Protests in Syria

Use common sense: there is Assad and the government -- all supported by the vast majority of Syrian population as the elections showed. And all of a sudden, out of the blue, that very same Assad and that very same government decide to go and murder the very same population that supports them?!

You ask people to use "common sense", and you tout the results of an election in one of the most oppressive dictatorships on the planet? .

Says WHO?????!!!!!!! The US and assorted "civilised community"?!

Who the hell are you to pass judgements on how other nations choose to govern themselves?!

What was that last part again, shitforbrains?
Says WHO?????!!!!!!! The US and assorted "civilised community"?! Who the hell are you to pass judgements on how other nations choose to govern themselves?! I understand why your elites are washing your brains with tripe designed to justify their murderous spree across the globe! But YOU?! Are you out of your mind?!

Huh? You mentally retarded ape, how many thousands of defectors are there now, including the ambassador to iraq this past week?

How about the UN monitors who filmed the animal shabiha thugs attacking college students? Or the thousands of videos of people marching chanting peaceful, peaceful, and being shot at by government snipers?

Are all those thousands and thousands "brainwashed" you fucking trolling asshole? STFU, you sound like some paid crack whore sucking ass-ad's ass for $5.
I am not going to remind you about Dresden and Hiroshima with Nagasaki -- cities with "0" military value; or Vietnam where US burned peasants with napalm! I would like to remind you of a more recent history:.

Oh boy, a psychotic just slipped on its straight-jacket and landed in our humble forum... :eusa_hand:

Let's just wait until this gust of wind blows by and sanity returns to the thread and USMB. :eusa_whistle:
Says WHO?????!!!!!!! The US and assorted "civilised community"?! Who the hell are you to pass judgements on how other nations choose to govern themselves?! I understand why your elites are washing your brains with tripe designed to justify their murderous spree across the globe! But YOU?! Are you out of your mind?!

Huh? You mentally retarded ape, how many thousands of defectors are there now, including the ambassador to iraq this past week?


And why "defectors", and ESPECIALLY those BOUGHT by US/Qatar (like high ranking ones) should decide for the MAJORITY?!

And if I will ask you "how many "thousands"? You will not be able to reply outside of vague "many"! And where do you get your information about it? From your media that is serving the needs of the elites interested in doing to Syria what they already done to Yugoslavia, Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya!
How about the UN monitors who filmed the animal shabiha thugs attacking college students?

Or the thousands of videos of people marching chanting peaceful, peaceful, and being shot at by government snipers?


How about the first lot of "monitors" who delivered a verdict: supported by the West, Qatar and SA rebels are guilty of terrorism and escalation of violence?! Do you remember what happened to them? They were dismissed after their report!

And the current lot of "monitors" DOES NOT GO into the places of the reported massacres WITHOUT the PRESENCE of the SYRIAN ARMY! What does it tell you? Nothing? But it should tell you that the massacres are committed BEFORE the Syrian Army gets to the place!

As for the "thousands of videos" with "chanting people", let me remind you of "thousands of videos of chanting people" from all over ME and Africa that were presented on the net as those from Libya; let me remind you of "Qatar Hollywood" where Western "news" on Libya (including a taking of Tripoli) were made. Let me remind you of the NEWS on violent protests in Moscow filmed in Greece! And here are "documentary footages" from Georgian-Ossetian war, -- staged-managed by the leading news companies:

Remember "news" of massacre in Srebrenica? You were shown mass graves of SERBS massacred by Bosniacs, and presented to you as "mass graves of Muslims murdered by Serbs"! There the FIRST filming in Srebrenica, before "civilised" hatched up their idea:
I am not going to remind you about Dresden and Hiroshima with Nagasaki -- cities with "0" military value; or Vietnam where US burned peasants with napalm! I would like to remind you of a more recent history:.

Oh boy, a psychotic just slipped on its straight-jacket and landed in our humble forum... :eusa_hand:

Let's just wait until this gust of wind blows by and sanity returns to the thread and USMB. :eusa_whistle:

Is that all you have to say on US using depleted uranium, white ph., mustard gas as well as bombs and rockets on CIVILIANS in target countries?

And why "defectors", and ESPECIALLY those BOUGHT by US/Qatar (like high ranking ones) should decide for the MAJORITY?!And if I will ask you "how many "thousands"? You will not be able to reply outside of vague "many"! And where do you get your information about it? From your media that is serving the needs of the elites interested in doing to Syria what they already done to Yugoslavia, Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya!

The 30,000 people in camps in Turkey were all "bought" by the West? You're a bigger fucking idiot than words can describe.

This cocksucking, lowlife moronic turd sounds like a plant from syria trying to defend the fake regime...I think it should be banned.
The 30,000 people in camps in Turkey were all "bought" by the West? You're a bigger fucking idiot than words can describe.

a plant from syria trying to defend the fake regime...I think it should be banned.

30 000 (I am not even asking where your figures came from and who is included in them) people in camps in Turkey? WHEN did they run there: BEFORE "civilised" started a coloured revolution in Syria, or AFTER?
Oh, and they are not "defectors", but REFUGEES!!!!!!!

Of course, I should be banned! After all, HOW DARE I do not tread US official line on events?! You are pathetic in your hysterical responses.
The 30,000 people in camps in Turkey were all "bought" by the West? You're a bigger fucking idiot than words can describe.

a plant from syria trying to defend the fake regime...I think it should be banned.

30 000 (I am not even asking where your figures came from and who is included in them) people in camps in Turkey? WHEN did they run there: BEFORE "civilised" started a coloured revolution in Syria, or AFTER?
Oh, and they are not "defectors", but REFUGEES!!!!!!!

Of course, I should be banned! After all, HOW DARE I do not tread US official line on events?! You are pathetic in your hysterical responses.

Of course, maybe it's about time for mememe, to break down Syrian demographics, such as how many Shiites, Sunnis, Christians, and other factions live in Syria. You are a Shiite Muslim, aren't you, mememe? Let's hear about it!

Some media claim Assad regime-affiliated Sunnis tend to be accompanied, by an Alawite or a group of these Shiites, since regime-aligned Sunnis are apparently defecting, etc.

Of course you will be ranted down, but before that happens, I think you should enlighten us, as to why you claim the Assad regime is democratically elected, when anybody can see the Alawites control all media, while they are supported less and less, by the Iranians. The Russians still have the blinders on, since they have a base in Syria.

But the Assads and Alawite thugs controlled EVERYTHING, since Haffez Assad ruled.

WTF do you think you are doing, pretending any election proved anything in Syria, or that any election in Iraq, during the time of Saddam proved anything, in Iraq, or any election, if any is ever held, proves anything, in Bahrain?

It's time for the Assad regime to GO, dude. Start copping, to what's happening, or keep posting your usual rants, and get heckled, fine with me.
Terrorists are hiding within the civilian population. That's enough to keep the west from bombing civilian population centers. It is not enough to keep people in the middle east culture from bombing civilian population centers. They'll do it.

The United States refuses to admit that the muslim brotherhood is a terrorist organization whose goal is to control the entirety of the middle east. So far, only Russia is stopping them. obama supports the terrorists.
Terrorists are hiding within the civilian population. That's enough to keep the west from bombing civilian population centers. It is not enough to keep people in the middle east culture from bombing civilian population centers. They'll do it.

The United States refuses to admit that the muslim brotherhood is a terrorist organization whose goal is to control the entirety of the middle east. So far, only Russia is stopping them. obama supports the terrorists.

Terrorist are expendable. Qatar buys them dozen to a dollar from around the world. Last week Syrians caught few Afghans that were under impression they were in Israel fighting for Palestinian cause!

As soon as the US elites will make their decision, terrorists will be bombed alongside the civilians. On the 20-s of this month US and Russia both will present their "Syrian resolutions" to the UN Council. Everyone understands, that neither will be adopted. But, the time is getting tight for the US and it must do something radical. Clinton already voiced the idea that veto is an outdated concept, and UN Council must "modernise". So, either veto will be abolished, or some outrageous massacre will take place that will be pinned on "Assad's regime" and will allow US to start bombing under the "pressure" of Western public opinion.
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Veto when used by Russia is outdated, veto when used by the US isn't outdated. obama has been outmaneuvered and out foxed by the head of the KGB who has more experience in out maneuvering and out foxing. Among world leaders, the United States has already become an afterthought. obama will not confront Russia. We might whimper about human rights but no one will do anything about it. In supporting terrorist organizations against the Syrian government, we started out on the wrong side.
Veto when used by Russia is outdated, veto when used by the US isn't outdated. obama has been outmaneuvered and out foxed by the head of the KGB who has more experience in out maneuvering and out foxing. Among world leaders, the United States has already become an afterthought. obama will not confront Russia. We might whimper about human rights but no one will do anything about it. In supporting terrorist organizations against the Syrian government, we started out on the wrong side.

It's not that simple.

Since Gorbachev, the US created a SYSTEM of control of Russia. When the US "advisers" went home in mid 90-s, they left behind a class of oligarchs whose finances and very existence as class depends on US and UK.

Since then, oligarchic class became split on more comprador and less comprador wings. Compradors have recently grouped around Medvedev as a figure-head. By mid December 2011 they already formed a government in preparation for the victory of the coloured revolution and the dismemberment of Russia. That coloured revolution flopped. The next one is pencilled down for this Autumn...

The less comprador elites grouped around Putin (for now) have full support of the absolute majority of the Russian population in hope that Putin will revive Russia and restore its territory. But, Putin is part of oligarchy, and as such is not free from the US control. True, a few months ago he ordered every member of the Security and Law enforcement to dispose of any property they have abroad and to move their finances into Russia... Still, there is a good chance that US can squeeze Putin's (and oligarchic clans') "golden balls", and manipulate their decisions...
There are your "children":

"The purpose of the attack on Tremseh appear to have been home by rebels and deserters," - said the representative of the UN mission."
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