Protests in Syria

Just answer me one question: how many massacres happened in Syria BEFORE US led "civilised international community" got its hands on Syria?

And also listen to this from 1:10

What you just did is called DEFLECTING, mememe.

You didn't answer my question, so maybe you are some kind of ball-suck Russian, since Russians don't like to admit, how they don't like Turkey, which is where Sunni Islam originated, and Russians had beef in Chechnya, Afghanistan, and other places, so Russia supports Shiites, where possible.

The US supports Sunnis, wherever possible, until guys like Saddam or UBL turn on the US government, which is bound to happen, since AIPAC and Israel own US politics.

You didn't admit the Assads are Alawites, a Shia sect. You ducked the rest of my prod, to name the breakdown of factions, according to religion or any other criteria, if you want to, but hey! You are probably a lousy, Russian schmuck, over here, trolling.

I didn't say you had to reveal everything about yourself, but you are giving up clues, so quit being a deflecting bitch, and reply to issues, raised, before you put up propaganda.

Please, answer my question: how many massacres happened in Syria BEFORE US led "civilised international community" got its hands on Syria?

The Assad regime core is built around the Baath Party, featuring Alawite Shiites, which I seem to remember are about 11% of the Syrian population, you Russian weasel.
The Sunnis and Christians are coming loose, by degree. So Assad is killing. The US isn't killing, Russian anus!

The Syrian regime since Haffez Assad is a minority tyrant, vadgy meme.

No Syrian elections were meaningful. The ruling Shiites let their other Shiite buddies in Hezbollah cut breaks, but the split between Muslims, since the Prophet died has hamstrung Islam, and YOU don't want to report this fact. YOU don't want to notice, how the Assads and their dominant sect are able to depend on Russian weaponry, since you are a ball-sucking RUSSIAN.

Eat shitsky, Nitsky! YOUR country is fucking up, for once. Enjoy the piss, on your face. No amount of your deflection will help you, you shit-eating, ball-sucking GEEK.

Thanks for getting a signature, by Stalin, which clears things right up, asshole. Your Assad regime is a MINORITY TYRANT, and I don't know why you won't admit how YOUR NATION HAS A BASE THERE, AND YOUR NATION GAVE WEAPONS, TO THE ASSADS. Eh?

The West is REALLY becoming tiresome with its sexual perversions!

Syrian military are not "goons"; and they are SYRIANS. Whom are they suppose to rape: their sisters, mothers, neighbours?

Try to engage your brain before repeating idiotic statements.

:)confused: do you have brain? :confused:)
"WASHINGTON (AP) August 24, 2011 - No one can be sure who controls the Libyan government's weapons stockpiles, a stew of deadly chemicals, raw nuclear material and some 30,000 shoulder-fired anti-aircraft rockets that officials fear could fall into terrorists' hands in the chaos of Moammar Gadhafi's downfall or afterward..."


"The armed Syrian opposition has got their hands on chemical weapons, which they acquired from Libya, a media report claims. They allegedly plan to use it against civilians and pin the atrocity on the Bashar al-Assad regime.
The report by DamPress claims the opposition group in possession of the weapons is being trained in its use inside Turkey. ..

The chemical framing plot allegations comes days after British journalist Alex Thomson from Channel 4 news accused a Syrian opposition group of trying to set him and his crew up to be killed by government forces. He said a western journalist death would give bad publicity for Damascus..."

US and Qatar are in need of some outrageous provocation to force their resolution on Syria through the UN and to justify their military intervention. And it has to be done sooner rather then later: Turkey is already indicating its desire to pull out of active involvement in Syria, and SA would not be able to pull it off by itself especially with unrest within it and a power struggle among its clans.
Hillary Clinton Must Resign
Irresponsible warmongering leaves US credibility irrevocably damaged.

Cites false reports regarding Syria "massacre" to call for UN Chapter 7. Irresponsible warmongering leaves American credibility irrevocably damaged.


US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has attempted on numerous occasions to leverage fabricated atrocities to stampede UN resolutions through the Security Council to allow the same destructive, tragic military campaign against Syria that was waged against Libya. Her latest outburst was so overtly fraudulent and patently false, her continuation as Secretary of State risks a permanent and exponentially accelerating decline in US legitimacy worldwide.

The unhinged state of US foreign policy is exemplified best by this week's Tremseh, Syria "massacre." Before any confirmations could be made, and based solely on "activist" accounts, Hillary Clinton penned a US State Department statement that read:Assad Regime Massacre in Traymseh
The Security Council of course would be putting its "full weight" behind Kofi Annan's "peace plan" with Chapter 7 provisions in place:: meaning that sanctions and military intervention, as it was in Libya, would be subsequently implemented.

What US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attempted to do, was propose a UN Security Council resolution authorizing military intervention (and by consequence, long sought after regime change), then used fabricated reports to sell the resolution in the court of global public and diplomatic opinion. It constitutes an overt crime against peace, and conspiracy to wage aggressive war -both Nuremberg offenses.

Tremseh was a Battle, Not a Massacre

As the facts emerge as to what really happened in Tremseh, Syria, it becomes evidently clear the US State Department, along with its British, French and Australian counterparts, has attempted to sell yet another NATO war of aggression based on a patently false pretext. The New York Times in their article, "New Details of a Battle Challenge Reports of a Syrian Massacre,"reported that "activists," the so-called "Free Syria Army" (FSA), and the Western-backed "Syrian National Council" (SNC) all gave conflicting reports.

What could be verified by UN monitors who arrived at the scene, is that the vast majority of those "massacred" were men of fighting age, with some opposition figures conceding that they were indeed militant fighters. The number "200" that Clinton cited, was actually the number of militants that had gathered in Tremseh to plot the next leg of their terrorist activities. Locals had passed the information on to the Syrian Army which surrounded the area and neutralized the fighters during a pitched battle the FSA ultimately lost. Tremseh killings targeted rebels

Not only that, but the UN confirms that Syrian security operations targeted "specific" rebel locations rendering Clinton's accusation that government forces "deliberately murdered innocent civilians" a bold-faced lie.

In other words, Hillary Clinton falsified her statement, given before the entire "international community," claiming "200 men, women, and children" were deliberately massacred, when in reality it was the Syrian military restoring order in the face of armed terrorists. After the military secured the Tremseh area, they put on display a vast cache of weaponry found in the area, as well as captured FSA militants including both Turkish and Libyan fighters - meaning that those not killed in the fighting, were not "executed" as earlier reports falsely stated.

source link:Hillary Clinton Must Resign
The Assad regime core is built around the Baath Party, featuring Alawite Shiites, which I seem to remember are about 11% of the Syrian population, you Russian weasel.The Sunnis and Christians are coming loose, by degree. So Assad is killing. The US isn't killing, Russian anus!

The Syrian regime since Haffez Assad is a minority tyrant, vadgy meme.

No Syrian elections were meaningful. The ruling Shiites let their other Shiite buddies in Hezbollah cut breaks, but the split between Muslims, since the Prophet died has hamstrung Islam, and YOU don't want to report this fact. YOU don't want to notice, how the Assads and their dominant sect are able to depend on Russian weaponry, since you are a ball-sucking RUSSIAN.

Eat shitsky, Nitsky! YOUR country is fucking up, for once. Enjoy the piss, on your face. No amount of your deflection will help you, you shit-eating, ball-sucking GEEK.

Thanks for getting a signature, by Stalin, which clears things right up, asshole. Your Assad regime is a MINORITY TYRANT, and I don't know why you won't admit how YOUR NATION HAS A BASE THERE, AND YOUR NATION GAVE WEAPONS, TO THE ASSADS.

Will you guys stop feeding the trolliing scumbag asshole? It is a worthless teenage turd trolling for lulz, obviously. Just put it on ignore like I did, you won't see the douchebag's posts anymore.
Just put it on ignore like I did, you won't see the douchebag's posts anymore.

Better yet, stick your fingers in your ears, shut your eyes and scream as loud as you can: "ASSADGADDAFIPUTINSERBIAIRAQIRANAFGHANISTANRUSSIASYRIALIBYAAREALLSCUMBAGDICTATORS!!!!!!!!!!! THEUSSTANDSFORFREEDOMSDEMOCRASYANDSHOULDBOMBTHEMALLINTOLIBERTY!!!!!!!" -- and it all will become a reality...
Just put it on ignore like I did, you won't see the douchebag's posts anymore.

Better yet, stick your fingers in your ears, shut your eyes and scream as loud as you can: "ASSADGADDAFIPUTINSERBIAIRAQIRANAFGHANISTANRUSSIASYRIALIBYAAREALLSCUMBAGDICTATORS!!!!!!!!!!! THEUSSTANDSFORFREEDOMSDEMOCRASYANDSHOULDBOMBTHEMALLINTOLIBERTY!!!!!!!" -- and it all will become a reality...

Try to grow up.
just put it on ignore like i did, you won't see the douchebag's posts anymore.

better yet, stick your fingers in your ears, shut your eyes and scream as loud as you can: "assadgaddafiputinserbiairaqiranafghanistanrussiasyrialibyaareallscumbagdictators!!!!!!!!!!! Theusstandsforfreedomsdemocrasyandshouldbombthemallintoliberty!!!!!!!" -- and it all will become a reality...

try to grow up.

defense minister, head of intelligence, and the minister of interior, all killed in suicide bombing attack in Syria, an hour ago

Head of intelligence, was Bashar Al-Assad's brother in law.
defense minister, head of intelligence, and the minister of interior, all killed in suicide bombing attack in Syria, an hour ago

Head of intelligence, was Bashar Al-Assad's brother in law.

This is wonderful, fantastic news - the rebels have reached the inner circle, and it looks like we're at the end of the assad mafia gang regime's existence. I cannot be happier, and so are the Syrian people.

Soon ass-ad, then iran in a few days/weeks, then hezbollah...the dominoes are all falling, and obama has timed it all perfectly.

If he removes the iranian regime - I'll even vote for him in November.
Just put it on ignore like I did, you won't see the douchebag's posts anymore.

Better yet, stick your fingers in your ears, shut your eyes and scream as loud as you can: "ASSADGADDAFIPUTINSERBIAIRAQIRANAFGHANISTANRUSSIASYRIALIBYAAREALLSCUMBAGDICTATORS!!!!!!!!!!! THEUSSTANDSFORFREEDOMSDEMOCRASYANDSHOULDBOMBTHEMALLINTOLIBERTY!!!!!!!" -- and it all will become a reality...

You are a fucking joke.

The West is REALLY becoming tiresome with its sexual perversions!

Syrian military are not "goons"; and they are SYRIANS. Whom are they suppose to rape: their sisters, mothers, neighbours?

Try to engage your brain before repeating idiotic statements.

:)confused: do you have brain? :confused:)

Nope Assads followers are mostly goons and rapists, deal with it faggot.:eusa_hand:
defense minister, head of intelligence, and the minister of interior, all killed in suicide bombing attack in Syria, an hour ago

Head of intelligence, was Bashar Al-Assad's brother in law.

This is wonderful, fantastic news - the rebels have reached the inner circle, and it looks like we're at the end of the assad mafia gang regime's existence. I cannot be happier, and so are the Syrian people.

Soon ass-ad, then iran in a few days/weeks, then hezbollah...the dominoes are all falling, and obama has timed it all perfectly.

If he removes the iranian regime - I'll even vote for him in November.

We are now following the events from Israel, constantly

Syria is officially blaming Israel, the USA and Saudi Arabia for the "crime".Said all involved will "pay a price" for the "brutal killing". Some will say that the events in syria might directly bring insecurity to Israel. So we follow all the time.
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defense minister, head of intelligence, and the minister of interior, all killed in suicide bombing attack in Syria, an hour ago

Head of intelligence, was Bashar Al-Assad's brother in law.

This is wonderful, fantastic news - the rebels have reached the inner circle, and it looks like we're at the end of the assad mafia gang regime's existence. I cannot be happier, and so are the Syrian people.

Soon ass-ad, then iran in a few days/weeks, then hezbollah...the dominoes are all falling, and obama has timed it all perfectly.

If he removes the iranian regime - I'll even vote for him in November.

Although, I think you might be mistaken on a few things. First, the Assad regime, gladly, is falling. But the rebels are not by any means, better than the dictator. They are responsible for the same amount of innocent civilians being killed. Most of them are nothing but puppets of Radical Islamic organizations, and the common thing to all of them is their hatred to the west (USA and Israel). none of them are pure, but the poor babies and children who got into this. None of us will be sad when the killer Assad falls down, but who knows what might come out instead.

This needs to be considered, as well.:eusa_shifty:
The latest news as came to our sources in Hebrew forums-

שר המודיעין הסורי: קטאר, ערב הסעודית, טורקיה וישראל נושאות באחריות, והן ישלמו על הפשע הזה"​

From (BBC news)-

"משרד ההסברה הסורי האשים את ארצות הברית וישראל בחיסול בכירי המשטר בלב דמשק.
דיווחה כי המשרד הודיע כי "ברור שהמתקפה על כוחותינו נובעת ממדיניות ברורה, לפיה סוריה אמורה לכרוע ברך ולשרת את המנטליות האמריקנית והישראלית".​
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A high contact man between the Iranian and Russian regimes also died today.

His name, Hisham Bah'tiar

انباء عن مقتل مهندس العلاقات السورية الإيرانية ورئيس مكتب الأمن القومي السوري اللواء هشام بختيار

חוסל איש הקשר הבכיר ביותר בין אירן לרוסיה​

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defense minister, head of intelligence, and the minister of interior, all killed in suicide bombing attack in Syria, an hour ago

Head of intelligence, was Bashar Al-Assad's brother in law.

This is wonderful, fantastic news - the rebels have reached the inner circle, and it looks like we're at the end of the assad mafia gang regime's existence. I cannot be happier, and so are the Syrian people.

Soon ass-ad, then iran in a few days/weeks, then hezbollah...the dominoes are all falling, and obama has timed it all perfectly.

If he removes the iranian regime - I'll even vote for him in November.

Although, I think you might be mistaken on a few things. First, the Assad regime, gladly, is falling. But the rebels are not by any means, better than the dictator. They are responsible for the same amount of innocent civilians being killed. Most of them are nothing but puppets of Radical Islamic organizations, and the common thing to all of them is their hatred to the west (USA and Israel). none of them are pure, but the poor babies and children who got into this. None of us will be sad when the killer Assad falls down, but who knows what might come out instead.

This needs to be considered, as well.:eusa_shifty:

Point taken there.

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