Proud to be an American? Not so much anymore.

No, I don’t expect Republicans to pick someone far left.

Pick a reasonable Republican. (Someone other than Trump)
Oh, so "reasonable" means some milquetoast, spineless, dickless RINO who agrees with the Left 100% of the time and won't fight the enemy toe to toe? We did that already, remember? McShitstain, Pussy Romney, Bob Dull, I can go on.
Oh, so "reasonable" means some milquetoast, spineless, dickless RINO who agrees with the Left 100% of the time and won't fight the enemy toe to toe? We did that already, remember? McShitstain, Pussy Romney, Bob Dull, I can go on.
Ok. So then go with Trump and whine baseless conspiracy theory claims when you lose again.

Sounds much better.
Is that when your hate America grooming started, in the 80s?
"Lefties hate America" is just another baseless weak-ass claim by RWI's to help them cope with their shortcomings.

It's rather pathetic really.
Not when the government is owned by cheating communists like Nancy Pigshit and you. then we need to water the tree of liberty.
And HERE ^^^^ is Mr. Pathetic.
Wants the title of Mr. Patriotic, but that's Fake too.
Oh, so "reasonable" means some milquetoast, spineless, dickless RINO who agrees with the Left 100% of the time and won't fight the enemy toe to toe? We did that already, remember? McShitstain, Pussy Romney, Bob Dull, I can go on.
The Epic meltdown continues.
Again, We Conservatives are the only Americans that matter, you Leftist shitstains need to be flushed out.
Granted, POS trump created a strong KKKult.
You're a member, but membership is declining.
Only thing is, the numbers (KKKult members) are down, but the remaining idiotic holdouts that think trump has done absolutely NOTHING wrong just get louder.
That's not about Trump. This is well into Biden's presidency, in case you forgot who is currently president.
You were saying something about what the majority of the nation thinks.

Well the majority of the nation didn't want Trump in office. You have only yourself to blame for going with him anyway. You did that.

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