Proud to be an American? Not so much anymore.

Yes, but also with the freedom of dissent those founding fathers created, all citizens no matter of sex, ethnic group, or economic level can participate and work for change.
Pity all persons couldn't, eh?
I will always be proud of America.

And I'm proud of to know now that "proud on" is wrong and "proud of" is right. Thanks for this information.

It is, and may always be the greatest experiment in human history.

History knows not experiments. Do it or let it be - it always will be history.

America changed the whole world for the better.

You and your allies fought in World War 1 for the colonial empires England and France - against the multi-national empires Austria-Hungaria and the Osman empire which you destroyed. You made strong Russia while you weakened Germany. In this way you created a "new" history with a second world war, Nazis, Soviets, a cold war, a disaster on the Balkan and Islamists and you created an USA which has more guns than inhabitants and more prisoners per 100,000 inhabitants than exist in any other country of the world.

Now tell me something about the more worse world which had happened when Germany, Austria-Hungaria and the Osman empire and their allies had won this Great European War and the Russians, the English empire and France and their allies had lost this war. What had the observer USA watched in such a case - and what had the USA done and how would be the USA today - more than 100 years later?

It crushed and ruined tyranny, royalty and unescapable poverty throughout western society.

What a nonsense.

It is the most diverse nation on earth. ...

Speaking one language? Europe, Africa and Asia are less diverse?
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Not really, you basically proved my point. You have been to few countries in Europe. Never Asia, never the Middle East or Central America or any where that is not mostly people that look like you.
Oh, so I’m racist now? Is that it? Listen pal, you know little to nothing about me, other than I’m a conservative, and that irks you….You look down your nose, because I’ve not been to Africa (which I have a niece that lives there), or Guatemala, like a snob…I’ll bet you’ve never been to these places either. But, it’s neither here nor there, we live in the greatest nation on the face of the earth. We give more aid, help more people on this planet, and are, and have always been a force for good across the globe….If you can’t see that, then you’re just a fool….


Oh, so I’m racist now? Is that it?

Your word, not mine. I wonder why you choose it.

other than I’m a conservative, and that irks you

You think you are a conservative?

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But, it’s neither here nor there, we live in the greatest nation on the face of the earth. We give more aid, help more people on this planet, and are, and have always been a force for good across the globe….If you can’t see that, then you’re just a fool….

We used to do all that, not so much any more.

How many countries in the last 30 years have invaded a sovereign nation that was not a threat to them? It is a short list and we are at the top.

I am a Jew in the eyes of Nazis. So try another argument. For me all German and Yiddish speaking Jews are Germans and the Nazis and their Darwinism had been enemies of Germany. And you forget that Hitler was a result of World War 1. He said for example he had learned to be a liar from the US-American presidents. And he was a so damned good liar that "even the opposite of his lies had been lies again" (said the father of Joachim Fest while Hitler lived).
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End wealth inequality.
End racial disparities
Invest in education and infrastructure.
Stop pissing away money on wars in countries that aren't a threat to us.
Have universal health care so we aren't spending more than any other country and getting the worst results.
End wealth inequality
How is it unequal ?
You dont seek wealth “equality” You want it handed to you, taken from those who achieved it, that satisfies your feelings and wishes as “fair”
Most everyone has a chance to make it starting from nothing and most everyone who did make it made it that way.
You are lazy and myopic. Railing at those who are rewarded for their persistent efforts while wallowing in your resentment and self pity.

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