Proud to be an American? Not so much anymore.

It is good you have at least seen a little bit of the world, but there is much more out there than just Europe, which is just America lite.
Yep, just as I thought…You thought you had me with global travel, when that blew up on you, you switch to not good enough….Whatever dude, I’m sure you’ve done more, seen more, and are just the smartest man on the planet….obviously why you’re on an anonymous message board…
I hope that there's another thread for Happy 4th of July!

If this is it, it speaks volumes about the lack of patriotism.
Helping is a good idea.

I support candidates who will defend the constitution, not attack it because they can't handle losing an election, like Trump did.

I will be helping to register voters, and I will be volunteering to be a poll watcher in the next election.
Don’t forget the stash under the tables.
Yep, just as I thought…You thought you had me with global travel, when that blew up on you, you switch to not good enough….Whatever dude, I’m sure you’ve done more, seen more, and are just the smartest man on the planet….obviously why you’re on an anonymous message board…

Not really, you basically proved my point. You have been to few countries in Europe. Never Asia, never the Middle East or Central America or any where that is not mostly people that look like you.
I hope that there's another thread for Happy 4th of July!

If this is it, it speaks volumes about the lack of patriotism.

I despise the dishonesty of Libstain. I am outraged by the 2020 Election Fraud and the enemy regime installed, not elected. It is a threat to America. The now innocent children will have to endure the damage or fight to the death just like 1776.
I don’t know, I’m not your research lackey….But, you really want to hang your hat on civics is unimportant?
Hey Bitchy, You bitched about me not providing a link to my simple google search, then you fail to provide your own link.
Typical RWI failure.

Civics IS important, where did I suggest otherwise?
I despise the dishonesty of Libstain. I am outraged by the 2020 Election Fraud and the enemy regime installed, not elected. It is a threat to America. The now innocent children will have to endure the damage or fight to the death just like 1776.
You're not helping.

Feliz 4 de julio.
I despise the dishonesty of Libstain. I am outraged by the 2020 Election Fraud and the enemy regime installed, not elected. It is a threat to America. The now innocent children will have to endure the damage or fight to the death just like 1776.
That’s a shame.
This is truly sad....And a visible outcome of our public education system...

I believe that every HS student should be required to pass the same citizenship test an immigrant has to take to become a citizen...
I agree 100%.

But of course understanding and appreciation for what the Founders created in this once great nation is going down because it is not being taught in the schools nor is it being affirmed by a partisan dishonest media. The MSM mostly gives talking heads a forum to tear down the traditions that made this country great but mostly denies a forum to anybody promoting the vision and concepts the Founders built it on.

Tear down historical monuments that reflect anything or anybody who is not 100% PC or woke in today's society.

Promote Columbus as a monster and omit any positives in what he did. Promote the pilgrims as invaders. Put all the responsibility of slavery on white Americans and ignore that it was established here by the British and that it was black Africans who captured and sold the slaves to the British and a few other countries.

Promote CRT beginning very early to ensure white people feel guilty about all of their heritage and black people will feel victimized and allow the government to dismantle more of traditional society.

Destroying our traditions, culture, history, and basic concepts of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness is essential to install a Marxist society. It's a wonder that more people aren't ashamed of their country as evil and terrible as the left paints it.
This is truly sad....And a visible outcome of our public education system...

I believe that every HS student should be required to pass the same citizenship test an immigrant has to take to become a citizen...
It is sad. Biden and his band of Democrat assholes have turned this once great nation into a banana republic.
End wealth inequality.
End racial disparities
Invest in education and infrastructure.
Stop pissing away money on wars in countries that aren't a threat to us.
Have universal health care so we aren't spending more than any other country and getting the worst results.

Nonsense. Your worst ever post!

Without wealthy you have no investors, no inventions. See North Korea for your dream society.

Racial disparities? Wth? Is it my fault some don't work hard or smart enuff to succeed? Clean up, show up & shut up.

Education? US spends more than any country? How is BALT or CHI failing so miserably?

Wars? Why didn't Obiden shut it all down?
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Parenthetically, much of what the Leftist whiners complain about is nonsense. America was never an "imperialist" country. As pointed out by General Colin Powell, all we ever asked of the countries we "invaded" was a piece of land to bury our dead soldiers.
Now that's funny, I don't care who said it.

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