Proud boys Show Us How It's Done in Portland

Seems unlikely. Everyone already knew that Hillary considered herself above the Law.

And why would the head of the FBI suppress such information? Do you think it right and proper that they try to ensure a win by teh Dems? Are you so wedded to the idea of the Deep State that you think that it is the way it is SUPPOSED TO BE?
As I recall the investigation either never took place or nothing came of it. Comey could have waited until after the vote, unless he wanted to ensure a win by the GOP. Where was the Deep State to stop him? Maybe in your fantasies?

Do you often wear bulletproof vests to speaking events?

If brown shirted thugs are likely to attack to prevent me from speaking?

Hell yes.

This bit where you pretend to not see a difference between attacking and defending, is you contradicting your own offered standards from earlier.

You are in the process of doubling down on your support of totalitarianism and opposition to Human Rights.
As I recall the investigation either never took place or nothing came of it. Comey could have waited until after the vote, unless he wanted to ensure a win by the GOP. Where was the Deep State to stop him? Maybe in your fantasies?

The investigation found that Hillary committed a crime that should be prosecuted. That was the conclusion.

THen Peter Strzok edited it, to a very different finding that did NOT require charges.

That is not "nothing came of it", that is "it was fixed" by teh Deep State.
If brown shirted thugs are likely to attack to prevent me from speaking?

Hell yes.

This bit where you pretend to not see a difference between attacking and defending, is you contradicting your own offered standards from earlier.

You are in the process of doubling down on your support of totalitarianism and opposition to Human Rights.
I didn't see any brown shirted thugs at the Capitol so what were they defending?
I didn't see any brown shirted thugs at the Capitol so what were they defending?

The 1/6 riot was an anomaly, not their normal S.O.P. as we were comparing between the Proud Boys and Antifa.

Do you want to make the comparison between the very worse example of Proud Boy activities over years, and a generic example of Antifa behavior?

IS that what you think you need to do now, to justify not admitting that Antifa attacked the Proud Boys in portland and the Proud Boys rightfully defended themselves?

You are in the process of doubling down on your leftism. you are soon to be open in your opposition to Freedom of Speech of your enemies.
The 1/6 riot was an anomaly, not their normal S.O.P. as we were comparing between the Proud Boys and Antifa.
I guess when the PB have their annual picnics and monthly book clubs they never invite me.
Do you want to make the comparison between the very worse example of Proud Boy activities over years, and a generic example of Antifa behavior?
Do people get attacked every time Antifa stages a rally?
IS that what you think you need to do now, to justify not admitting that Antifa attacked the Proud Boys in portland and the Proud Boys rightfully defended themselves?
Sure, Antifa may have attacked the PB and the PB may have attacked Antifa. Sorry but I don't think I'll ever be able to take this one incident and remove all context and history.
You are in the process of doubling down on your leftism. you are soon to be open in your opposition to Freedom of Speech of your enemies.
I'm all for free speech. Free-for-alls, not so much.
I guess when the PB have their annual picnics and monthly book clubs they never invite me.

Do people get attacked every time Antifa stages a rally?

Sure, Antifa may have attacked the PB and the PB may have attacked Antifa. Sorry but I don't think I'll ever be able to take this one incident and remove all context and history.

I'm all for free speech. Free-for-alls, not so much.

So, you are moving the goal posts from this specific instance to the 1/6 riot and now to...what? You want to discuss the overall behavior?


And overall, Antifa is good for targeting people based on their having the wrong politics, to use violence to silence them. They have been doing this for quite some time. Well before the Proud Boys hit the scene.

While the Proud Boys DON'T.

If you are for Free Speech, you need to condemn the behavior of Antifa and celebrate those that fight, literally to protect Free Speech.

Your pretense that seeing two groups fighting means that both are equally at fault, is the type of retarded-ness one expects from a Kinder garden teacher, and one that is a jerk at that.

Anyone who ever dealt with bullies or thugs, knows that you do NOT need "two people to tango", you need ONE asshole who is going to attack someone, and that is the person, or group at fault.

The Proud Boys certainly provoke Antifa. But Antifa are responsible for their actions. They choose to attack. That makes them the bad guys.

As you put forth yourself, earlier.
So, you are moving the goal posts from this specific instance to the 1/6 riot and now to...what? You want to discuss the overall behavior?
Did Antifa go to the PBs out of curiosity or did they know their history and expected to be attacked? They might contend they were defending themselves.

If you are for Free Speech, you need to condemn the behavior of Antifa and celebrate those that fight, literally to protect Free Speech.
I have condemned Antifa but that doesn't mean I will applaud the PBs.

The Proud Boys certainly provoke Antifa. But Antifa are responsible for their actions. They choose to attack. That makes them the bad guys.
Hitler attacked Stalin, would you say Stalin was the good guy?
Did Antifa go to the PBs out of curiosity or did they know their history and expected to be attacked? They might contend they were defending themselves.

Antifa has been clear many times in teh past that their goal is to use violence to stop the targets from speaking or doing anything.

The Proud Boys have been clear that their goal is to do "Free Speech" and to defend themselves if attacked.

You are making up stuff, to give Antifa the benefit of doubt, if not a pass.

I have condemned Antifa but that doesn't mean I will applaud the PBs.

Yes, I caught that. You condemn Antifa for fighting. YOu condemn the Proud BOys for fighting. YOu think talking about who attacked who is childish.

Is that about right? If not, please clarify.

Hitler attacked Stalin, would you say Stalin was the good guy?

In that specific context I said nothing about anyone being good. My point was that the attacker, ie the person that chooses to start teh violence, is the "bad guy".

WWII, started with Hitler and Stalin BOTH attacking Poland. Poland fought back. The polish government, in my understanding was far from angels.

But in this case, they were pretty much just minding their own business and were attacked by vicious thugs who did not have just cause for their actions.

The poles fought back. THEY FOUGHT.

Someone who plays the "it takes two to tango" or "it's childish to say he started it" might say that the nazis and the soviets and the Poles were all fighting and thus all equally bad.

IMO, that is.... incredibly wrong. The POLES were teh only ones who had a valid and just reason to use violence. They were defending themselves.

In that context, they were the "Good Guys" and the Attackers, ie the Nazis and the Marxists, were the "Bad Guys", because they were the ones who choose to have the fight happen and for people to get hurt, as their way of getting what they wanted.

Do you disagree with any of that?
Antifa has been clear many times in teh past that their goal is to use violence to stop the targets from speaking or doing anything.

The Proud Boys have been clear that their goal is to do "Free Speech" and to defend themselves if attacked.

You are making up stuff, to give Antifa the benefit of doubt, if not a pass.
I don't recall ever giving Antifa a pass, what I have said is that Portland didn't happen in a vacuum and, like Hitler attacking Stalin, that doesn't make Stalin a good guy
Yes, I caught that. You condemn Antifa for fighting. YOu condemn the Proud BOys for fighting. YOu think talking about who attacked who is childish.

Is that about right? If not, please clarify.
Not childish, just that it may be out of context. Stalin was as bad as it gets and certainly deserved to be dethroned but saying he was a good guy because he was the one attacked is too far for me to go.
In that specific context I said nothing about anyone being good. My point was that the attacker, ie the person that chooses to start teh violence, is the "bad guy".
Agreed but that doesn't make the attackee the "good guy", just the victim in this particular instance.
In that context, they were the "Good Guys" and the Attackers, ie the Nazis and the Marxists, were the "Bad Guys", because they were the ones who choose to have the fight happen and for people to get hurt, as their way of getting what they wanted.

Do you disagree with any of that?
No but do you agree that when Hitler attacked his 'ally', Stalin, that didn't make Stalin a good guy? That's how I view the PBs and Antifa.
I don't recall ever giving Antifa a pass, what I have said is that Portland didn't happen in a vacuum and, like Hitler attacking Stalin, that doesn't make Stalin a good guy

Not childish, just that it may be out of context. Stalin was as bad as it gets and certainly deserved to be dethroned but saying he was a good guy because he was the one attacked is too far for me to go.

Agreed but that doesn't make the attackee the "good guy", just the victim in this particular instance.

No but do you agree that when Hitler attacked his 'ally', Stalin, that didn't make Stalin a good guy? That's how I view the PBs and Antifa.

Stalin had a record of being a totalitarian genocidal mass murdering dictator.

What has the Proud Boys done, besides NOT wallowing in white guilt, to deserve being the Stalin analogy?
Always nice to hear from someone so ideologically pure even their allies are their enemies. Best of luck.
So are you deep-state f*ckers front-running the CIA or U.S. State Department with your local public health district birther bullsh!t? Or is that the FBI pulling a fingerprint file and matching inked baby footprints?
haha, bunch of sissies.

"Hey, let's get together in our princess cosplay soldier costumes and try to single out individuals to gang up on."

The Proud Sissies.

Ah, so your faggots get all upset when their own tactics get used right back at them. Then you faggot run and hide behind cops, the ones you endorse assassinating.
Now, you want actually support the absurdity of you comparing people who defend themselves to FUCKING STALIN?
I wasn't comparing the PBs to Stalin, I was only saying that in the fight between Hitler and Stalin, neither was the "good guy".

If I was comparing the PBs to anything it would have been to Hitler's private militia, the SA, which took to the streets to break up leftist marches and rallies in defense of Fascism.
So are you deep-state f*ckers front-running the CIA or U.S. State Department with your local public health district birther bullsh!t? Or is that the FBI pulling a fingerprint file and matching inked baby footprints?
I'm guessing someone from Alaska has little contact with the Federal gov't and you are just a sad victim of internet lies and conspiracy theories because that is all you listen to. Am I wrong?
I wasn't comparing the PBs to Stalin, I was only saying that in the fight between Hitler and Stalin, neither was the "good guy".

If I was comparing the PBs to anything it would have been to Hitler's private militia, the SA, which took to the streets to break up leftist marches and rallies in defense of Fascism.

Except the Proud Boys don't do that. THey have the marches and when ANTIFA attacks with the goal of "breaking them up", the Proud Boys defend themselves.

So, we see that is it ANTIFA that is like the SA,

and the Proud Boys are the ones fighting AGAINST that.

Yes, they use "violence" when they defend themselves from the Lefts "SA" as you described those kind of actions.

But that is not a bad thing using violence in defense of self and/or human rights.

Do you agree, and if not, why not?

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