "Free Syrian Army" is continuously referred to interchangeably as "civilians" and "activists." In reality they are heavily armed, foreign-backed, and include amongst their ranks a sizable proportion of foreign fighters - betraying the very name Free "Syrian" Army. Even by "activist" accounts however, the recent "massacre" in Tremseh, Syria appears to be in fact a battle militants lost, with the vast majority of the deaths being armed fighters, not civilians.

And even below these deceitful titles, clearly implicating the Syrian government and its security forces in what is portrayed as a callous act of mass murder against defenseless civilians, each report concedes, buried toward the end, that Tremseh was in fact the site of a vicious battle between heavily armed NATO-backed "Free Syrian Army" militants and the Syrian military. Under the deceitful headlines and beyond the first several paragraphs purposefully loaded with manipulative Goebbelsesque propaganda, what the Western corporate-media is actually reporting is terrorist forces being defeated by the Syrian military in violence growing SOLELY because the West continues to funnel cash, increasingly advanced arms, and even foreign fighters into the country.

Saudi, Qatar paying salaries to Syria rebels: diplomat:Saudi, Qatar paying salaries to Syria rebels: diplomat - World news - Mideast/N. Africa -

Libyan fighters join "free Syrian army" forces:Libyan fighters join "free Syrian army" forces | Al Bawaba

So despite even the "activists" themselves admitting they attacked the Syrian military first and simply lost the subsequent battle which appears to have led back to their base of operations in Tremseh, the Western media decided to spin it as a calculated, mass murder of civilians, as the Guardian puts it, "timed" for "boosting morale of Assad's armed supporters and scuppering attempts to find a political solution," quoting a member of the overtly Western-backed "Syrian National Council" (SNC).

Perhaps the most ridiculous display put on however, was performed by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who claimed, "accounts of the attack on the village of Tremseh, including the use of artillery, tanks and helicopters, provide indisputable evidence that the regime deliberately murdered innocent civilians." Clinton, unhindered by the fact that she herself used the word "accounts" rather than "documented evidence," claims that the incident, described by even the rebels as a pitched battle between Syrian troops and FSA militants, was a deliberate mass murdering of civilians.

Libya’s new rulers offer weapons to Syrian rebels:Libya’s new rulers offer weapons to Syrian rebels - Telegraph

Syrian Rebels Admit Terrorist Bombing Campaign:Land Destroyer: Syrian Rebels Admit Terrorist Bombing Campaign

Source Link:

Covert War Waged Against Syria: Chossudovsky: Covert War Waged Against Syria - YouTube!

Bowie: 'UN Should Investigate Arms Smuggling into Syria' :Bowie: 'UN Should Investigate Arms Smuggling into Syria' - YouTube!

Arms & Cash Flow to Syria Rebels Must Stop to End Violence:Arms & Cash Flow to Syria Rebels Must Stop to End Violence | Global Research TV
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The Assad regime core is built around the Baath Party,

How many massacres happened in Syria BEFORE US led "civilised international community" got its hands on Syria?

Assads father massacred tens of thousands of Syrians in Homs you fuckin dickhead.

First of all, it was not in Homs, but in Hama. I understand that to an edumacated American it makes no difference: Iraq or Iran; Austria or Australia, but still...

Please, tell me what would be the actions of the US government if a bunch of armed people will stage an uprising in one of the US states?

Second point: if in your opinion, a government of a country (any country) has no right to restore peace on its territory by killing rebels/insurgents/terrorists, then what do you think of US committing massacres in Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and now -- in Syria?

Third point: Hama happened in 1982, if memory serves my right, why the US did not go after Syria then?
What 1982 military operation against rebels have to do with Syria of now?
In 1993 the US government of the time committed massacre of Davidians. Did anyone call for "civilised international community" to bomb the US into democracy?

How many massacres happened in Syria BEFORE US led "civilised international community" got its hands on Syria?

Assads father massacred tens of thousands of Syrians in Homs you fuckin dickhead.

First of all, it was not in Homs, but in Hama. I understand that to an edumacated American it makes no difference: Iraq or Iran; Austria or Australia, but still...

Please, tell me what would be the actions of the US government if a bunch of armed people will stage an uprising in one of the US states?

Second point: if in your opinion, a government of a country (any country) has no right to restore peace on its territory by killing rebels/insurgents/terrorists, then what do you think of US committing massacres in Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and now -- in Syria?

Third point: Hama happened in 1982, if memory serves my right, why the US did not go after Syria then?
What 1982 military operation against rebels have to do with Syria of now?
In 1993 the US government of the time committed massacre of Davidians. Did anyone call for "civilised international community" to bomb the US into democracy?


I already answered your question you little drama queen.:eusa_hand:
Assads father massacred tens of thousands of Syrians in Homs you fuckin dickhead.

First of all, it was not in Homs, but in Hama. I understand that to an edumacated American it makes no difference: Iraq or Iran; Austria or Australia, but still...

Please, tell me what would be the actions of the US government if a bunch of armed people will stage an uprising in one of the US states?

Second point: if in your opinion, a government of a country (any country) has no right to restore peace on its territory by killing rebels/insurgents/terrorists, then what do you think of US committing massacres in Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and now -- in Syria?

Third point: Hama happened in 1982, if memory serves my right, why the US did not go after Syria then?
What 1982 military operation against rebels have to do with Syria of now?
In 1993 the US government of the time committed massacre of Davidians. Did anyone call for "civilised international community" to bomb the US into democracy?


I already answered your question you little drama queen.:eusa_hand:

So -- NONE!

Thank you. Exactly my point: all massacres in Syria started as soon as the US led European "leaders" moved to attack Syria.

The latest jubilations of Western media at the successful TERRORIST ATTACKS are a direct proof of the West standing behind terrorism.
Syria Crisis: Rebels Launch Operation To 'Liberate Damascus'

They launched this operation three days ago! News travel fast in the West.

Funny, wasn't your bitch ass on here saying nothing was going on in Damascus?:eusa_liar:

Them LAUNCHING an operation is not the same as them actually conducting it in Damascus!!!!!

Localised shootings with Syrian military chasing the odd ones around was not part of their operation, as far as I understand.

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