Proud to be American?

Are you proud to be an American?

  • Yes I am proud of my president and the law enforcement officers

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Maybe it would be better if we were stoning our women and supporting racism like the rest of the world :rolleyes:
If you like police state brutality videos:

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Depends what parts of America, obviously US foreign policy in past and present is the bad side of America. So many mistakes have been made over the past few decades, that it isn't hard to be concerned and disappointed in what America has become.
Depends what parts of America, obviously US foreign policy in past and present is the bad side of America. So many mistakes have been made over the past few decades, that it isn't hard to be concerned and disappointed in what America has become.

So many mistakes? Yea to most of the other countries of the world "mistakes" are genocides, refugees, child soldiers, rampant racism, etc.

America is the same as it's always been. A beacon to the rest of the world that whether you're a genius, a dick, a puppet, a pussy... If you play by the best set of rules since the 10 commandments (the constitution) you can participate in and even preside over the greatest country on the planet :thup:
Depends what parts of America, obviously US foreign policy in past and present is the bad side of America. So many mistakes have been made over the past few decades, that it isn't hard to be concerned and disappointed in what America has become.

So many mistakes? Yea to most of the other countries of the world "mistakes" are genocides, refugees, child soldiers, rampant racism, etc.

America is the same as it's always been. A beacon to the rest of the world that whether you're a genius, a dick, a puppet, a pussy... If you play by the best set of rules since the 10 commandments (the constitution) you can participate in and even preside over the greatest country on the planet :thup:
Mistakes to put it mildly, to give America credit though the poor treatment of native Americans ended without full scale genocide (unlike the Belgians in the Congo).

America is not as it has always as been, it doesn't have the diplomatic, economic, and military clout it used to have during the cold war and ww2 period; not to mention that wars in the middle east have hurt America's image around the world.
I had to look at this "poll" closely. I am PROUD to be American - but I am ashamed of the direction this country is headed.

I DO NOT support this clown of a president, the Congress or the activist "judges" who are enslaving the American people with their perverted twisting of our laws.

I DO NOT support opening our borders to any and all - under the guise (perpetrated by the so-called president) that illegals coming here are somehow "refugees".

I DO still believe that America is the last, best hope for other countries to emulate, but we are quickly (under this nazi leader we have) losing our status as a world power.

Unfortunately, the "poll" was rather lacking in choices.... :D
Talk about a slanted poll!

How about another question? How about "I am proud of my country but embarrassed by my communist president".
I don't know if this is a comedy show or if this is real? in America this could be real. Americans must be proud of their president and their law enforcement and the way they treat their retired people and veterans: - Calif. Cop Turns Aggressive on Crash Victim in name of "Safety"

Being proud has nothing to do with it. Being an American is an accident of birth. I feel that I am, or have been, lucky to be an American as opposed to being from an oppressive dictatorship or a poor third world country. However, nowadays, and primarilly based on the conservative viewpoint I have seen on this thread, as well as the gun culture that has emerged in the US over the past few decades, I am losing respect for the American people.

Also, I think that in order to be 'proud' to be an American, one should be contributing to American society in a positive, tangible way; however, most people simply sit back and lap up the good stuff whilst complaining loudly and belligerently about everything they don't like. Kind of like 5 year olds at the dinner table.
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No answer available in the poll worthy of a vote for me.

I've been all over the world in my time, and understand that too many take for granted how great this nation really is compared to where I've been.

I don't like the direction this country is headed.
Our leaders are ASSleep at the wheel. The people are snoring as well, as long as they throw free shit at them. The left understands the MOB rule. The MOB doesn't care that Rome is burning.
What does the poll have to do with the video? The guy should have gotten out of the car.
Your selection choices smoke the vein. Need 'I love my country but am ashamed of our President'.

I had to look at this "poll" closely. I am PROUD to be American - but I am ashamed of the direction this country is headed.

I DO NOT support this clown of a president, the Congress or the activist "judges" who are enslaving the American people with their perverted twisting of our laws.

I DO NOT support opening our borders to any and all - under the guise (perpetrated by the so-called president) that illegals coming here are somehow "refugees".

I DO still believe that America is the last, best hope for other countries to emulate, but we are quickly (under this nazi leader we have) losing our status as a world power.

Unfortunately, the "poll" was rather lacking in choices.... :D

I second all those:eusa_clap:
Your poll sucks balls. I am proud to be an American and ashamed at the same time how much my fellow Americans let ruthless psychopaths tell them what to think and feel about things.
I had to look at this "poll" closely. I am PROUD to be American - but I am ashamed of the direction this country is headed.

I DO NOT support the activist "judges" who are enslaving the American people with their perverted twisting of our laws.

I DO still believe that America is the last, best hope for other countries to emulate, but we are quickly (under this nazi leader we have) losing our status as a world power.

Unfortunately, the "poll" was rather lacking in choices.... :D

I also don't support the activist judges like in the supreme court decisions of Citizens United and McCutheon. But that's why we have an unelected 3rd branch of government that suppose to protect the people's rights from themselves in some cases.

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