Prove your candidate is any less likely to bend for money? you absolutely can NOT!!!!


Nov 17, 2011
[ame=]The George Bush You Forgot - YouTube[/ame]

Bush already fooled me in 2000 with his talk about "no foreign intervention, no nation building". so to all the Ron Paul and who ever this Libertarian candidate is, I say - he is just another joker - they ALL talk nice, but once they get elected, they're all the same scum BECAUSE they know who got them selected - the people with money. I offered the only solution to this problem:
Thank you Captain Obvious.

And your point is?
I am tired of making points, I made a speech, but it's no different then talking to birds:
[ame=]The Historic 4th of July Speech by a person outside the (television) Box - YouTube[/ame]
Politicans enter office struggling to get by. When they leave it's on the gravy train for life.

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