Proud to be an American? Not so much anymore.

This is pure American arrogance speaking, as if the world needs us and us alone to survive.

The world no longer needs a World Police Force, it no longer needs us imposing our will on it.

Believe it or not, the world really does not need 750 US military bases all around it and we can no longer afford to keep them all there
I remember in the 80s how surprised I was to find out that we had an airbase in friggin Italy.

I mean what the fuck
Because I pointed out how upset you got over being unable to excuse brownshirt violence?

Come on. 'Fess up. You're just upset because I revealed your motivations.

Conservatives love America like a mommy, and mommy can do no wrong. Liberals love America more like a spouse. We think there's room for improvement, even if it does annoy the spouse.
You can shut your pathetic piehole up now. It is you and your diseased ilk that caused this shit in the first place.

Have you traveled outside of the US?

There are some amazing countries out there.
Yep, lived in Germany for three years, traveled to Spain, and Holland while there....And this October we are going to Ireland....Most that I have encountered are fine people, but there is that European disdain for the US, while keeping their hands out for the check...
You can shut your pathetic piehole up now. It is you and your diseased ilk that caused this shit in the first place.
As my point was how you fascist shitstains are just aching for excuses to get violent, I thank you and the other violent fascist losers here for so conclusively proving that point.
This is truly sad....And a visible outcome of our public education system...

I believe that every HS student should be required to pass the same citizenship test an immigrant has to take to become a citizen...
Your rant seems to single out public education.
Are you suggesting that Private Schools require this ^^^^^ but Public Schools don't?

Are Civics Classes taught in Private School but NOT in Public School?
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I will always be proud of America.
It is, and may always be the greatest experiment in human history.
America changed the whole world for the better.
It crushed and ruined tyranny, royalty and unescapable poverty throughout western society.
It is the most diverse nation on earth.
But, alas, yes. It is evaporating before our very eyes. Our entire education system is poisoning our youth against us. Most kids graduate high school and believe America is mostly bad. America was built on slavery and evil men. Racism, sexism, misogyny is everywhere.
Being proud of America is now taboo. To wear an American flag on your shirt means you are a racist, certainly white supremacist. And possibly transphobic.

I am so glad I was raised when I was.
Sorry, but most of that was bullshit.

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