Proud to be an American? Not so much anymore.

This is truly sad....And a visible outcome of our public education system...

I believe that every HS student should be required to pass the same citizenship test an immigrant has to take to become a citizen...
When 74 million Americans support Trump, what is there to be proud of? We are an embarrassment to the rest of the world and it is because of right wing ideology.
When 74 million Americans support Trump, what is there to be proud of? We are an embarrassment to the rest of the world and it is because of right wing ideology.
Right wing people better than Communist shitbags like you. We are the ONLY real Americans.
When 74 million Americans support Trump, what is there to be proud of? We are an embarrassment to the rest of the world and it is because of right wing ideology.
Liberals are governed by other directed judgements, like how the “world” views us
Thinkers and producers know that 3rd party approval seeking is bogus.
I am a Jew in the eyes of Nazis. So try another argument. For me all German and Yiddish speaking Jews are Germans and the Nazis and their Darwinism had been enemies of Germany. And you forget that Hitler was a result of World War 1. He said for example he had learned to be a liar from the US-American presidents. And he was a so damned good liar that "even the opposite of his lies had been lies again" (said the father of Joachim Fest while Hitler lived).
Easy for you to say now that the USA saved your ass. You are the epitome of an ingrate.
We weren't the ones disregarding the Constitution, Brezhnev
Oh yes you were! You interrupted Congress doing their Contitutional duty. You beat cops with flagpoles; pepper sprayed them; smeared your right wing feces on the Halls of Congress; and you wanted to hang the Vice President! Is that something you are proud of?
I can see why the fascists here are so upset. "Love it or leave it" was their selling point, a justification for brownshirt violence. And now they've lost that.

On the plus side for them, it does give them an excuse to whine and proclaim their victimhood, as you saw them do here.
Don’t “fascists” champion the suppression of free speech, don’t they collude with a complicit media / social media to win elections, don’t they force people to take medicine they don’t want to take, don’t they force people to wear face diapers they don’t want to wear, don’t they oppose the peoples rights granted by our founders?
Are you LibTardos sure you know what fascism is?
Oh yes you were! You interrupted Congress doing their Contitutional duty. You beat cops with flagpoles; pepper sprayed them; smeared your right wing feces on the Halls of Congress; and you wanted to hang the Vice President! Is that something you are proud of?
So redress of grievances apply only to Leftist causes, gotcha.
This is truly sad....And a visible outcome of our public education system...

I believe that every HS student should be required to pass the same citizenship test an immigrant has to take to become a citizen...
Then you don't support the constitution, and I have nothing more to say to you.

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