Proud boys Show Us How It's Done in Portland

The Proud Boys are street thugs who want the “right” to beat people in the streets.

Antifa isn’t much better
Youre being dishonest. The PB doesnt "beat people in the streets", they beat ANTIFA, not "people". Why do you think they beat ANTIFA?
Except the Proud Boys don't do that. THey have the marches and when ANTIFA attacks with the goal of "breaking them up", the Proud Boys defend themselves.

So, we see that is it ANTIFA that is like the SA,

and the Proud Boys are the ones fighting AGAINST that.

Yes, they use "violence" when they defend themselves from the Lefts "SA" as you described those kind of actions.

But that is not a bad thing using violence in defense of self and/or human rights.

Do you agree, and if not, why not?
There has been plenty of violence at PB events and they savor it and are not afraid to escalate it. I believe they shot first in Portland. They go armed and looking for trouble and, surprise, surprise, they often find it:

In New York City, multiple members of the Proud Boys faced criminal charges for attacking counter protesters after an event McInnes hosted. The event involved McInnes reenacting the 1960 assassination of a Japanese socialist leader by a far-right ultra-nationalist. McInnes played the assassin, according to a journalist who witnessed the event.​
Unlike the aftermath of other incidents, members of the Proud Boys received prison time. "I know enough about history to know what happened in Europe in the '30s when political street brawls were allowed to go ahead without any type of check from the criminal justice system," said New York Judge Mark Dwyer as he sentenced two members to four years in prison.​
It's not just about drunken street brawls, but it is about using street violence as a political tool to spread a message," said Devin Burghart, executive director of the Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights. "And they've been pretty successful at doing that up until this point."​
There has been plenty of violence at PB events and they savor it and are not afraid to escalate it. I believe they shot first in Portland. They go armed and looking for trouble and, surprise, surprise, they often find it:

In New York City, multiple members of the Proud Boys faced criminal charges for attacking counter protesters after an event McInnes hosted. The event involved McInnes reenacting the 1960 assassination of a Japanese socialist leader by a far-right ultra-nationalist. McInnes played the assassin, according to a journalist who witnessed the event.​
Unlike the aftermath of other incidents, members of the Proud Boys received prison time. "I know enough about history to know what happened in Europe in the '30s when political street brawls were allowed to go ahead without any type of check from the criminal justice system," said New York Judge Mark Dwyer as he sentenced two members to four years in prison.​
It's not just about drunken street brawls, but it is about using street violence as a political tool to spread a message," said Devin Burghart, executive director of the Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights. "And they've been pretty successful at doing that up until this point."​

Yeah, I'm aware of that incident. Antifa had laid siege to that event for days. The Proud Boys that "Attacked" were sneaking out the back to go home, when a group of Antifa types saw them as set up a cry.

Yes, the Proud Boys did advance on the group of antifa that was approaching them and mutual combat occurred.

But it was hardly them "looking for trouble".

That they got time, is a testimony to how strong the alliance between Mainstream dem party leaders and their Brownshirts is.

The Proud Boys are fighting for our Freedoms against Marxist Brownshirts, and you are condemning them for using violence.
Yep. We live in a democracy where you change things at the ballot box, not the streets.

When elected officials ally with street goons like Antifa, who use violence against their political enemies, to INTERFER in the democratic process, by preventing the political speech they do not agree with,

"democracy" is endangered.

You are attacking those that are fighting in defense of themselves, and human rights, and political freedom.

Big Business and Big Media seem to be on the same side as Big Government and the Brownshirts.

But you keep focusing on the Proud Boys and their use of "violence" when they are attacked.
When elected officials ally with street goons like Antifa, who use violence against their political enemies, to INTERFER in the democratic process, by preventing the political speech they do not agree with,

"democracy" is endangered.

You are attacking those that are fighting in defense of themselves, and human rights, and political freedom.

Big Business and Big Media seem to be on the same side as Big Government and the Brownshirts.

But you keep focusing on the Proud Boys and their use of "violence" when they are attacked.
They had plenty of opportunities to hold rallies where Antifa was not. They wanted confrontation and the publicity that went with it. They were manipulators of the media, not victims of it.
They had plenty of opportunities to hold rallies where Antifa was not. They wanted confrontation and the publicity that went with it. They were manipulators of the media, not victims of it.

True. THe Proud Boys are being provocative.

Everything else I said about Antifa being Brownshirts like Hitler's SA and Dem elected officials working with them, and how that is a threat to democracy,

is still true.

Would you like to explain why that looms less large for you than...The Proud Boys provoking Antifa?
Well we see the Proud Boys are up to their usual violence and thuggery. Only a lunatic like Steve Turley would consider this awesome. :icon_rolleyes:

Antifa attacked them. If "thuggery" is what you are having a problem with, that would be Antifa.
Antifa attacked them. If "thuggery" is what you are having a problem with, that would be Antifa.

I musta missed that part. Sounds like a butt hunch dude. Let's see what actually happened ... Shall we?

After the violence ended in Northeast Portland, a man fired a handgun at what appeared to be a group of anti-fascists downtown. Portland police moved in and arrested 65-year-old Dennis G. Anderson of Gresham. He was charged with unlawful use of a weapon and unlawful possession of a firearm.​
Photos and videos streamed online showed members of the Proud Boys — a frequently violent far right group — gathering and speaking at the conservative event. Among them was Tusitala “Tiny” Toese, who has been convicted of engaging in violence at protests.​
“We’re not going to stand down,” Toese said. He added that his group was “not playing this time."​
Witnesses said the violence began when a white van attempted to pull into the parking lot where the “Summer of Love” event was taking place. Members of the Proud Boys later flipped the van over.​
“This van right here that’s on its side tried pulling into the parking lot, and all these Proud Boys gate security started hitting it with bats and busting the windows out,” one witness, who did not want to be identified, told OPB.​
The witness said people got out of the van and started to run away as Proud Boys attacked them.​
“I saw this dude beating a woman. There was like two ladies that got hit. It was a nightmare, it was fucking terrifying,” they said.​
During the clashes, Proud Boys were also captured on video attacking people and vehicles they believed to be with the anti-fascists. After the groups disengaged from each other, Toese and other Proud Boys continued to drive around the Parkrose neighborhood shooting paintballs at people.​

Portland wants your Loud Boy assholes out of there. All they do is fuck things up and engage in violence.

True. THe Proud Boys are being provocative.
Thank you.
Everything else I said about Antifa being Brownshirts like Hitler's SA
I've already agreed.
and Dem elected officials working with them, and how that is a threat to democracy,
No, that IS democracy.
Would you like to explain why that looms less large for you than...The Proud Boys provoking Antifa?
If the PB weren't there, there would have been no violence. If Antifa wasn't there, there would have been no violence. See a pattern yet?
I musta missed that part. Sounds like a butt hunch dude. Let's see what actually happened ... Shall we?

After the violence ended in Northeast Portland, a man fired a handgun at what appeared to be a group of anti-fascists downtown. Portland police moved in and arrested 65-year-old Dennis G. Anderson of Gresham. He was charged with unlawful use of a weapon and unlawful possession of a firearm.​
Photos and videos streamed online showed members of the Proud Boys — a frequently violent far right group — gathering and speaking at the conservative event. Among them was Tusitala “Tiny” Toese, who has been convicted of engaging in violence at protests.​
“We’re not going to stand down,” Toese said. He added that his group was “not playing this time."​
Witnesses said the violence began when a white van attempted to pull into the parking lot where the “Summer of Love” event was taking place. Members of the Proud Boys later flipped the van over.​
“This van right here that’s on its side tried pulling into the parking lot, and all these Proud Boys gate security started hitting it with bats and busting the windows out,” one witness, who did not want to be identified, told OPB.​
The witness said people got out of the van and started to run away as Proud Boys attacked them.​
“I saw this dude beating a woman. There was like two ladies that got hit. It was a nightmare, it was fucking terrifying,” they said.​
During the clashes, Proud Boys were also captured on video attacking people and vehicles they believed to be with the anti-fascists. After the groups disengaged from each other, Toese and other Proud Boys continued to drive around the Parkrose neighborhood shooting paintballs at people.​

Portland wants your Loud Boy assholes out of there. All they do is fuck things up and engage in violence.

Funny. You jump into a discussion about who is the thugs attacking people and your supporting argument opens with,

"after the violence ended".

So, your entire post is moot.

I already linked in to an article, (took me a while to find it) that addressed who attacked who.

Hint: It was antifa that attacked the Proud Boys.

SUre. Portland wants the Proud Boys gone. THey like Antifa having free reign to rule the streets, terrorizing who ever they like.
Thank you.

I've already agreed.

No, that IS democracy.

If the PB weren't there, there would have been no violence. If Antifa wasn't there, there would have been no violence. See a pattern yet?

1. I have consistently agreed that the Proud Boys are being provocative.

2. The point that the Proud Boys are obviously making, is that if all it takes to drive the Left to violence, is someone saying something they disagree with, then teh left are dangerous thugs. This point has been proved true.

3. Elected officials working with brownshirts to silence their enemies by violence and/or threat of violence, is not democracy. That you think it is, is utterly terrifying.

4. Actually the PB weren't there for several years, and the Antifa were still attacking people. So, you're wrong. Antfia is happy to attack people that can't fight back.
Funny. You jump into a discussion about who is the thugs attacking people and your supporting argument opens with,

"after the violence ended".

So, your entire post is moot.

I already linked in to an article, (took me a while to find it) that addressed who attacked who.

Hint: It was antifa that attacked the Proud Boys.

SUre. Portland wants the Proud Boys gone. THey like Antifa having free reign to rule the streets, terrorizing who ever they like.

My link proves you entirely wrong. The Loud Boys nearly always start these clashes. Lock 'em up!
My link proves you entirely wrong. The Loud Boys nearly always start these clashes. Lock 'em up!

Yeah, I get it. YOur conclusion is that hte Proud Boys start these clashes, and to support your argument you link to a piece that opens with, "after the violence ended".

My point is not that I don't understand what you did.

My point is that what you did, was reveal that you are unable to support your conclusion.

Meanwhile in teh real world, the Proud Boys just have to announce a Free Speech March. The Antifa goons attack.

Thus proving that ANTIFA are the brown shirted goons.

I await to see what idiocy you pull out of your ass, so you can avoid addressing that.
Yeah, I get it. YOur conclusion is that hte Proud Boys start these clashes, and to support your argument you link to a piece that opens with, "after the violence ended".

My point is not that I don't understand what you did.

My point is that what you did, was reveal that you are unable to support your conclusion.

Meanwhile in teh real world, the Proud Boys just have to announce a Free Speech March. The Antifa goons attack.

Thus proving that ANTIFA are the brown shirted goons.

I await to see what idiocy you pull out of your ass, so you can avoid addressing that.

Yes, obviously your thugs are just peaceful patriots :rolleyes-41:

Witnesses said the violence began when a white van attempted to pull into the parking lot where the “Summer of Love” event was taking place. Members of the Proud Boys later flipped the van over.

“This van right here that’s on its side tried pulling into the parking lot, and all these Proud Boys gate security started hitting it with bats and busting the windows out,” one witness, who did not want to be identified, told OPB.

The witness said people got out of the van and started to run away as Proud Boys attacked them.

“I saw this dude beating a woman. There was like two ladies that got hit. It was a nightmare, it was fucking terrifying,” they said.

During the clashes, Proud Boys were also captured on video attacking people and vehicles they believed to be with the anti-fascists. After the groups disengaged from each other, Toese and other Proud Boys continued to drive around the Parkrose neighborhood shooting paintballs at people.
Yes, obviously your thugs are just peaceful patriots :rolleyes-41:

Witnesses said the violence began when a white van attempted to pull into the parking lot where the “Summer of Love” event was taking place. Members of the Proud Boys later flipped the van over.

“This van right here that’s on its side tried pulling into the parking lot, and all these Proud Boys gate security started hitting it with bats and busting the windows out,” one witness, who did not want to be identified, told OPB.

The witness said people got out of the van and started to run away as Proud Boys attacked them.

“I saw this dude beating a woman. There was like two ladies that got hit. It was a nightmare, it was fucking terrifying,” they said.

During the clashes, Proud Boys were also captured on video attacking people and vehicles they believed to be with the anti-fascists. After the groups disengaged from each other, Toese and other Proud Boys continued to drive around the Parkrose neighborhood shooting paintballs at people.

Never said peaceful. Being peaceful when you are attacked, is not a virtue.

Being peaceful when Brown Shirt Thugs and their elected allies are trying to use violence to silence dissent, is not a virtue.


2. The point that the Proud Boys are obviously making, is that if all it takes to drive the Left to violence, is someone saying something they disagree with, then teh left are dangerous thugs. This point has been proved true.
Antifa may be dangerous thugs but they are hardly representative of the left, most of whom disavow their violence. Are the PBs typical conservatives?
4. Actually the PB weren't there for several years, and the Antifa were still attacking people. So, you're wrong. Antfia is happy to attack people that can't fight back.
PBs are just a recent addition to the violent Right-wing cabals that began with the KKK.
I'm guessing someone from Alaska has little contact with the Federal gov't and you are just a sad victim of internet lies and conspiracy theories because that is all you listen to. Am I wrong?
No. I've identified too many actual government agents, based on the offices and buildings where they work, who are full of shit to my face and pulling guns on me behind my back.

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