Prove that Allah exist.

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Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
i would like to know if any Muslim can prove Allah exist and if you can't then you will have to admit you worship a mythical sky being. And if you get mad then tough shit because Christians had to endure this crap from the left for years. Now it is your turn....wait...sorry...we got to respect and embrace the Muslim faith. Sorry. Won't happen again.

From the atheistic and scientific perspective... gods undoubtedly exist as energy patterns within the collective human subconscious (collectively recognized deific archetypes symbolic of human Nature), or as one's "higher self", or even as Tulpas aka Thoughtforms aka unreal mind generated apparitions that embody one's subjective impression of a deity within one's own subjective universe, and/or within the collective subjective universe of a religion.

It is Theists who combine many of the above perspectives with ideas of Celestial and Infernal beings, intelligent forces of nature, and extraterrestrial beings... all of which may someday become proven to common science.

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In terms of your question, it matters but IMO, its no more important than the same question asked about any of the other religions/gods.

Can you prove that any of the various gods existed and/or exists?

BTW, christianity is based on other, much older religions. Why is that?
i would like to know if any Muslim can prove Allah exist and if you can't then you will have to admit you worship a mythical sky being. And if you get mad then tough shit because Christians had to endure this crap from the left for years. Now it is your turn....wait...sorry...we got to respect and embrace the Muslim faith. Sorry. Won't happen again.
God can neither be proven to exist or not exist. God is unknown, if not unknowable.
BTW, christianity is based on other, much older religions. Why is that?

Perhaps because the authors and organizers of the Bible knew that no single religion held all the answers and culture they sought.

Actually, that is exactly what all religions say - that their way is the only way, that their god can beat up your god.

In any event, I'm sure the reason SuperDemocrat asked this question is that he's got proof that his god existed/exists.

He'll be back just any moment now to post that proof.

i would like to know if any Muslim can prove Allah exist and if you can't then you will have to admit you worship a mythical sky being. And if you get mad then tough shit because Christians had to endure this crap from the left for years. Now it is your turn....wait...sorry...we got to respect and embrace the Muslim faith. Sorry. Won't happen again.
Allah is the arabic word for god , you low IQ christer just like you dead loser mangod on two sticks
i would like to know if any Muslim can prove Allah exist and if you can't then you will have to admit you worship a mythical sky being. And if you get mad then tough shit because Christians had to endure this crap from the left for years. Now it is your turn....wait...sorry...we got to respect and embrace the Muslim faith. Sorry. Won't happen again.
Allah is the arabic word for god , you low IQ christer
That Arab Christians also use for God...
i would like to know if any Muslim can prove Allah exist and if you can't then you will have to admit you worship a mythical sky being. And if you get mad then tough shit because Christians had to endure this crap from the left for years. Now it is your turn....wait...sorry...we got to respect and embrace the Muslim faith. Sorry. Won't happen again.
All religions and their idiotic beliefs are bullshit. Happy now.
BTW, christianity is based on other, much older religions. Why is that?

Perhaps because the authors and organizers of the Bible knew that no single religion held all the answers and culture they sought.

Actually, that is exactly what all religions say - that their way is the only way, that their god can beat up your god.

No, all religions do not say that. Many of them, yes. All of them? No. Many religions do actively encourage seeking out wisdom, strength, knowledge and culture from any other spiritual/ religious system where it can be found.

The authors and organizers of the Bible must have had profound knowlege of comparative mythology at the time and recurring religious motifs, as well as an extreme understanding of human Nature. They obviously absorbed culture and material from those before them, and combined it with their own ideas to create the masterpiece that is the Bible. But what were their reasons and why did they do that? Because religion and spirituality are fucking awesome.

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i would like to know if any Muslim can prove Allah exist and if you can't then you will have to admit you worship a mythical sky being. And if you get mad then tough shit because Christians had to endure this crap from the left for years. Now it is your turn....wait...sorry...we got to respect and embrace the Muslim faith. Sorry. Won't happen again.
God can neither be proven to exist or not exist. God is unknown, if not unknowable.

According to the left Obama is God. That is what Obama says everyday and I am reminded of that by liberals every single day.
i would like to know if any Muslim can prove Allah exist and if you can't then you will have to admit you worship a mythical sky being. And if you get mad then tough shit because Christians had to endure this crap from the left for years. Now it is your turn....wait...sorry...we got to respect and embrace the Muslim faith. Sorry. Won't happen again.
God can neither be proven to exist or not exist. God is unknown, if not unknowable.

According to the left Obama is God. That is what Obama says everyday and I am reminded of that by liberals every single day.
Nope. You are making that up.
i would like to know if any Muslim can prove Allah exist and if you can't then you will have to admit you worship a mythical sky being. And if you get mad then tough shit because Christians had to endure this crap from the left for years. Now it is your turn....wait...sorry...we got to respect and embrace the Muslim faith. Sorry. Won't happen again.
God can neither be proven to exist or not exist. God is unknown, if not unknowable.

According to the left Obama is God. That is what Obama says everyday and I am reminded of that by liberals every single day.
Nope. You are making that up.

Omg? I don't think I am.
i would like to know if any Muslim can prove Allah exist and if you can't then you will have to admit you worship a mythical sky being. And if you get mad then tough shit because Christians had to endure this crap from the left for years. Now it is your turn....wait...sorry...we got to respect and embrace the Muslim faith. Sorry. Won't happen again.
God can neither be proven to exist or not exist. God is unknown, if not unknowable.

According to the left Obama is God. That is what Obama says everyday and I am reminded of that by liberals every single day.
Nope. You are making that up.

Omg? I don't think I am.
Yes, I know you believe that but you're wrong because no one says that.
i would like to know if any Muslim can prove Allah exist and if you can't then you will have to admit you worship a mythical sky being. And if you get mad then tough shit because Christians had to endure this crap from the left for years. Now it is your turn....wait...sorry...we got to respect and embrace the Muslim faith. Sorry. Won't happen again.
God can neither be proven to exist or not exist. God is unknown, if not unknowable.

According to the left Obama is God. That is what Obama says everyday and I am reminded of that by liberals every single day.
Nope. You are making that up.

Omg? I don't think I am.
Yes, I know you believe that but you're wrong.

It is obvious to me.
God can neither be proven to exist or not exist. God is unknown, if not unknowable.

According to the left Obama is God. That is what Obama says everyday and I am reminded of that by liberals every single day.
Nope. You are making that up.

Omg? I don't think I am.
Yes, I know you believe that but you're wrong.

It is obvious to me.
That doesn't mean it's valid, which it is not. You might as well believe that you are the Queen Mary.
If Constantine hadn't prayed for 'god' to save him in battle, a battle which the Romans wound up winning, then right now Mithra would be where Christianity is and no one would know what Christianity is.

Prove a god doesn't exist?

I really like my kitchen chairs, so I've started worshipping the chair god. Prove my chair god doesn't exist.
This is not Politics. Thread closed.
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