Proud to be an American? Not so much anymore.

Yep, lived in Germany for three years, traveled to Spain, and Holland while there....And this October we are going to Ireland....Most that I have encountered are fine people, but there is that European disdain for the US, while keeping their hands out for the check...

It is good you have at least seen a little bit of the world, but there is much more out there than just Europe, which is just America lite.

Proud to be an American? Not so much anymore.​

Damn! And this you say in the moment when I found out that Peggy March not had been a German but is an US-American! As long as your country has people like her you have reasons to be proud to be an American.
Damn! And this you say in the moment when I found out that Peggy March not had been [sic] a German but is an US-American [sic]! As long as your country has people like her you have reasons to be proud to be an American.

You can just say "American."
Well your proposal would certainly save us a fortune in bennies we pay to those special needs people. Strip them of their citizenship. Where should we deport the Down's Syndrome kids to? I mean I suppose we could just set them adrift in rafts and see where they end up, but the optics might be a little challenging to manage.
Typical demmunist bullshit. Interpret the anomalous as some sort of precedent or policy.
Then GTFO and go live somewhere you find more "amazing." Show the courage of your convictions.

6 years and we will. We are not quite financially ready to retire. But the plan is already in motion.

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