Prove to me Biden cares. Double dog dare!

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Plus food, clothing, a place to live rent paid for by FEMA, what are they supposed to get?
Maui is not as populated as Ukraine.
Residents lost more than their homes.

They lost their jobs, ability to make money, cars, all infrastructure, places to buy critical supplies.

It will take a long time before residents can return to normal.

Thankfully, we have Democrats to help them long term.
Republicans don’t give a damn
The total population of Maui is 165,386 people. If he sent $700 to every one of them, it would add up to $115,770,200. If course not every man, woman, and child is going to get $700.

Biden has already given Ukraine more than $113 billion in aid, which is almost a thousand times as much.

Something to think about.
You mean Congress. Congress controls the money
Biden has already given Ukraine more than $113 billion in aid, which is almost a thousand times as much.

Something to think about.

The US spent over $3 trillion to invade and occupy Afghanistan and Iraq. Both invasions under Republicans.

Over 20 years, not a single Republican complained about the money or lives lost.

Yet, spending $100 billion so Ukraine can defend themselves with no U.S. lives lost and Republicans complain….
Now we can’t afford to support Maui!

Something to think about
Has Biden even gone to Maui yet?

Headed there tomorrow along with Dr Biden.
It will be a great inspiration for the people of Maui to see their President is there to help them.

Of Note…..Biden will be providing much more than Paper Towels

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