Proud to be an American? Not so much anymore.

Being happy to have been born in a very fortunate country is one thing. Loving one's country is another thing.
"Pride", as an emotion, is totally overrated.
This is truly sad....And a visible outcome of our public education system...

I believe that every HS student should be required to pass the same citizenship test an immigrant has to take to become a citizen...

What have we done lately to be all that proud of?
Yep, you're right, we should just exit the stage and allow the despots to take over the that it?

This is pure American arrogance speaking, as if the world needs us and us alone to survive.

The world no longer needs a World Police Force, it no longer needs us imposing our will on it.

Believe it or not, the world really does not need 750 US military bases all around it and we can no longer afford to keep them all there
No. Not gonna give you the satisfaction. 70% of the nation thinks we're on the wrong track. You did that. Enjoy it.

And in keeping with your usual attitude, you think the only solution is to quit. Figures.
This is pure American arrogance speaking, as if the world needs us and us alone to survive.

The world no longer needs a World Police Force, it no longer needs us imposing our will on it.

Believe it or not, the world really does not need 750 US military bases all around it and we can no longer afford to keep them all there
Tiwan, and Ukraine disagree with you.
And in keeping with your usual attitude, you think the only solution is to quit. Figures.
And in keeping with your usual attitude, you think the only solution is to quit. Figures.
She never said that you lying POS....What she was saying was that the direction lying assholes like you want to take this country in, is not something to be proud of.

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